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Lost 1980 Texas Aggie Ring (found) by Chris Dean TRF, Kerrville, Texas

  • from Kerrville (Texas, United States)

Jeffrey lost his Texas Aggie class ring renovating a 1940’s house. When he searched the web for Metal Detector Kerrville, he was surprised to find the first source was TheRingFinders.com. Jeffrey called me and said he knew he was wearing his ring en-route to the house and felt sure he lost it in the yard while there. On arrival at the house I realized this might be a daunting task as reconstruction was in full swing – building debris, roofing materials, and plenty of workmen everywhere! Jeffrey explained to me what he was doing and the approximate paths he had taken the day the ring slipped off his finger. I was able to search the perimeters of the property but due to the amount workmen around the house I had to return after hours.  Upon return in the evening with my Garrett AT Pro, I was able to detect (along with a lot of roofing nails) Jeffrey’s Gold Ring buried below the surface near where the debris trailer had been. It had certainly been stepped on many times. I called Jeffrey and asked him to describe his ring and then I told him “I found it”. He exclaimed “OMG, I Love You” and then said ” I don’t really love you but I love you!” It’s amazing what people say when you tell them you found their lost ring and even more amazing seeing the smile on their face when you return it, which I was able to the next day.

If you loose your ring, jewelry, keys, cell phone or other valuables don’t rent a metal detector. Contact a member of the TheRingFinders.com. We are professionals that use our knowledge and the best equipment to reunite you with your lost items.


  WHOOP! Gig ’em Aggies!

Local lady lost her mother’s Wedding ring and called me to find it. Strange location…..

  • from Orange (California, United States)

I got a call this evening from Linda, and she said she had lost her mother’s wedding ring and found me online on TheRingFinders.com so called. I asked the usual question, where and when did you lose the ring? She said yesterday in her house!  I thought, ok, no way this is going to be where I can help, she just needs to keep looking and I offered helpful suggestions like re-trace your steps etc. and she said no, I know where I lost it, I just can’t find it!  She said it is in my closet! After more discussion, she was certain she needed my help, so I said I would come help her, and grabbed my AT-Pro, a powerful light, and my niece, Karlie, who was kind enough to hold the light.  for me and went along for the ride as an adventure!
The closet was a very small walk-in closet full of clothes hanging on all three sides, and Linda said she had her two rings in her hand when she was searching through the clothes, but then noticed she only had one of them. She searched and searched, tearing everything out of the closet but no luck.

I collapsed my AT-Pro shaft down as far as it would go and went in searching. It was dinging like crazy due to all the other metal in there, and even turning the sensitivity down all the way didn’t help, so I asked her what it was made of and she said white gold, so I knew I was looking for around a 50 VDI and could ignore the others. I started poking and brushing the coil IN MY HAND against all the clothes and got signals for every metal button, but narrowed it down to a 51 reading in a bunch of sweaters, then taking each one by the sleeve, I found it in the cuff of a green sweater!

I popped it onto my finger then stepped out the door and asked her if it had any special shape or anything, and she said it was heart shaped, so I said “kind of like this?” and she screamed and hugged me for what seemed like 5 minutes and jumped for joy. Her husband said I made her very happy.

This was the first time I used my detector to find something in a closet, but chalk it up to a Found and Returned for a very appreciative lady who is now reunited with her mother’s diamond and white gold ring!  Karlie and I were thrilled to be a part of it and I even rewarded her for helping me also!

Lost diamond engagement ring in cemetery, Sanford, Fl…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Amy was visiting the grave site where her precious little one–Jean Francis Butterfly Butler– was laid to rest. It was a rather warm January day and the rings on Amy’s ring finger were feeling tight so she removed them and slid them into her pocket-along with the keys to her van. It was a quiet and peaceful time, sitting there by her little one’s grave site, as Amy reflected on the many things she had to be thankful for. Soon it was time to pick up her 7 year old daughter from school, so she folded up her lawn chair and headed to the van, pulling out the keys from her pocket as made her way across the short grassy area. As she slid into the drivers seat she remembered her rings and reached into her pocket and discovered–NO RINGS! Frantically she retraced her steps to where she was sitting and after a thorough search she was able to find her wedding band, but no diamond engagement ring. She walked back and for over the small area–but could not find her precious ring.
The thought came to her–about renting a metal detector–so she went online and found a place but they were located way up in the northeast part of the country and the gentleman on the phone recommended she look up theringfinders.com! Happy to have someone so close by to help, Amy gave me a call and I was able to meet her within the hour! After meeting and hearing the details, Amy began retracing her steps and explaining to me that her ring was probably not along here because she had looked the area over very well….and in the middle of her sentence she looked down and there was her lost ring laying beside a flowerpot and partially hidden in the grass! She let out an “Oh my Goodness!” and bent over and picked up her own ring. It was so good to meet you Amy and to help YOU find your lost ring!
Lost your ring? Call ASAP!
Mike McInroe–a forever grateful member of theringfinders.com

Lost ring in Lake Baldwin, Orlando, Fl……Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Can you imagine it’s your wedding day and everything is ready?! The chairs are all set up, the guests have arrived and the ceremony begins. It’s the perfect day to be outdoors, in the gazebo, on the lake. And partway through the ceremony the bride’s sister-in-law is holding the rings in a small box and just to make sure they are ready, she opens the box and somehow the brides ring drops to the deck and bounces off into the 9 foot deep water! Stunned and in shock, she cannot believe what just happened. After the ceremony the sister-in-law actually jumped into the cold water hoping to be able to retrieve the ring, but with all the weeds and soft muddy bottom, plus being 9 feet deep—it was hopeless!
Nichole contacted theringfinders.com and made arrangements to have someone meet her and attempt to recover her ring. Much to her dismay the first members search proved unsuccessful. And after looking further on theringfinders.com website she read some of the stories posted under my blog and decided to give me a call. I assured Nichole I would do everything possible to get her ring back. My first step was to call a good friend of mine, named Chris C.. He is a certified diver and has a passion for diving. A few days later we made plans to meet at the lake, suit up and find Nichole’s lost ring. But the cold water, the soft muddy bottom and an absolutely ton of weeds growing up through the mud made searching very difficult. It was impossible to actually swing a metal detector along the bottom so I opted to use my Garrett AT Pro Pointer to go inch by inch through the mud. (Nichole had shown me the precise area where the ring fell into the water so it was a matter of removing all the metal targets to be able to find her ring.) Every 5 inches I would get a signal–fish hooks, lures, coins, bottle caps, screws, nails and even a water logged cell phone and a small stainless ring were just some of the items retrieved in the 40 minutes under water. Then finally, in a hand full of mud, up came Nichole’s lost ring! It was hard to contain my excitement as I added some air to my BC and headed to the surface. What a thrill! I called Nichole and asked her if she was sitting down and then gave her the good news! She could hardly believe that we had actually found her ring and insisted I send her a picture just to make sure it was really her ring. Thank you so much for your generous reward and thank you Chris for the use of your equipment and for giving me a taste of what diving is all about! I plan to get certified and look forward to other underwater searches!
Lost something recently? Give me a call—ASAP!
Mike McInroe–a very proud member of theringfinders.com

Lost engagement ring in Orlando, Fl….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jason called Thursday morning to see if I could help him find his wife’s lost engagement ring in some bushes at their apartment complex in Orlando! I asked a few pertinent questions to help determine where the rings might be hiding and if there was a good chance they could be found. Jason briefly explained what happened and mentioned that Amber, his wife, had actually lost both her wedding and engagement rings. And after a frantic search they were able to find the wedding ring but not the lost engagement ring! He went on to say that they contemplated renting a metal detector but then found theringfinders.com web site and decided to give me a call.
I reassured them that I would get there ASAP and that the chances were very good of finding her lost ring.
The actual area where the rings landed was small but full of various types of bushes, shrubs and decorative grassy types of plants. One of the grounds crew had actually used a leaf blower to try and remove some of the loose mulch to expose the lost ring, but may have actually blown the ring deeper into one of the bushes. I began my search along the sidewalk and investigated every possible signal using my Garrett pro pointer. I uncovered a variety of items and only 10 minutes into my search I got a great pull tab signal and brushing the leaves aside–there was Amber’s lost ring. I called the young couple over to see what I had found and it was a thrill to see their reactions and the smiles on their faces as Amber bent over and picked up her precious ring! It is always a great pleasure helping reunite a lost ring with it’s rightful owner!
Lost your ring? Call ASAP!
Mike McInroe Proud member of TRF!!

Lost gold pendant in St. Augustine, Fl…..Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Bill was taking his little nephew for a ride on a small four wheeler and as he stood up to get off he noticed his heavy gold chain was unlatched and his special “Road Runner” pendant was gone. This pendant was given to him by his late father 30 some years ago as a very special gift. Bill immediately started looking for it and spent hours searching thru the long grass and sandy areas where they had unloaded and ridden the four wheeler. A few days later they used a metal detector and tried and still were not able to find Bill’s lost pendant.
Not wanting to give up, Bill searched the internet and found theringfinders.com web site and gave me a call. I arrived in St. Augustine three hours later and began my search. If the pendant was there I was determined to find it. Bill’s wife Kerri had shown me the large area where the pendant was thought to have been lost, so I set out a few markers, said a short prayer and began swinging my DFX. Bill came an hour and a half later, just as it was getting dark and we talked and searched by the light of his cell phone. Another hour passed and then I got a great signal and there just under the dead grass was Bill’s 14k gold Roadrunner pendant! You talk about one happy young man!! And thanks allot Bill for the reward and I am so glad you gave me a call and that I was able to find your lost pendant.
Lost something of value and want to see if it can be found? Call or e-mail me–ASAP!
Mike McInroe–grateful to be a part of theringfinders.com

Lost wedding ring New Smyrna Beach, Florida…..found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Last November 3rd I wrote a short story about Shawn loosing a ring at New Smyrna Beach and how I was able to find it for him. Come to find out that his good friend Zack, lost his wedding ring that very same day, at the very same beach! Shawn, Zack and another close friend had taken a day off to relax and as they finished their lunch at the Breakers Restaurant they decided to throw the football around in the shallow part of the surf. (Does this story sound familiar?) The third friend decided to remove his wedding ring and leave it in the car, despite the lighthearted objections of Shawn and Zack. And guess who ends up loosing their rings?
So after returning Shawn’s ring to him that evening, I find out that Zack had lost his ring as well! That next day I was able to return to the beach and after a one hour grid search–a little to the north of where Shawn’s ring was found–up pops Zack’s wedding ring. Three guys at the beach and two of them loose their rings! What are the chances? And the best part of the whole story is–they both got them back! And I am still waiting for Zack to send me his photo–so in the meantime–my smiley face will have to do!
Lost your bling? Give me a ring!
Mike McInroe, proud member of theringfinders.com

Lost & Found Ring New Westminster, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Snow eats rings, cellphones & keys…We don’t get much snow anymore here in Vancouver, but this year we can’t get rid of it…That being said the calls are coming in for help and today I had a search for lost keys in Mission BC & a search for a lost wedding band in New Westminster, BC.

The drive to Mission was over an hour and I searched the areas that the young man show me for an hour but no keys…After discussing the search areas he went back and found his keys in his garage. It happens a lot when we close off the area where people think they may have lost their item, when its not found it makes them look in other places they may not have looked before, this time it worked!

Just when I got back home I received another call from a young man who said he thought he may have lost his ring in the backyard where he was barbecuing the night before. We discussed the search and arranged for me to go there and meet his wife and look for the ring.

We met and I started the search and within minutes I found his white gold ring. I love my job and when I find what I’m looking for it makes me very happy!












Lost something? Contact a member of TheRingFinders and they can help you find what yo thought was lost forever.

Video of search…

Miami Beach Metal Detecting

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you’re searching the internet because you lost a ring (or any type of jewelry) in Miami, Miami Beach, Hollywood or Ft. Lauderdale, or South Florida you came to the right place.  I’ll search and retrieve your lost item.  I am located in South Florida and do most of my detecting and retrieving on Miami beach (in and out of water). I also can detect parks, lakes, backyards, campgrounds, and playgrounds… Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, time is of the essence when it come to finding your lost object.  If you click on my name above you can see my other posts with a few more pictures and testimonials.  Give me a call 305-608-1870

Lost ring found on beach

Lost ring found on beach

Ring found way out in waist deep water

Ring found way out in waist deep water

Ring fell off 17th story balcony onto grass patch below

Ring fell off 17th story balcony onto grass patch below


Lost her ring in backyard lake


Rent a metal detector in Miami

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you’re trying to rent a METAL DETECTOR to find a lost ring (or any other type of jewelry) on the beach, in the ocean (yes in the ocean), or in your back yard, don’t waste your time.  Give me a call 305-608-1870 and I’ll come and find your lost item.  I’ve been doing this for years.  Below you can see some of my most recent recoveries and happy customers.  You can also check out my other blog/post with other pictures and testimonials….Don’t Hesitate!!!

Mens wedding ring found!

Mens wedding ring found!

Engagement Ring found Miami Beach

Engagement Ring found Miami Beach

Lost ring found south beach at night in the ocean!!

Lost ring found south beach at night in the ocean!!

Another happy couple:-)

Another happy couple:-) Ring found in 4 feet of water
