lost ring on beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Stone Harbor NJ Lost Wedding Band Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Rob left a review for me in Stone Harbor, NJ!

I’m honestly still shook and can’t believe that I have my ring back. After hours of searching around the house and yard and asking the lifeguards at the beach, I figured my wedding ring was gone forever. I was about to give up but my sister in law mentioned that she had seen an ad for Ring Finders, so I gave John a call. He gridded off the area of the beach where I mentioned I might have lost the ring and within 15 minutes, he found it, dug it up, and returned it to me. My wife and I couldn’t be more appreciative and would recommend John to anyone that finds themselves in a similar situation on the Jersey Shore. Thanks again!

Read more stories of lost rings found in Stone Harbor, NJ here.

Lost Wedding Band Found Wilmington DE By John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

James and Meagan were walking on the bridge at the Riverwalk in Wilmington, DE when his ring slipped off his hand and landed in the marsh. The couple, who was just married three weeks ago, searched for the ring for a few hours with no luck.  . I met the couple at the Riverwalk and found the band four inches deep in the mud after a quick search.


Covell Beach, Centerville, MA Engagement Ring Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

September 3, 2023: Labor Day weekend was one of the best beach going days of the year and many were taking advantage of the calm seas and warm weather. So temping was the gentle water that Stephanie could not refuse a swim at high tide. OOPS…her engagement ring just slipped from her finger into the waters of Nantucket sound. As it always happens, several beach goers helped in the search to no avail. It was then time to call in TheRingFindrers.

I received the cal and within the hour I was suited up and ready for the search. A quick talk with Stephanie about the time of loss. I now knew what she was doing, were she was, how deep etc. About two hours had passed since the loss when Stephanie went to the spot she lost her ring. OK, I told her to stay there and I would search my way out to her. On the second pass in front of the beach full of onlookers I got a perfect signal from my detector, took one quick scoop and shook out the sand. There in the bucket was a brilliant sparkle, I had the ring.

Steve, Stephanie’s fiancee, was there looking into the scoop. I did not let him remove it as Stephanie was the one that “Lost” the ring, Steve had given it her once, so it was Stephanie’s responsibility to retrieve it from the scoop. A few shells hid the ring form Stephanie’s view. That did not last long and before the ring was pulled out of the scoop and put back on the waiting hand.

Lots of congratulations, Thank Yous, and big smiles were waiting our return to the dry sand. Pictures, stories all followed not only in the immediate area but along my way to the parking until I left the ever so happy couple, their family and friend to their fleeting summer time hours on the soft sandy beach.

Newport Beach Lost Gold Chain with Pendant .. Recovered from Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












if you need help finding jewelry in grass or sand call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. cal or text .. 949-500-2136

*** Deana and the ladies in her family had a beach outing at Newport Beach. Some time during their stay, her gold necklace with a gold pendant broke. Sometime before she could put the necklace in a safe place, Deana dropped the necklace in the sand. She must have been distracted and didn’t realize the chain was missing for an hour or more.

The chain with the pendant attached had to be in the area the ladies were sitting. It was probably a 40ft. square area. Their attempts to find it were futile. One of the women called me, asking for help. They were running late and had to return home soon. I assured them we could find the lost piece of jewelry in a short time if they stayed at the area of the loss. 

I arrived shortly after the call and began the grid search. Success didn’t come as quick as some beach recoveries but the necklace with the pendant showed up at the edge of the search zone. Everybody was amazed that such a small item eluded them and how efficient the metal detector was. They had been packing up as I searched, so we got them on the road in less than 20 minutes


I can help you .. call or text for help or information on how this service works .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Lost Wedding Band at Bass River, South Yarmouth, MA Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 12, 2023 was one of the best beach days with bright sun, mild breeze and full parking lots. It was a definite beach day for Dennis and his family. It was also a must go detecting day for Leighton (another RingFinder) and myself. As we made our way around the seaweed patches we saw Dennis, whom we had met the previous weekend having fun in the surf. We stopped and chatted for a minute or two before continuing down the beach, never looking back. Our bad, because we were being hailed to go back as Dennis had just lost his wedding band to the surf.

About an hour later on our return homeward bound trip we were told why Dennis had not left the water in the past hour. He was standing were his ring had slipped off his finger. We did not need to be asked to help, we just went into the searching grid mode and within a couple of minutes the ring was found and returned to Dennis’s finger.

Dennis’s son, Peter, did an excellent job at taking pictures and recording information so I could contact his family to put this blog together and forward it’s link when published. Timing was perfect, otherwise the return would not have been so rapid. We hope to see the family our next time we have such a nice day at the beach. As an aside: Further down the beach I also met up with another couple who’s engagement ring I found and returned eight of years previously at the same area on the beach.

Barnstable, MA: Cape Cod Beach, Wedding Band Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 6, 2023 was what began as a great afternoon of boating on Cape Cod Bay turned into a fretful time of searching for a wedding band that had slipped from Zach’s finger after only 2 months of being worn. Zach tried diving in 9 feet of water to find the ring but lacked the ability to hold his breath long enough to do much searching under water. When the tide went out and the area was void of water he and others tried using a metal detector and “eye-ball” searching with no success.

One of Zach’s friends suggested he call J&E Enterprise, a metal detector dealer for suggestions. Eleanor offered up my name and number. Zach then called me. The tide was about ¾ full and I knew I could not detect in the 9 foot deep water and made arrangements for an early morning meeting when the tide would be down to only waist deep.

The morning came with storm alerts on the NOAA radio. High winds, heavy rain and possible tornadoes were on the horizon for Cape Cod area. The sky was a bit overcast at 7:30AM but otherwise it looked like the beginning of a wonderful day. I took a chance and left the safety of my home and was off to meet up with Zach, After the introduction and being shown were the over-size ring slipped from his finger I was in the water searching in a grid pattern. About 45 minutes of searching with only one other signal I located the wedding band.

I left the ring in my detecting scoop and headed out of the water, back to where Zach had been standing. He thought I had given up searching and I said yes, there is no need to search any further. I then put the scoop in front of him so he could see the ring in the scoop and retrieve it for himself. I love the emotions people show when their lost item has been found and is being returned. Even bystanders are amazed and become elated as they watch and add congratulations.

Zach’s wife was home and had offered up a bit of advice when she was told of the “loss”. That was “do not tell your mother until after TheRingFinder does his search.” While Zach was talking to Kelly I texted her a picture of the return. Yes, it was a wonderful feeling to be part of this story that ended with smiles that spread between Zach on Cape Cod and his wife several states away.

OH, I must add that the weatherman was correct. Two hours after I arrived back home the NOAA alerts started coming in every few minutes, Then the wind, rain, and lightening engulfed our area. There were two tornadoes in our area. One EF1 touched down about 30 miles and the other an EF0 was only 5 miles away. There was physical damage to homes and property but no human injuries. Both Zach and I were among the lucky ones this morning.

Centerville, MA 3 Lost Rings Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 1, 2023 was to be Brian’ third lucky charm day. He had lost his ring two years ago and I found and returned it. About two weeks ago he call to ask for help in finding his daughters ring. As I was leaving for the beach the phone rang again. This time to tell me not to bother, the group had found the ring in the sand. Today another call from Brian was to tell me his friend Patrick had just lost his ring in the surf.

Ten minutes later I was on my way as was Leighton. What a team member. He was on the way from the west and I from the east of the point of ring loss. On the way, while stopped at a stop sign I saw Leighton coming down the road. He passed and I followed him. We stopped, set up a plan. and were off to a private club. We were greeted at the front door of the club and were escorted to the beach boardwalk. On the beach we met up with Brian and Patrick, covered the usual questions and headed for the water. Detector and scoop at the ready I headed down the slope, heard a target, stopped to dig the target, some 30 feet from where Patrick was standing acting as a point of reference for the lost ring.

One scoop in the soft sand and I had a wedding band in my scoop. I walked out to were Patrick was standing. After giving the ring to him I saw a puzzled look on his face. He was a bit unsure thatt it was “the ring” lost. The lost ring had been his great-great-great-grandfather’s and at first Patrick did not see two identifying dents on the ring’s edge. The ring had been removed from the deceased by cutting and the repair left the two small marks. Thinking it might not be “the Ring” Leighton and I continued to search the area. While searching I thought about time and tide. The ring had been lost for almost two hours and the tide was going out. That was the reason for the difference in distance from where I found the ring and where Patrick was standing. Further inspection of the ring the indents were visible and there was no karat marking, an indication of the ring’s age and lastly, there was no inscription on the ring. Yes it was Patrick’s ring.

Another Lost ring had been found, returned and it’s story entered into the “Book of Smiles”.


Hardings Beach, Chatham, MA Held a Lost Ring Overnight. Ring Found and Returned.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

On July 21, 2023 a wide wedding band was lost at Hardings Beach. Ethan, a town lifeguard knew of TheRingFinders and had fellow lifeguard Jamieson call me and relay information about Ethan’s great-grandmother’s wedding band being lost the previous evening by great-granddaughter Katie. I was later told by Katie that “My great-grandmother, Margarita, wore the ring since the 1970s until her passing when it was passed down to my mother who was gracious enough to let me wear it. Of course I was careless one time and the one time it slipped right off my finger into the ocean. Thankfully Jamieson got in touch with you.”

Forty-five minutes after receiving the call I was at the beach getting ready for a quick search. First the slope to the water’s edge was covered until a signal was heard, dug and a ring was retrieved. Unfortunately it was a gold plated ring with a fake diamond. Ethan called Katie’s mother and it was confirmed the ring was not the one I was searching for. Back to the search…

I finished detecting over the slope with no other targets and proceeded into the water. Again no results. I increased the search areas both along the face of the slope, down into the water a bit further from the shore. Again no results. Another conversation with Ethan revealed that he and Katie had swam to the buoy and back. That was a bit of bad news as the tide was coming in and I could not wade too much further away from the beach. But I did manage to get out to shoulder depth and worked the tide back in. On the third pass I had a good signal, dang, a screw off bottle cap. About another five feet and another great signal. This one gave me a bit of challenge getting it into my scoop. I had to prevail over the cloudy water and increasing wave action which I did before seeing what had to be the object of my search. This time it was the ring of my search!

Back on the beach it was decided that I would follow Ethan to Katie’s home. What a beautiful facade awaited us. At the entrance way I met Katie. her mother and father. What a story going back 3 generations. Not sure if I would get all the facts correct I turned on a new cell phone app to record the story. I gave it a go and I think it all went well. The smiles, pictures and thanks made for a perfect ending to this return.


Ring Recovery In Long Branch NJ

I was at work this morning and got a call from Janvi Patel asking for help in finding her ring she lost the afternoon before. The ring was a gift from her mother, a green emerald representing her astrological sign, plus it was blessed. It ment everything to her. I asked my boss if I could leave and he said OK for it was slow at work. I told her i’d be there within a half hour. She met me and took me to where she was sitting when she lost it. While down on the beach, she went to remove her beach skirt she was wearing and it got caught on her ring sending it into the sand. I searched the area but had no luck. Her friend that was with her told me she thought they were over a little farther away, closer to the water. I moved my search about 20 feet and sure enough within a few minutes I had her ring in my scoop. She couldn’t believe it and was so excited to have her ring back. A great happy ending ( better than sitting at work LOL )

Wedding Set recovered at Sea Girt Beach NJ

Got a message from Michael asking for help in locating his wife’s Loree wedding set. I called as soon as I got the message and told him i’d be there in 20 minutes if he’d wait, he agreed and I met them at the beach. While out enjoying the 4th of July on the beach with his family, Loree took off her rings and put them in the side pocket of her beach bag so she could take her son down to the water to swim. During the day the bag got knocked over and the rings fell out without her knowing. Leaving the beach she remembered her rings and they were gone. She was devastated. They took me to where they were sitting and I found 1 of them right away but couldn’t find the other in the same area. I searched some more and about 5 feet from the first one I found the other. She couldn’t stop crying for joy when she got her rings back on her hand where they belonged. A great Happy Ending.