how to find a ring in the grass Tag | The Ring Finders

Platinum Engagement and Wedding Ring, Lost In Gorham, Maine Backyard, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Return and Recovery #47

On Saturday, July 13th, I had just returned from Bridgton, Maine, after recovering a ring, in the water. As I was writing the story about that recovery and return, I saw a text message, come in, at 2:26pm. It read

“Hi Dennis, my name is Kelly. I’m located in Gorham, ME. I lost my wedding ring in my backyard last night. Been searching for hours with no luck. What would your schedule look like for a search”?

I immediately called Kelly and told her I was available right now. Kelly went on to tell me that she and her family were out on the back patio and at one point, she was tossing a ball back and forth, with one of her children. Later, she realized her ring was missing. They searched the grass area, where they were tossing the ball, on their hands and knees. No luck. Then, this morning, they rented a metal detector and searched the area. Again, no luck. Kelly also told me that her ring is actually her Engagement Ring and her Wedding Ring and she had them joined together, by a jeweler, to make this just one ring.

Cheryl and I got my equipment loaded back up and headed to Kelly’s home. We arrived at 3:30pm and Kelly was there waiting for us. She took us out back and showed us the backyard and where she was standing, while throwing the ball. We all agreed that this was the most likely scenario, to losing the ring, but not the only scenario. I decided to start searching , appropriately mid yard and perform a grid search, down to the tall overgrown area, near the woods. I would then turn around, and head back towards the house. I would repeat this grid search, until I found the ring or eliminated that half of the yard. I would then try the other half of the yard. If I didn’t find it there, I would then move further from the house, into the overgrown area and then the wooded area.

I started my first sweep of the area and the only target I received was something in the ground, most likely a sprinkler head, for their irritation system. Once I got to the overgrown area, I turned around and headed back towards the house. Still nothing. I took a 1/2 step to my right and headed back towards the overgrown area and woods. I took about 2 steps towards those areas and I received a nice loud low tone and a reading of 12-07 on my VDI screen. I looked into the fairly tall grass but couldn’t see anything. I turned to Kelly and told her, “I am pretty sure this will be your ring”. I bent over, started moving the grass around and saw a bright shiny ring. I had Kelly come over and told her the ring is right there. She still couldn’t see it, because the ring had gotten, all the way down, to the dirt and was totally covered by the tall grass. I reached down, picked it up and you could just see and feel the relief, come over Kelly’s face. She was extremely thankful and continued to thank us, up until we left. Kelly did tell us that the ring, is loose on her finger and she will be addressing that issue, very soon.

Total search time was approximately 5 minutes and it was now close to 4:00pm. My second recovery and return of the day and I was ready to get home, cool off and relax. It’s been a long day, but very fruitful one and I am so fortunate, to be able to help all these people.

Thrown ring into woods, Paisley, Florida…Found with a metal detector and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)












It happens allot…rings get thrown into the water, into the woods and into grass yards and parks all over the world and most of the time the rings are never found! But there is hope when you call or text a ring finder because this is what we love to do…help people who find themselves in this very sort of situation!

Mike texted me to ask if I could help find his wife’s diamond engagement ring in the woods behind their home. Seems there was some sort of misunderstanding and the end result was a lost ring in the woods. First off I asked a few questions like: What time of the day or night did this happen? Did you or your wife actually see it as it flew through the air and into the woods? Did your wife play softball in high school? I encouraged them that the answers to these questions would help determine the likely hood of actually finding their lost ring and with the information they gave me I felt fairly confident that I could find their lost ring.

Mike and his family live out in the country and the small area where the ring was thrown was littered with dead branches and vines, small trees and a few palmetto palms as well. My first task was to clear the underbrush away and cut a few low hanging palm fronds so I could effectively swing my metal detector. It took about 15 minutes to cover the target area and I was beginning to think that either the ring bounced off of one of the small trees or maybe she actually threw her ring in a different direction. The ground was relatively free of any metal targets so I was very confident that if my metal detector went over it I would hear the signal and easily uncover it among the leaves. Thirty minutes passed and I called Mike out to verify the direction and Mike indicated it could have gone off to the left more. So as I started searching off to the left I looked over to where I had previously searched and noticed a 6 foot palm tree that had broken branches going up the sides and I had swung my detector casually along the sides but thought I had better check it more thoroughly just to be sure. I started at the bottom and poked my Garrett pin pointer into each opening where the dead branches were and made my way around and all the way to the very top and low and behold a slight beep came from my pin pointer! No way, I thought! And as I poked it around closer the beeping increased. I could not see into the small opening but was able to stick my finger down into the space and as I removed the leaves and debris I got a short glimpse of something shiny and then I saw the diamond!! Mike and Candace were thrilled t have their beautiful diamond engagement ring back once again! I give God the credit for prompting me to investigate that palm tree and for allowing me to be a blessing and encouragement to this dear young couple.

Lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in the grass, Saint Cloud, Florida…Found and returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

If you need help finding a lost ring or other important metallic item, call or text me ASAP! Theringfinders metal detecting service is here to help you…321-363-6029!

Paul was doing some yard work, like pulling up weeds and putting new plugs of grass in, and after a few hours of sweating and working hard he noticed that his wedding ring was no longer on his finger. Paul had previously injured his middle two fingers on his right hand and was using his left hand to do most of the work and the obvious motion that caused his ring to come off was the pulling and throwing of the weeds into a pile. And thankfully he had saved all of the rubbish to be thrown out later. He and his wife tried searching the yard on their hands and knees thinking maybe, just maybe they could spot it but Paul’s ring had just seemed to disappear! That evening Paul’s wife went online and purchased a cheap metal detector and they spent the next day trying to figure out how to work it and decipher the strange sounds that it made. The next evening they came across and gave me a call.

After hearing Paul’s story I decided to do a thorough search of the area where he thought was the most likely place where he felt it could have been lost. I gave him four cones so he could mark out the general area and I set about doing a tight grid search going back and forth…being careful to overlap each pass. Paul stayed right there watching my every move and after 15 minutes I got a super clean gold signal reading very shallow and I told Paul to come over and check out what was hiding just under the grass! Paul was so, so thankful and immediately picked it up and put it back on his finger and smiled a big smile of relief!

I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to help Paul and his wife! How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…Happy to be swinging as a member of

Ring found through teamwork!

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

I was busy out of town metal detecting some properties that got hit by recent tornadoes helping recover anything I could. My phone rang and Amy found me on The Ring Finders directory and asked if I had time to help her. 25 minutes later we were talking, laying out cones and grid lines in the ballpark where she lost her ring. Because of the design of the ring it was extremely difficult to get a strong signal. Long story short she went back home with it on her finger, exactly how we want these stories to end.

Lost Engagement Ring in the grass, Melbourne, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jessica called me to ask if there was any way to find a lost ring in a small grassy field! Come to find out her husband had put her ring in the pocket of his shorts as they headed out to walk their dog. Jessica went on to explain that two weeks ago they were married in the Florida Keys and afterwards had rented an apartment in Melbourne and would be heading back to Georgia the very next day at 11:00 am. So early the next morning, after I dropped my grandson off at school, I made the 90 minute drive to hopefully find her ring and get it back to them before they had to leave for the airport!

After meeting Jessica and setting out some markers I got to swinging my Garrett AT Max metal detector hoping and praying that her ring was somewhere within the marked of area. Jessica and her husband had spent hours looking the area over and even spent a good part of the night with flashlights trying desperately to catch a glimpse of her lost ring in the sparkling grass. Jessica was not exactly sure what her ring was made of…silver or white gold…but the two different metals sound similar but the numbers are very different. And since she was not able to confirm the type of metal I had to check every shallow target and thank goodness the area had very little trash.

Twenty minutes later I heard a beautiful shallow signal and as I parted the grass with my pinpointer…there was Jessica’s lost engagement ring! I said a silent prayer of thanksgiving as I took in the moment and then sent Jessica a text that said…”Come see what God has just helped me find!”. And what a thrill it was to watch Jessica’s face light up with JOY!

Have you lost a ring or something precious…or know of someone else who has recently lost an item? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…tickled pink to be a member of

Lost Rings in the grass, Orlando, Florida….Found with Metal Detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Don’t wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Please call ASAP…Call Now…321-363-6029

Gabi called me to ask if I was available to help her find some lost rings. She and her fiancee had spent an evening enjoying some of the Orlando Florida attractions and as they were walking back to their car they had a disagreement and Gabi’s engagement ring and her fiancee’s ring ended up lost in the thick saint Augustine grass! They spent the rest of the evening and into the dark searching for their rings..and even went back the next day! Gabi decided to check into renting a metal detector and that is when she came across website and after reading a couple of my stories she gave me a call and we were able to meet up that afternoon. I was hoping Gabi could bring her fiancee as well because it is most always best to get two people’s opinions on the situation instead of just one. After meeting up and driving to the location I began my search along a long stretch of grass just to the side of a busy road and soon realized that there were allot of targets that sounded similar to a lady’s gold ring. I asked Gabi what her ring was made of and she said she thought it was either white gold or silver, she wasn’t real sure. So I decided to investigate every shallow signal reading in the mid to high range and I used my pin pointer allot day! It took a good hour and a half to thoroughly cover the whole area and I could see that Gabi was beginning to lose hope of me ever finding their lost rings and then…BOOM! I got a sweet, shallow, small silver reading and at first glance I could only see some sort of tape or paper and after a closer look I saw a flash of a diamond. I reached down and picked up Gabi’s lost engagement ring and held it up for her to see and I asked, “Is this your ring?” Gabi was overcome with emotion and knelt beside me and gave me a long hug and all I could say was, “Thank you God for helping me find this young lady’s ring!!” Ten minutes later I got another solid, shallow high tone and there was Gabi’s fiancee’s ring down in the thick grass. This time I let Gabi use my pin pointer to do a final location and what a thrill to see the sheer joy and relief and happiness in her face!

Have you lost a ring or phone or keys in the grass, in your car or in the sand and need help?

Call or text ASAP at 321-363-6029 and lets talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of

Lost diamond ring in the grass, Orlando, Florida….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

*Call now for prompt Metal Detecting Service…I can answer any questions about how this service works and we can determine the chances of finding your lost metallic item! Call or text– 321-363-6029

On Thanksgiving Day Tessa and her family were enjoying some fun and games in the backyard when her ring went flying! Here is the account in Tessa’s own words. “On Thanksgiving Day I lost my engagement ring in my aunt’s backyard while playing corn hole with my fiancee. Before I knew it my engagement ring flew off my finger. I originally thought it would be a matter of me looking around where we were playing and I would find it, but hours passed and even with the help of my family and neighbors we couldn’t find my ring. The sun was going down and we even borrowed a metal detector from a friend and scoured the backyard. After hours of searching, nothing but bottle caps had turned up. We decided to start again when the sun came up the next day. We were hopeless and devastated. A family member said to me that there are professionals who can help you find a lost ring. I wasn’t sure where to start but I knew it was worth a shot. First thing the next morning I did a Google search to try to find a solution. I searched “Metal detector service Orlando”. With it being the day after Thanksgiving I wasn’t sure if I would have much luck. I came across Mike McInroe of Theringfinders. Reading testimonials of other searches Mike completed made it seem to me that I had found the person who could help.

I called Mike’s cell and he made it to my aunts house within an hour and a half! He asked me to tell him exactly what I was doing and where I was when it happened. He scanned the area and found my ring IN FIVE MINUTES! My family looked on in disbelief! My lost ring had been found! I felt myself get emotional and asked Mike if I could hug him. Before I knew it my aunt and mom were both hugging him as well! Even my uncle started tearing up–we were just overwhelmed with so many emotions at once. But most of all, pure happiness! Mike was nothing short of heaven sent. Our family cannot thank him enough for his services. If you have lost something that means something to you don’t despair, give Mike a call”. Tessa.

What an honor and privilege it has been to help Tessa and her family. I thank God for allowing my the opportunity to help them and to give us all one more thing to be thankful for during this Thanksgiving season!

Lost something and need help? Call or text me ASAP @ 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…thankful to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in Lake Conway, Belle Isle, Florida…..Found with metal detector by Orlando Ring Finder.

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Josh and his family, along with some good friends, were enjoying a warm summer day on Lake Conway swimming and playing catch with the football when all of a sudden Josh noticed that his wedding ring was not on his finger. Their boat was anchored in waist deep water so they all tried walking and swimming back and forth trying desperately to feel or see Josh’s ring but after an hour of absolutely no success they gave up their search. Josh’s wife, Katrina, went on Google to see if there was possibly any type of metal detecting service that could help in this sort of situation and sure enough… website came up and she gave me a call. As we talked, my main concern was how do you mark an exact location on the water so that later on I would be able to conduct a thorough search in the right area? I then asked Katrina to drop me a pin and to bury in the sandy lake bottom an empty soda can right where their boat was anchored. (One can also drop a bunch of coins as well as either method would help mark the exact area.)

My first attempt to search for Josh’s lost wedding ring took me 5 and a half hours of grid searching back and forth in waist deep water trying to at least locate the buried can….but I was not able to find it. Two things entered my mind. The first being that maybe my calculations were off and I was not looking in the right area and the other thought was that maybe someone else had found the ring and the can.

My second attempt I was accompanied by my good friend and CEO/founder of and together we expanded the original search area! After two hours of meticulous grid searching my friend Chris hollers that he found a buried aluminum can and not just one but two new looking cans…filled with sand! I immediately began making my way towards where the cans were buried and not 20 feet away I got another pull tab like signal reading and dug a scoop full of sand and muck and as I shook out the sand I could hear the distinct clunk, clunk of something heavy and there in the bottom was Josh’s lost wedding ring…sparkling clean and shiny as the day it was lost!

Lost your valuable and need help? Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….thankful to be a member of

Lost ring recovered in Lincoln Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)


Katie was enjoying the day at a party with the kids, mega bounce house, water slide and fun. When it was done her stomach got sick when she saw her wedding ring of 3 years wasn’t on her finger. They did all they could think of to find it. Eventually she found the Ring Finders on the internet. Within an hour it was back on her finger.

Lost wedding ring, Lincoln Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Casey was busy loading up his kids for a trip to the country for a birthday party. On his way home he realized his ring was missing. He contacted me and I could hear the devastation in his voice. He answered many questions and we started the search at his house. After that we hit the acreage with no luck. I went through his car out there and even the car seats. Nothing.  I decided to go back to his house. Checked the storm drains and walk way. Nothing.  Again hitting the car that has an endless amount of hiding spots. BOOM. Tucked away in the shoulder strap area of a baby seat was his irreplaceable ring symbolizing his unconditional love and sacrifice for his wife and kids. Thanks for entrusting something so special to my recovery efforts. Lincoln, Nebraska and surrounding areas metal detecting and recovery specialist.
Rob 402-580-6933