lost ring in the grass Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring in the grass, Saint Cloud, Florida…Found and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding a lost ring or other important metallic item, call or text me ASAP! Theringfinders metal detecting service is here to help you…321-363-6029!

Paul was doing some yard work, like pulling up weeds and putting new plugs of grass in, and after a few hours of sweating and working hard he noticed that his wedding ring was no longer on his finger. Paul had previously injured his middle two fingers on his right hand and was using his left hand to do most of the work and the obvious motion that caused his ring to come off was the pulling and throwing of the weeds into a pile. And thankfully he had saved all of the rubbish to be thrown out later. He and his wife tried searching the yard on their hands and knees thinking maybe, just maybe they could spot it but Paul’s ring had just seemed to disappear! That evening Paul’s wife went online and purchased a cheap metal detector and they spent the next day trying to figure out how to work it and decipher the strange sounds that it made. The next evening they came across theringfinders.com and gave me a call.

After hearing Paul’s story I decided to do a thorough search of the area where he thought was the most likely place where he felt it could have been lost. I gave him four cones so he could mark out the general area and I set about doing a tight grid search going back and forth…being careful to overlap each pass. Paul stayed right there watching my every move and after 15 minutes I got a super clean gold signal reading very shallow and I told Paul to come over and check out what was hiding just under the grass! Paul was so, so thankful and immediately picked it up and put it back on his finger and smiled a big smile of relief!

I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to help Paul and his wife! How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…Happy to be swinging as a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring found under dock, Cocoa Beach, Florida…and returned to grateful owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Doug and his wife had just returned from a beautiful day out on the water fishing and as they unloaded some personal items onto the dock a very special ring dropped from the small table and bounced and managed to fall directly through one of the cracks and into the water below. This was a super sentimental ring and meant the world to Doug’s dear wife. Doug got right at trying to find someone who could retrieve the ring and looked up “Ring Finder” on his phone. Theringfinders.com service came up and he noticed a number of members of this service were in the area but none of them were equipped to do an underwater search of this kind. Doug eventually found my number and gave me a call.

It was the middle of December and I attempted a recovery dive but the water was just way too cold and we decided to try again later on the following summer. So in May when the weather and water temperatures were much more bearable I showed up to give it another try. The oyster shells were strewn across the bottom and this made digging difficult and the visibility was only a foot or two…until I would start digging and then visibility went to 10 inches. Other members of theringfinders.com have shared a wonderful idea that helps with grid searching in these types of conditions and that is a sinking pvc square that will sit on the bottom which allows me to methodically search an area even though I cannot actually see where I am going or where I have been but by following the grid with one hand and scanning the bottom with my small handheld metal detector with the other hand…I can cover an area very thoroughly and when finished I am able to move the pvc grid to another area and thoroughly search that area as well until I find what I am looking for. (Doug had also informed me that a few years back the dock was completely destroyed in a hurricane…so there was an awful lot of other signals to sift through before God allowed me to find Doug’s wife’s lost ring!)

What an honor it was to help find and return this precious lost ring to its rightful owner!!

How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…counting my blessings as a member of theringfinders.com

Lost cell phone, Daytona Beach, Florida….Found and Returned to Happy Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jeff called me and explained that his daughter had left her purse and cell phone at a night club and when she returned just a short time later unfortunately no one had seen a thing. Of course her purse had her ID and some cash and cards and whatnot but her phone was one of those nice expensive ones and had allot of information and pictures that were irreplaceable. So I asked Jeff a few questions and come to find out the GPS on the cell phone was still giving a signal of being in the vicinity of the night club. So that was a great clue that the phone was hiding somewhere close. It took an hour or so to make the drive and being as it was in the middle of the day and the middle of the week it was not very busy so I was able to start a systematic and thorough search between the buildings and shops. I never did find Jeff’s daughter’s purse or the contents BUT…I was able to locate her cell phone in the long grass. It had a slight dent on one corner and it looked as if whoever took it that night tried to get into it but it was locked with a passcode so they apparently threw it across the parking lot and it just nicked the cement wall and fell into the grass….where if sat for 2 days waiting for me to come along! I was so thankful to be able to find Jeff’s daughter’s phone and the next day I mailed it off to where she was attending college.

Lost something recently and need help? Call or text a ring finder near you…or call or text me and let’s see if I can help you!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring in the grass, Orlando, Florida….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Lost Jewelry Recovery Specialist! Land, water, grass, sand, woods, in houses and cars, on the ground or under the ground! Call ASAP…321-363-6029

I received a text from Marcia wanting to know if I could possibly help her find her lost wedding ring in the grass in front of her business. I answered immediately with a few questions of my own…like what were you doing when you lost your ring? And when did this happen and did you actually feel it come off? Marcia responded saying she felt it come off and knows the exact area where she was standing when that happened and I assured her that it should be easy enough to find her lost ring? There are times when trying to locate a lost ring that it can be very difficult and the answers to all my questions help me determine the likely hood and possibilities of actually finding it. Marcia was thrilled to hear that I could come out the following day and conduct a thorough search.

After meeting Marcia and hearing the details of how she lost her ring I began my search. She said her ring was loose and on the small side…a size 5 to be exact and made of white gold. It took about 10 minutes to cover the small target area and I thought I had checked thoroughly every target that rang up in the small gold range but I was not able to find her lost ring. So I expanded the search area thinking that maybe it flew further than what we first calculated…and still I came up with no ring. This prompted me to grid search the same target area again only this time going perpendicular to my original search. I again checked every obvious and some “not so obvious” targets and then..BEEP, BEEP! A reading of “44” on my ATMax, Garrett metal detector in ZERO Mode indicated a good, shallow signal and there was Marcia’s lost wedding ring just hiding down in the grass. I wondered how I actually missed it the first time but the most important thing was…that we found it! I left it right there in the grass and had Marcia come and look where it had landed and we marveled at how easily it had vanished in the grass! After 27 years of married life she was able to wear her ring without that sinking feeling of having lost it. It truly is an honor to help those in need of theringfinders unique services and I thank God for leading me to Marcia’s lost ring and for the opportunity to be a blessing in her life.

Lost a ring or something valuable and need my help? Call or text ASAP! 321-363-6029

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com

Wedding Band Lost on Band Practice Field…FOUND by Ring Finder in Madison, AL!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

Friday at noon (September 1, 2023), I received a text message from Leigh stating she had lost her wedding band while painting lines on a band practice field at a local High School in Madison, Alabama.  She had gotten paint on her ring, so she took it off and put it in her pants pocket.  When she finished and had gotten back to her car, the ring was no longer in her pocket.  I was off from work, so I was able to head there shortly after Leigh’s text message.

Leigh had told me that she thought it would be around the 50-yard line.  I started my search there with my Minelab Equinox 800 with the 15-inch coil.  I searched all the painted lines, but did not find her ring.  I went back to the 50-yard line and expanded my search.  Soon after, I had found Leigh’s ring!  It had rolled to the middle of the field between the 50 and the 40-yard lines.  Leigh texted that she had just finished teaching her class and was on her way down.  When she got there, she asked if I had any luck.  I opened up my hand and said, “is this it?”  It was and she was so happy to see it!  She thanked me numerous times.  She told me that on Sunday it would be her 1-year anniversary.  Happy anniversary!!!

Another successful recovery, and I give all praise and glory to God!  I’m always happy to help and I’m really blessed being able to go on these searches and help others!  Looking forward to the next adventure…

Lost diamond engagement ring in grass, Deland, Florida…..Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe-Lost Item Recovery Specialist on Land, Water, Grass, Woods, Houses, Vehicles, Property Searches, etc. Call ASAP or test…321-363-6029!

Emily and her fiance Will, were just coming home from an evening out and Will was exhausted and he opted to call it a night. Where as Emily felt the need to take a bit of a stroll and check out the night sky. They had originally taken Will’s car so upon arriving home Emily went to her car and before taking her walk she removed her engagement ring and put it into her purse for safe keeping. She proceeded to walk through the yard sort of meandering here and there with the end result of ending up on the boat dock where she could get a clear view of the night sky.

The next morning Emily looked in her purse for her ring and it was no where to be found. They looked all over the yard, on the boat dock, in the car and even bought a metal detector which all it did was wound up making allot of noise! After exhausting all their efforts they went online and found one of my stories on theringfinders.com website and gave me a call. Later that day I met Will and he walked me around the large yard and down to the boat dock. I set out my orange flags and started grid searching from where Emily got out of her car and I figured this may take ma a long time—as they did not indicate at any time that Emily had dropped her purse or had set it down anywhere, except on the dock over the water where she sat down for a while to enjoy the stars. There was allot of the usual yard trash like gum wrapper foil, pull tabs and the odd coin. After 35 minutes I got a strong quarter signal and sure enough a shiny new quarter was just in the grass…I retrieved it and got another signal about 14 inches away…this time it read as a pull tab but it was not a pull tab! It was Emily’s lost diamond engagement ring just setting there in the grass. (Come to find out later that Will had actually used a quarter to see if the metal detecting would work and little did he know that Emily’s ring would be so close to where he was looking!). Again I thank God for allowing me to find Emily and Will’s lost engagement ring and for the opportunity to help someone in need of theringfinders.com services!

Lost something valuable and need my help? Call ASAP or text me at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost diamond engagement ring in the grass in Ocoee, Florida…Found and happily returned to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

How does an engagement ring end up in the thick grass? There are literally dozens of ways that rings can get lost in someones yard and on this occasion Annie and her husband had just pulled up into their drive way and were getting out of their car when Annie’s hands were feeling a bit swollen due to the summer humidity. She wanted to remove her rings before going inside and she tried pulling her rings off and all of a sudden they both just popped off and went flying into the grass. Here is a short text from her husband of that shocking experience. “My wife dropped her wedding band and engagement ring in our yard. We found the wedding band but not the engagement ring. We bought a metal detector and spent a whole day searching with no luck. We were stressed and anxious. I texted Mike and he made time to come see us the very next day. He was very professional and kind. I showed him the area and he found it in less than 5 minutes! Don’t waste your time and money on a metal detector when you can ask Mike! I would definitely recommend him to my family and friends! Thank you Mike!”

Actually feeling your rings come off and knowing the exact area where they landed is a huge help in trying to find and recover your lost rings. It was an honor to help Huy and his dear wife and I thank God for giving me the privilege to help them and anyone else who asks for my help! I do not find every ring that I am asked to look for but I always try my very best and assure people to never give up hope!

How can I help you or someone you know?

Mike McInroe….glad to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring in grass, Palm Coast, Florida…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful time to get together with your family and celebrate all the things we have to be thankful for! Tanner and his wife were enjoying a relaxing afternoon at his sisters home and decided to play a little baseball in the backyard with the nephews. They got out the baseball gloves and right away Tanner noticed that his glove fit sort of tight on his hand. After an hour or so it was time to eat and it was then that he realized his wedding ring was not on his finger. So the first place he looked was in the glove he had been wearing–and no ring! Part of the time they had used the glove as a base so they searched around the area where it was on the ground—and no ring there either! They tried raking the grass to see if they could spot it using that method and after a while they realized how hard it was going to be to find such a small item! Someone even brought out a cheaper model metal detector and it just seemed to beep all the time and left them even more frustrated.

Two days later Tanner’s sister, Hilary, went online and found “theringfinders.com” and decided to give me a call. I met Tanner and some of the family members there at Hilary’s home and they showed me the area in the back yard where they played and where most of the action took place. I set up my small flags and started doing my usual grid search, slowly going back and forth trying to cover every inch of the yard so as not to miss Tanner’s lost ring. Right away I detected various targets, mostly deeper items that were lost months or possibly years ago. I was looking for a recent drop which should be just below the blades of grass or maybe pressed into the dirt ever so slightly. Ten minutes into my search I got a choppy signal, reading 4 to 6 inches deep that really did not sound like what I was looking for. Still I had to be sure and as I parted the grass with the toe of my boot….I caught a glimpse of something black and round! Bingo!! I motioned to Tanner to come over and check out what I had found and he was super surprised and very relieved to see his lost wedding ring hiding in the grass and so close to where they all had spent so much time looking!

What an honor and privilege it was to be able to help find and return his lost ring!
Lost something recently and need my help?
Call ASAP or text…321-363-6029

Lost wedding ring in grass, Longwood, Florida….found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Marybeth was playing with her children in the back yard throwing water balloons and as she raised her hand to catch one that was thrown in her direction it hit her in the left palm just right and knocked her precious wedding ring right off of her finger. She actually felt her ring come off and immediately she began to look in the grass around her. Unfortunately the type of grass was our famous St. Augustine grass that is super thick and is known to swallow up rings and the like!
She spent a few hours on her hands and knees looking and feeling through the grass desperately hoping to find her lost ring. Realizing the futility of trying to spot it with her eyes she began thinking that maybe a metal detector would be the proper tool for the job. Her first thought was to see if there was somewhere that would rent her a metal detector for the day and after typing “Metal Detector Rental” on her phone….up popped “theringfinders.com” website and one of my stories!
Later that day I met Marybeth and she showed me the exact spot where she was standing and it only took a few swings of my Garrett AT Max metal detector and Bingo!!! What a privilege it was to help Marybeth find her lost ring!

Have you lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP….I am only a call away!

Mike McInroe….so thankful to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost ring and cell phone in Lake Fairview, Orlando, Florida…Found and returned to owner!!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Kelly was volunteering her time assisting handicapped children on paddle boards at the Fairview Marina on June 27th. It was an absolutely beautiful day in the upper 80s, partly cloudy with a slight breeze blowing across the lake. Normally a little wind is OK but with first time paddle boarders, that breeze can put you in the reeds along the edge of the lake where certain critters like to hang out! Kelly and a couple other volunteers were doing their best to keep the kids together and being a bit preoccupied she somehow lost her phone off of her paddle board. She knew approximately where it fell into the water so she figured they would come back later and try and find it. Her first responsibility though was the kids so she continued working with them trying to show them how to use the paddle and how to stay clear of the reeds. One girl was being blown right into a small patch of reeds so Kelly jumped into the water and tried to steer the girl’s board with her hands and as she went to push the board off to the side she felt her large white gold and diamond ring slide off into the water. She was stunned and could not believe what had just happened. Just an hour earlier she lost her phone and now her ring?!! Out where she dropped her phone there was really no way for her to mark the spot but here where she dropped her ring there were green reeds sticking up out of the water and Kelly had the brilliant idea to tie a knot in one of the reeds to mark the “exact spot”! As they finished up with the paddle boarding event Kelly began to wonder how she would ever retrieve her phone and especially her precious ring! She asked if anyone at the marina had a waterproof metal detector. Someone suggested going on line and that led her to theringfinders.com. She called me right away and we met up later on that afternoon. (For these kinds of water searches I use two wet suits and scuba boots to protect me from the elements and other critters who lurk in the warm Florida waters! And I also take with me two gallons of fresh water to rinse off and a change of clean cloths for my ride home!).

First off Kelly wanted me to find her ring as it is one of her most prized possessions! She showed me the reed with the knot tied in the end so I set up my water proof metal detector and began to search the area. I always try and let people know that I will be digging any and all targets that sound even close to what a gold ring would sound like. Pull tabs, nickels, fishing weights, and pieces of aluminum are just some of the items that will sound just like a gold ring. Kelly was anxious to help so I gave her my pin pointer and let her go through each full scoop of debris I dumped into my floating sifter. It took fifteen minutes to finally get her ring and you should have heard her let out a shout of joy! And what a ring too!!

Next was her lost phone. I had four PVC poles to mark the 60 square foot area and after grid searching the inside I covered a 10 foot swath around the outside and NO phone! Kelly was quite sure of the area but when finding a precise spot on water…well it is not an easy thing to do. So I continued to expand the search area keeping to the chest deep water that Kelly described to me earlier. It took another 20 minutes to get that large signal I was looking for and I could feel it with my scuba boots. I did not want to use my scoop for fear of damaging the phone so I pinched it between my feet and brought it up to the light of day. And it was vibrating and lit up so I could see it was going to be just fine. Kelly was elated to have both her phone and her ring back again! It is not often I get to reunite someone with two lost items in one day but I was so thankful that God allowed me to have a role in Kellys life and to see that awesome smile on her beautiful face!

Maybe you have lost something and need my help?! Call or text me ASAP and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe….super thankful to be a member of theringfinders.com