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Huge cuban link gold bracelets lost Marco Island Naples Found

  • from Marco Island (Florida, United States)

Lost GOLD FOUND! After spending a day on the beach and getting ready to call it a day, it took several guys to get the boat off the sandbar. That’s when it happened, while making a quick phone call, he realized that both of his bracelets that he’d safely stowed in his dry bag were missing. Well, it’s only lost until you call. Having receive the call for help, we coordinated a plan to get there by boat, carefully checked the tide charts, and arranged the time and place to meet. Long story short, the bracelets are back where they belong. A picture is often better than a thousand words, take a look, you judge for yourself. Congratulation again Gustavo!!!

lost gold bracelets Marco island naples found

Lost Ring Found in Wakefield RI.

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On June 5, I received a call from Sarah, requesting help to find a ring she had lost in her yard. When I arrived, she explained that the ring was her father’s ring and that he passed away recently.  She had his ring on her thumb and was doing some yard work.  When she noticed that the ring was missing, she called a friend, who I had helped to find a ring a couple of years ago.  The friend recommended that Sarah call me. I searched her yard and was concerned, because it was getting dark.  After 45 minutes of searching, I located the ring.  She was so happy to have her father’s ring back, and I was excited to be able to reunite her with this precious item.

Gold Cartier Love Ring Lost in the Sand Found Avalon NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Josephine sent me a text asking for help to find her ring on the beach in Avalon, NJ. She lost her gold Cartier Love ring while throwing a ball. It flew off her finger and was was swallowed by the sand instantly. Her ring is very sentimental to her because it was a gift from her grandfather. After a quick search with my metal detector, the ring was recovered!
Check out my website for more info and stories!
#ringfindernj #theringfinders #lostringfinderjohn #nj #ringfinderssouthjersey #lostring #ringfinders #ringfinders #Avalon #avalonnj #coolerbyamile


Lost Gold/Diamond Ring in Chattanooga-Found

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

This lady had lost her gold and diamond ring in her yard on the day before, during a family event. I found the ring in less than 30 minutes about 4-5 feet from the edge of the driveway.

Wedding Ring lost In Sand Found North Wildwood NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


I received a call from Tim about his wife, Regina’s, wedding band that was lost in the sand in North Wildwood, NJ. He explained that the ring was in his pocket and must have fell out when he pulled his keys out. Shortly after my arrival and a quick search with my metal detector, the wedding band was found! It was another awesome day on the beach and it felt great to hear Regina comment that I helped “save the vacation.” Now the ring is safely back on her finger, and the family can continue to relax and enjoy the rest of the week!

Check out my website for more info and stories!

north wildwood nj  north wildwood njmetal detector Avalon nj

Lost Gold Ring Underwater Found by Dowsing Rod at Argo Park Ann Arbor Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Rapid Eye Movement…

….Is a unique phase of sleep with humans, helping a person to dream. But what happened to Abe was no dream but rather a nightmare. While getting out of a raft Abe and his fiancée decided to body surf down a rock waterslide. When they reached the bottom, the rapids tossed them around. Arriving on shore the ring his father gave him was missing. A few searches last week brought no luck. With wedding plans in the near future, Abe began to wonder how he would explain the loss of the ring to his mom when he visits her soon, and his dad who he chats with regularly. Time is of the essence. On site today, as I observed the quickness and unsafe look of the slippery rocks and rapids, I thought that I’d try to see if my Dowsing Rod would reveal any information to help narrow down where to look. While I showed Abe how to prepare the snorkel masks from fogging, I took a few readings with the dowsing rod and got 2 targets close together. He said that was the general area where they got roughed up. Entering the turbulent water with pin pointers, snorkel masks and a metal detector, we slowly crept thru the sharp rocks. Abe started to search on the far side of the rapids, and I started to search the close side, avoiding the strong current of the main rapids. After a few minutes Abe came up with the clad half dollar coin that was in his pocket! So, we felt that we were close to where his ring may be, and now I hoped that this was one of the two objects that the dowsing rod picked up on. As I scanned the metal detector it gave out a few signals around some rocks, but the current was too strong to operate the detector. Taking it back to shore I returned with the pin pointer. Submerging below the surface the current was almost unbearable. I had to anchor my feet on some tall rocks and balance myself. At first all I saw was tons of bubbles racing past my snorkel mask, and while exhilarating, my thoughts wondered if this is what being inside a bottle of champaign would be like. Refocusing on the task at hand I noticed a lull in the clusters of bubbles. During these moments I was able to do a visual form of REM by rapidly moving my eyes to see the bottom and where the rocks were that the metal detector signaled near. And of course, they were a few feet away! Moving carefully, I was able to get within reach of the rocks. Poking around the base of one of them the pin pointer buzzed, but as I had seen lots of bottle caps under the water, I figured this was another. Letting go of the pin pointer the lanyard kept it from drifting as I felt around the rock, I felt the edge of a round object. As I pulled it up, another clear cycle of no bubbles appeared, I saw that it was Abe’s ring! Regaining my footing I yelled out to him as I held the ring towards the blue sky! He zoomed towards me and could not believe it. We got to shore as quick as we could so he could show his fiancée. They were both totally elated and thrilled with the rapid response.


25th Wedding Anniversary Vacation Catastrophe Averted – Found and Returned Holden Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Wednesday at 1:24 pm I received a text from Kimberly saying, in part “Hello are you a metal detector service?  My husband’s ring just slipped off his finger in choppy ocean. Not sure if it’s even possible to find, Holden Beach.” I didn’t see the text until an hour later and responded that I was and to please call me. After a while and no response, I called her and she put her husband, Jeff on the phone. Jeff said he was in about waist deep water between 1 and 1:30 pm. Taking a quick look at the tide charts, high tide was going to be close to 3 pm and the next low tide was a little after 10 pm. I told Jeff I’d be there at 8 pm and got the address. As the afternoon progressed, I started thinking about the dropping tide, the time he lost his ring and what time sunset would be. Getting there at 8 would give me less than an hour to search before it was dark. I normally don’t have a problem searching at night, but this year there’s been terrible rip currents along the east coast. I didn’t want to become a statistic hunting at night because I couldn’t keep an eye on the ocean conditions. I also thought that since he lost his ring within 2 hours of high tide, that 4 hours after high tide the ring should be reachable. So, I text Jeff saying I’d be there by 6:45. I showed up on time and met Jeff. As we walked out on the beach is when I learned that he had been throwing a football. My first question was “are you left or right-handed?” He responded right-handed, which meant he didn’t throw the ring off. He said he actually saw the ring come off his finger and sink. He tried diving for it but to no avail. As I’m walking out to the surf I noticed the sea breeze really kicking up the waves – not good! Jeff pointed out the area and I started with a parallel grid search to the surf, and after 4 or 5 lines, I switched to a perpendicular grid search heading out in the ocean. I was having a horrible time trying to keep a straight grid line because of the waves and current. After 2 hours of searching with no luck, losing daylight, and just plain getting beat to death with the waves and current I called it a night. I knew the ring was there, but with the noise and interference I was getting in the headset from the detector, I was sure I walked right over the ring and didn’t hear a tone. I told Jeff I’d be back at 9 the next morning.

The next morning came quick, but I was ready for the task. I showed up a little early and hit the beach. This time I brought my White’s PI, a great machine but it doesn’t give any indication of depth or type target it hits, just a solid tone. So, there’s a lot more digging involved than with the Equinox 800 that I used the day before. I started a perpendicular grid search straight out from the beach as far as I could get out before hitting the last sand bar where the waves break hard. Probably about 35-40 minutes and half way through the search area, I got a solid steady tone. I was pretty sure this had to be Jeff’s ring; normally trash (bottle caps, pull tabs, and other junk) doesn’t make it out as far as I was away from the shoreline. Two scoops of sand and I had the target out of the hole and in the scoop. I shook the sand out in the water, looked in the scoop and BINGO, I had a gold ring in the scoop. I had seen a picture that Jeff’s son had posted on a FB page showing Jeff’s ring and I knew I had his ring. I packed up my stuff from the beach and headed up to their rental house to give Jeff the good news. About half way up the beach I looked up and saw Jeff walking my way, he didn’t say a word. I made the comment that it was starting to get rough, as I reached in my pocket, pulled out his ring and held it up for him to see. No doubt, he was more than excited. I handed him his ring and he turned around towards the house, held it in the air, and yelled “He found it!” His entire family had been watching me and saw when I stopped searching and started digging. Then everyone watched as I walked out of the water, picked up my stuff and started walking their way. My understanding is they thought I might have found it but no one wanted to say it. Within seconds, Kimberly came running down the beach to hug Jeff. There were a couple of tears being wiped away, but they were happy tears. I’m not sure if this was actually their 25th Anniversary vacation with family but they are celebrating 25 years of marriage in Oct.

Jeff/Kimberly – Thank you for trusting me and The Ring Finders to help find your lost treasure. An early Very Happy Anniversary to you both and now you have one more chapter to add to your ring’s story. Best wishes to you both. And Thank You for Everything!

Grandma – Thank you for all your prayers, they helped.



Lost White Gold Diamond Stud Earring Found in River Rouge Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)


….Even though anyone can be a father, it takes a special kind of person to be a dad. When Rico is asked what’s the best part of being a dad is, the journey or the destination, he always answered it’s being in the company of his family. On that note, his wife and children presented him with a pair of diamond stud gold earrings this afternoon for fathers day in the presence of family and friends at an outdoor gathering. Totally taken by surprise he quickly put them on and began to enjoy the gorgeous day, BBQ, socializing and yard games. Early this afternoon after taking a seat to relax he reached up and noticed one of the earrings was missing. Upon standing and making the announcement, all the dad jokes, conversations and the laughter of children went silent as the mood turned somber. On site we moved all the metal chairs and tables out of the way. Taking a metal detector reading from the other earring stud I knew what number to look for on the detector meter. I started to grid search over the ground and got lots of junk metal signals. Closing in on where Rico had been I got a nice repeatable signal and the earring stud came out of hiding! Shaking his hand saying happy dad’s day he said thank you for rescuing it! It’s my pleasure was my reply and by the way, your family makes great BBQ and sides!


Wedding and Engagement Rings Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned Carolina Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This ring search started off as a missed call shortly before 3:30 pm on Saturday, Jun 11th. I called back and spoke to Daniel, who wanted to know if I was the Ring Finder who could help him find his wife Kat’s Wedding and Engagement rings. I acknowledged yes and he asked what information I needed from him. I told him I needed the area and whether the rings were lost in the water or dry sand. He said dry sand, and then I asked him if there was a chance the area would be covered in water with the incoming tide. He responded no that they had set up far enough up the beach that the tide wouldn’t be an issue. Then he asked if he needed to be there. I told him yes and that putting me in the right spot raised the percentage of me finding the rings. He then asked the cost and I told him that I do this on a reward or gratuity basis. He was fine with everything, so I told him to send me an address and I’d let him know an ETA. Once he sent the address and I plugged it in the GPS, my ETA was an hour and a half later.

Once I got there, parking became an issue. Finally parked and then stood there with another couple trying to figure out how the pay to park worked. It wasn’t an easy thing, especially when the kiosk wouldn’t recognize the couple’s debit card. That’s about the time Kat called me to let me know they were there. They took care of my parking and then we headed to the beach. Kat walked ahead to find the spot, while I got my equipment. Once in the area, Daniel pointed out the 4 holes their tent made when they set it up. I asked Kat what the rings were made of and she stated White Gold, one engagement ring and the other was the wedding ring. So I knew I was looking for low numbers on the Equinox screen’s for the VDIs. I started a grid search at the back holes. If you ever notice, when people are sitting under tents on the beach, all their stuff is towards the back. In this case, Kat had taken off her rings and put them in her short’s pocket so she could apply suntan lotion and laid the shorts towards the back of the tent. She and Daniel enjoyed the day, and when they got ready to leave she put her shorts back on, packed everything up and left the beach. At some point after leaving the beach, she remembered the rings were in her pocket or so she thought. When she checked her pockets – no rings! Sometime after that is when Daniel did a Google search about finding a lost ring and one of my blogs popped up. So, I’m doing my grid search and on the 3rd line I got a 5 on the VDI. I was fairly certain this was one of her rings, knowing it wouldn’t be deep: I was being extremely careful and couldn’t get the target in the scoop. Finally on my 3rd try I had her engagement ring. I reached in the scoop, pulled it out and held it up for her. She got excited! I figured if one was there, the other one wouldn’t be too far away. Swung my coil and hit a 7 on the VDI, Boom!! I had her wedding band. She was so thankful she had both rings back. I got a big hug from Kat and a firm handshake and thank you from Daniel. I really love being a part of The Ring Finders, there’s no greater feeling than handing back a treasure that they thought was lost forever.

Kat/Daniel – Thank you so much for trusting me and The Ring Finders to help find your lost treasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip home.



Diamond Engagement ring found in Central Ontario

I was contacted by a lady early last week about her soon to be daughter in law, having lost her custom made diamond engagement ring. They had been working in the backyard, cleaning up old flower beds and trimming trees, for preparations of upcoming wedding reception. She had removed her ring and placed it inside a zippered pocket, to avoid loosing her precious ring. However, she was also using the same pocket to carry fence ties in order to put up a new fence. Somehow, while in the process of reaching for the ties multiple times over the course of the afternoon, her diamond ring fell out. After looking for a couple days with friends and metal detectors with no success, I was asked to come down and try to find the ring for them. An hour or so into the search, found the ring under foliage, on the neighbour’s side of the fence, in thick vegetation. The lady was absolutely ecstatic and extremely happy the ring was found. Unfortunately, I did not get to meet the young lady and her fiancé, since they live out of town and weren’t there during the search. But did get a very appreciative phone call. Very happy to be able to reunite them with their custom ring and in time for their upcoming wedding. They respectfully requested not to use their pictures or video to protect their privacy. All ends well with another happy customer. 😊