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Lost IPhone 13 Max Pro found in Stoney Lake Ontario

Well, today’s journey took me to Stoney Lake in The Kawarthas Ontario. Stefan (ironic) contacted me last evening about how he had lost his brand new IPhone 13 Pro Max earlier in the day. He was out in the water, helping his spouse while she was in a kayak, when suddenly, his IPhone slipped out of his pocket. All this while in shoulder deep water with a sudden drop off to the bottom. Like most Lake in the Kawathas, once you venture out of well used areas, there was a very thick layer of vegetation (weeds), followed by a couple feet of silt. Having come well prepared, grabbed my scuba gear and under water metal detector and started gridding the weed bed. Found his phone laying deep in the weeds in about 10 feet of water. The moment I lifted the phone out of the water, the phone started beeping/vibrating as it was receiving messages from the past 24 hours. I should mention that he had his phone in a water proof container which worked perfectly. Another happy customer especially since his phone was brand new and definitely not cheap.!!!!!



Diamond engagement ring found in Port Hope Ontario

I was contacted by Lisa last week due to having lost her diamond engagement ring at a beach near Port hope. She had actually placed four rings in her jean pocket and then into her beach bag. When it was time to leave, the kids had emptied the bag and Lisa flung her jean shorts over her shoulder, sending the rings flying onto the sandy beach. After searching for a while, a gentleman and his young daughter came over and asked what they were looking for. Lisa told them what had happened and then the little girl showed her a gold ring she had found earlier. It was one of the four missing rings. Remembering where she had found it, they were able to find two more rings in the sand. Unable to locate the fourth ring, her engagement ring, this is when she found me online to go and help. I met up with Lisa’s mom the very next morning at the beach to discover that the town’s beach combing machine had been through the whole beach overnight. Luckily, I was able to find her ring in less then five minutes for her. Another happy ending!!!



Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Calhoun, GA-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I received a text this past Monday 11th from a wife.  She said her husband had lost his wedding band in the backyard about a month ago while cleaning out a pool skimmer trap.  She was searching the internet and came across where she found my contact information.  I made the trip to Calhoun that afternoon and met up with her.  She said her husband was still at work, but should be there pretty soon.  She said they had actually purchased a metal detector for themselves, but no luck in finding the ring.  When Alfred got home he was showing me how he lost his ring cleaning the skimmer with his left hand and throwing the trash over the chain link fence with an underhand motion.  He said he felt the ring leave his hand but didn’t see where it went.  With that underhand throwing motion I immediately figured the ring had gone over and into the brushy area behind the fence.  I eliminated the grass and the plant bed first of course, but no luck.  With the chain link fence there I couldn’t get close to it at all without sending my detector into an overload condition.  So that part would have to be searched by hand if I didn’t find the ring back in the brush.  I started back behind the fence, (poison ivy there too), as well as a snake, but didn’t get a good look at it, it was leaving the area.  I started from the right side and went left directly at the back of the fence.  The second pass was from the left back to the right, on a steep slope.  Of course I was finding bits of metal trash, we all do.  On the third pass from right to left I got to right where I figured the ring could have gone with that underhanded throw.  The first thing I found there was a rusted bottle cap, then about three feet away I got two signals on my CTX.  A strong 12:40 showing four inches, but literally inches away from that signal was another one, a strong 12:28 showing one inch.  I hadn’t seen it yet, but that 12:28 at one inch brought a grin to my face.  I stooped over and under my coil I saw a faint hint of something shining back at me.  I snapped a picture of it before I moved it, and you can barely catch a glimpse of something out of place under the layer of leaves.  The 12:40 signal turned out to be a toy car.  The search took about 1.5 hours.

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Family Heirloom Ring Lost in Stone Harbor NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


I received a call from Teri about her father’s World War II ring that was lost in Stone Harbor, NJ on Saturday. Her father, who was very fond of the sea, was a Merchant Marine in World War II and his ring is very sentimental to the family. Her son, Patch, has been wearing the ring for the past few years. To keep the ring safe while on the beach, he placed it in the cup holder of a beach chair. Unknowingly, his cousin put on the backpack chair and went to the water to clean off some sand before leaving. Patch realized the ring had fallen out, and he and his family searched the area. They resigned to the thought that it was probably lost forever since it may have been dropped in the ocean.
I met up with Teri and did an extensive search of the area where it might have fallen out. I had to return a second time to be able to go out farther in the water. It was in waist-deep water that I finally got the signal. It was a great feeling when the ring showed up in the scoop and was able to be returned to the family.

Check out my website for more stories and info

Ring Finders South Jersey



metal detector



Gold Signet Ring Lost for Four Years-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

I received a call from Mike on Tuesday 28th and he said he had lost his gold signet ring in his backyard several years ago.  He said they were moving and the ring was a gift from his wife and he really wanted to find it before they moved.  We made arrangements for Wednesday afternoon.  Around four years ago he had been clearing brush in the backyard and towards the end of the day he noticed his ring was gone.  They had been piling the brush next to the street on the side yard, so that’s where I started my search.  I really didn’t think the ring would be there, but I had to eliminate that area of possibility.  The huge problem I had to deal with was underground power lines next to the street, (around 14 KV), and it was really messing with my detector.  I had to go very slow in that area until I got far enough away that my detector started to settle down a little.  After a little over an hour I finally eliminated the side yard.  The back of the house had a pretty steep slope that was covered in pine straw mulch.  I know from experience that pine straw on a slope can be very slippery.  He had mentioned that he had slipped a couple of times on that slope, but didn’t remember exactly where that happened.  That’s where I focused my attention next, and after I looked at it more carefully, towards the corner of the house the slope wasn’t quite as steep, so I figured anybody coming through that area would would pick that spot.  As I got halfway down the slope I got a consistent 12:20 on my CTX, and it was shallow, (showing one inch).  If you’re looking for a gold ring that’s a very good signal.  I brushed the straw away and didn’t see anything visible, but my pinpointer said there was something there just under the surface.  I brushed the soil a little with my fingers and saw the corner of a gold rim showing through!  I called Mike over, as he was just about to go back in the house.  His wife came out and she was elated!  She said she figured it was gone and never to be found again.  I think I was as excited as they were, because that was a tough search having to deal with the underground power lines.  Knowing your machine, and asking the right questions makes all the difference.  The entire search took around two hours.

Fingers CROSS-ED Lost Cross,14K,Gold,Cape Cod,Mass Saltwater Beaches

Fingers CROSS-ED

On June 27th Rick Browne from the Ring Finders called and invited me to search for a silver cross that was lost the day before. I declined because of the high winds, rain, and BIG surf, and lots of heavy seaweed moved into the search area. Rick said he was going anyway to give it a quick scan. He called me later on that evening and said I made the correct decision that it was useless, he could just about move the detector because of waves and thick seaweed.
We touched base on the next morning and again he asked if I wanted to give it another try. I said I’m in. We met up, and went to the general area he was told it was possibly lost. Still lots of seaweed but less waves. We made our way out into water, Rick went his way, and I in the opposite direction. After about 45 minutes we both shrugged our shoulders, we still had no signals.  I made my way over to the outside of the grid area, and finally i got a lonely signal, but it was low, not high like silver, hmm? Low tone usually means Gold. As I dug it, Rick kept heading out into deeper water. As I looked deep into my scoop, sure enough it was the Silver CROSS that we were searching for. Puzzled a bit, when I motioned to Rick he looked surprised. He made his way over to see what I had found. He said “That’s It”  I flipped it over and it said 14K.  Makes sense it was White Gold. (Silver Color)
Rick & I went up to car and took a few pictures, then called Mary and Dave her husband… They couldn’t  believe we had found it. They took no time to get to us. Jennifer and Keith her husband bought the Cross for their son Colin. It was for his Confirmation in Jan of 2019. It has a very special meaning. Colin was devastated when he lost it. Rick and I are so glad that its back where it belongs. God Bless him and his family for believing in us. We never give up.
Sincerely Leighton
Leighton,Mary,& Rick


Dave & Mary with Cross recovered

14K White Gold Cross

14K Gold Confirmation Cross

Lost Ring Found in Wakefield RI.

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On June 5, I received a call from Sarah, requesting help to find a ring she had lost in her yard. When I arrived, she explained that the ring was her father’s ring and that he passed away recently.  She had his ring on her thumb and was doing some yard work.  When she noticed that the ring was missing, she called a friend, who I had helped to find a ring a couple of years ago.  The friend recommended that Sarah call me. I searched her yard and was concerned, because it was getting dark.  After 45 minutes of searching, I located the ring.  She was so happy to have her father’s ring back, and I was excited to be able to reunite her with this precious item.

Lost Gold/Diamond Ring in Chattanooga-Found

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

This lady had lost her gold and diamond ring in her yard on the day before, during a family event. I found the ring in less than 30 minutes about 4-5 feet from the edge of the driveway.

Diamond Engagement ring found in Central Ontario

I was contacted by a lady early last week about her soon to be daughter in law, having lost her custom made diamond engagement ring. They had been working in the backyard, cleaning up old flower beds and trimming trees, for preparations of upcoming wedding reception. She had removed her ring and placed it inside a zippered pocket, to avoid loosing her precious ring. However, she was also using the same pocket to carry fence ties in order to put up a new fence. Somehow, while in the process of reaching for the ties multiple times over the course of the afternoon, her diamond ring fell out. After looking for a couple days with friends and metal detectors with no success, I was asked to come down and try to find the ring for them. An hour or so into the search, found the ring under foliage, on the neighbour’s side of the fence, in thick vegetation. The lady was absolutely ecstatic and extremely happy the ring was found. Unfortunately, I did not get to meet the young lady and her fiancé, since they live out of town and weren’t there during the search. But did get a very appreciative phone call. Very happy to be able to reunite them with their custom ring and in time for their upcoming wedding. They respectfully requested not to use their pictures or video to protect their privacy. All ends well with another happy customer. 😊


Lost Engagement Ring found at South Shore Beach in Little Compton RI.

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

Ryan called me on May 22, frantic because she had lost her engagement ring at South Shore Beach. I was an hour away, and it was already getting late, but I told her I would meet her at the beach to look for her ring.  When I arrived, she explained that the ring fell off at the water’s edge when she was washing her hands.  She and a friend tried to find the ring, but they had no luck.  That’s when they turned to the internet for help.  I searched for her ring, but it was already getting dark, and the tide was coming in.  I couldn’t find her ring but told her I would come back the next day at low tide, which happened to be her birthday.  My wife and I set out early the next day arriving at 7 a.m., an hour before low tide.  Fortunately, I remembered the area where the ring was lost.  After making three grid passes, I dug up Ryan’s ring.  I called Ryan to tell her the good news, “Happy birthday Ryan, I found your ring!”  We made plans to meet later that day, where I was happy to return her beautiful, custom, black diamond engagement ring