Lost Wedding Rings in Maurice, LA. – Found
Lost Wedding Rings in Maurice, LA. – Found
Sid got a call from Shane the day after his wife lost her engagement ring and wedding band (soldered together) in his Dad’s back yard. They were having a party and the couple were active at the party and around the subdivision. They had made many trips around and off the property on a golf cart. I went early the next morning and started in the back yard off the porch, the party’s main location. On my second pass, I got a shallow, gold signal and found the ring ½” below ground level. Total search time, 15 minutes. Another smiling face. Dad got the picture since Shane needed to be at work. Thank you Randy and Shane for the generous reward. This helps keep these search services available.
P.S. Received an email from Shane’s Mom later in the day. She is a good friend from the past. Made the find even sweeter.