So last week I received a call from a wonderful couple that had lost a wedding ring in the leaves in there back yard. This call was from a local couple about 6 miles away. This was a treat for me because it had been a while since I have had a call that was just down the road. I know from what I was told that she really cared about her ring. She was very conscientious about losing the ring so to be safe she removed it and placed it in her pocket. She had done a little work in a flower garden the corner of the house and when she finished, she felt the ring in her pocket. She also had her young son out running around in back with her in the back yard. Part of playing around they formed a big pile of leaves started to bury one another in the pile of leaves. Following playing in the leaves her husband cleaned up the back yard raking and hauling the leaves down to a compost pile further down in the back yard. She had felt for the ring and her heart sank. It was gone. They spent several hours scouring the back yard and leaf pile looking for the ring and nothing was found.
You just know that feeling of something near and dear to your heart and it’s gone. She did a search online for and found Paul Nolan a local recovery specialist and texted him. Somehow the text was missed and the following morning her husband gave Paul a call. He asked if I had received the text that hos wife had sent, “ No”. So he asked if it would be possible to come out and see if we could find the ring. About an hour later I pulled into the driveway. They gave me a quick tour of what had happened. So I grabbed my detector and started a quick preliminary search. My primary search area was going to be the leaf pile in the back. Within a minute of reaching the pile location I received a great signal. I tried to carefully move some of the leaves, and it was hiding well. I had left my pin-pointer in the car so I went back to retrieve that. I also brought a small battery-operated blower that I grabbed. Once back at the pile I found the location with the pin pointer and put the blower on low and blew the leaves away from a small one foot circle, and there it was down between some rocks. So I grabbed my equipment and started to hall it back up to the car. As I was heading up she came out on the deck and I asked her if she would like to come grab the ring? What you found the ring? In total disbelief. Come on down. Her husband soon joined her and I took them down to the location where I had blowen the leaves away and they started looking after about 15 seconds she spotted it in the rocks. She was ecstatic. The following pictures are the ring back where it belonged and another photo of the ring.
It was really nice having a call close to home, and one that went as well as could possibly could. What a treat it was. I wish they all would go so well. Congratulations on getting the ring back. I am so happy for the both of you.

Once lost – now is found.