Lost Rings Tag | The Ring Finders

Three Lost Gold Wedding Rings in Orchard Prairie Spokane WA ….FOUND!!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Last week,Sue was sitting on her porch step talking to to her landscaper during the fading hours of daylight. As Sue was talking she noticed  the diamond on her wedding rings was flipped downward. She quickly flicked the rings with her thumb to adjust their position. As her thumb snapped forward her three rings went flying. Quickly exclaiming “I lost my rings” to the landscaper, the daylight faded to black. A search for the rings that night was useless. The next morning a search began and ended with no luck. So Sue reached out to her community.  The neighbors, her church, and the little four year old boy across the street were all praying for the ring to be found. The Minister from Sue’s church even came over to look. He saw an over grown bush right beside where Sue sat. Thinking the ring might be in there, he asked when she last cleaned out the leaves in the planter box? Little did he know that when he began to tend to the over grown mess he would remove the rings from its hiding place.  As he worked with his hands cutting and cleaning up the leaves and twigs he had picked up Sue’s rings. Now from there the minister took the five gallon bucket of trimmings and walked to the backyard . He placed the bucket under a covered carport and then left. So for a week that bucket sat there untouched. Sue was devastated and distraught.  She saw the rings come off and disappear.  How could she not see the rings in the grass she thought. Sue had the landscaper cut the grass really short and then used a shopvac to try and pull the rings from where she thought they were hidden in the grass. Now completely stumped Sue turned to the internet. Her daughter told her to buy a metal detector so Sue typed in ring metal detectors . Instead of finding a metal detector to buy she found The Ring Finders. I hadn’t begun my days work yet when Sue called me. We talked and I told her I would be right over. I heard Sue’s story and began my search. The whole front yard, the planter boxes, under the porch, in the juniper bushes and down the front walk was where I searched with no ring found. I knew the minister had cleaned up a bush, so I asked where he put the clippings. So Sue and I headed to the  backyard to the five gallon bucket. I thought for sure I would see her ring in that bucket. However I didn’t see her ring when I searched, not even in a trailer where more clippings had been tossed. Now I knew that a bagged lawn mower had been used on her lawn so as I walked  past Sue talking to her about the landscaper my eyes saw a small shape in the gravel. So I asked Sue what is that? And then again I asked what is that Sue? I circled the rings and then started jumping up and down as I saw the diamond. Sue’s rings had been found. Whether it fell out of the bottom of the bucket or an act of God placed the rings in the gravel. The rings were found. We hugged a bunch, celebrating all the answered prayers and Sue thanked God and me for finding the rings. See, the three rings Sue had lost were on her hand for 58 years. When her husband Gaylon passed away 10 years ago his ring was placed behind hers and soldered together.  So finding those three rings brought back the memories of her late husband and the feeling of their love for one another.


Lost Rings at Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463  

I was on my computer early this morning when I got a text message from a young lady at approximately 7:20 AM asking if I could help find her ring. I called her right away and we set up a time to meet in 45 minutes at Kits Beach, where she lost the ring. When I arrived at the beach I met the young lady and she showed me the approximate area where she believed she lost her ring’s. That’s right rings, she had lost two rings not just one but there was one ring with a Pearl that meant the world to her. I asked her if she could tell me the story about the ring but I could tell she was a little uncomfortable and I didn’t want to force it.

I set up my grid search and had no luck for the first hour and a half but I kept on expanding my search area and close to two hours mark I found both of her rings! I was able to surprise her with the rings and see how it made her feel to have them back on her finger. I got to hear the story about why the pearl ring meant to her, she told me a few years back she had a tough battle with depression and she bought that ring to celebrate hanging on and she did. You can only imagine with that ring meant to her to get it back, I was so honoured to be able to find it and hand it back to her and see how it made her feel.

I know I said this before and I’ll say it again, I am so proud of  ”TheRingFinders” and all the members who have joined to help people in their towns & city’s. This is a very needed service and we have reached  10,000 recorded recoveries this month.







Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463 I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.

Lost Ring found on Vancouver Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I got a text message the other day in regards to Lost Ring at Locarno Beach Vancouver. I quickly called Maya to discuss the search and found out that she had taken the ring off and put it in your shorts pocket while she went for a swim, when she got out of the water she put on her shorts and didn’t realize till later that the ring was missing.

This has been happening a lot lately, people taking off the rings to keep them safe then forgetting and the ring falling out of her pocket or out of the shoe, very common. I found out that she had lost it the day before which always is a concern that somebody might beat me to it. When I arrived and started my search I quickly started finding pieces of iron, bottle caps ,and pull tabs so I was confident we had a good chance of finding it.

Maya also told me that she was going to dinner that night at her boyfriends parents place and it was her boyfriend’s mother who gave her the ring, so you can imagine how important it was that she had the ring on when she went there for dinner.

After 10 minutes I found her beautiful ring, I went to surprise her and my camera was full and I had no space to make the video I tried to do it on my GoPro I have to edit and see if I have enough footage to show you… the most important thing is we found her ring and her smile










Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.




Lost Engagement Ring Recovered Western Wisconsin in Apple River.

  • from Chisago City (Minnesota, United States)

I received a phone call from the mother of a friend of a gal that had lost her ring in the Apple River. For those that are unfamiliar with the Apple River, its about a 3.6-mile meandering river through the Wisconsin countryside. It has a couple of tubing companies that rent out tubes and will bring you back following your floating adventure.  The summer weekends are always busy with floaters from all around.  When floating it is always possible to drop something along the way.

Its not uncommon for people to get separated from some their possessions while enjoying a leisurely float down the river. If what you have lost floats you might be able to recover it quickly. Many people wear sandals and one gets knocked off, you can yell to a buddy to grab it or keep and eye on it and you will be able to recover it. Other times people may drop jewelry and not know where on the river it came off.  When I received a phone call saying that a person had dropped a ring, I thought it would be almost impossible to find without a known location. Even with a location it is exceedingly difficult to find something like a ring.  I mentioned to the mother that without a known location there is no way to find it.

Later the next night, I received another call, this time from Colton the fiancé of the Maria that had lost the ring. He said that he did have a known location and it happened to be where everyone gets out of the river following the ride. In the process of getting off the tube trying to get her feet under herself with the current and slippery submerged boulders under foot, she saw the ring slip off her finger and fall into the river.  She was also trying to stay upright while catching some tipping coolers and contents.   That night the group of friends ran to a local store and bought some snorkels and masks. They searched well into the night without finding the ring.  That’s when they looked up Ring Finders and came across several of the Ring Finders in the area.  They did call Ring Finder Darrin Gray. Darrin has been in Ring Finders the longest and has the recoveries to prove it.  This one was further away for Darrin and he suggested them to call me Paul Nolan being closer to the location of the missing ring.  I must give a shout out to the Minnesota Ring Finders and Darrin in particular; he works very well with the other Ring Finders in the area to help facilitate successful recoveries.

I arranged to meet Colton, Maria’s fiancé out on site to go over the particulars about the location for this recovery.  I started out getting acquainted with the flow of the river and trying to determine how far out she was into the river.  In the middle of the river the current is much swifter and moving quite a bit faster than near the edges. So the difference in 8-10 feet makes a huge difference on where the ring would end up on the bottom.

I jumped in with my Garrett AT Pro metal detector in hand and my pro point pin pointer.  Both are water resistant up to about 10 feet.  I start out generally making a primary search of that covers the area most likely to have the lost item.  In this case there were all kinds of obstacles that were going to make things much more challenging. The current, other tubers coming down tied together in a big flotillas. The river is about 3-4 feet deep with a lot of large boulders hidden underwater. These boulders are covered with a slippery surface so walking in the river becomes incredibly challenging. Searching between the scattered rocks and with small debris from years of floaters like, rivets from jeans, bathing suit zippers, pop tops, and parts to glasses scattered about. All these metallic objects set off a metal detector. So I worked the area from a semi standing position, slipping and falling many times trying to locate the ring. My chins and legs where getting banged up by slipping on rocks.  I think I spent 4-5 hours out on site the first day.  The only reason I left that night was it was getting dark and I was the only one left. I decided it was just too dangerous being alone. So I packed it up for the night.

I went back out again the next day changing my approach slightly and brought goggles and a handheld pin pointer but now I switched over to a secondary search. This is a more methodical search of a grid area. You start out with 4×4 blocks and you search it and move over and search the next 4×4 grid. One trick I did was to turn off all other metal from what I was looking for. So knowing I was looking for a Gold ring turned all the other metals off and was running a very tight band. I did this for about 3 hours when my gear started getting waterlogged.  A little water seeps in past some rubber o-rings and causes your equipment to become erratic. I also broke the plastic armrest on the detector fighting the current was putting so much pressure of the armrest. Adapting to the changing environment I spent the next 3 hours diving with goggles searching between rocks a looking in all the places that a ring might get lodged in. I had searched and area about 18’ x 40’ with some very strong current over half the area. Still nothing. I packed it in for the day and would go home and heal my legs and figure a way to modify the equipment to best work for the environment I was searching.  So I dried everything out and went to work on making a new much shorter handle. I also switched to a smaller coil “the end of the detector that picks up the metal signal” The smaller coil allows me to separate out multiple targets that are close together.  With the newly designed detector in hand I went back out for a third time. The detector with the shorter handle worked out OK. I could read the detector while operating it, it could be shortened a little more.

At this point you change again to searching the grid with all discrimination turned off and pick everything within reason. When you get a hit of a target you can read some information on the detector like type of metal, and how deep it is. If it is 4-5 inches down with a hard base you can rule those out. But if it is close to the surface you may have to dig those.  I again worked for about 4+ hours and came up with nothing. This last day of searching was on a Monday morning when fewer people would be out. When I did show up I was met in the parking lot by a guy that had been around while I was searching. Only this time he was is in a wet suit with mask and snorkel. He had been searching for the ring and was telling me that it was not there…

A lot of people were finding out about the lost ring from various sources. This is not a good thing.  You just never know if someone had come out and found the ring on you.  About this time all kinds of questions start entering your head, was the ring really lost in this area? Did someone else find it? How am I missing it? Is it an equipment setup issue.

I heard from the Darrin and we were consulting about maybe having him come out with dive gear and search using scuba. I had also heard that Maria and her father were going to go out and searching for it on Wednesday. So I planned on meeting up with them on site and give this another go with information from the person that lost the ring. When I arrived Maria and her father were on site in the river with wet suits metal detector and snorkel and masks.  I brought out a another ring and had Maria drop the ring in the same location and follow the ring. We did tie it off with some lite fishing line to help follow it to a resting place.

After locating the ring – Now this is where I had the search, so again I methodically started going over the area and picking everything that came up. The more targets that I removed the better it is.  After about an hour and half I was picking up targets that needed to have hand sized rocks moved away to get to those targets. It also had about 3 inches of sand on the bottom. With the water current moving past you could wave your hand over the sand and could get it to wash away.  After clearing an area I would move 3-4 feet and do it again. First wave the detector over the area and find locations of targets then go try and locate each target. The last target I waved my hand and thought I had seen a pop top pull tab circle. Whoa,  it was to shinny for that waved my hand past it again and there was a shinny ring laying on the bottom of the river. Was this a bling ring that had been tossed earlier by Maria and her dad? Was this the ring we were looking for? I popped up and asked her father, he was trying to look at it and tried to take it off my finger still in the river. I clinched down and said not until we get to shore. Maria had meet us at the shore and could not believe what she saw. It was her ring. The ring held a lot of sentimental value being it held her grandmothers diamond that could not be replaced.   She was in shock. What a happy reunion. She gave me a big hug. So thankful.  I didn’t have my camera with because I didn’t want it stolen while I was in the water. So I asked that they send me a couple of photos later, and I would let them enjoy the moment.  Maria was on the phone right away “ I cant believe he found it”  That was music to my ears as I turned and walked back to my car gear in hand. Some finds are very fast, and some take time. This one was one of the most challenging finds I have ever had.

Cape Cod, Harwich, Massachusetts Lost Ring Found

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

I read a posting on Craig’s List and just had to answer it. My reply suggested the poster reach out to TheRingFinders.com for help in locating a wedding band and engagement ring lost at the beach. Awhile later I received an e-mail from Liz asking me to call her for more information. I did.

The 26 year young ring set had been lost 5 days ago somewhere between the soft sand and waist deep water. The next low tide I could get in the water was at 5pm the next day. Well with the 90 degree summer day pending I knew the beach would be crowded so I opted for a 6am search of the dry sand area and leave the water side of the search for the afternoon low tide, if needed. Two hours into the search I was rewarded to see the ring set in my scoop. Knowing Liz would want to know that I had found her ring I call but could only leave a message.

A cup of coffee on the way home, a quick cleaning of the ring and a bit of lunch passed. I called Liz again as I had only left a message earlier before leaving the beach. Liz answered, a bit of disbelieving she asked for a picture. Sure it was sent, verified and a reply that she was on her way to pick the 26 year young wayward ring. Now returned, of course with a big smile it is time to enjoy the summer on Cape Cod.


Lost pocket knife and key in grass, Central Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Two weeks ago my good friend Mr. Jack lost a pocket knife and single key while playing with our neighbors young dog. Mr. Jack and his dear wife are winter volunteers here at our retirement center and willingly work daily to help out on the grounds maintenance and cleaning. Mr. Jack has years of experience mowing lawns, trimming trees and taking care of plants in general. And he has a habit of always carrying two pocket knives in his pockets and his trailer key and when he lost those two items he was a bit concerned.

So many times people loose something in the grass, in their garden, in the water or at the park and after looking for awhile they give up hope of ever finding it and they walk away thinking they will never see it again. Thankfully theringfinders.com is here to give these people hope and help in these types of situations.

Like last Thursday while I was using a metal detector to locate a buried manhole cover when Mr. Jack told me about his lost pocket knife and key. And he was curious to know if I could find them for him and I assured him that the chances were very good if….he could put me in close proximity to where he lost them. He showed me the thick grassy area and I took three swings with my metal detector and got a really good signal and BOOM…there was his trailer key! Three more swings and BEEP, BEEP…up came his favorite pocket knife!

Lost something and need help? Call, text or e-mail me anytime!

Mike McInroe…grateful member of theringfinders.com

Lost Rings at the Beach – FOUND!!! – Pensacola

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I’m late on posting this one but a few weeks ago I got a call from Chris and Heather. They had been enjoying one of our local beaches here in Pensacola looking for shells the day before when Heather’s rings came off of her hand. Unfortunately, this was both her engagement ring and her band together and they fell off somewhere on the beach in all that sand.  When Heather told me where they were I immediately headed out because I knew that it was a popular beach and I had to find them quickly. Chris sent me a google pin and when I got there something didn’t look right based on my conversation earlier with Heather. A quick phone call and some telephone detective work got me to where I thought they had been and I started my search. It wasn’t very many passes laying out grid lines until I looked over just a little outside where they thought the rings might be. I remembered them saying that they were looking for shells and I saw a little pile of broken shells. These were the kind that you might pick up and then discard later when you realized they were broken. I decided to walk that way and sure enough, moments later I had the rings in my scoop. I love it when people trust me enough to have me look for their rings even when they can’t be there. When I send them that initial picture and talk to them on the phone you can hear the pure happiness coming through the line. Congratulations Chris and Heather and thank you so much for trusting me to help you out. 😃💍

Lost Rings at Night! – Pensacola Beach – FOUND!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Well, I’m not sure if this counts as 2 rings or more but I am sure that Kelly and Bill are absolutely thrilled that I was able to put them back on her hands where they belong. Kelly and Bill have been married for 25 years and have been down vacationing from Michigan. Kelly folded her rings into her swimsuit early in the day for safekeeping and forgot they were there when she got up later to meet her sister. You can imagine her shock when she realized they were gone that evening. Kelly went ahead and called me even though it was nighttime and I’m glad she didn’t wait. Bill had gone out with a sand flea rake for fishing and combed the area already to no avail. I told him later that he had actually just made the rings go deeper and deeper every time he disturbed the sand because of the density of gold. Luckily for Kelly and Bill, I have a wonderful wife and even though we were at dinner 30 minutes away, she offered to ride with me and we immediately went home and grabbed my gear. I met Bill in the parking lot and he walked me down to the area he thought they had lost them. I could see all of the rake marks and I told Bill I would start my search there and then fan out if needed. I absolutely love night searches on the beach. It’s nice and cool and you can hear the waves over the hum of the machine in my headphones. You can enjoy the stars without bumping into sunbathers and it’s just a great time to enjoy what I do. I also knew that I had a very anxious couple waiting on the outcome so I was very glad that as I made my first pass I heard a faint gold sound. I was a little surprised at how deep it was even though I knew Bill had thoroughly raked the area. When my first gentle scoop to five inches came back empty I thought to myself that they were very lucky they called me and I had the machine that I was using. The second scoop was the charm and I reached down and dug the first ring out of the scoop to make sure I didn’t scratch it. When I saw that I had them both in the scoop, I smiled and handed them to Bill. With a shaky hand, he asked me to hold the light and he took a picture and sent it to Kelly in the room so she could stop worrying immediately. We walked back up and told my wife that I was already done in less than 10 minutes and Bill asked us both to come up and meet Kelly. When we walked in the door I was quickly reminded why I do this. Bill and Kelly both got choked up remembering how much those rings had been a part of over the last 25 years. I was glad that my wife got to witness that and I hope Bill and Kelly have many, many more happy years together. 👍😃


Lost Engagement and Wedding Ring playing Volleyball in the waters of Wasaga Beach 3, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Well, talk about pulling at my heart strings!!!

I was contacted via email by a frantic Trish P of Toronto.  Trish was totally overwhelmed and heartbroken because her boyfriend of 16 years finally proposed to her and where married last October!! This definitely pulled at my heart strings and I knew in my heart I could help her and those rings were just waiting for me to find them.

Trish was with her Family and Friends at Wasaga Beach #3. They were playing volleyball in 4 1/2′ to 5′ depth water 175′ from the shoreline when both her wedding ring and engagement ring flew off her finger. They spent the rest of the day searching for hours but could not find them. The next day a friend of her’s guided her to my ‘Metal Detecting for Charity” Facebook page for finding lost rings. I was actually detecting at Wasaga Beach #1 and asked her to head up form Toronto as the sooner I start detecting the area they were lost the better chances I had in finding them. Trish had said she said “I felt it was a needle in a haystack and she didn’t know metal detectors could go in water”. I told her to BREATHE and head on up when she could.

3 hours later I met up will her and her husband Gary (alias Spongebob…little inside joke as I couldn’t remember his name). We walked all the way down to Beach #3 not realize how long it would take. I spent approximately 1 1/2 hours in the water with Trish with no luck. Walking back to shore I got a hit. Unfortunately, it was a men’s wedding ring. My heart sank but I was happy that I had recovered another ring. I told her I was coming back up all weekend dog/house sitting and would not stop searching for it till I found it. Well attempt #2 was in 5′ to 6’ foot waves….CRAZY. I was tossed around and learn just how stubborn I was. Onto the 3rd attempt the following day and again NO LUCK!

The end of July and I headed back up to Wasaga for my 4th attempt. Trish and Gary where also coming up to Beach #1 with Friends. I started that morning with a Prayer to the water Gods, Detecting Gods, Guardian Angels for some Faith, Hope and Luck finding Trish’s stunning rings….I had been in the water at 9:30am and around 2:00pm and thought a couple more grid passes and I’m heading back to get some food and water. An incredible low strong tone…I haven’t heard before had my heart pumping. First scoop out…there was Trish’s WEDDING BAND full of beautiful little diamonds!! I freaked…and then decided a circular grid around this location. 3 minutes later BAM!! The same low strong tone. My heart was racing. First scoop….nothing. 2nd scoop …YIPPPEEEE….there was her ENGAGEMENT RING!! I started to cry and gave thanks to the Gods. I was shaking like a leaf.

I raced backed to shore line beaming from ear to ear and the ladies beside me asked “Did you find anything”…I was overjoyed to show them that I found Trish’s ring set. They were amazed. I quickly called…and texted Trish..leaving messages to see where she was at. I had just been notified on the Friday by Chris Turner the I was Officially accepted to “The Ring Finders” and was super stoked. Chris had suggested when recovering a ring…try to surprise the client.

Sure enough I caught up to Trish and 2 girlfriends as I made up that I was taking a break, stretching my legs and getting food and a hot Tim Horton’s coffee. I had already eaten my TimBits and decided to put the rings in the little bag…..my plotting was starting. I asked to walk over to say hi to Gary to stretch my legs….and then proceeded to ask to do a short little live interview. THEY HAD NO IDEA I FOUND BOTH RINGS!! So slowly getting into the interview and then I couldn’t wait any longer to say…”Oh by the way, I have something for you”…Trish’s JAW DROP with the words “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD…ARE YOU KIDDING ME” there in the TimBit bag were both her incredible 1.7 carat matching wedding/engagement ring set. P-R-I-C-E-L-E-S-S!!! I will never ever forget that moment!! EVER!! not to mention her girlfriends were crying in happiness.

Video of live FB beach interview and the EXCELLENT surprise:

I still watch the video as it has become my most favourite ring recovery & return!! Trish and Gary made an extremely generous donation to the Charity I snowmobile for… “The Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation” helping men & woman with the financial burden fighting breast cancer!! I am very grateful and proud for this opportunity and also meeting such nice people!! ZOOWEEMAMA~~~



Lost Gold Rings at Seaside State Park, Waterford CT… Found!

  • from Stonington (Connecticut, United States)

Two gold rings slipped off a necklace while a young lady was playing in the water with friends. The rings were her grandmother’s engagement ring and wedding band representing almost 50 years of marriage. The young lady realized the rings were lost to the ocean when the necklace containing the rings was unclasped and freely draped across her shoulders. She thought the rings were lost forever.

A month went by and the young lady had given up hope on the rings… Until a resident who lives next to Seaside saw me in the local paper and referred my services. After receiving an initial text message from the young lady I arrived at Seaside during the next low tide. A couple of phone calls and photo exchanges later we determined I was in the location where the rings were lost. Only a couple of minutes into the search I got my first promising signal from my XP Deus. I dipped my scoop into the waist-deep water and dug into the sand. Just moments later there was a beautiful sight of gold and diamonds mixed in with the shells and rocks. It was the engagement ring! With the very next scoop, the wedding band was retrieved and the pair of rings were no longer lost to the ocean!

My jewelry finding service covers Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and other surrounding states.

If you have a lost ring or something of value, contact Keith Wille now.
Call or text | 860-917-8947
Email | uncoverthings@yahoo.com
Website | www.metaldetectionkeithwille.com

Check out the video of the rings being returned!



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