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Wedding ring lost while body surfing in Huntington Beach

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)

I made contact with Amy after I heard that her husband John had lost his ring while body surfing. I met them at the beach around 8pm so John could show me the location. Unfortunately the tide was at it’s high for the day and I could not find it. I told them I would search again when the tide is lower. The next day during the afternoon low tide I was able to locate the ring with my brand new metal detector in about 15 minutes. It was exactly in the area where John said he lost it.

I called Amy with the good news and she came to the beach to pick up the ring. Amy said she was going to wait until John got home to surprise him with the ring.

If you ever need help finding your ring, please don’t post the location of the loss.

Call me at 714-944-0555



I can find your lost ring! Lost Ring Found Ocean City NJ Thanks!

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Received this testimony/praise on my facebook page:: THE RING FINDERS SOUTH JERSEY ::

Abe wrote “I called John ( From Ring Finders) at 4 pm on a Saturday August 18th and he was at Ocean City NJ 16th Street beach at 6 pm. I had lost my wedding ring in the sand while consulting with the ice cream man for a bottle of water. John found the ring within an hour! He gave me a time to meet and was absolutely punctual about the time, even called me to say he was parking. John treated the situation as if it were his own family member who had lost the ring and assured me if the ring was in the sand he would find it. What a relief! Do not hesitate to call him, he is surely the best at what he does!”

If you lost something I recommend that you call right away!

The better the chances of finding the lost item!



Lost Wedding Band Found Ocean City NJ By Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from Abe after he lost his 14k white gold wedding band with diamonds on the first day of vacation in Ocean City NJ.  I met Abe at the beach and he said that the ring was in his pocket with his wallet.  When he went to meet the ice cream man he pulled out his wallet while walking and must have dropped the ring in the sand somewhere between where they were sitting and the ice cream man. Several people had been looking for the ring but there search was unsuccessful.  The search area was large and the ring was about 150 feet from where they were sitting. After a through grid and search of the area the ring came out of the sand! Abe came and gave me a huge hug and thanked me! Abe said the ring is very sentimental and was very happy that the ring was found!


Jersey shore ring finder

Lost Engagement Ring Recovered in Long Branch by Dennis Burlingame

Got a call from fellow Ring Finder Matty St Germain that a woman lost her engagement ring in Long Branch and was asking for help. He was at work and knew I was off and asked if I wanted to get it. I told him to give her my number and I’d head down.  Seems Michele was enjoying the day with friends and was down by the waters edge when a wave came up and hit her and she lost her balance and went down. In doing so she felt her ring slide off into the wash. She was right in front of the life guard stand so my search was narrowed down. Starting at the top of the slope I started my grid and worked my way down. I was getting close to the drop off and started to think I was going to have to go in and get wet to find this ring. got about 2 feet from the drop off and got the tone I was hoping to hear, took one scoop of sand and there it was, a beautiful pear shape diamond ring. Went up to where she was sitting waiting and showed her the ring, after the tears of joy and a few hugs and thank you I was on my way. Another great recovery and great feeling that comes with it.

The Ring Finders New Jersey
The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service

Lost wedding ring found under stove in Huntington Beach home

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)

Mary called me and asked if I could help her find her wedding/engagement ring in her house. She said she had been shopping at three different stores prior to noticing her ring was missing. This was her last resort, because her ring could be anywhere at this point. I started by searching both cars in the driveway with no luck, I continued into the house searching her sofas and looking under her furniture and in drawers. I was crawling on my hands and knees with a powerful flashlight when I decided it was time to search the kitchen. When I looked under the stove I saw this beautiful ring with the center stone facing me about 4 inches back.

This was my first inside house search and it was challenging and intimidating at the same time. There are so many places to search inside a home and not even knowing if this is where it was lost. Returning sentimental rings to wonderful people will never get old.


Engagement Ring recovered in Point Pleasant found by Dennis Burlingame

This recovery has been a long time waiting. Five weeks ago Martha and Johnny were enjoying the beach when Martha lost her ring on the slope by the waters edge. I was even on the same beach that day and they saw me detecting. She called me later that night and told me what happened, not wanting to take the chance of the ring getting washed out I went back to the beach that night to search for it. No luck that night and I went back down the following day after work. The water was rough and extra high that day and I didn’t have high hopes in finding  it that day. I searched for awhile and was getting ready to leave and the last target I found on my way off the beach was her ring. I texted her the good news but with her living out of state she didn’t know when she would be able to come back to get her ring. I told her not to worry it wasn’t going anywhere. Well today was the day she had the opportunity to come and get it. I met them at the beach where she lost it and it was a wonderful reuniting of her with  her ring.

The Ring Finders New Jersey
The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook
Jersey Shore Ring Finder

Wedding ring recovered in Avon NJ by Dennis Burlingame

Got a call while at work from Kathy, she was on the beach with family when Lirio  lost her wedding band in the sand where they were sitting. She took it off to put lotion on her kids and put it in her pocket, getting ready she took off her pants and shook them out forgetting the ring was in the pocket. Shook the ring right out of the pocket into the sand. Told them not to move from the spot where they were and I’d be down after work. Met her on the beach and after digging a few other targets I found the ring next to the towels laying on the sand. As soon as she saw the ring in my scoop tears were flowing and the biggest smile. Great feeling. 

The Ring Finders New Jersey
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook

Recovered wedding band on Point Pleasant found by Dennis Burlingame

Recently married Chrissi and Sean were enjoying the beach when Sean’s ring slid off while brushing himself off. They tried themselves to find it but couldn’t, even with the help of others.
Chrissi called and told her father what had happened and he located me on Rings Finders. Told her I could be there in a half hour to stay in the area till I got there. Met them on the beach and they had the area already marked off and with that help I managed to find his ring in no time. Just the smiles are enough to make a recovery worth it. Another Great and Happy ending. Hope they have a wonderful marriage together.

The Ring Finders New Jersey
The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook

Lost wedding band at the beach found by Dennis Burlingame

Got a call from Pat and his wife that his wife lost her wedding band on a local beach after taking it off to put lotion on, placing it down and getting side tracked forgetting it was on the blanket. Just after leaving the beach she remembered the ring and it was already lost in the sand. This was the day before they called. I drove down to meet him and luck ally he was taking pictures that day and they gave me a better idea where to look. There were people on the beach so I had to walk through them hoping no one was sitting on it. After about 15 minutes there was one spot opened about 15 feet from where I was checking that was opened and sure enough there pops out the ring. A bunch of thumbs up from the people around and a big smile and a hand shake we were on our way.

The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
The Ring Finders New Jersey
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook

Fred’s Lost ROLEX Mercer Island SCUBA Recovery

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)

A Mercer Island resident called me this weekend explaining her neighbor had lost his watch after a day of boating at their private dock. He was grabbing for the dock and a nail staged his watch band and down it went to the bottom of Lake WA. Even though it was a nice warm day for a cool swim Fred made several attempts to free dive for his watch but the depth was just beyond his reach along with the silt and mil foil growth adding to the challenge. Fred knew at this point they had to find someone equipped for the recovery. Fortunately his neighbor recalled a past recovery on the lake performed by another RingFinder member. She eventually got me on the phone and the mission was activated. After learning that this was no ordinary watch but a ROLEX I was very happy to oblige, of course I was excited as this would be my fist ROLEX recovery!

Watch the full story unfold here:



Jeff Morgan

