lost class ring Tag | Page 2 of 3 | The Ring Finders

Pottsboro, Tx – Her Father buried $300,000 in the backyard, Did we Find it All?

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)


We got a call from Alberta, Canada from a very nice lady named Heidi, she said that her father had passed and that she was the executor of the estate in Pottsboro, Texas.  She said her father was a Prepper and a Horder.  He had left her an envelope with instructions on where he had buried up to $300,000 in silver coins in his backyard.

The family was able to find and dig up up what they believed at the time was all of the PVC Tubes with the coins from the yard.  But they were concerned that maybe there were others buried in the yard someplace.  They just wanted to be sure before selling the property.

So she ask us to scan the property to be sure nothing was left and to reopen all the PVC tubes that they knew about to be sure everything had been removed, and it had.

It was 95 degrees on Fathers Day morning at 8am to do our search.  We searched the entire backyard and then dug up the PVC Tubes where the known coins had been found.  It was thrilling to think that so much in coins had been buried there.  It really was like digging for buried treasure.

It was a great day and another satisfied customer for the Dallas Ring Finders…


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Shawn SGT Sherrill – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call/Text ASAP  Anytime 24/7   918-313-2202

After finding my previous ring that was lost for 15 years, a friend of that person’s saw his post and posted that they wanted me to try to find his. I reached out to them and found out his lost ring was lost for over 15 years. This time it was a NC STATE college class ring. Ed lost it while mowing and throwing limbs into the wooded areas. It took me four hours to find it after searching on the opposite side most of the morning. I finally got a VDI 68 range that wasn’t a piece of aluminum or a bullet casing. I had finally found it after an exhausting four hours of intense searching and dedication of moving leaves and limbs in one area. I was driven, persistent and determined to find his ring. He was 100% certain it was out there. I couldn’t give up, I just had to keep swinging, until it was found.




Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinder.com

Lost Engagement Ring Found Sea Isle City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?


Don’t wait to call!

Not all engagement rings are found using a metal detector! This engagement ring that was found in Sea Isle City New Jersey was a interesting story…

I received a message about a lost engagement ring on the beach in Sea Isle City, NJ. After speaking with the fiancé about how the ring was lost we met up and started the search for the lost ring.  After about an hour and half the ring was not found.  I asked some more questions trying to jog his memory as to the whereabouts of the engagement ring.  After a few more questions the search continued .. which led to a bag in the trash can! Sometimes you have to act like a detective to find the sentimental ring that went missing! The vacation could end on a happy note in Sea Isle City, NJ.


Lost Ring Westfield NJ… Found!!!

  • from Millburn (New Jersey, United States)

I recieved a text from a woman about 3 weeks ago whose husband had lost his class ring somewhere in their house.  I explained that I wouldn’t be much help in finding the ring inside, because of all the competing larger metal items.  I gave her some tips on where to look and sent her some good luck wishes.  Well, she texted me again with good and bad news.  Her husband had found his ring but… it was lost again, this time outside.  We made plans to look for it the following day.  When I arrived, her husband recounted how he had thrown a large stick into the brush and ivy along their property and watched his ring fly off.  He had a pretty good idea of where it landed, so this was a pretty quick hunt.  A couple of swings and the target was under my coil! Happy to reunite another ring and owner!! 🙂


Lost Gold Class Ring Found Sea Isle City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Ishmael lost his grandfather’s class ring in Sea Isle City, NJ. The ring flew off his finger while he was throwing a football and landed somewhere in the sand. I started the search with a very large grid area, but it wasn’t there. I had to expand the search area several yards to find the ring.  The sentimental ring  was recovered and returned.

Lost High School Class Ring Found Sea Isle City NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)



I was tagged in a Facebook post on Friday evening about a class ring that was lost in the ocean in Sea Isle City, NJ. Alisa called me and explained how her daughter Rachel lost her class ring while surfing on Friday. The initial attempt on Saturday morning was limited due to high tide, so we met again later in the afternoon to go out farther.  After a through grid search from the water’s edge to chest deep water, the Sacred Heart Academy class ring was found and returned!




Lost Wedding Band Found North Wildwood NJ by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring? Don’t Wait to call! 215-850-0188

Dan lost his wedding band while swimming in the ocean in North Wildwood, NJ yesterday. We made plans to meet today on the beach so I could detect during
low tide. After a thorough search in waist to chest-deep water,the ring was found several inches down in the sand.

Two Very Important Rings Lost At Emerald Isle, NC Found

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Emily’s words:  “I was visiting my friends beach house in Emerald Isle and had one of the beautiful days on the beach.  I was going in and out of the water and left two of my most special rings on a beach towel, as well as some bracelets.  The two rings were of great importance to me.  One was a gold band that I received for my 20th birthday, and the other was my high school class ring.  After taking a swim in the ocean, I went back to my towel to put my jewelry on but neglected to put my rings also back on.  I shook out my towel and continued about my day and met up with some friends shortly after.  When my friends arrived I realized what I had done and instantly began to panic.  I searched for almost an hour before giving up and deciding to hire someone to find my rings.  Within minutes, my rings were descovered with a metal detector just about a couple inches under the sand.  It was one of the most relieving moments to know that two of my most prized possessions were found safe and undamaged.”

Remember to tell others about how Crystal Coast Ring Finders and www.TheRingFinders.com (global) may be your best bet to find a lost item.

Steven Ray

Crystal Coast Ring Finders


  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)





I received a call from Sandra who had found me through a Google search. She and her husband Charlie have a home that backs up to a small lake and in mid February, Charlie was throwing some feed out for the lake birds when his class ring flew from his finger into the edge of the lake. This class ring was a replacement for one he had lost years before. Charlie had searched the area with a rake, pulling through through the muck of the shallow water and then with a metal detector purchased from Harbor Freight as the lake water receded over the next several months due to relatively dry conditions. When I arrived at the location, Charlie showed me where the lake level had dropped about eight feet or so and where he thought his ring had landed was now on dry land as opposed to in several feet of water. I showed Charlie the equipment I was using and then scanned my class ring to give him an idea about the target ID reading I was looking for. After gridding for only about five minutes, I hit the target number I was looking for, dug a few inches down with my knife and recovered Charlie’s ring! I think he was really surprised that it had been that easy to locate but the recovery was made much easier by the fact that it was a very small search area in a secured location and not under water.

Charlie and Sandra, thank you for trusting me to recover Charlie’s class ring and thank you for your generous reward! God bless!





Lost Wedding Ring – Pensacola, FL – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

So apparently Pine straw is out there trying to steal some rings so be careful. 😃. A few days ago I received a call from Bill. Actually backing up, Shelly, Bill’s wife had heard about me from a friend and messaged me through Facebook. After a quick reply, she had Bill call me. Bill described that he had been working in the yard putting out some pine straw when he looked down and saw that his ring was missing. Bill had been wearing that ring for the last 38 years so I was willing to bet that he noticed it was gone quicker than most people would have. When I told him how I could help he decided he wanted me to come try even though he wasn’t 100% sure that it was in the yard. I was pretty sure that I could find it and I was determined to try. What Bill didn’t realize is that when I saw the address I noticed that he lived in the neighborhood next to mine. If there is one thing I like even more than helping people find a ring, it’s helping a neighbor find their ring. When I got there, I switched to the pinpointer coil so that I could get down between the bushes and Bill went back inside to let me concentrate. He didn’t have to wait long and was beside himself when I knocked on his door and told him his ring was perched on my detector by the tree (Covid safe 😷👍). He was even more surprised when he went to talk about a reward and I explained that I literally could have cut through the neighborhood and walked there. I wouldn’t take anything from my neighbor and new friend. I’m so happy that I could help!  Merry Christmas to you both Bill and Shelly!  God bless!