metal detector rental Vancouver Tag | The Ring Finders

How to find a lost ring in the sand at 3rd Beach, Stanley Park.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

If you have lost a cherished keepsake at the beach or park, don’t wait until it’s too late! Call ASAP 24/7  778-838-3463


I received a text message this morning from a young lady who said her husband had lost his ring at third beach in Stanley Park, this time of year these beaches get detected on a regular basis, day and night. My first question was, did you lose it by a log? his reply was no it was closer to the seawall, which is a great thing, because most people detect all around the logs.

This gave me hope I cook the set up a time to meet at the beach and I did a little rescheduling for another search that was at least an hour and a half drive away from where this young man had lost his ring. I knew I had to go to this one first due to the high traffic area he lost it in.

After meeting the young man at the beach and hearing the story on how the ring was put on a chair, then the chair was moved a few feet over, it wasn’t until later he realized his ring was gone. Good luck, trying to find it in a desert of sand. His wife went home and found me online and text me for help, the rest was history. Fortunately, they marked the area and the search took less than a minute to find his beautiful ring and that wonderful smile. I love my job.!!!!



If you’ve lost something don’t wait until it’s too late. Call ASAP 24/7    Call 778-838-346


Metal Detector Rental North Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463 

Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist, this will save you lots of time and ensure success in the end. This story is about a young man by the name of Andrew who lost his wedding band while doing yard work. I wonder how many people have done this in the past and have given up the search, thinking they will never find it. This search was interesting. It wasn’t too labour-intensive two locations and it was found in one of the likely locations in the front yard under a bush that he lifted up and shook a bit.

The thing was it was out of sight and it required me getting down under the bush with my handheld pin pointer to do the search as I couldn’t reach it with the metal detector. As I was on the ground, searching the leaves and dirt I spotted it under some roots and leaves in a position where I would never have found it with my metal detector. I love this job, it’s like being a detective. You have to think out-of-the-box and go to places that you’re pretty sure you won’t find it, and then you do. It’s a Murphy’s Law kind of thing, it’s going to be in one of the toughest places to find and that’s where you have to check.




Andrews anniversary was coming up in April so it was an honour to be able to find it and reconnect him with his beautiful ring.


Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463 I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.


Lost and Found Rings Locarno Beach Vancouver…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I was told in Chinese culture a lost wedding ring before the person gets married is bad luck, but not if it’s found! I was called out by a couple who lost a ring the night before, I met with them at the beach and they show me the approximate location it was lost. After asking my typical questions I began my search and within 10 minutes found a beautiful golden diamond ring. If in their culture a lost ring is bad luck then a found ring must be good luck… I was so happy to be able to find her ring for them and see the smiles on their face even though his wife was wearing a mask I could tell there was a big smile underneath that mask.

On a sidenote just minutes after I found a ring a metal detectors came walking on the beach in the same direction where I found the ring. Timing in life is everything, I’m so happy the timing worked out today!


Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and I get to see how happy they are when I find it…



How to Find a Lost Gold Ring at White Rock Beach…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I was on a very long search at Kits Beach when I got a phone call from a young man who lost his ring at White Rock beach. I told him I couldn’t make it out there until the next day and if he could meet me there but unfortunately he was working that day but he sent me a very detailed map and I knew right away where his ring was lost.

When I went to the beach the next day the sand looked very high in that area and I knew the ring could be buried a bit deeper, I set up my grid and began my search. There really wasn’t many targets in this area which made me a bit nervous but after 45 minutes I got a great signal on my Knox 800 and I turn my cameras on and revealed the ring in its natural hiding place.

I have to say I’m as happy as the person I find the ring for when I see it in my scoop! It makes my day when you can walk onto the beach and find a ring for someone and know how that will affect them in such a positive way. I text messaged JP with a picture of his ring and moments later I got his response. Because he works so far away I dropped the ring off to his brother-in-law who lives closer to the beach.

His brother-in-law told me about the day the ring was lost and how hard they search for it, he was pretty amazed that the ring came back and he was able to get it back to JP.






Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and I get to see how happy they are when I find it…



How to Find a Ring in The Snow…Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

Lost your ring in the snow, contact a member from  Find a member nearest your location…ASAP

Yesterday December 26, I got a message from a young man who asked me for help to find his lost white gold wedding band  in the snow. He lost his ring while tobogganing with his daughter, he took off his glove and his ring must have fallen off his finger into the snow somewhere. I was at my grandson’s that day giving him his Christmas presents and spend some time with him, we love and miss him so much, he lives on the island. After our visit we took a ferry back home to the mainland, I met up with Sean and he showed me the approximate area where he believed he lost his ring.

Sean spent hours in the snow looking for his ring that day but did not find it. I started grid searching the area and did not find it where he thought it could’ve been, this is no big deal as most time people put me in the wrong area. The most important thing is to expand the grid until you find it, the search took me a total of 20 minutes before I found this beautiful white gold ring.
















Oh yeah by the way it was 16° very cold my moustache was freezing lol thankfully the search only took 20 minutes and we both were on our way back to our homes, mind you I was on my way back to a cell phone search in a big park.

I truly love my job, I have the best job in the world, I get to find peoples lost smiles and see how it affects their lives!

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463



Lost diamond wedding band Jericho beach… Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


11:15 PM I got a call from a young man whose wife lost a beautiful diamond ring at Jericho Beach while they were watching fireworks for Halloween. I could tell the panic in his voice and how much he wanted me to come out and search for it. The only problem was I was I was getting up at 5 AM to go to work and the beach is 40 minutes away from my home. After talking for five minutes I jumped in my car and headed to the beach to help them look for his wife’s diamond ring. I made it to the beach at 12:15 AM and met the young couple they show me the area where they believe the ring was lost, he told me he raced off to the store and bought a metal detector and search for it but could not find it. That’s OK because a lot of people buy or rent Metal Detector’s and don’t find their ring, the differences is I have 50 years of experience and know how to think out-of-the-box.

Well that being said after two hours of searching I could not find her ring??? I extended the search far and beyond the hot spot with no success, I asked more questions and found out later that there was a possibility when she took her gloves off at one part of the beach it may have come off then. We searched that area for a little bit but it was getting too late, I had to get home and get some sleep because I was working the next morning.

I got home shortly after 3 AM and got a couple hours asleep and went to work, I started thinking about the search and what I could do when I went back that evening. I contacted Martan and asked him if it was OK if I went back to research the area without them being there, he said absolutely!

After a 13 hour day at work with a little sleep, I headed straight out to the beach I re-searched the area with no luck then expand the search to where she believed the ring could’ve come off when she took off her gloves.  I searched there and that took almost an hour of searching with no luck!

I  went back to the hotspot and headed towards the water, this was the area that they told me the ring could not possibly be found because she was never in that area…. Guess what? you guessed! that’s where it was found. I always tell my members to think out-of-the-box we listen to our clients but we also have to listen to our hearts and our experience. I knew there was a ring there, I just had to go over to find it… I found it just before midnight and was able to meet up with them that evening and give it back. I was so excited to see that in my sand scoop! What a beautiful ring and that ring gets to go back to the young lady and that story gets to continue. I met such a lovely couple and I was so excited to be able to help them recover this beautiful ring.













Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.

How to find a lost Gold Ring in a Volleyball Court, Vancouver.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call or Text ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

Got a text message the other night in regards to a Lost Ring in a volleyball court, this will be my third this year and so far I was two for two. I talk to the young man and asked him the questions I needed to know before I showed up, in regards to the search. He told me his friends searched for a long time into the dark and he bought a Metal Detector but still couldn’t find the ring.

We arrange to meet the next morning at 10 AM when the manager open the gate, even though he had bought a Metal Detector and his friends had search I knew my chances were great. After setting up my search I decided not to use my sand scoop in order to surprise him with the find, it took about 10 minutes and I found his beautiful white gold wedding band and I was able to surprise him.

We go the extra mile to find your Smile!











Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.







Lost Ring found on Vancouver Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I got a text message the other day in regards to Lost Ring at Locarno Beach Vancouver. I quickly called Maya to discuss the search and found out that she had taken the ring off and put it in your shorts pocket while she went for a swim, when she got out of the water she put on her shorts and didn’t realize till later that the ring was missing.

This has been happening a lot lately, people taking off the rings to keep them safe then forgetting and the ring falling out of her pocket or out of the shoe, very common. I found out that she had lost it the day before which always is a concern that somebody might beat me to it. When I arrived and started my search I quickly started finding pieces of iron, bottle caps ,and pull tabs so I was confident we had a good chance of finding it.

Maya also told me that she was going to dinner that night at her boyfriends parents place and it was her boyfriend’s mother who gave her the ring, so you can imagine how important it was that she had the ring on when she went there for dinner.

After 10 minutes I found her beautiful ring, I went to surprise her and my camera was full and I had no space to make the video I tried to do it on my GoPro I have to edit and see if I have enough footage to show you… the most important thing is we found her ring and her smile










Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.




Metal Detector Rental Vancouver, BC… Lost Rings Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist, most people buy or rent and metal detector to find their lost ring.  When they do not find it, out of desperation they call me for help.  When I find it they ask me why did you find it and we couldn’t? I have close to 50 years experience in metal detecting, the equipment is only as good as the person using it. If you’ve never used a Metal Detector it’s not as easy as one would think, there’s a lot more to it than just swing the loop.

This ring was lost under a patio in loose rocks and leaves, the young man went under there for a little while but cannot find it. When I got there I search the outside edges of the patio and then I took my search under the patio. After a short time I got a signal my hand held pin pointer and found his ring under some rocks and leaves. It’s amazing how these rings disappear from sight and find a hiding place where people can’t see it.












Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.

Metal Detecting Service Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I received a text message from a young lady who said she lost her engagement ring in the water at Trout Lake, this lake was only 20 minutes from my location and I just got off of work so I went to meet her at the lake. When we met at the lake it was just after 9 PM and it was the longest day of the year so I knew if I got in the water quickly I’d be able to record this search with the light we had left. I also decided to take a silver ring with me as I knew her ring was silver with gold,  just a fake her out when I did find it. She went on to tell me it was in waist deep water and she only lost it one hour before I got there so I was very confident this ring would be found quickly.

I asked her how she heard about TheRingFinders and she told me the lifeguards gave her the number… I got into the water and within 20 minutes I found her beautiful custom Silver & Gold engagement ring. I faked her out with my silver ring and then presented her with her ring, I love surprising people and seeing the reaction!














Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.