lost ring in the ocean Tag | The Ring Finders


  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)

Linda called me the other day and told me that her father had lost his gold ring with diamonds while gardening in his back yard in Beverly Hills. We made arrangements for me to go search that coming Sunday. I drove out there early Sunday morning and talked with her and her father to determine the most likely place the ring was lost, after ruling out one side of the yard, I began scanning the top and the side of bushes with my detector, I heard a faint signal on the side of the bushes, so I took out my hand held pinpointer then heard a good signal about 4 inches in, I placed a sifting screen on the ground at the side of the bushes about a foot in, I shook the bushes and no longer heard the signal, so I pulled out the screen, and there was a beautiful diamond ring shining in the sunlight. Soon after my recovery, Linda’s dad had his very sentimental ring back on his hand. I was so happy to be able to help such a nice family. They even repaired a cold refreshing plate of fruit for me before my long drive home.

Lost Class Ring, Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Last night was awesome!  I got a message from Terri about 8:30 explaining that her daughter had lost her class ring earlier in the day in the edge of the Gulf. She had Lilly call me and explain some of the details. I knew we had to find this ring because it was her class ring for her Undergrad and her Graduate degree. I cringed when I asked if they had put any info on social media and she said yes. I looked online and found the exact location in multiple spots. I knew this ring had to be found immediately so I asked my wife if she was up for a night trip. She agreed so we headed out right away. I spent about an hour getting beaten by the shore break and then decided to change my search pattern a bit. It wasn’t long after that when I heard a very deep gold tone and gently scooped out Lilly’s very meaningful gold and Diamond class ring. We all high fived and celebrated by the glow of the flashlights. I’m very glad everyone was up for a night trip and Lilly has her ring back. 😃👍

Metal detecting in Miami Beach for lost ring

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you lost a ring or other type of jewelry at the beach (in the sand or water) give me a call, I have a metal detecting service and can come out and find it for you.  Call / Text Louis 305-608-1870.  Alexandre lost his ring on while on vacation from Switzerland.  He was flying out the next day to California.  When he called me I didn’t think I was going to be able to find it because the surf was as bad as I had ever seen it.  But after about an hour of being battered around in the water, we found it.  He did a great job of marking the area where he lost it.  A beautiful 18k Gold Ring.


  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)


       Sam and Emily frantically called me last week to ask if I could help them find a gold ring with diamonds that Emily had lost in the sand at the beach in Malibu. I was about 70 miles away but I went home after work grabbed my detectors and hit the road. It took almost two hours to get through down town Los Angeles, and out to the west side then up to Malibu where it was already dark out, I met Sam on Pacific Coast Highway and headed down to the sand. When I spoke to Emily she explained that they were visiting from Florida, and would be leaving Southern California in a few days.

       I gridded the sand at waters edge for about 10 minutes before getting a solid signal and there was Emily’s ring in my scoop. She was ecstatic to have her ring back on her hand. The long drive home wasn’t so bad after being able to help such a nice young couple.

Metal detecting service in Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you just lost a ring on the beach, in the water, or in the backyard, give me a call or text (24hrs). Louis 305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting service and I can come out and find your lost item QUICK.  This family was very lucky, I was metal detecting in Miami Beach and they waved me down and asked if I could find their lost ring in the water.  They showed me the general area and within a few minutes I found it.  Please check out my other posts for other successful recovery stories.

Lost ring on honeymoon found at Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)


If you lost a ring or any piece of jewelry, give me a call, I have a metal detecting service and can come out and QUICKLY find your lost item.  Louis 305-608-1870.  This recovery was an early morning recovery of a couple on vacation for they HONEYMOON.  I can’t imagine what it would feel like to lose your ring especially on your honeymoon.  Unfortunately he had to suffer a long night without his ring but I was able to go out and find it first thing in the morning, right after sunrise.  He did a great job of remembering where he lost it.  Another vacation saved:-)

Lost family heirloom diamond ring in Atlantic Ocean, Ormond Beach, Florida….found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jade and her family’s Labor Day get away to the beach started out great! They arrived at the beach early and got their things all set out and could not wait to get into the warm ocean surf. Everyone was enjoying the water even though the waves were a bit rough…still it was the perfect day to enjoy the water, sand and sun! As they made their way deeper into the water Jade’s husband noticed that Jade was wearing the precious diamond heirloom ring that his grand mother had passed down to his own mother and then she had passed it on to Jade when they got married! With the hope of one day passing it on to their son, Everetts, when he gets married. Jade was sure the ring fit snug enough to not have to worry about loosing it and as she pulled on the ring to show that it was tight…off it came and dropped straight into the churning wave tossed waters!

Shocked beyond belief she let out a scream and immediately everyone came to help her locate the ring! Even when knowing exactly where it fell into the water it turned out to be so much more difficult to locate then they had ever imagined! Hours passed and they drove to a nearby store to purchase a metal detector and tried it but ended up shorting out the headphones as it was not a water proof metal detector!

Meanwhile, Jade’s son Everett found “theringfinders.com website” on his phone and decided to call me for help. As I listened to what had happened and the fact that they were very sure of the exact location where the ring had dropped, I offered to come out right away and do whatever I could to help them. Even though the surf was rough and the waves were fairly big I felt that her ring would be where it fell even through to the next low tide cycle. I asked Jade what the sand felt like under her feet while they were looking for her lost ring…soft or hard packed? She said soft in some places and hard in other places. And with that info I knew I had to search ASAP and I could not afford to wait till the next days low tide. It was around 5:30 pm Monday evening and low tide was coming up at around 11:30pm and I determined to search under an overcast moon and trust that by God’s grace I would be able to find Jade’s lost ring before it sunk too deep!

Under normal daylight hours I am able to use small wire survey flags to mark the sand and then by lining the two rows of flags up I am able to back my way into the surf and use the flags to help me go out and come back in a straight line. Once I get out as far as I can safely go I then take two steps over and walk out keeping myself lined up just about four feet off of where I went into the water. But in the middle of the night on a dark beach there is no way to visually see my flags! So as I was passing the time waiting for the next low tide I walked across the Ocean Shore Blvd. to the Dollar Store and began walking the isles to see what I could use to mark my path and progress. Thankfully they had some Halloween decorations out and I came across some 8 inch long glow sticks! I was able to use the two glow sticks to keep me lined up and began my night time search about 10:00 pm and little by little I backed my way out into the dark waters as far as I could safely go and the two glow sticks worked like a charm!

Earlier in the day as I was waiting for it to get dark I detected on the dry sand just to see if anyone had dropped anything and I used up a couple of hours of battery life!!! Not smart!! Reason being as I only have one battery and it lasts maybe 5 hours total! I water hunt using the Whites TDI Beachhunter and hip mount the box and it works great! Normally that is about all I can handle when working in and out of the surf in the hot sun and fighting against the current and waves!

After an hour and a half of covering the main target area I noticed my low battery light had come on and my detector started making the usual odd sound. I felt I was really close to the actual spot where she said the ring was dropped and now my battery was dying! I prayed and asked my heavenly Father to help my detector last just long enough to be able to find Jade’s lost heirloom ring! God then gave me the idea to go sideways out as far as I could where it was just over my waist and the sandy bottom had areas where it dropped away a foot or so. Fifteen minutes later I got a funny signal that sounded much like sunglasses sound only distorted like. I dug three scoops trying to retrieve the curious item. Actually it was the only signal I had gotten all the while and as I shook out the sand my head lamp lit up the scoop and there to my utter amazement was Jade’s precious lost ring! Words cannot express my joy and the emotion I felt and I let out a loud prayer of thanksgiving to my Father God!

I could not wait to get to the car and dry off and send Jade the good news! We talked and I assured them that we could meet anytime in the next day or two to pick up their precious ring! Early the next morning Jade arrived at our home and I was able to personally hand her the ring she thought was lost forever in the churning waters of the Atlantic Ocean! Google gave them a very, very slim chance of ever seeing their ring again but thankfully God came through and used little ol me to help them out of a desperate situation! And I am so thankful they gave me a call and trusted me to do what I could in their time of need!

Have you lost something and need help trying to find it? Call or text me ASAP…I am only a call away!

Mike McInroe….blessed and honored to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost Ring at Navarre Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I opened up Facebook two nights ago and saw that Pensacola Ring Finders had been mentioned in a comment. Ellyce told Amanda that if there was any hope, I could find her ring. I thought to myself as I turned in for the night that if Amanda reached out to me, I really hoped that I could live up to Ellyce’s trust in me. Sure enough the next morning I saw I had a text from Amanda and I quickly gave her a call. She told me that their family was staying in Navarre and that her niece Kaylee had lost her engagement ring in the surf while posing for a picture and they were pretty distraught. I told her that I could come out after work in the afternoon and I would be glad to help. When I got there I also got to meet Felix, Kaylee’s other half and you could tell that he was really concerned about losing Kaylee’s ring. The two of them walked me down to the water and told me where they thought the ring was lost and where they thought it might be. I started canvassing the area above the top shelf of sand with no luck and then switched to the deeper area below the shelf. I tried east and west and north and south and even expanded the search area a bit but I got nothing. Everyone had focused on two blue chairs on the beach and when two people who had helped the day before came up and confirmed the same location I thought, “ okay, it’s got to be down there I just can’t hear it”. I decided to use a trick I have learned over the years and I got down where the sand was being curled back into the shelf by the waves. I turned my machine onto a different pinpoint mode and cranked up the sensitivity. I got right in front of the chairs and heard a very faint grunt that was so deep I couldn’t hear it any other way. I started taking out sand with my scoop and after several tries I looked down and there sat Kaylee’s beautiful engagement ring 💍. That one surprised even me a little bit. 😃. I went up and showed Kaylee and as she started to cry and celebrate with her family I looked up the beach and saw Felix coming back from a trip to the room. I saw it dawn on his face that I had found it judging by all the happy smiles and he took off on a dead sprint and picked me up and jumped up and down with me in the air in celebration. This was a great reminder of why I do this and I want to thank everyone for having the trust to recommend me every time they do. I know that Kaylee and Felix are very thankful as well!  Congrats y’all.

4th Generation Wedding Ring Lost in the Surf, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Wednesday, Aug. 3rd I woke up to a text message saying, “Good morning Mr. Wren, A gentleman on the beach (native of Scranton) recommended you. My sister lost her wedding ring in the surf yesterday afternoon. It’s in N. Myrtle Beach, in front of 817 S. Ocean Blvd. If you have time, I would appreciate your assistance. Regards David.” I called the number associated with the text so we could discuss the details. David said that she lost it at approximately 1 p.m. the previous day, which was about 2 hours after high tide. After a few more questions and answers, I told him I’d be there at 3 p.m. After thinking about the summer crowds, I texted him that I’d be there at 2:30 so I could be ahead of the crowds moving down the beach as the tide was going out. About an hour later I got an email from Daniel saying in part, “Hi we need your help to find a wedding ring and my mom lost her ring. She fell out from the sand under water and ring thick gold ring.” I asked him to call me so I could get more details. When the phone rang it was an interpreter for the hearing impaired. Through the interpreter I asked for a hotel name and street address. The interpreter said that Daniel would look up the name and address and email it to me. Meanwhile, I called Matt Fry, TRF Myrtle Beach and let him know I was working on a possible ring call for him and gave him what details I had. When the email came in from Daniel the address was the same as the address David had given me. I called David real quick and asked him if he knew Daniel, thinking 2 lost rings at the same resort was highly improbable. David said Daniel was his sister’s son. This made sense now; I emailed Daniel back and told him his Uncle David had already contacted me and that I was going to be there at 2:30. I thought that was incredible that this young man was trying so hard to take care of his mother and make sure she got her ring back.

I got there on time and met David in the parking garage. We walked out on the beach, and luckily there weren’t too many tourists on the beach when I got there. We made our way to where Michelle, David’s sister that lost her ring, Daniel, and David’s younger brother Andy were sitting. I got the full story from Michelle on what happened and the general area of where she lost it. I grabbed my Equinox 800 and sand scoop and headed in the water. I did a grid search from the top of the slope out to where the water was breaking over the sand bar. I worked my grid to the north back and forth with only an occasional pull tab or bottle cap. When I finished searched of the probable area, I took a break and asked a few more questions. I asked Daniel what he remembered because he pulled his mother up out of the water when she got hit by a wave and knocked over. Daniel moved me further north about 20 yards, so I started from there working back south. Still no luck!!! I took another break while I contemplated my next move. By now I’d been in the water for almost 2 hours, no biggie, but I was running out of real estate to search. I went back to where Daniel had moved me and did a few more grid lines to the north. Still nothing, so I worked parallel to the beach moving out to the breakers and south past where David had set the southernmost border. As I made my turn to head back towards the beach, I got a big hit on a target. Knowing I was looking for a heavy yellow gold wedding ring, I was expecting a VDI (visual display indicator) around 15-17.  The VDI on this target was jumping all over the place but did get an occasional 16/17 as I ran the coil over the target. I did the bouncing trick with the coil to rule out a bottle cap. Convinced it wasn’t a bottle cap, I dug a couple of scoops of sand to get the target out. Once I had the target in the scoop, I swished the scoop around in the water to remove the sand. BOOM!!!! After 2 hours of searching, I had Michelle’s wedding ring in the scoop.

Now for the surprise, I made my way back up to where everyone had been sitting since I started. I asked Michelle to come over to where I was standing so I could show her the area I’ve searched, not that she didn’t already know. As she’s walking over to me, I slipped her ring on my right index finger. When she got to me, I held up my arm to point to the areas I searched, she immediately saw her ring and the tears started flowing as she buried her head on my shoulder. I think we all shed a few tears just seeing her overwhelming joy. There are no words to express how important it is to give something back to somebody that they thought was lost forever, especially when it’s something that has been passed down for 4 generations. Michelle’s husband’s great grandfather gave this very ring to his new bride many many years ago.

David and Daniel – Thank you for caring so much about your sister and mother that you took the extra steps to help get her ring back to her.

Michelle – I’m so happy I could return your treasure to you.




  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)

I was metal detecting one Saturday afternoon on a warm June day last month, down by the water in Huntington Beach. I was  finding a few coins here and there, when I got a loud signal and said to myself wouldn’t it be nice if it was a gold ring. Well, one scoop and there it was, a large man’s white gold ring. I was surprised and happy. I took a photo when I got to my car and sent it  to my friend Stan a fellow ring finder and said “first one of the year”. I hadn’t done a lot of detecting for over the year due to a car accident and an illness, so my day ended on A good note. I got an unexpected call on Tuesday morning on the way to play tennis, my friend Stan called me and let me know that a guy named Jeremy from Colorado was visiting California on the previous Saturday and lost his wedding ring, my friend said it sounded like the same  one I found. He gave me Jeremy’s phone number so I called him after tennis, We exchanged photos, and it turns out the ring was his. It really is  a small world. I sent his ring out that day, and he had it back on his finger by Friday. He was so happy to be reunited with his ring and I was glad to help a nice person. Just another example of how Ringfinders is a great website that brings joy to so many people.