Twinkling In My Eyes! Stunning Diamond Pendant Found In Gig Harbor, Washington! Eyeballed!
Tuesday I got a voicemail in regards to a lost white gold and diamond pendant in Gig Harbor… It was in a basket of personal items that was in the back of Jennifer’s SUV, and someone forgot to completely latch it! At some point the basket fell out of the car onto a relatively busy country road and spilled all the contents! Including an extremely valuable and sentimentally significant diamond pendant! They exhausted themselves looking but were only able to find the main, larger items on the side of the road. She suspected the pendant had hit the grassy ditch and a metal detector would be the right tool to locate it.
Since I was busy during the week, I had to postpone the search until the weekend, and was hoping no one had found it in the meantime. We met this Friday afternoon and went over the story, pictures and location where it had occurred. Since it was a busy road, we had to be mindful of cars as we walked to the area. I left the metal detectors behind in my truck, planning to retrieve one as soon as the details were all clear… then I’d begin the hunt!
Imagine our surprise and elation when within 2 minutes of arriving on the scene, I SPOTTED THE DIAMONDS TWINKLING IN THE SUN!!! ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!!!
NO METAL DETECTOR NEEDED!!! One stone was loose but near the pendant and it appeared to be in great shape other than the loose diamond! Another happy ending to a very stressful few days in this families life. Glad I could help, and just a little sorry it was so easy this time 😉

Dazzling diamonds eyeballed!

Super excited to be so lucky!

Smiling Faces!