diamond ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost a Ring on the beach in North Wildwood NJ? I can find it!!

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

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Everyone’s jewelry has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… The Ring Finders service will help bring their story to life again and continue that story by finding what people thought was lost forever. Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!

The Ring Finders South Jersey

Lost ring in the sand? Lost ring in the ocean? Lost your keys? Even a cellphone!

We are just a call away! Don’t wait!


Lost Diamond Ring Found and Returned in Baker City Oregon

  • from Nampa (Idaho, United States)

It was the last day of the school year when Rochelle lost her wedding ring while her students celebrated with a field day.  Students, staff and friends helped search, even with a metal detector, but had no luck.  When her husband Steve reached out to me, I was happy to help and drove to Oregon the following day.  It took hours of searching in the hot sun, but I’m happy to say that I was able to reunite Rochelle with her ring!

Lost Diamond Ring Found and Returned in Meridian Idaho

  • from Nampa (Idaho, United States)

Lost diamond wedding ring that had been in the family for over 100 years has been found in Meridian Idaho and returned to its owner!

Monica was visiting her son in Meridian Idaho when she lost her wedding ring and a pair of earrings she’d placed in a sunglasses case for safe keeping while taking her dog for a walk.  The ring had been in the family for over a hundred years, and her sister had even made the drive back to Idaho, rented a metal detector and tried to find it for her.   Fortunately after receiving her call, she was able to send me a map of the route she’d taken that day and I was able to start my search.  It took two days of searching in rain and snow to find her lost ring, which turned out to be only 20 feet from where I’d been parking.  Then as fate would have it, my wife and I had been planning a trip to Utah just a couple weeks later so I was able to deliver the lost ring and meet Monica personally.

So glad I could help Monica! It was so nice to meet you and your family!

Lost Gold ring in snow bank in London, Ontario

  • from London (Ontario, Canada)

After a major snow storm in London, a Gold Ring with Diamonds was lost shovelling a driveway. Searching for a Ring Finder, she contacted me immediately. It just made sense that it was in the snowbanks along side the house…in 10 minutes of detecting, a shiny ring was found 2 feet burried in the snow. A very very happy girl!

Lost ring at Mission Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Nathan was body surfing at Mission beach when he realized that he was wearing his wedding ring, not something he normally does. In checking the ring to see how tight it was fitting, it came right off and dropped into waist deep surf. With our surf, it will disappear in a second, so, no way to spot it. A sad Nathan now had to go confess to the wife that his wedding band is gone.  His wife wasn’t satisfied with accepting that fate, so, she found TheRingFinders.com on a search and contacted me for help. The ring was lost at a +4 foot tide, so, a minus .7 tide at 5:14 am was just the ticket for this search. Nathan met me at 3:15 am and showed me the search area. He even came out in the surf and helped me keep on my grid pattern. This section of beach was real clean. An hour and half later, I had only found 3 non-ferrous targets, 2 pull tabs and a junk ring. At that point I had changed direction on my grid and now went north-south instead of my earlier east-west. Second pass doing this in ankle deep or less water, and another 16 pull tab reading on my Equinox. Only this time, it looked this was going to be Nathan’s ring. I called him over, and by the light of his flashlight, he saw it was indeed his ring. He now would have a much happier conversation with his wife when he got home. Next month is their 2nd wedding anniversary, so, this recovery will help the ring story continue into chapter 3. A pleasure to meet you Nathan, and thank you for the reward.

Ring lost at Cardiff State Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

I was out detecting with a buddy, when a guy named Ian rides his bike up to me and asks if I could possibly search for his wife’s lost wedding band at Cardiff State Beach. I said I’d be happy to do it and that to let me know when we could meet there and conduct the search. He said it would take him a bit to bike there and would text me when he was available. I got the text, actually found a parking spot, and met him at the location out on a busy beach. Ian and his wife were here visiting from a sweltering Tucson, AZ and were enjoying the beach yesterday, when while applying skin lotion. the ring slipped off into the dry sand and vanished. They sifted with fingers for several hours, but, no luck. Looking for a small gold ring, the signal can be pretty low on the scale and weak as well. I figured I’d be digging foil for a while, but, actually didn’t get many signals and ended up expanding the search area a bit more than we thought we would have to. I finally got a weak, but, repeatable 7 on my Equinox and after a couple of scoops, had the ring in my hand. A happy Ian can now go back and surprise his wife of 15 years with her ring….oh, and it’s her birthday today! Happy Birthday and ring reunion! A pleasure to meet you Ian and thank you for the reward.

Ring Lost at Pacific Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Jordan was visiting here from out of town and went to the beach with a friend. They were throwing the football around a bit when disaster struck. One of Jordan’s throws was more than just the football. His special ring went with the ball and ended up in waist deep water. Jordan had already left town and returned home when I got a call from his mother Silvia asking if I could help recover it. Surf losses are never a sure thing, but, this sounded fairly straight forward even though it had been a couple of days. At the time of the call, the tide was not in my favor, so, I decided to search a bit after midnight to take advantage of a nice low tide at 2:30 am. The water level at that point should be about 4 feet shallower that when it was lost, so, I was hoping for a wet sand hunt. In getting the details about the ring, I found it certainly was a special ring! It was purchased by Jordan’s grandmother as a wedding gift to Jordan’s father on his wedding day. Not an actual wedding ring, but, a wonderful gift none the less. It’s an 18K, custom, one-of-a-kind beauty that was made in Bolivia and eventually was passed down to Jordan who was devastated that it was lost. This just had to be found! With just a map with an X on it to go by, I started my grid at the south end of the search area. After about an hour and a half of mid-slope to knee deep surf I got my umpteenth pull tab signal (16 on the Equinox) in ankle deep water, but, was happy to see Jordan’s ring in the bottom instead. I texted Silvia that the lost had been found, and that I’d contact her later in the morning after I got some sleep. Jordan’s sister Nicolette lives close by and was able to come by yesterday, pick up the ring, and pose for the photo with Jordan’s football friend. I’m happy everything worked out well, and thank you for the reward.

Ring lost in Coronado found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Anna contacted me about 8:30am saying that her husband of 5 days lost his wedding ring when he shook water off his hand, and the ring went flying off. They’re honeymooning here from Boston and would be leaving the next day, so, they were hoping I could find his ring before they left. Being July 3rd, Coronado has a big parade starting at 10am and would be very crowded soon , so, I had to get on my horse and ride! The trip over wasn’t too bad until I got into town where the parade was to take place. I eventually got over to the beach about an hour later, and tried to find a parking spot. None to be had anywhere close, so, I ended up parking a bit over a mile away. I finally get to the meeting spot in the dry sand where the ring was lost and got the low down on how it was lost and about where it should be. Sure enough, after a couple of scrap aluminum targets in 2-3 minutes, I got a nice solid 11 on my Equinox and pulled the ring out of it’s sandy resting spot. Now the happy newlyweds can head out and continue their life together with the rings they came with. A pleasure to meet you both and thank you for the reward.


  • from Jacksonville (North Carolina, United States)

Shawn SGT Sherrill – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call/Text ASAP  Anytime 24/7   918-313-2202

I received a call from Lexi, upset that she had lost an almost 100 yr old heirloom in the lake. After making arrangements to meet up with her and go over the area, I went to work looking for her priceless ring. The story goes it has been in her family for almost 100 yrs and her late mother passed it down to her and it was the only thing she had left of her moms. It was very precious and important to her. After almost 2 hours of walking back and forth in the area she thought it was, I decided to expand my search area and after about 10 mins, 2-3 targets I got a gold signal and scooped up the signal and peered into the scoop to see a 14k white gold ring. I yelled out to her on the pier, ” I GOT IT IN THE SCOOP!” She said, ‘REALLY?”. I made my way to the ladder and climbed out to show her and hand it back to her. She was so happy and gave me a great big hug, despite me being soaked. It was good to see her smile back on her face. I love what I do, it never gets old!









Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinder.com


Ring lost in Clairmont back yard found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Jay was working at cutting down a tree in his back yard. The tree in question is in the back corner of his yard, where he shares a fence with neighbors. In the process of chain sawing, trimming, and raking, wood chips, branches, and debris ended up on both sides of the fence. Jay gathered the debris in his neighbor’s yard and tossed everything back over a short chain link fence to his own yard for removal. Well, you guessed it, one of his tosses included his wedding band. After discovering his ring was missing, he searched both yards to no avail. Some of the debris was already loaded onto a truck, so, he (and I) hoped that it didn’t end up there. In searching his options, including renting a metal detector, Jay came across TheRingFinders. com website and my contact info. He called me yesterday evening and we arranged to meet at his house early this morning for the search. Jay showed me the search area and re-enacted his actions that most likely caused his ring to come off. With a good idea of location, I started my grid search. Quite a few targets to sift through, but I knew approximately what I should be hearing and seeing on my detector display. Found a sprinkler head blasting my ears and knew that wasn’t going to be it. The next good signal was a solid 18 on my Equinox….hmmm, a bit of a  high reading, but, still in the “possible” range. It read shallow, so, I just pushed some surface material to the side with my shoe. The signal moved, so, I moved the small pile just a little more and could see the outline of a ring. Sure enough, we had a match! As you can see in the photo, the ring color blends in perfectly with the ground cover, so, even sitting on top of the ground, it wasn’t easy to spot. A happy Jay went inside to give his wife the good news. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.