lost ring Tag | Page 104 of 151 | The Ring Finders

Lost engagement ring, Port Orange, Fl…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jennifer was enjoying a cool afternoon walk along her favorite grassy back road and thinking about how loose her engagement ring felt on her finger. As she walked along she was thinking, I wonder if my ring would come off if I shook my hand a bit and sure enough, the motion was enough to send her ring off into the thick grass! Shocked at what just happened, she immediately stopped and tried searching through the grass, desperate to recovery her now, lost ring! After searching for several hours she realized she needed to at least mark the spot and by using her foot she scuffed a bare spot on the grassy road and then went to her truck to find something to better mark the area. All she could find was a machete and some red surveyors tape, so she returned to the mark and stuck the machete into the ground along side of the road directly across from the bare spot. She then called her fiancee and together they talked about renting or buying a cheap metal detector. Later they went on Google and typed in “Metal Detection Professionals” and up came theringfinders.com. Jennifer gave me a call and we met later on that afternoon and drove out to the unique machete marker along side of the road. I set out four flags and began my grid search and did not walk more than 5 steps before I got a really nice signal on my Whites DFX metal detector. Because the grass was so thick I decided to use my Garrett Pro Pointer and there was Jennifer’s lost engagement ring! I motioned for Jennifer to come pick up what I had located and you talk about one happy young lady! Here’s what Jennifer wrote two days later. “While out walking,my favorite ring fell off my finger and even though I knew the location where it fell off, I was unable to find the ring after several hours of looking through the tall grass. I contacted Mike after finding his information on the internet and he responded as soon as he was able. Mike asked a few questions, set up a boundary and started looking. And within minutes of him arriving at the site, my ring was found!! I am so grateful to Mike for his help and my fiancee and I would like to give him a big thanks! Again thanks so much!”
Lost your ring? Call ASAP! Mike McInroe…proud to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost Engagement Ring in Grass .. San Pedro, CA. ..Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Jaime had been throwing a ball to her dog in the backyard when her Rose Gold engagement ring and off her finger. The backyard had not been maintained well. The grass was deeper than six inches in places. There was also pieces of cinder blocks and a stack of old wood fencing.

Jaime and Mathew had spent the whole day searching through an area approximately 12’x 25’. Totally frustrated Jamie went to the internet, finding my contact information on TheRingFinders.com. We talked on the phone and Jaime thought we could set up an appointment for the next day. I convinced her that we had enough time to search before dark as it seemed like a small search area.

It’s always a mystery as to what type of challenges await me, until I get to the location. I don’t like to discriminate trash signals while doing my first grid search. If there is bothersome trash, I will adjust my detector settings to give me nonferrous metal ID readings only. After over an hour in this small area, littered with small pieces of ferrous metallic trash, I had to get out a second detector (Minelab CTX 3030). This was my fourth grid over the same area. I was running out options.Then, a depth reading of 3”, a great low tone signal with the numbers that match gold. The beautiful rose gold ring was hiding in the grass right next to a stack of wood.

Jaime and Mathew were ecstatic and amazed that the ring was found. We were all starting to give up, but one thing I do know “ I always find it in the last place I look” Not funny but true.

I love having the experience, equipment and time to help people like Jaime and Mathew.

Wedding Band Lost Right Before Wedding Found in Hotel Dumpster Next Day in San Pedro, CA… and Joyously Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I was contacted by Alexa this afternoon about her wedding band. She believed it was put into the trash of the hotel room that she and her girlfriends stayed at the night before her wedding. It had been picked out especially by her fiancé Anthony, and wrapped, so she would not see it until he placed it on her finger yesterday at their wedding. The wedding went on even though the ring was gone, She explained that all the trash from yesterday had been put into the dumpster, and would be taken away tomorrow. I knew what this meant, we would have to empty the dumpster to search the trash, which did not excite me, so I really bombarded her with a lot of questions hoping it could have been lost somewhere else. It looked as though it was the trash. I asked her to go out and take a picture of the dumpster, so I could see the amount of trash in it to ascertain the enormity of the job ahead. She sent 2 shots (there were 2 dumpsters) one of an overflowing dumpster, and the other of one 3/4 full. My heart dropped a bit. I told her I was on my way, and that we would do a thorough search.

When I got to the hotel Alexa and her new husband Anthony met me at the dumpsters. I had a little time with the staff before they arrived, and found that the black 33 gallon bags were from the restaurant, and white ones from the rooms. Each dumpster had about an equal amount of black and white bags, so this information halved the process ahead. We talked a bit more about the contents they expected to see, and it seemed that we would be able to narrow down the search more because of specific things they used for their respective parties. Both Alexa and Anthony had parties that Friday night at the hotel on separate floors, but had the same beverages, and other utensils. With this information, I figured we had to find the trash with those items before we searched more intensely. We started pulling bags out and checking contents, nothing. We got down about half way, and couldn’t reach the bags anymore, so I went into the dumpster. The other problem was that the bags were cheap, and the heavy ones from the restaurant were coming apart and dumping the contents back into the dumpster, LOTS of uneaten food that I now had to search through (we were wearing gloves thankfully). We did find the trash that came from Anthony’s room, but the ring was not in that bag.

We finished the overflowing dumpster, so I went to the 3/4 full one and jumped in. I began removing bags and putting them out on the ground with all the rest. Finally, down in the corner, on the bottom of the dumpster, I found the bag that came from Alexa’s room, and handed it to Anthony. He took it over to a large piece of plywood that we were using to dump the bag contents allowing me to pass my detector over, and shook it out. I grabbed my detector, and began searching the trash finding a lot of foil items, but no ring. Alexa did find the paper bag the ring had been in. Her ring was also in a small plastic bag and wrapped in paper so she could not see it before the wedding, but we could not find it amongst the trash. It was looking a bit grim for finding the ring, but Alexa asked if I would check once more with the detector, which I told her I would be happy to do. Anthony and I began moving some of the bags that were crowding the area, when all of a sudden he looked into the slot on the bottom of the dumpster that is used by the trash truck to lift it into the truck, and there sat the little package. How it got there is a complete unknown.

It was just awesome to be there when Alexa saw her ring for the first time, and to be present when Anthony placed it on her finger for the first time as husband and wife, with all the hotel employees surrounding them, standing in the trash we had removed from the dumpsters. A wedding story they will be able to revisit many times throughout their married years to come. What a great storybook ending. What a great day.


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.


Wedding Ring Set lost at Topanga State Beach, CA…Found and Joyously Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Genevieve contacted me late yesterday afternoon asking if I could help in finding her wedding set (engagement ring and wedding band). I asked her a few questions, and she let me know that the loss had happened not too long before her call which encouraged me at the possibility of a recovery. I told her that I would leave immediately in order to not allow any more time to elapse, causing the recovery to be much harder. I then asked her to secure the area, so that it would not be disturbed any further, and I was on my way.

When I got to the beach, I met her husband Carlo who led me to where Genevieve was waiting. They had laid out towels to secure the area where they thought rings had been lost. We discussed what had happened, and then I began the search. After about 3 short passes I got a good signal, dug, and in the scoop was Genevieve’s wedding band. I held it up, and said #1, she was so excited, as was Carlo. I continued my search working out of the area we discussed when I received another good signal, looked down and could see a small part of the edge of the second ring. In went the scoop, and out came the engagement ring. Needless to say, there were two very happy people at the beach yesterday. They had totally given up hope before they called. The call to me was a last resort. I am so glad I was able to answer that call, and restore their joy. Great day!

Genevieve sent the following testimonial:

“Steve came to the rescue when I honestly though I had forever lost my rings! A lazy day at the beach in Malibu quickly turned to a really stressful afternoon when I realized we were on our way home…without my engagement ring and wedding band. Luckily, when I contacted Steve, he immediately responded. Within 10-15 minutes of arriving at the spot on the beach where I had hung out, he had found BOTH the rings!! I was immediately in disbelief that I was able to get them back and extremely grateful for Steve’s services. He was very friendly, highly skilled with the gear he brought and pinpointed with good accuracy where the rings were in the sand. I’ve never been so overcome with relief and gratitude, thank you Steve for doing what you do!!!”


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.


Lost engagement and wedding rings in yard, St. Augustine, Fl…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mrs. Connie called me Friday afternoon from St. Augustine with a very special request. Apparently on Wednesday Mrs. Connie had walked down their driveway to check the mail box and as she was walking back to the house she spotted some weeds and palm debris in one of her flower beds. She carefully set her mail and glasses on the edge of the concrete and proceeded to pull the weeds and pick up the debris. Then she said she walked over to the fence and with her left hand she threw the sticks and weeds. And as she swung her arm in a side ways motion, she felt her rings come off of her finger. (Usually when ever Mrs. Connie would do any type of yard work she would leave her rings inside the house but not this time!) Mr. Bill, Mrs. Connie’s husband, had this ring made special for their wedding and the rather large diamond was from his late mother’s wedding ring, so you can imagine the pain they felt in not being able to find the lost rings!
The next day they purchased a small metal detector from a local store and tried their best to locate the rings…but they turned up empty handed. Their search for help led them to theringfinders.com and a member in the St. Augustine area. That member was not able to help them so Mr. Bill clicked on one of my stories and they decided to give me a call—and thankfully they did.
After meeting this very special couple and getting more specific details on how and where the rings were lost, I started my search. Mr. Bill had cut down the thick brush and grass and I was confident the rings were there, but my first pass of the target area turned up zip, zilch, nada! Again I figured I needed to expand the search area and sure enough I got a nice platinum signal, 20 feet from where she tossed the debris. There hidden in the long grass was Mrs. Connie’s lost diamond engagement ring! And then no more than four feet away was her wedding ring, just waiting to be found. What an honor it was to help such a lovely couple and to see the huge smiles on their faces. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to help you and thank you for your generous reward! God Bless you both! Mike McInroe—grateful to be a member of theringfinders.com


  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

On April 10 2018 I was in class and got a call from Matt who just arrived today with his family and they are on vacation. He informs me that he lost his wedding ring while playing in the water with his beautiful daughter. I tell Matt to give me an Hour and a half because my detector is on the other side of the island.  In the meantime while I’m heading out to get my gear I called matt and asked him to pull up google maps and make me a map. I asked him to try and locate the spot where he believes the ring came off and draw a circle on the map to limit my search area. I asked if he could put me in the right area by narrowing my search site as it was 4:30pm and the sun was on its way down. Well, after much traffic I arrive and meet up with Matt. I get to the beach and gear up. After a few passes I get a great tone/reading. I look in my scoop and there it is Matts wedding. I turn to MATT who is looking on the shoreline and ask him ” What kind of wedding band?” Which I knew very well it’s his. He says “it’s a gold wedding band… did you find it?” I tell him to take a look in the scoop and the sheer JOY that came from his response “YES I CANT BELIVE IT!” was very comforting. As we were leaving BOTH very excited I asked MATT… So, what do you think your wife will say? He smiles and says she will be pleasantly surprised! Another recovery with a happy heart! Now you can enjoy the island and have a great vacation! Best wishes and GOD BLESS. 

Lost wedding ring, Orlando, Florida…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

James called me on Thursday and wanted to know how theringfinders services worked and asked if I could help him. He told me that while mowing his yard and doing some trimming he lost his wedding ring and having only been married for 5 months, he said it was not a good time for losing his ring! I explained briefly how I operate and that I would be more than happy to help him find his lost ring. So I arrived at James’s house around 4pm and was met by Tamra and Chloe. Tamra proceeded to show me the back yard and the chain link fence where James had pulled some weeds and later trimmed some small banana trees. It took an hour and a half to find James’s ring and it was not where I thought it would be! There it was in the middle of the yard hiding in the thick grass and no where near the fence or the banana trees! Later that evening James wrote: “Hey Mike, I just wanted to express to you my gratitude and thankfulness for finding my lost wedding ring! My wife and I so much appreciate what you have done for us and want to say a heart felt thank you, thank you!!
Lost a ring in your yard? Give me a call! I am glad to help! Mike McInroe—-proud member of theringfinders!

Lost Wedding Band in Baton Rouge, LA.- FOUND

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Rob was cleaning out his gutters and slung his ring off into the back yard. He purchased a metal detector and tried to find the ring, without success. Locating TheRingFinders on line, he called us for help. We set up to hunt the next day. Carrie and I had a 20’ x 20’ area to hunt. Easy-peasy. Ten minutes and we reunited Rob with his wedding band. Thank you Rob for the generous reward. 


Diamond Engagement Ring Lost in West Hollywood, CA. … Found next Day.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


















Ted called me, telling me that his wife, Shima had lost her diamond engagement ring either in the house or outside where she had walked yesterday afternoon.

I asked if I could talk to her to get her description of when she had last seen it and if she had done anything that might have caused the ring to fall off her finger. She had been in the house most of the time doing a few household chores. The walk they took that afternoon was only two blocks then they spent an hour at the neighborhood cocktail lounge. Both Shima and her husband,Ted had searched the outside area that night and the first thing in the morning.

It sounded like there was a possibility that we might have a few places that I could search the grass curb strip and decorated rock landscape ground cover along the sidewalk. After that we could look the house over to see if the ring was hiding inside the house. The main thing was to eliminate the outside areas first, so they could concentrate searching the inside of the house.

Shima and Ted walked with me as I swung my metal detector over possible places the ring could be hiding along the walkway. Nearing the end, I could see Shima start to give up hope. While walking back to the house I double checked the search area. A couple of the people walking along the sidewalk asked us what we were looking for. Then I saw Shima showing one of the gardeners a photo of her ring to one of the workers. She broke out in a joyful smile and yelled, “ They Found it”.

Freddy the guy working on the irrigation system had found the ring earlier that morning lying on the edge of the street near the gutter. He had put it in their truck thinking it was probably a fake ring.

This has happen several other times, where someone sees me detecting and has been honest enough to ask and return the lost item. Swinging a metal detector does create attention and this time it helped to find the person who found the ring. You never know, how it works? One reason I like to say, “I Will Try Anywhere”

Wedding Ring Lost at Venice Beach, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I woke up this morning and checked my email. I found that I had received an email from Clemens about his wedding ring that he had lost the night before. I asked if he would call me so I could ask him about the loss. He called and described what had happened, and everything seemed to be in his favor, so I told him I would meet him at the beach as soon as I finished my breakfast. Clemens and his family are here from Vienna, Austria, and I knew it would be sad to have to leave such a cherished possession behind when he had to go home.

When I got to the beach Clemens and his young son met me and took me to the spot of the loss. He explained what happened, and I figured there was a good chance of a recovery. I began my grid, and made about 5 passes. I stopped to talk to Clemens when behind me I heard the sound of a tractor. It was the County beach cleaner towing a sifting machine behind the tractor, and he was stopped wanting to begin his pass right where I was looking for Clemens’ ring. Also this was in the wet sand where they never usually clean. Now in all of the years I have been helping people, never have I experienced the greedy audacity of the County employees like today, he knew what I was looking for. This guy wanted to get this ring before I did. I told Clemens not to move and make the County guy go around the area we searching, which he finally did. I made 2 more passes, and boom, Clemens’ ring in my scoop. He was very happy, as was I to be able to hand the ring back to him. Another great day!


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.