how to find a lost ring Tag | Page 68 of 131 | The Ring Finders

Platinum wedding band found in Kingsley, Michigan with a metal detector.

I received a text from Ed asking my availability due to the holiday weekend. He was cutting some wood with a saws-all and noticed his Platinum wedding ring missing after he finished. I told him, I need 10 minutes to load up and can be to his house in 20 minutes.

Once at Ed’s house he took me to the fire pit area to start the search. I did a grid search and found the rind after 10 minutes searching. Because the soil in our area is sand based the ring was already an inch under the surface. Ed was happy to have his ring back.

A Pier-side Miracle: Recovering a Lost Engagement Ring at Port Hueneme

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)
Title: How to Find a Lost Ring in the Sand at Hueneme Beach: Dave’s Triumph
Imagine a peaceful afternoon on the Port Hueneme pier, feeding birds with your fiancé, when a toss sends your family heirloom engagement ring into the wet sand below Hueneme Beach. Panic hits, but hope arrives with Dave MacDonald Ringfinder at I’m the expert in how to find a lost ring in the sand at Hueneme Beach in Port Hueneme, and Haelei’s call sparked my predawn mission.
I hit Hueneme Beach at 5 a.m., timing the low tide to scour beneath the pier. Recent high tides had flooded the area, shrinking my window, but I gridded the sand anyway—a skill honed for how to find a lost ring in the sand at Hueneme Beach. Clearing metal trash near Port Hueneme’s pillars, a sharp tone rang out. One precise scoop later, the engagement ring gleamed—a victory snatched from the tide.
Timing and tenacity won the day at Hueneme Beach, reuniting love with its symbol.
How to Find a Lost Ring in the Sand at Hueneme Beach? Call Dave!
Lost a ring in the sand at Hueneme Beach in Port Hueneme? I’m Dave MacDonald, your guide to how to find a lost ring in the sand at Hueneme Beach. Visit or call/text 805-290-5009. Act fast—I’ll recover it beneath Port Hueneme’s pier!
Lost ring at Hueneme Beach sand? Dave MacDonald finds it—call 805-290-5009!

Ring lost at Mission Bay found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Brendan and his family were visiting here in San Diego. On their last night here, they had a bonfire on the beach. While opening a plastic bag, it popped loose suddenly, and Brendan’s wedding ring went flying into the dry sand and disappeared. Not knowing exactly where, or, even which direction it went, it was impossible to find without a metal detector. An online search for help resulted, and I got a call the next morning. As luck would have it, I was only a couple of blocks away presiding over our local detecting club monthly meeting. Brendan explained the situation and that they were leaving town in the early afternoon, so, time was fairly important in getting his ring back before they headed to the airport. The meeting soon ended and I headed over to conduct the search. We met at the site and Brendan gave me a good idea as to where ground zero was. I started a spiral pattern out from that point. First “good” sounding target ended up being a pull tab. Second good sounding target read the same, and was Brendan’s ring. A relieved Brendan can now head home with his wedding band on his finger. A pleasure to meet you Brendan, and thank you for the reward.

Lost wedding ring in Lake Howell, Casselberry, Florida….Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

How many times have you put something in your pocket only to find later that it was no longer there? It happens all the time and my last call was from a young, newly married man who had this very thing happen to him. He explained how he had his 4 day old wedding ring on his finger and as he was walking down to the dock to do a little fishing he thought how terrible it would be to lose his ring while casting out over the water and he did not want that to happen. So he took off his ring and slipped it into his pocket along with his cell phone. Now that his ring was safely tucked away he walked out to the end of the dock and began to fish. It wasn’t long before someone gave him a call and he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to answer. And the unthinkable happened as he heard his 4 day old, white gold wedding ring hit the dock and then the unmistakable sound of it dropping into the water below. Stunned and shocked he could not believe it! How could this happen and why and how was he going to tell his wife and how could he ever retrieve it? All these questions flooded into his mind and then…a thought came to him…from God, I believe. “Metal Detector!” So he typed that into his phone and web site came up. He could hardly believe that there was, and is, a service that offers hope and help to people who find themselves in desperate need to find something that has been lost!

I met Julian the next morning and he showed me where he dropped his ring. He said the water was only a few feet deep but I usually take a pole with markers on it to indicate the water depth…and it showed a little over 7 feet deep. (I am learning to take all my equipment on these types of searches as I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it!). As we loaded my gear and walked onto the dock we spotted a large southern water snake…that looks allot like our cottonmouth or water moccasin and I assured Julian that he was just sunning himself and looking for smaller prey and I had nothing to be afraid of. I set up my ladder and tied it off to the dock and laid my scuba tank with the valve hanging over the edge. I attached my octo/regs, put on my weight belt and mask, grabbed my hand held Scuba Tector with the 6 inch coil and slowly descended into the cool murky waters. Visibility was only 10 to 12 inches so I carefully made my way to the corner piling of the dock sweeping the small detector as I went along. Targets were numerous and being as Julian had just dropped his ring the day before I figured to be looking for a surface target. The silt was minimal and I found it fairly easy going as I settled into a routine. Sweep the detector, hear a signal, feel through the top 2 inches of silt and sand and then onto the next target. It took 15 minutes of searching to find that unmistakeable feel of a large mans ring and then I slowly made my way to the surface. As I lifted my hand out of the water to show Julian his ring I could see the relief and joy on his face as he lifted his hands towards heaven and said thank you over and over again!

How can I help you find something that you’ve lost? Call or text ASAP!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of

Wedding Ring Lost in Whangarei Garden – Found.

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Ring Finder – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost ring? Lost necklace? Lost keys?… Metal Detector Service – Call ASAP 021 401626

Wendy posted on her local Whangarei community group asking for a metal detector or help to locate her wedding ring, someone suggested that she contact me.

She had noticed it missing one evening, however she had a fairly good idea of where it may have been lost. Walking her dog that day, the wayward beastie had snatched the lead out of her hand – Or it might have been when she was putting up some garden fencing….?
We headed to where the dog had pulled the lead out of her hand first, as it was in a public area so highest risk of being picked up – As soon as we arrived, I could tell it was probably not there due to a highly manicured lawn, surrounded by pavement and asphalt. It would have been easily seen, or heard if it bounced off the hard surfaces. The lawn had been mown since the loss, so for good measure I checked the pile of clippings – Nothing.
Plan B, head for the garden.
I switched coils on the machine to the tiny 6″ unit in order to get in and around all the undergrowth and started systematically working my way around the garden.
About 3/4 of the way around, tucked just under the fence and under a layer of mulch was Wendys ring, invisible to the eye, and in that location probably unlikely to have been disturbed for many years – if ever.

Ring lost, found and returned in Newton, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

My wife and I were just home from a mini getaway. When I received a call from Leighton, another Ring Finder asking me if I could help in a ring search as he was unable to do a search the next day. Definitely I can. Besides, it would be another day away from home with my wife, going places we had never been before.

I called Neil and was told the specifics and that he had also contacted Kent, another Ring Finder and friend of mine. A time for the search was set for the next morning. As a courtesy I called Kent, who also had work commitments on Saturday and would not be able to meet up for the morning search. It was on me with moral support from my wife on this search.

After a walk over the area and explanation that Neil also did some lake weed cutting to clear a launch area for his kayaks. By this time my wife had made friends with Ruby, Neil’s race track rescue Dalmatian. I put on my water gear, did a quick scan over the track between the house and dock area, Nothing, it was then into the water and just a few minutes later I heard a perfect signal, took a shallow scoop and there it was. Neil’s ring was in my scoop. I walked a few steps back to Neil so he could remove the ring from the scoop and put it back on his finger while repeatedly expressing his gratitude. Picture time followed.

I always try to put interest into the “ring shot” and this time was no different. Ruby showed interest in my gear and held still while posing with the ring on her forehead for a perfect photo.

Neil insisted in buying breakfast for my wife and me. We had watched the Phantom Gourmet the day before and had planned to stop at the pick of the show, which was Ronnie Waffles, on our way home. That was a sweet, happy ending to an anguishing day Neil had experienced. A perfect ending to an outstanding week.

Gold and diamond wedding band lost, recovered and returned in Broomall, PA!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Shawn reached out to me via text today after finding me in the Ring Finders directory. We got on the phone together and he shared with me the details surrounding the disappearance of his wife’s white gold and diamond wedding band. Apparently yesterday afternoon his wife decided to take their 15 month old boy on a stroll around the neighborhood. After getting him situated in the stroller she removed her 3 ring wedding set(2 identical white gold diamond bands and a solitaire diamond ring) to put sun block on the baby and placed all 3 rings on the top of the stroller. She forgot to put them back on before starting the stroll and made it about 6 blocks before noticing them there. Unfortunately at that point only 2 rings were still there…1 of the bands fell off somewhere during the walk. I got to their house in Broomall, PA around 4 pm that same day. Shawn and I re-enacted the whole incident and walked the entire path where his wife strolled with the baby. It was a poured concrete sidewalk with grass on both sides. It was a pretty large search area! Shawn said he spent 4-5 hours searching the day before just with his eyes and with a flashlight at night. He even considered buying or renting a metal detector before deciding to call me. As I always do, the first thing I do is a quick demonstration of my equipment to give confidence that we wont miss it if I get over it. The great thing about this particular situation is that Shawn had the 2nd identical band that I was able to scan with my machine(Minelab Equinox 800) to see exactly what # it would ring up as. In the case of this band it was a solid 9-10 every time. With that info I was able to set my detector to just zero in on that target id. As I always do I brought a back up detector with me which I also set up to just zero-in on that 9-10 target. Shawn was all to happy to join the search by manning the 2nd detector and with him on right and me on left…we went to work. As an experienced detectorist I knew what to listen for so I was able to move pretty fast…Shawn to his credit was doing a pretty good job himself but maybe a little distracted by some errant sounds and trashy signals. Anyway we got about 4 blocks into the search and I felt like this was the most likely place the ring fell off…It was a little downhill and the sidewalk was bumpy. I was ahead of Shawn on left and got the perfect signal I was looking for…a screaming surface 9-10 signal. It was deep grass but I didn’t even look down…I knew what it was! I called Shawn over with the other detector and told him to sweep right where I pointed. When his detector start screaming with a 9-10 signal he looked at me with amazement…do you think that’s it? I said look….and sure enough there it was!!!!

Shawn readily admitted that no way he would have ever found the ring with out a metal detector and most likely wouldn’t have found it even if he bought or rented one. I tell people all the time that the experience of the detectorist is as important as the machine itself. To finish the story…Shawn texted me later to tell me his wife was beyond  ecstatic about having her complete set of rings back on her finger!

Metal detecting service now in the Eau Claire, WI area

  • from Eau Claire (Wisconsin, United States)

I have been detecting for many years and, now that I am retired and have more time, I joined The Ring Finders organization.  Over the years, I have had the privilege of returning objects of monetary or sentimental value found while enjoying the hobby.  However, often the owner of a randomly found item cannot be determined.  Thanks to The Ring Finders site, I’m now have the chance to now use my experience and equipment to find and return a valuable lost item when the owner is known.  I can be found on if you need help in the Eau Claire area.

High School Class Ring Lost in Chattanooga TN for 16 Years…Found

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

High School Ring Lost for 16 Years, Found!

I had a guy to contact me several months ago about a high school class ring he had lost in 2005.  He had since moved out of state up to Pennsylvania.  This weekend being Mother’s day he was in town visiting family and had obtained permission from the current homeowners to do a search in the yard.  So this has been several months in the making.  He thought it was white gold, but wasn’t certain.  I wasn’t sure what kind of signal I would get on my CTX, and I knew it would be several inches deep, so I was doomed to dig just about everything.  I started up towards the house and worked my way down to the street, drawing my grid lines.  I had been there about three hours and had dug a bag full of trash and modern coins.  It’s slow going when you have to dig nearly everything.  We had only about five feet of yard left before we got to the street when I got a signal that at first looked like trash.  The CTX didn’t give me a VDI number, (I think there was trash very nearby), but I did have a consistent tone and a small tight target identification picture on the screen.  Since it was consistent I dug it and out popped a ring that had been in the ground for 16 years.  It was 3-4 inches deep, a little deeper than I thought it might be.  Another happy ring owner!

Lost Gold Wedding Band Recovered In Pasadena, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

It’s been a while since I’ve been contacted by someone in distress after losing something precious to them. That changed on Friday, May 7th when I received a call from Tim. He was out digging a trench to run electric to his shed when he realized his wedding band was missing. Here is how things went down in Tim’s own words.

“It was a Friday evening when I realized I lost my wedding band while digging a trench in my backyard earlier in the day.  My first thought was to rush out and buy a metal detector.  I did some quick research and realized  I had no experience. I would be lucky to find anything. After doing some more internet searches, I found Ring Finders.  At 9 o’clock at night I sent a text to Jim Wagner.  Little did I know he was close by.  He answered me right away and committed to showing up at my house at 7:30 the next morning.  He told me that if the ring was outside, he would find it.  True to his word, Jim was at my house at 7:30 with a smile and full of understanding. He started at one end of the trench and worked toward the other end while I nervously watched. He found my ring within 15 minutes.  Jim is a talented individual and it was a pleasure meeting him. I can’t thank him enough.”

Tim-Pasadena, Md.