Finders Category | Page 297 of 434 | The Ring Finders

A Wedding Ring Goes Swimming At Mactaquac, NB

  • from Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada)

So I got a call from Marie-Andrée that she had been at the beach with her family and her child reached up to grab her hand and pulled her wedding ring off of her finger. They searched for over an hour in the exact spot with no luck, then found me through The Ring Finders site. I told them I could come immediately and to try to secure or maintain the site. She said they had to leave to take their child home, but her husband would return and show me where it was lost. I headed home to gear up and arrived an hour later, her husband and his friend arrived about 10 min later and showed me the area. We carried my gear down to the beach and I went into the water to do a quick search as he was very sure of the exact location using guard tower, buoys, and water height as triangulation references. Initial search found no targets, so I set up my markers and gridded off a 20′ X 20′ area, searched NS/SN then EW/WE, only turning up a loonie and some sharp garbage/junk. He was very sure of the area so I switched to all metal mode on my Garrett AT Pro International and swept the area again, finding only one rusty snap dome. then expanded my search outside the original grid going around the square. On my second layer out my headphones screamed and I knew what it was. Using my scoop I took a bite out of the bottom and the signal was gone on recheck, look in the scoop and I see a brilliant flash of circle. I called them over and told them I needed another piece of equipment, if they could mark the spot while I retrieved it. I grabbed my GoPro made the attached video. They were very excited as were the people around, who had been observing the search. I packed up and after some photos, he headed home to return the ring to his wife’s finger where it belonged. She sent me a nice thank you and photo of the ring on her finger. Thanks for calling on me and allowing me to reunite you with your lost ring and add a very cool chapter to its story.

Lewis Bay, Mass.; Ring Found: Clams 1, Searches 2, Bouys 3, Happy Family Members 4

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 22, 2018

Use the proper tool for a given task was always the recommendation my father gave to me.

Joe would have had a better two weeks had his father-in-law had an extra clam rake for him to use. Not having a clam rake Joe used the next best item available, his hands to dig for clams. Little did he know that clams love gold rings. The clam that got away on that Sunday made away with Joe’s wedding band. Swimming masks and snorkels were not the proper “tools” to find a lost ring in the low viability of the bay.

A few days later was the start of a very confusing (for me) understanding of the lost ring’s family. Well that was my problem and did not have an affect on my search. What turned from a 30’ radius round a buoy to into a much larger area. So large I did not find the ring on my first 3 hour search. I then waited for better tide and sun combination. I hate getting sun burned. The second search I took a second detectorist. We covered the area were the ring “was” lost and increased the search area beyond the original 30’ circle and area to get from the beach to the buoy. Increasing the radius by about 20 feet did the trick. The ring was in my scoop. Oh the clam that I believe to be the culprit who took the ring in the first place had told me to go in the direction I did as I increased the search area. He and several of his friends who had been taunting be to break the law and take them home to be made into clam chowdah were put back into the bay’s bottom, left for Joe to put his new clam rake to a good use on.

The day after finding the ring all my confusion was put straight, five names, four people now I got it. I met with Joe, his wife, mother- and father-in-law. All were present at my house where the ring was returned, photos were taken, and a few good tales passed. A fun family, I am sure the ring will now have a long and happy life even with an invisible scare where it was made to loose a bit and tighten up on Joe’s finger. I thank all that made this return a wonderful memory.

Lost Gold Engagement Ring Recovered in Catonsville, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I received a call from Richard yesterday about a ring his fiance lost in back of their apartment complex the day before. He said they were certain it was there somewhere, but they were unsuccessful locating it despite visually looking for it for hours. He was also concerned about it being washed away due to the very heavy rains the area seen the night it was lost.

Luckily we were able to meet up that late afternoon between rain showers. Richard directed me to the area he felt was the best location to start and I immediately got to work. After about 5-10 minutes, Richard let me know he’ d be right back an went around to the front of his apartment. During that time I found this under some fairly thick vegetation…..

Upon Richard’s return a few minutes later, I presented him with the ring!

Shortly thereafter, the rains started back up again. Luckily, the ring is back where it belongs and all is well!

Lost wedding ring North Shore FOUND!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

It was Sunday morning around 5 AM and I take a look at my missed calls while checking emails. That’s when I noticed there was a voicemail of a lost wedding ring at Sunset beach on the North Shore. I responded to the voicemail via text. The couple, Sean and Megan now were on vacation from Utah. We agreed to meet up so my family and I headed down to Sunset Beach.

When we arrived at their address Sean took us to the back of their beautiful vacation rental which is steps away to the beach. Meeting the family and getting the story on how Megan unfortunately lost her ring was heart wrenching. She was playing in the sun and enjoying the water with the kids and after sometime in the water she looked at her hand and noticed that her ring of 19 years fell off her finger and she didn’t know where! In desperation The family tried snorkeling but didn’t find it.

I gathered all the information I needed and headed down the beach. I asked Sean if he can grab a bunch of the white rocks in the sand to help line the bottom of the ocean floor as markers while I search and grid out the area. I decided to start from the deepest part and work my way to the shallows as the tide was on the rise! I did one pass around chest deep to over head and nothing. But, as I started to make my next line I got a loud “platinum” sound in the deeper part of the sandbar. I started to dig and fan all along looking and praying this is the lost ring. I then notice a ring, approximately 6” buried in the sand with the markings described of Megan’s ring, a big and thick Platnuim band with yellow gold that surrounding a diamond. I was sooooo excited to find it! As I grabbed it and looked up towards the beach where the entire family stood looking at myself and Sean, I held up her RING and Megan’s sister shouted… “I think he found it!” And the whole family was moved with emotions and tears as i can hear them excited and in awe. So, I handed Sean his wife’s lost but FOUND wedding ring. As Sean headed up the beach he met his wife in the yard and got on one knee to put back on her finger. The precious ring symbolized  his love for her.

To the Stolhs … THIS FIND WAS ANSWERED PRAYERS! Another vacation saved and another happy ending!  Glad to help and have a blessed time on the North Shore!

Mahalo Nui Loa,

Kai and Ohana 🤙🏽🤙🏽

Lost Celtic Design White & Yellow Gold Wedding Band at Aulani Resort…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call yesterday evening from Nick who was vacationing at the Aulani resort and hailed from Cedar Park, Texas. The surf was up at Aulani Resort and while playing with his children in the shore break his Celtic Design White & Yellow Gold Wedding Band came off. Nick wasn’t exactly sure when or where but had a strong feeling it was near the shoreline. I told Nick I’d come early the next morning at low tide so the surf would be minimal in the lagoon. When I arrived the gates to the parking lot were stuck closed and I wasn’t able to get in until 45 minutes later. It was hot and kids were already entering the water at 7:30 AM. I tried my best to do a grid search but was unsuccessful locating Nick’s ring. I called to let him know and he was still in his room so I asked him to come down to the beach and go over the hunt to see if he had any other ideas. We decided I should extend the grid to the South. Still no ring. Then I decided to go through the area at where many children were playing and I had to work around them. Boom! In thigh deep water I got a strong signal on the Equinox and in one scoop there was Nick’s stunning ring. I called Nick back and told him the good news and he rushed down to the beach so I could return his ring. Aloha to Nick.

Lady’s Yellow Gold Engagement Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Oak Island NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I, my wife, and youngest daughter were on our way to dinner when Brandon called wanting to know if I could help find his wife, Marli’s, ring. He explained that she had taken her rings off to apply sunblock to their young baby. He continued saying that she placed both the engagement ring and wedding band in her shirt. A little while later she saw her wedding band laying on the towel she had been sitting on, but no engagement ring. I told him I could be there around 8 p.m., about an hour and a half later. He told me he would check with his wife and call me back. As soon as I hung up, both my wife and daughter, almost in unison said, “You have got to go find her ring.” So I turned the car around and headed back home to drop them off and pick up my detector. I called him back and told him I was on my way and to text me the address.

After the 45 minute drive, I arrived at the beach at 7:30 p.m. I met Marli and Brandon, and we walked to the area in the dry sand where the ring was lost. Marli pointed out the area she had been sitting on the towel and applying the sunblock to her baby. I tested her wedding band with the Equinox 800 and got a VDI of 11, so I knew what I was looking for. On my fourth grid line, I got a strong tone and a VDI of 12 so I knew I had her engagement ring. I looked up and smiled at her and Brandon, and took a small scoop of sand. Her small size 4 or 4 ½ engagement ring was still hidden in the sand, so I lightly shook the sand out of the scoop and saw her ring peeking up through the small amount of sand left. Bingo! I took the ring out of the scoop and handed it to her. Big Smiles all the way around. She told me that she thought the ring was gone for good. Another chapter to add to their ring story.

Marli and Brandon, thank you for trusting in me to help find your lost treasure. Best of luck to you both, and your baby.


Found lost gold cross necklace at Lake Of The Ozarks Mo

  • from Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States)

Lost gold cross necklace at Lake Of The Ozarks Mo.

Deb contacted me wanting to know if I would look for a gold cross necklace. The necklace belonged to her teenage nephew and had fallen through the crack of their boat dock. I explained that I was quite certain that I would find it.
We discussed fee and expenses, then agreed to meet on Sunday. Upon arrival and after setting up the equipment, we lowered a small rope with a rock as a weight to the spot were the necklace went down. Using this method I was able to follow the rope down. The rock was positioned exactly above the necklace. Checking with my divers light yielded no result due to the area having been disturbed by previous attempts at finding the necklace. I then used my Garret pinpointer probe and immediately located the necklace. This only took about five minutes. I love it when a good plan comes to fruition!

Wedding Ring Lost at Venice Beach, CA…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

I was at the dentist this morning (always a pleasurable occasion:-0). When I got out, I noticed that I had received a call. I called the number back and talked to Walt. He had lost his wedding ring on the beach earlier in the morning. Time is always the enemy of a recovery, and because this had happened today, I told him I would be on my way as soon as I picked up my equipment at home.

When I got to the beach Walt met me and walked me out to the spot of the loss. He told me how he had put his ring in his back pocket, and when removing something from the pocket the ring must have flipped out into the sand. I began my grid, going over the possible area of the loss, and then expanded it out with no luck. Walt and his friends had moved their towels to give me access to more area expanding my search, but no luck. I did a cross grid over the whole area just in case the ring was on edge and turned, but no luck. We talked, and I let Walt know that the ring was not in the searched area. He felt I had searched all of the area he thought the ring would have landed, but I asked him to move the towels back, and I would go over the area they had moved their belongings to although it was way outside of the possible area of the loss. As I completed the first pass, I got a good signal, dug, and had Walt’s ring in my scoop. I held it up to his total surprise, he could not believe it had landed in that spot, so far from where he thought originally, no way. An awesome recovery!

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call immediately! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search in the sand, in the grass, dirt, or in the water, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

White Gold Wedding Ring Lost at Hermosa Beach, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

Kevin called last night asking for help in finding his wedding ring. He was playing football in the sand on the beach, when his friend threw the ball to him. As he went to catch the ball, the ball hit his left hand knocking his wedding ring off of his finger. The loss had happened just a little while earlier, and he knew the spot where it happened, so it sounded like a real good possibility of a recovery. I told him I was on my way.

When I got there Kevin met me, and took me to the area of the loss. We talked about it, and he explained and showed me what had happened. He showed me where he figured the ring would have landed. I then let him know that things don’t always happen as we think they do, but sometimes the forces that cause the loss often make a ring go into a direction we would not normally think. I figured on doing a complete grid of the area, and set to start back away from where Kevin had originally thought; 1, 2 , 3 swings boom, a good solid tone in the headphones, one scoop, and I had Kevin’s ring in my hand to his surprise. He was overjoyed, and was able to reunite with his friends. What a great evening!

Kevin sent the following testimonial:


Thank you once again for coming down to the beach on such short notice to help me find my ring. I truly appreciate your help. The review I wrote up is below:

“When I lost my wedding ring on the beach and my friends and I spent 45 min rooting through the sand for it unsuccessfully, I thought it was lost for good. Thankfully I found Steve at and he was able to come out within 30 minutes. I am not exaggerating when I say he found the ring in ONE MINUTE! It was incredible. Such a nice guy and such an expert at his craft. If you lose jewelry in the South Bay, call Steve.”

Keep up the good work!


I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Twinkling In My Eyes! Stunning Diamond Pendant Found In Gig Harbor, Washington! Eyeballed!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)

Tuesday I got a voicemail in regards to a lost white gold and diamond pendant in Gig Harbor… It was in a basket of personal items that was in the back of Jennifer’s SUV, and someone forgot to completely latch it! At some point the basket fell out of the car onto a relatively busy country road and spilled all the contents! Including an extremely valuable and sentimentally significant diamond pendant! They exhausted themselves looking but were only able to find the main, larger items on the side of the road. She suspected the pendant had hit the grassy ditch and a metal detector would be the right tool to locate it.

Since I was busy during the week, I had to postpone the search until the weekend, and was hoping no one had found it in the meantime. We met this Friday afternoon and went over the story, pictures and location where it had occurred. Since it was a busy road, we had to be mindful of cars as we walked to the area. I left the metal detectors behind in my truck, planning to retrieve one as soon as the details were all clear… then I’d begin the hunt!

Imagine our surprise and elation when within 2 minutes of arriving on the scene, I SPOTTED THE DIAMONDS TWINKLING IN THE SUN!!! ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!!!

NO METAL DETECTOR NEEDED!!! One stone was loose but near the pendant and it appeared to be in great shape other than the loose diamond! Another happy ending to a very stressful few days in this families life. Glad I could help, and just a little sorry it was so easy this time 😉

Dazzling diamonds eyeballed!

Super excited to be so lucky!

Smiling Faces!