Lost wedding ring found under stove in Huntington Beach home

  • from Sunset Beach (California, United States)

Mary called me and asked if I could help her find her wedding/engagement ring in her house. She said she had been shopping at three different stores prior to noticing her ring was missing. This was her last resort, because her ring could be anywhere at this point. I started by searching both cars in the driveway with no luck, I continued into the house searching her sofas and looking under her furniture and in drawers. I was crawling on my hands and knees with a powerful flashlight when I decided it was time to search the kitchen. When I looked under the stove I saw this beautiful ring with the center stone facing me about 4 inches back.

This was my first inside house search and it was challenging and intimidating at the same time. There are so many places to search inside a home and not even knowing if this is where it was lost. Returning sentimental rings to wonderful people will never get old.


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