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Man’s 14K White Gold Wedding Band Lost in the Ocean – FOUND in the Sand at Litchfield Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call in the early evening on 8/19 from Kevin, who with his family, was visiting from Virginia. He told me he was body surfing and was knocked into his daughter by a wave when he felt his wedding ring slip off his finger. He said he pretty much gave it up as gone forever but then later saw how much difference there was between high and low tide and thought there might be hope. He found me through The Ring Finders site and asked if I could help try and find it.

He gave me the location and a description of the ring and after checking the tide tables, I saw that the low tide was at 5:33 am the next morning. So after doing the calculations of drive and search times I told Kevin I’d be there by 4:30 in the morning and that he didn’t have to meet me there that early and I’d call him when I found the ring. I set my alarm for 3 am, which is way to early and dark to start a search for a ring but it worked. I got there about 4:15 am and marched off the 75 yards Kevin said he paced from the dunes and added another 25 yards. Kevin also told me it was about 5-10 yards north of the stairs of the beach access and I made it 15 yards. Dragging my scoop behind me I made a nice little search grid that put me right in the middle of the mid-tide line. I’m thinking this is a good sign and there is hope in finding this ring.

After a north/south grid search and finding nothing, I started an east/west grid over the same area and on my first line I extended my search grid to the low tide line. Coming back on the 3rd line, I got the one and only signal I had and Bingo. The ring ended up being buried about 4-5 inches deep and about 105 yards from the dunes. Naturally my head lamp batteries were too weak to show enough light but luckily I had grabbed a flashlight out of the car before I hit the beach and what I had in the scoop matched his description. I texted him at 5:17 am saying “Good morning, does this look familiar?” and added a picture of his ring. Got a response in about a minute saying “Incredible”. I also told him I was going to go eat breakfast and I’d be back about 6:30, this would give him a chance to wake up. When I got back, him, his wife Kristi and 2 young daughters were walking towards the beach. We introduced ourselves and then proceeded out to the beach so he could see where I found it. He told me that since he was getting his ring back that it was such a great start to the day that he and the family would watch the sunrise. And what a sunrise it was!!

Total search time was 45 minutes.

Kevin and Kristi – Thank you for the very generous reward and the opportunity to help you get your treasure back.

Kevin did all the right things in ensuring he had the best opportunity in getting his ring back – he paced off the approximate location and had land marks to his lost ring.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Jim Wren/The Ring Finders/843-655-5889

Lost Platinum & Diamonds Engagement ring at Waimanalo Beach……FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)



So two successful ring finds in one day on opposite sides of the island and I’m feeling pretty stoked. I’m cruising home it’s 7 PM, getting dark and my phone rings so I pull over to answer it. It’s Don my fellow ring finder. He tells me he just got a call from Dylan from San Francisco, CA who is leaving at 11 AM the next morning. His fiance Majolyn lost her engagement ring on Waimanalo Beach and Don has to be at work in the AM so he wanted to know if i could take it. Hey, he’s calling now I’ll do what I can. Dylan & I arranged to meet at his vacation rental at first light to see if we could find the ring. Story goes Dylan & Majolyn had gone down to the beach to take some photos. While she was holding her nieces hand a rush of water came up and while trying to hold on her ring got pulled off. Majolyn immediately put her hand down to retrieve the ring but the next wave erased that idea. It was gone! Devastated, she and Dylan had the foresight to note exactly where they were on the beach. I arrived at the vacation rental about 515 AM it was still dark. I asked Dylan whose vehicle he wanted to take and he said we can walk the beach was just beyond my headlights view. We grabbed my gear and walked to the beach together. Dylan showed and explained the scenario to me and I told him I would start my search high on the beach and work down to the surf. Our east side surf is the worst nearly year round. I was dreading having to go into it and trying to remain stable enough to search properly. Also I never searched this beach so I was unfamiliar with the trash situation. My first pass was silent and so was the second. On the third pass the gnarliest sound came across the Excalibur. That’s either a hunk of trash or a very ornate ring. Three scoops down I finally had the target and not wanting to knock a diamond loose if it was the ring I went to the waters edge to rinse my scoop gently. Voila! That is one gorgeous ring in the scoop with just enough dawn’s early light to see it. I yelled up to Dylan & Majolyn “Got It” Dylan gave me the biggest bear hug I’ve had in a long time and Majolyn was so grateful and in disbelief it only took two minutes. Vacation ends on a high note! Three successful ring finds in exactly 18 hours is certainly tops for me. Aloha to Dylan & Majolyn.

Lost Men’s Wedding Band at Turtle Bay Resort….FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)



After the successful ring search at Hilton Hawaiian Village I had a call on my phone from Ashley from Birmingham, Alabama. Apparently her husband Adam returned from the beach and after going back to the room to retrieve his ring hidden in his shoe with his wallet it was no where to be found. They scoured their room and the path to the area they were at on the beach but it was gone. It was nearly 3 PM and rush hour traffic was soon to be upon us. I rushed home to get a bite to eat then immediately got on the road for Turtle Bay which is 48.6 miles from my house. That’s about the farthest destination on Oahu for me. Surprisingly I was able to make it in about an hour and a half. Adam & Ashley met me at the beach shower and we walked over to the area they were on at the beach to start the search. We marked off the sand the size of a parking stall and I went to work. It only took 5 minutes and the area was sterile. Not a single target. This wasn’t going to be easy as now we had to retrace the long path they took back to their hotel room. Miraculously Ashley found a picture on her phone that she took earlier in the day that showed exactly with landmarks where they were on the beach. The new search area was about 20 feet to the East and a family was occupying that spot. They kindly offered to move and I started again. Ten seconds later a brand new quarter and a moment after that the roar of a ring. One scoop down and Adam was beaming with a smile of relief. Honeymoon saved. Aloha to Adam & Ashley.


Lost Platinum Diamond Engagement Ring at Hilton Hawaiian Village…..FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

On Monday David Sheldon a Ring Finder on Maui passed a lost ring on Oahu to Don Bryant. Since I’m very familiar with the Hilton Hawaiian Village area Don asked me to join him on the hunt. A 1 carat diamond ring is so special we weren’t going to let one of the other detectorists snag it. We met Brian & Brittany at the beach to get details. Brittany entered the water and the rocks were hurting her feet. Brian told her to just dive in and swim towards him where it was sandy. She did and on the second stroke her ring came off. They searched fruitlessly for a few hours and had to give up. That’s when they Googled lost ring and found David. When we started the search the tide was up and the rocky area was murky and it was all Don and I could do to dig targets. After three hours we had fishing lures, weights, coins and two other rings but not Brittany’s. The best time to search this area is at low tide which was 1209 PM the next day. I was able to get off from work but Don is extremely busy this time of year. We told Brian and Brittany I would be back at noon and give it another shot and bring scuba gear if necessary. After searching another hour the next day with nothing but more change and lead weights I asked Brittany if she could demonstrate for me as much as possible in the water what she did. It turns out she realized she was much further out than she originally imagined. Great, deeper and clearer water. I shifted my grid search and on the start of my second leg the sound of a platinum ring was screaming in my headphones. I slipped under water with my snorkel but couldn’t see the ring. I turned on my underwater pin-pointer and there about 2 inches down a shiny object came to the surface. Wow! That was a big rock compared to the Size 6 ring. I stood up and yelled to Brittany who was now tanning on the beach. “I think I got your ring” “Really, are you kidding?” she replied. I said, “Come out and look…no stay there I’ll come to you.” As we met on the beach I could see the emotions pouring from Brittany’s face. Overjoyed and a sigh of relief were so apparent. She immediately put the ring back on her finger and gave me a tremendous hug and thanks. She called Brian who was in the room and he rushed down to see what they thought was gone forever. Now their vacation could begin in an upbeat fashion. Aloha to Brittany & Brian.

Platinum Ring Flys off Finger Swatting at Bees … Found One Year after Loss

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Sunday .. August 8, 2015

Two  men’s wedding rings found and returned in Irvine, Calif. two separate locations, same day, three blocks from each other.

Over a year and a half ago I received a call from Irene. Her husband Stacy had been out for a run, he stopped for a minute and was attacked by a couple bees. When he swatted at them, his platinum wedding band flew off his finger. It seemed to go into some low ground cover foliage or into larger landscape bushes in the background. I suspected that the ring may be in the ground cover, but it was 3 ft. wide 30 to 40 ft long and more than 12″ deep with thick undergrowth. I could not find the ring.
It was city property that would probably be cultivated within the next few months. Irene called me later that summer saying she had noticed gardeners working the area.
I was out of town so I asked Rick Rolsheim, a friend of mine, search for the ring. It was not ready to be found.
Last Sunday, after finding a wedding ring for Brandon at a baseball stadium in Irvine, I kept thinking about Stacy’s lost ring only a couple blocks away from where I was now.
On my way home after finding Brandon’s ring, I drove by where the bee ring was lost and I could see some changes to landscape. So I gave it one more try. This time the ground cover had less foliage. It may have been because we have a drought in California. They have not been watering the plant very often. I could only use a pinpointer, but I proceeded 3 inches at a time. I worked about 8ft by 3ft. Then, “Bingo” the ring was found.
I still had Stacy’s wife’s cell number. Gave her a call and I could hear how surprised she was. Stacy was able to pick it up within 30 minutes. He had already replaced the lost ring, but he told me this one was more important as it was the one that Irene had given him on their wedding day.. Sorry for the long story. It did happen to be a long search. Lost 5/18/14 .. Found 8/9/15


Lost Tungsten Wedding Ring .. Found in aPark .. Irvine , CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday Aug. 8, 2015

Brandon was at the PGF softball platinum championships .. Illinois Sparks vs KC Sparks played at Barber Park, Irvine, CA. He helps out with the event. Just before the game started he rinsed of his hands with some ice water. Standing outside the announcer’s booth he shook his hands and his tungsten wedding band hit the cement walkway bouncing into the landscape shrubs which sloped 30 ft. downhill.
He asked me if I had a extension for my metal detector because he thought the ring may be far under the shrubbery. It’s hard to tell what conditions we are dealing with while talking on a cell phone. I grabbed a long extension pole and a rake throwing them in my truck. Possibly I could tape a pinpointer to long pole. I wouldn’t know till o get there.
The shrubs covered a whole area about 30ft. down a 45% slope. There was actually about 12 to 16 inches under the shrubs that allowed me to climb beneath with a pinpointer. After that we raked the leaves down the hill where I passed the detector over the leaves. Brandon was raking the last section of leaves to the bottom of the slope when I heard him yell out.. I found it!! As he raked the last pile of leaves the ring being heavier fell out on the clear ground, making it easy to spot. The ring had bounced or rolled more than 25 ft down the slope through partially leaf covered hard packed soil settling beneath the leaves. It was getting to be that time of the search where we only had one more place to try. Things were looking bleak. The whole search was about an hour and a half, but we didn’t give up. Sure glad I brought a rake. These searches get emotional especially when it gets close to giving up. Then that last minute surprise pushes all the built up pressure to a joy of the recovery!! I really don’t have the words to express this. Brandon did tell me that this would definitely put him in good standing with his wife..


Lost Diamond Earring Houston, Texas (Found) by John Volek

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Diamond Earring in Houston, Texas (Found)


I received a phone call today from Linda regarding her lost gold and diamond earring in the front lawn of her residence. Linda said she had lost her earring yesterday while walking across her front lawn to meet a neighbor at curbside. Linda said she had jumped over some short vegetation just prior to entering the grassy area of her front lawn. Linda said she had felt her earring come loose from her ear and then land some where in the grass.

Linda said she spent some time looking in the grass but could not find her missing earring. Linda said a short time later she posted a request on Facebook to borrow a metal detector. Linda said a short time later one of her friends responded to her post and forwarded her my information.

I met Linda at her residence this afternoon and we did a walk through of the events leading to the loss of her earring. Linda had the matched missing earring and I used it to refine my search with the CTX3030.

Linda’s smile tells the rest of the story…


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Equipment Used:

CTX 3030







The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.                                        Texas

Don’t wait… Call now!



Man’s Wedding Band Lost in the Sand – FOUND Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from Shana asking if I would help find a Silver Wedding Band lost in the sand at Sunset Beach NC. I told her I’d be glad to help but I was at the movies with my wife and I couldn’t be there until about 10pm, which she agreed to. After the movies, I called Shana to let her know I was on my way, dropped my wife off at home, grabbed my gear and headed for the beach.

I arrived just prior to 10pm and met Jake, who was the one that lost his ring, and his wife, Maria at the beach access path. On the way out to the beach Jake told me that he was playing volleyball and when he hit the ball his ring flew off, he also gave me a description of the ring. Luckily they had left the net up and set out small light loops in the area they thought the ring would be in. He also let me know that about 15 family members had been digging through the sand in an attempt to find it. I let him know, for future reference, that it’s not really a good idea to try and dig through the sand because you could actually be burying the ring  deeper.

I started a north/south grid along the length of the net and on the same side where he thought the ring was and found a few junk items but no ring. I then did an east/west grid over the same area and came up with nothing. I was getting a little concerned that the ring may have been buried due to all the digging. I took a couple of steps outside the playing area and the net pole on the far side to start an expanded search, took two steps in the new grid and Bingo. I knew immediately I had it. I took a shallow scoop, shook out the sand and there it was. I nonchalantly walked back over to Jake and asked him again to tell me exactly what he did when he felt the ring fly off his finger and then asked him to describe the ring again, once he finished I held the scoop up to him and asked him if his ring looked like this one. Once he shined his flashlight into the scoop and saw his ring he got an instant smile from ear to ear and so did Maria.  It doesn’t get any better than this! On the way back to the car, Maria let me know that they’re heading back home tomorrow so this was a Must find tonight.

Overall, this was an easy search but we were all surprised how far the ring flew from hitting the ball with open hands.

Jake and Maria – thank you for your generous reward and have a safe trip home.

Thank you for reading.



Lost Platinum Wedding Band .. In Sand .. San Clemente Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday 8-8-15

I was checking my emails early Saturday morning when I found that Louis had sent me an email at 11:30pm Friday night. He had lost a ring at the beach and wanted to know if I could help him find it.
I immediately sent him a reply asking him to call me as soon as possible, it was going to be a big day for beach goers. I still had no idea of what beach or when and how it was lost. I waited for his call curious about which beach the lost ring could be. If I could get on the road before 9am., I could get to most the beaches before people started laying out their beach towels and umbrellas.
Just about 8am Louis called giving me the information I needed to get on the road. He had been at San Clemente beach pier surfing with some friends Friday about 7pm. He had wrapped his wedding band in his shirt leaving it on the beach with his towel.. When they came in his friend picked up the shirt and the ring disappeared in the sand. Louis verbally gave me the location so I took off to claim the search area.
Louis was across town on the west side of Los Angeles. He said he would be driving to meet me but it was maybe an hour and a half drive. I arrived San Clemente Pier and started gridding in front of the landmarks that Louis gave me. It wasn’t long before the ring showed up in my sand scoop. I took a picture of it sending it to Louis in a text message.
When Louis showed up he praised me telling me that I may have save his marriage. I know he was joking but I’m sure it makes life better not to have to tell your spouse that your ring is lost forever. It was another good day for all. “TheRingFinders Rule”.


Wedding Ring Lost (found) in St. Petersburg, Florida

Wedding Ring Lost (found) in St. Petersburg, Florida

Thanks to SRARC… Logan is out of the dog house!
Natalie posted on the website “Next Door” for St. Pete’s Old NE neighborhood that her husband, Logan, had lost his wedding band while they were out walking the dog. SRARC member Paul Hill saw the post while at lunch after Church and gave them a call to find out more specific information. Upon returning home, Paul got right to work going over the area discussed (4 blocks of sidewalks). After 2 hours, no ring was found. Letting the temperature drop a bit, Paul headed back out for another hour. With no luck, Paul called and let them know that he could not find it but if they could narrow down the location, he would be happy to try again. The next day after Natalie looked at some pictures of their walk, they realized Logan didn’t have his ring on in any of them. That is when it hit Logan that he had played volleyball Sunday morning at a nearby park before they went on their walk. A text was sent to Paul, who said he would head over there as soon as he returned home later that day. Paul headed over to the courts with fellow SRARC member Stan Flack to try and find the ring. Upon arrival, all the courts were busy except the one that Logan had played on that previous day. Within two minutes, Stan had recovered the ring. They headed over and returned the ring to a very excited Logan who couldn’t believe it was found.
Thanks Paul and Stan for taking the time to help a neighbor.

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