beach metal detector service Tag | The Ring Finders


  • from Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida, United States)
Mobile Metal Detecting Service ready and able to help you now.. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ … Call or Text Adam 714-785-5111
I received a call last night from a woman who just got married on the beach. You know the traditional old saying “Something new, something borrowed, something blue and a Sixpence in your shoe”. Things a bride should have on them during their wedding for good luck. It turns out the the Sixpence has been in her family for decades and several family members have been married with this exact Sixpence. Since the ceremony was on the beach she was wearing sandals so she places the heirloom sixpence in her dress. After the wedding she noticed the sixpence was missing. She did a google search for metal detector specialist and contacted me. I met her early the next morning and searched the wedding location. Heirloom sixpence recovered and returned to owner. Family crises averted. 🙌🏻 #LostRingFlorida #MetalDetecting #LostRingJacksonville #MetalDetectorRental #RingFinderJacksonville #RingfinderFlorida #RingFinderPonteVedraBeach

Cape Cod: Lost Ring Found, with a little help from a friend.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

It is great to have a helpful and concerned friend in time of need. That is just what Greg was for Sam. Greg posted signs around the beach. At home he reached out to TheRingFinders for help in finding Sam’s wedding band; that is where I came in. Just hours after Sam’s wedding band had slipped from his finger into the crystal clear water and under the soft white sand Greg and I were exchanging pictures of the area of loss were exchanged and set a time to meet the next day.

Sam met Jim (my summer time detecting comrade) and myself just after sunrise, lead us down a one-way dirt road to a 3 car public parking area were we geared up and took a hike to the lake. After Sam answered a few questions about the loss, Jim and I headed out to the area believed to be where the ring had slipped from Sam’s finger.

I had dug three coins and then a ring. It was not as I had envisioned it and called back to Sam…“is it a square ring?” To which Sam asked “what do you mean?” “Well, not round” I called back. The resounding YES was probably be heard all over the lake. Jim looked puzzled and on my way back to shore I let Jim have a peek at the ring in my scoop. When I got back to shore Sam had the enjoyment of retrieving his ring from my scoop and placing it back where it belonged, on his finger. Time elapse…three minutes. The pictures tell it all!

Lost Diamond Earring Houston, Texas (Found) by John Volek

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Diamond Earring in Houston, Texas (Found)


I received a phone call today from Linda regarding her lost gold and diamond earring in the front lawn of her residence. Linda said she had lost her earring yesterday while walking across her front lawn to meet a neighbor at curbside. Linda said she had jumped over some short vegetation just prior to entering the grassy area of her front lawn. Linda said she had felt her earring come loose from her ear and then land some where in the grass.

Linda said she spent some time looking in the grass but could not find her missing earring. Linda said a short time later she posted a request on Facebook to borrow a metal detector. Linda said a short time later one of her friends responded to her post and forwarded her my information.

I met Linda at her residence this afternoon and we did a walk through of the events leading to the loss of her earring. Linda had the matched missing earring and I used it to refine my search with the CTX3030.

Linda’s smile tells the rest of the story…


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Equipment Used:

CTX 3030







The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.                                        Texas

Don’t wait… Call now!



Lost White Gold Wedding Band .. Venice Beach, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday Aug. 1, 2015

Kristy called me about 7pm from Venice Beach. She had lost he wedding ring believing it was in the sand at the beach. I was more than an hour and a half from her location. It would be dark before I got where she was. I asked for the details of how she lost it, before wasting her time waiting for me.
Kristy and her husband had spent the day with their two children at the beach. She put her two wedding rings in a pocket of her backpack. She believed that one of the rings may have fallen out sometime while getting things out of her backpack. She didn’t realize it was missing until she got back to the car. Returning to the lifeguard station near where they had been, the lifeguard on duty told her about TheRingFinders.
After I heard her story I told her there was a good possibility that the ring could be there. If she could wait to show me where they were sitting it could be an easy find.
Arriving at 8:30pm, we met in the Rose St.parking lot. Her husband had to stay with the kids who were sleeping in the car. Starting the search grid of about a 30 x 20 ft area. I drug my scoop down each side. I was looking for a small white gold wedding band. These can be tricky as they often sound like tin foil. The ring didn’t show up after covering that whole spot. Then Kristy told me that it could have fallen out at the nearby park. I told her to wait while I started to cross grid. I expanded 10ft outside the original box. The second pass north/south “Bam” a huge tinfoil sound. Wedding band in the scoop. I actually found it on the drag marker wher I had started my first pass. It’s game of inches as Chris Turner often says. A grateful lady smiling has her wedding back where it belongs. The family outing turned out to be a long day, but instead of a bad memory. Kristy and her family will remember this day as a good day at the beach. So will I . I hope I never get tired of seeing miracles.

BMW Key Lost in Sand .. Newport Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Thursday .. 6-18-15

I was just leaving my home to search for a ring lost near the Balboa Pier, when Tim called. He said that he was at The Wedge searching for his BMW car key. The Wedge is a popular body surfing beach about a mile south of the Balboa Pier. I told him that I would be right there, figuring it would be a simple recovery.
When I got there, Tim was shuffling his feet through the sand as he had been doing for 4 or 5 hours including the night before. He told me that he had placed his key that had a metal fob under his shoes when he went into to the water last night.
After an hour, I had cross gridded the area with no luck. I had set my detector in what I thought was all metal, but could not get a signal. I gave up till I could get my PI detector. Returning the next day with my Whites PI Surfmaster, I found the Key with a huge triangle shaped metallic bottle opener.
My other machine has a factory set Relic and Beach settings. I could not get a signal in open screen mode. The large metallic fob was masking the signal. I’ve had time to check this again and I did get a null which I may have missed, it’s a lesson to be learned with my CTX 3030. I will remember this in the future.
I called Tim and he was surprised that I went back to give it a second try.. We will meet up in a few days to return his key.


Wedding Ring Found and Returned .. Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Thursday .. June 18, 2015

Jenifer and her children were visiting her mother. They all went to Balboa Beach for the day. She took her wedding ring off putting it into the cup holder of her beach chair to put sunscreen on the kids. Later that afternoon they picked up their beach things to eat at a nearby restaurant. That’s when she realized that her ring was lost, most likely back where they were on the beach. They returned spending several hours searching by hand. Everybody was upset even the kids. They gave up the search believing the the ring was lost foreveer.
Returning home in the San Diego area, three days after the loss Jenifer’s mother called her, telling her that a police officer friend told her about Jenifer found me in the directory calling me to ask if I could help her. She was 60 miles away so it would be difficult for her to meet me at the location. She was able to tell me where she was sitting.  I know that part of the beach well and exactly where she had been. She sent me 4 photos that had been taken that day which really helped me zero in. Everything was good except they beach was full of people laid out with all their beach gear. I spent a couple hours searching the open areas. Then I went back to the car waiting two hours for people to leave.
It was close to 6 pm and people were not leaving where I needed to search. Then I saw another detectorist working a grid towards this spot. I grabbed my detector, heading towards the location I needed to work. One of the places that was now clear, earlier had a tent, a plastic kids swim pool and all sorts toys spread over a 20ft x 20ft area. Fifteen feet in a straight line and the sweet sound of gold in my earphones. Jenifer’s beautiful wedding ring ended up I my scoop.
I sent her a surprise text picture of her ring. Jenifer returned a call to me and I told her about how I found the ring. She told me that she had given up hope. Also, yesterday was their wedding anniversary she was felt terrible about not having her ring. Now, she can’t believe that it has been found.
We talked about how to get it back to her. Her mother could meet me as she lived closer to me. That would have to take place Sunday. I wanted return it directly to Jenifer as soon possible. We met Friday at a location half way between where we live. My bonus was to be able to return the ring to its owner. Jenifer was truly grateful. It was a pleasure to meet her. This is one of the ring search and returns that I will always remember.

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Lost Wedding Band Found at Jericho Beach, Vancouver.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Summer is knocking at the door/beach already! The temperature will be in the high 80’s for the next 10 days and people are hitting the beach hard!

That being said I got a call yesterday about a lost wedding band at Jericho beach, it was lost in the ocean and they looked for an hour with no luck and the young man’s wife came back the next day and spent another hour or more searching at low tide…No luck!

Thankfully the lifeguard passed the young couple my rack card and told them about… TheRing

I met Chris at the beach this morning around 9am and he showed me the location the ring was lost at and because I had to wait a couple of hours for the tide to go out he hit the road for a bike ride.

I hunted the beach dry & wet sand for a while and found 7 $2.00 coins and 2 $1.00 coins and some dimes & quarters.

About an hour later I hit the water and found Chris’ tungsten carbide wedding band in about 8-10 minutes at chest deep water.

I love my jog!


The Ring Finders











Chris told me he was married only 8 months and he really wanted his ring back! Yes you can always buy another ring but its not the same! Not the ring you got married with!





Chris’s Ring












Every ring has a story! Contact a member of and you will have a 2nd chance to find what you thought was lost forever!

View Video of each below.


Diamond Engagement Ring .. Found .. San Clemente, CA. Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Alexis and Andrew had gone to San Clemente State Beach on Saturday 1/17/15. They walked about three hundred yards south of the main entrance to set up for the day. Before going out in the water Alexis still had her engagement ring on her finger. She put it into the pocket of her blouse and carefully laid it with the rest of their belongings. When they began to leave she picked up her blouse and decided to hang it on her backpack, forgetting that the ring was in the pocket. After walking several blocks through the sand to get to their car she went to get her ring from the pocket and it was not there. Andrew, Alexis and their friends looked through the immediate area with their hands, but it could have fallen out during the long walk to the car. They gave up the search. After returning home Alexis went on line locating .

imageimage I received the call at about 3:30pm while detecting at Huntington Beach. It took me awhile to walk a half mile to my car, but I was able to me Alexis and Andrew at 5pm. We talked about the circumstances leading to the loss of the ring. I explained to them how my equipment works. Some people think metal detectors can find things several feet from the coil. Other people do not believe the work for such small items as rings. I knew it was possible to search the long walk back to the parking lot, but the best place to start would be where she picked up her blouse. Sometimes other persons move an item containing the ring or keys not knowing something was hidden inside. I set up an area to grid search about 40’x30′.. Making six passes parallel to the beach with out success, I setup my CTX 3030 to beach mode – all metal and began a cross grid. The next move would have been the long walk back to the parking area. (time consuming and the sun was setting). Three 30 foot passes to and from the water I got a nice 12-02 signal. Calling Alexis over to see the signal and hear the sound, I told her this is your ring and I scooped it. It was a beautiful ring. She dropped to her knees in tears of joy. Andrew also came over to thank me telling me that he had all but given up on ever seeing their ring again. It was a great day and I got another lesson of humility. It is a game of inches and it pays to cross check.

Lost Gold Medallion in the water … Belmont Shores, CA. … Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Friday   May  2, 2014

Ami had called me about an hour after her boyfriend , Nick had lost his gold medallion in the water at Belmont Shores Dog Beach.  She had found my phone number on TheRingFinders website. I asked her a few quick questions. What time of day, Where , dry sand or water and would they be able to wait for an hour to direct me in the general location.  I checked the tides and realized that the tide was coming in which will hamper the search. More important was that I meet Nick to hear his story and see where he was when it was lost.   The normal drive would be about 30 minutes but there was a major traffic problem and it took three times as long to get there.  Nick was able to wait but the tide did not, it was already nearly high tide.  Nick told me that he had been in about 3 or 4 feet of water when his dog swam up to him. The dog’s paw got entangled in the necklace and Nick felt the chain break. After hearing the story I had to give it a try even though I felt it was out in the deeper water. I searched for about 30 minutes in waist deep water with small waves, not one signal. Nick had told me the medallion was a sentimental family heirloom. I was confident I had a better chance to search for it early the next morning which was a minus .3 ft low tide. As it worked out, I was able to find the medallion and the chain within 30 minutes at 6:30 am Saturday morning.  Ani was able to meet me so she could pass it off to Nick. I also learned that this medallion had belonged to Nick’s dad which made it so very special.  It was a pleasure to help Nick, his Mother and Ani find this heirloom and to hear how happy they were. I was told they didn’t have very much faith that the metal detector would be able to find it. I get that “I don’t believe that thing will find my ring”  “LOOK” quite often, but it just makes it more exciting when I find the lost item.

Nick's Pendant


Ani came to get the pendant for Nick

Ani came to get the pendant for Nick