Lost Gold & Diamond Pendant in Cloverdale, BC…Found!
I got an email asking if I could help find a lost pendent the other day so I replied yes I can…We later take on the phone and arranged a time and place to search for the lost diamond pendant.
I showed up to a lovely neighbourhood and met the husband (Howard) of the lady who lost the pendant. He showed me the location and it wasn’t big but had its challenges due to the beautiful flowers and plants in the garden.
When this happens I use the detector in the area but not close to the plants then I come in with the pin pointer to search around the plants and bingo! There it was under a plant in only 1 inch or so in the earth. I love this job because its the best job in the world to be able to find peoples lost smiles!
I asked how he found me and he said while he was looking for a way to search for the ring himself online he found TheRingFinders Directory and thought he’d give it a try.
If you need help finding your lost jewelry please visit TheRingFinders.com where you can find a metal detecting expert near you!