Norman Slaymaker

Cost For My Service

I am working on a reward basis. Depending on where you are there will be a $25 call out fee to cover my gas cost. There will be no call out fee in the Iowa City area.

Search Types

I have top grade equipment for both land and water. So I'm willing to search all land or beaches.

Water up to 5 feet. Even snow.

Search Locations

I will help you in Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, Quad Cities and Des Moines areas.

I will help anywhere within 150 miles, if further away we can work something out.

Norman Slaymaker's Bio

have been metal detecting for many years now. I've found everything from aluminum hunting arrows to fabulous wedding rings for people who have called on me. Please look at my blog posts on this page.

I belong to a metal detecting club from Cedar Rapids. I have searched and recovered many lost items over the years. I will do my absolute best to recover your lost valuables.

I have uploaded many metal detecting videos to YouTube, below is a link to my YouTube channel.

Norman Slaymaker - Recent Blog Post

  • Lost Wedding Ring found… Quad Cities Area, Iowa (2024)

    I received a call about a lost wedding ring that happened after a wedding. A friend of the groom’s father attended and lost her wedding ring at the venue while playing football. I searched the area for about an hour and came up with it. This is a picture of the couple who were married […]

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  • Helped find wedding band and engagement ring in Coralville Iowa today! (2024)

    I had a call from Nora saying she lost her wedding ring and engagement ring today. Last night we had a major snowstorm with at least 9 to 10 inches of snow. She came out of her apartment this morning and decided to throw a snowball at her husband. She shook her hands to get […]

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  • Found a Lost Ring in Iowa City, Iowa (2023)

    I found a lost ring today for Mike. He lost his ring a few days ago while doing some yard work in his backyard. It took about an hour to find it. He was very happy to get it back. He said he had the ring since the 1970’s.

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  • Lost Engagement Ring… Found Iowa City, Iowa (2022) Today I recovered an engagement ring for a lady who lost it in a dried creek bed while picking up trash. Very happy to find it for her.

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  • Lost Rings…Found Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2022)

    I was contacted by a woman who lost her engagement ring and wedding band while cooling off in about four feet of water at a city park. She met me there today and stood in about the same area and I was able to recover both rings. It was gratifying to return her rings. I […]

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