how to find a ring in the sand Tag | The Ring Finders

Two Gold Necklaces Lost In The Beach Sand, In Saco, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Sunday Morning, July 21st, I once again, was being tagged and PM’s were being sent to me, at The Ring Finders of Maine, Facebook Page.

A local Facebook site had a post about 2 lost Gold Necklaces, one with a Diamond.
This is the Facebook post, below

“This may be a stretch, but it’s worth a try. My daughter, lost her gold necklaces at Ferty Beach today. One has a diamond, the other a rectangular charm. We were at the main entrance you may call it where there are 2 parking lots below and 1 closest to the beach entrance. We parked in the lower lot directly across from upper lot.
We were to the right on the beach when you enter. Towards the back fairly close to a landing/deck with many white chairs, I assume for Airbnb customers possibly. We left today around 2:30. They were left in the mesh cup holder of her beach chair. 😞
I suppose there could be a chance of it falling on the ground in the parking lot too. She is really bummed and we have returned home to VT now.
If someone happens to find, we would be forever grateful! Please DM me.”

At this point, I saw another PM, come in. It was from Arla, the originator of the Facebook post and it was her daughter that had lost the two gold necklaces. The PM said

“I would appreciate your help!”
My daughter, Kaitlyn, is on the right wearing the necklaces
I parked here and my daughter loaded the beach chair. It is possible it dropped out of the mesh pocket of the chair at this time. Who knows”

I immediately replied, telling Arla

“Ok, I can go now. Hopefully not to many people there yet. Also hope no one detected the area, last night”. It was determined that Arla was at Bayview beach, Saco, ME and not at Ferry Beach State Park.

I then left and headed to Bay View Beach. Once I arrived, I walked over to where Arla and Kaitlyn, had parked. I just wanted to perform a visual search, of the asphalt, from where they parked, to the beach. I didn’t see the necklaces. Once I arrived, at at beach, I started searching, as I made my way, to where their chairs had been. Nothing found. Once I arrived at their location, from yesterday, Arla and I communicated, via FaceTime, to be certain I was in the correct location. Since Arla and Kaitlyn had already returned home, to Vermont, this was the best way to verify, I was where I needed to be.

I performed a vertical grid of the area, with no luck. I decided to continue with the grid search and work my way towards, the Lifeguard Stand and beach access path. This would have been the path they took, as they left the beach. The beach was starting to fill up and a few beach goers, were now in the area. I did the best I could, to go around them, but potentially missing the necklaces, because of their blankets and chairs. After going around, one such beach set up, I suddenly received a nice loud signal, through my headphones. I looked down at my coil and I couldn’t believe it. I could actually see part of the necklace and the rectangular pendant, still partially, on top of the sand. I reached down and picked it up. When I pulled the rectangular pendant out of the sand, the other necklace, with the diamond, came out with it. I had both necklaces. The necklaces were all tangled up , with each other.

I immediately took a photo of the entangled necklaces and sent the photo, to Arla. She immediately replied


Arla then confirmed those are the necklaces, that belongs to Kaitlyn. The necklaces were a match, to the ones, in the photo, that Arla had sent me. We made plans to communicate, once I got home and Arla had left church.

Later in the day, I received the shipping address, so I could mail the necklaces back to her. Arla and Kaitlyn are extremely happy and grateful, to be getting the necklaces back. The necklaces are very sentimental. Arla told me

“The diamond was given to Kaitlyn, by me years ago and the charm was given to her by her best friend who got it from Spain”.

Just so thankful that I was able to help Arla and Kaitlyn , in their time of need.

Two Diamond Engagement Rings found with metal detector at Pemaquid Beach in Bristol, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from Don who explained that his wife Emma had lost two diamond engagement rings in the sand at Pemaquid beach in Bristol, Maine the day before. One of the rings he gave her and the other was one that had  belonged to her Great Grandmother. I met Emma at the beach and she took me to the general area where they had been sitting, after a few minutes of searching I was able to locate both rings and reunite them with her.

18K Gold Cartier Ring Lost In The Ocean, In Scarborough Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Saturday, June 21st, 2024, I had been searching for a lost Silver Chain and Religious Cross, in the Camp Ellis beach area, of Saco, Maine. I had arrived there at 4:45am, to take advantage of the low tide. At approximately 7:30am, I was still searching, when I felt my phone vibrate, signaling a text message had come in. The message said

“Hi there, I’m interested in your ring finding service. I lost a ring yesterday at Scarborough Beach State Park”.

I immediately called the number back and found myself talking to Julie. Julie explained that she and her husband, Drew, had gone to Scarborough Beach State Park, in Scarborough, Maine, to beat the heat. The previous days temperature, was in the mid 90’s and humid. Julie explained that she was wearing her 18K Cartier Ring, when they arrived and noticed it was missing, while swimming, in the ocean, just before they left at 1:30pm. I told Julie that I would be willing to search for her Cartier Ring, but it would need to be when the tide was near the same, as it was, when she noticed it missing. I told Julie, I would call her, when I arrived home, from the chain and cross search. I needed to figure out the best time to conduct my search, with the tides, working in my favor.

When I arrived home, I called Julie again and the tides would work well, if I started my search, between 1:30pm and 2:00pm. Julie agreed to meet me at Scarborough Beach State Park, at 1:30pm and show me the location where she and Drew, had spent the day, staying cool, by swimming, in the ocean. Julie and Drew, showed me where they had placed their towels, on the beach. They also told me that they spent a lot of time, in the ocean, swimming, way out and well over their heads. They told me that they did not leave the area, of their towels, other than to go swimming. The Cartier Ring, had to be out there, somewhere under the water and I will search the exposed wet sand, as the ocean receded, until, hopefully, the ring was no longer, under the ocean water.

With the high tide, now 2 hours behind us, this was approximately the same tide timeline, that Julie noticed her ring, was missing. The search would need to be horizontal, to the water and I would start at the bottom of the slope, leading to the wet sand, from where their towels were. What we didn’t know was at what point did Julie’s ring, slip off of her finger? Was it when the tide, was closer to the shore? Did it slip off her finger, when the tide was further out? Don’t know and that is why I need to methodically search the entire area. She and Drew, told me that they had swum way out, into the ocean, a few different times, during their day at the beach. Could it have been lost out to far, for me to recover? If the wet sand wasn’t going to be exposed, by the low tide, there was no way, that I could go 30, 40 or even 50 feet, out into the ocean and search for her ring. The water was just going to be to deep.

As I searched, I wasn’t finding many targets. A few pieces of aluminum, bottle caps and one penny. I was finding more ferrous targets, than non ferrous items, but I wasn’t going to dig the ferrous items. Time was to precious and I needed to search the entire low tide area. I then received a signal that got my heart to jump. A nice low tone and VDI reading, of 12-23. Definitely within the gold range. After digging the hole, I saw a gold ring, with the infinity symbol. I motioned to Julie and her husband, to come down, from where they were watching me from. When they arrived, I asked Julie to describe her ring, exactly. She told me it was a band, with small circles, all around the outside of the band. This was not her ring and Julie went back up to the towel area, to wait for me to find her ring. Over the next hour or so, nothing of any substance, was found. Julie and Drew, came down to see me and tell me that they had to leave and get back home, to Auburn, Maine. Auburn is approximately a 45 minute drive, North of Scarborough. Julie looked very sad and disappointed. She asked if I could contact her, if I find her ring. Of course I will.

After they left, I picked up, right where I left off and there was approximately 2 hours to go, before low tide. I need to find this ring, but time and real estate, was running out. As I worked my way further and further away from the shore, I still wasn’t getting many signals, as I caught up to the receding waters. Just before 4:30pm and nearly 3 hours, into the search, I heard the unmistakable low tone, that I had been hoping to hear. The VDI was reading 12-20, a fantastic reading and one that got me smiling. I took a scoop of sand threw it up onto the wet sand, away from the water. I still couldn’t see the target so I used my pinpointer to search the pile of wet sand. I located the target and when I brushed the sand away, I could see a beautiful gold ring. As soon as I saw the circles, on the side of the band, I knew I had found Julie’s Cartier Ring. A look inside the ring showed the Cartier name and Au 750. Definitely 18K and definitely Julie’s ring. I was ecstatic and immediately took a few photos and sent a text, to Julie, telling her, “Got It”, along with a photo of the ring. Such a great feeling, when I am able to send a text like that. When I didn’t hear back, from Julie, after a few minutes, I called her and she told me her phone was almost dead and hadn’t received the message yet. She called me back on her Drew’s phone and she was extremely excited and happy to hear the news, that her beautiful Cartier Ring would soon be back on her finger. I then sent some photos, to Drew’s phone. I immediately received a response and she said
“Oh my goodness. That’s it. Thank you!!!”

She also sent me another text a little while later saying

“I still can’t believe it!!! I’ve been telling everyone. I will call you at 7!☺️☺️☺️”

She did call me and we made a plan to meet up, in the morning, to return her ring.

We met up at the Saco Hannaford and when I saw Julie, it was a smile from ear to ear and I don’t think her feet were touching the ground. She was extremely happy to have her ring back, after approximately, 27 hours, under the water and sand. Julie and Drew couldn’t have been any happier and I just love knowing that the 18K Cartier Ring was now back, with the rightful owner. What a great feeling, knowing I could help her, in her time of need. Since Julie prefers not to have her photo, on social media, I have respected her wishes and included only a photo of me.

Lost Ring found in Key West Florida

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I’ve been in Florida for the last little while enjoying the nice winter weather and doing some detecting. I met with my Key West member Alex who helps a lot of people out here, I met his friends Dorothy and Mary Lou, who were detecting the night after the crowds went home.

It was relatively a slow night loaded with the typical garbage, bottle caps, pull tabs & some coins. That night I did manage to find one ring. I believe it was a prayer ring with the lords prayer on it and some crosses. I showed Dorothy and Mary Lou and Mary Lu really liked it, I said you can have it because the chances of finding the owner were very slim as this is a tourist destination, and people come and go.

The other thing was someone should’ve found Alex right away because he has such a strong presence here and people know him and let others know to call him If anybody loses anything on these beaches… he’s the man.

Would you believe the next day I was doing a little night hunting at the same beach, a young man came up and asked for help looking for his Lost Ring exactly where I found it the day before. I knew this was the owner and I also knew I gave the ring away… Boy was I embarrassed! I called Alex and asked if he could call Dorothy and explain the situation and Dorothy’s friend Mary Lou had no problem giving back the ring for me to give to this young man.


Longport NJ Lost Cartier LOVE Bracelet Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Lost a ring? Don’t wait to call!
I received a call from Donna after she lost an extremely sentimental piece of jewelry that was given to her by her husband. It was a bracelet that she wore regularly. She had it on earlier in the day when she walked her dog in Longport, NJ. Later that afternoon, she spent time on the beach with some friends. It wasn’t until later that evening that she realized her Cartier LOVE bracelet was out on the beach somewhere since she couldn’t find it in the house. Donna saw that I found another lost ring in Longport, NJ, and gave me a call. We met at the beach and I started a search. Shortly after combing the areas, the metal detector gave a sweet tone. I reached down, brushed some sand away and saw something shimmer. I reached down and pulled out the beautiful Cartier LOVE bracelet. Donna was ecstatic, yet surprised, the bracelet was found!
Follow me on Facebook to read more stories about rings found with my metal detector!
Check out my website with other lost rings on the beach stories!

Lost Engagement Ring, Orlando, Florida….Found with a Metal Detector and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you lost a ring or something precious to you don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you! Please call ASAP….Call Now…321-363-6029

Carlos and his dear fiancee were taking an evening stroll around their neighborhood and at one point they began tickling each other and in the process lost their stunning diamond engagement ring in the thick St Augustine grass. They knew within feet of where they were standing when she felt her ring come off and began immediately looking to see if they could find it. The grass was so so thick that they began to actually pull the grass up in places to be able to see down to the soil level below. After a few frustrating hours they thought of renting a metal detector but being New Years Day…nothing was open and they continued their Google search. They finally came across web site and found one of my stories…that I post after every successful search and recovery! They gave me a call and we met up later that afternoon. It only took a minute or two to actually find their lost engagement ring in the thick grass and the main reason is that they knew almost the exact spot they were standing in when the ring was dropped. That was a tremendous help in making it a quick and successful recovery!

I thank God for allowing me the privilege and opportunity to help Carlos and his beautiful fiancee and to be able to reunite them with their lost ring!

Lost something recently…or long ago…and need help finding it? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029

Mike McInroe… honored to be a member of

Merry Christmas 2023 from Seattle Ring Hunter

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)

SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call 206-618-8194 ASAP












Your Pacific North West lost item recovery specialist wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Call now 206-618-8194 to discuss your specific lost item recovery needs!

Professional lost item recovery of items of value, jewelry, rings, necklace, charms, earrings, watches, keepsakes, wallets, cell phones, hearing aids, car keys and more.

Metal detection, experienced SCUBA recovery diver for hire, lost in house, lost in car, lost on land, dropped in the lake, lost in the snow, and items thrown in anger.

Serving the Pacific North West WA state, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Bellevue, Everett, Redmond, Auburn, Renton, Sumner, Tukwila, Federal Way, Fife, Milton, Puyallup, Bony Lake, Graham, Parkland, White Center, Mercer island, Tulalip, Crystal Mountain, Summit at Snoqualmie, Newcastle, Edmonds, Bothell, Enumclaw, Montlake Terrace, Mukiteo, Kingston, West Seattle, Alki, Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Issiquah, Lake Union, Arlington, North Gate, Green Lake Park, Gas Works Park Seattle, Wallingford, Golden Gardens Park, Carkeek Park, Denny Park, Juanita Beach Park, Kenmore, Whidbey Island, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard, Kirkland, Duvall, Snoqualmie, Preston, North Bend, Puget Sound and many more…

I lost my ring how do I find it with a metal detector in the yard, snow, lake and sand. I need an experienced recovery SCUBA diver near me to find my lost wedding ring, cell phone, wallet and car keys.

December 25, 2023

Wedding Ring Lost In The Leaves, Found With A Metal Detector, In Standish, Maine

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Saturday evening, November 11, I received a Facebook PM, from Steve. The message said

“I am David * ******** **** brother and I live in Standish. I lost my wedding ring in my driveway and unable to find it. can you help and how much would you charge”?

I immediately message Steve back and told him I had worked with his brother and would be willing to to help him but that I was unable to search, because of my knee replacement surgery, just 5 days earlier. I asked Steve if he or someone else could search, using my detector. I told him that I would get the Minelab CTX-3030 all charged up, programmed for what we were searching for and all someone would need to do is slowly swing the coil over the ground. I also asked Steve, where the ring was lost, and how?Steve messaged me right back and said he could do the actual search. He also said that he was moving some wood, from the side of his home, to just outback of his house and when he finished, he noticed his ring was missing. He said it would be along the driveway, to the pile of wood outback. Not very much of an area and the ring would definitely be in amongst all the fallen leaves, in or along the driveway.
We then made plans to meet at his home, in the morning, around 8:00am. My wife would drive me and I would just make sure Steve has a properly working metal detector and my guidance. My wife and I arrived at approximately 8:20am as the 40 minute drive was longer than I expected. Steve was there to greet us and the three of us exchange pleasantries and small talk for a few minutes. I then asked Steve to show me where the ring was lost and the route he was using between the wood piles. When Steve showed me the area, I knew it should be a fairly quick search, as the area was not very large. I then turned my detector on, got it ground balanced and gave Steve a quick tutorial. I also put my wedding ring amongst the leaves and Steve was able to hear the tone and see the screen.
As Steve stated the search, he almost immediately received a signal, which sounded good but the VDI screen was saying it was 5 inches deep. We did ou due diligence and checked the leaves and the top of the soil, with my pinpointer. It was not the ring and we did not dig the target to find out what it was. Steve stated swinging again and within 2 minutes had a very good target. My wife put the pinpointer into the leaves, found the target and pulled out Steve’s Gold Wedding Ring. The entire search lasted just 3-5 minutes. Steve was extremely happy and grateful to have his ring back. I just love finding people’s lost items and seeing the looks of happiness across their faces.

Wedding Ring lost in the water (bay) Surf City NJ, LBI, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

  Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey I received a message from Larry about his lost wedding ring. He lost it in about 5′ of water the week before in the bay, and was pretty anxious about possibly having it recovered. We arranged to meet on location about 2 hours later that day when some of the traffic cleared. After I arrived we discussed the details, in which he was adamant on the location where it came off his finger. which is always KEY with a successful water recovery that distance from the shore. Larry said the ring had writing on it which he could identify, and into the water I went. Once I was in the spot he gave me the thumbs up, and I started to search. Just a short while later I recovered a ring, which I didn’t think was his. This ring had writing around the outside, but he never mentioned that. After my arrival on shore, and with many swimmers relaxing in their chairs watching the ring return, I asked Larry more details about the ring. The next 5 min. or so were EXTREMELY comical, then Larry proceeded to recite the writing on the ring, which had never been discussed, and was in Hebrew. It read, “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” Well, I was in total shock at this point, due to the fact we had never really discussed these identifying features. Larry is prob the most comical person I have ever done a recovery for, as I was in a chop busting mood that day, and poor Larry got his share from me. Larry, It was a real pleasure, thank you again, so glad I was able to help.

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Go here for more rewarding recovery stories

Lost Diamond Engagement Ring in Sand at Newport Beach, CA .. Recovered by Stan the Metal Detector Man

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


If you’re looking for a lost piece of jewelry or other metal item, don’t rent or use a metal detector if you have never used one Call a metal detector expert. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man for help or advice..  Don’t wait, time is the enemy.. Stan 949-500-2136  Call or Text anytime.

*** While brushing sand off her shoulder, Deborah’s diamond engagement ring went flying into the sand.  Her husband, Alex had spent fours hours with a metal detector scanning the dry sand. While he was desperately trying to be her hero and find her ring. Deborah found my contact information on a google search. I wish I knew how many people walk away from their lost rings because they couldn’t find them with a beginner’s metal detector that had no idea of how to use.

I got the call from them at about 8pm. We met on a the sand in the dark near a lifeguard tower in Newport Beach. I could tell they were frustrated after so many hours of searching. Alex told me he had no confidence that a metal detector could find a small gold ring in the sand. I gave him a little explanation of how I do ring searches with the most up to date equipment and years of experience using them.

Twenty minutes of grid scanning produced the precious white gold engagement ring. They were ecstatic giving me big high fives. It’s always nice to see how grateful people are when we find their special keepsake. I know the ring probably would not be there if they waited till the next day before calling for help. Items lost in public need to be searched as soon as possible.  If you lost anything call me or any other member if TheRingFinders.

I am available to help you now.. Just Call or Text 949-500-2136 … I WILL TRY ANYWHERE