minelab Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost 14k white gold heirloom ring returned! TRF Celina, Ohio

  • from Celina (Ohio, United States)

Andrew’s mother was very happy to receive this lost 14k white gold heirloom ring on behalf of her son who was beside himself when he lost it.

Andrew’s mother (Ann) contacted me recently in the hopes that a lost 14k white gold heirloom ring could be found. Andrew had lost the ring during an outside gym class session on some practice fields that amounted to the area of about 1-1/2 football fields.

That’s a lot of area to cover when you’re looking for an item about the size of a nickel. Obviously, an area like this is easier to cover and able to be covered very methodically if you can get a couple of people working a grid pattern. I contacted a friend (Travis) and we headed out to try and locate the ring. After about 4-1/2 hours of searching with no ring to show and a storm blowing in we made plans to come back another day to finish covering the area in hopes of being able to reunite the owner with their lost ring.

Andrew was very close with his grandmother and the ring had been passed down to him when his grandmother passed away in December. He wore the ring on his pinky finger to feel close to his grandmother. We knew he was very sad to have lost the ring and that it was such a sentimental item that we were trying to do everything we could to cover the area and locate his missing ring.

We made a return trip to finish covering the area and hopefully recover his missing ring for him. After a little over an hour of searching, we (Travis and I) were able to locate the ring!


We messaged Andrew right away! Unfortunately, Andrew was out of town and was unable to be there for a photo and to take possession of his ring. He did however call his mother, who was more than happy to come down and accept the ring on his behalf! Knowing that there had been more than two dozen people walking around trying to locate the item prior to us searching, and numerous sports practice sessions, Andrew’s mother thought that it was a miracle that we were even able to locate his ring. She had warned him that wearing his grandmother’s ring could result in it being lost, as was the case, but it has now been located and returned to it’s rightful owner! It has been put up so that this sentimental family heirloom will not be lost again. A needle in a haystack really can be found! Another ring returned, another successful search thanks to teamwork, and another happy ending! We were very glad to see the ring turn up and to see it returned!

On a side note Andrew was very glad to have found TheRingFinders service online and says he would recommend the service to anyone!

Lost Rings at Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463  

I was on my computer early this morning when I got a text message from a young lady at approximately 7:20 AM asking if I could help find her ring. I called her right away and we set up a time to meet in 45 minutes at Kits Beach, where she lost the ring. When I arrived at the beach I met the young lady and she showed me the approximate area where she believed she lost her ring’s. That’s right rings, she had lost two rings not just one but there was one ring with a Pearl that meant the world to her. I asked her if she could tell me the story about the ring but I could tell she was a little uncomfortable and I didn’t want to force it.

I set up my grid search and had no luck for the first hour and a half but I kept on expanding my search area and close to two hours mark I found both of her rings! I was able to surprise her with the rings and see how it made her feel to have them back on her finger. I got to hear the story about why the pearl ring meant to her, she told me a few years back she had a tough battle with depression and she bought that ring to celebrate hanging on and she did. You can only imagine with that ring meant to her to get it back, I was so honoured to be able to find it and hand it back to her and see how it made her feel.

I know I said this before and I’ll say it again, I am so proud of  ”TheRingFinders” and all the members who have joined to help people in their towns & city’s. This is a very needed service and we have reached  10,000 recorded recoveries this month.







Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463 I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.

Swansboro Cast Net Fling Results In Lost Class Ring

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)


Bailee was spending the day with her parents along the White Oak river trying to catch shrimp using a cast net.  They were throwing the net from a high wooden walkway.  During one toss, Bailee’s gold college class ring slipped off of her finger into the rivers soft muddy bottom.  Bailee’s father started an online search and found Crystal Coast Ring Finders.  Just after the call, I was on my way.  To my surprise, getting close to the ring was a challenge in itself as the bottom was very soft in places and water access was also a bit of a challenge.  After pulling up various items of trash, I locked onto a strong 12 signal on the Minelab Equinox 800.  The scoop was filled with the black mud but the signal was no longer on the bottom.  After a few seconds of sifting out the mud and debris, Bailee’s ring was shining in the bottom of my scoop.  I loved the reaction from her as her eyes lit up and she jumped with joy



  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Samantha and Friends were dockside enjoying a beautiful sunny cottage country day. She accidentally dropped her new iPhone 12 into the water between the two dock portions. They searched for hours but had trouble seeing the iPhone in the dark mucky waters below the dock.

I arrived late in the evening with my new lightweight battery operated hookah system BLU3 NEMO  and my trusty Minelab Excalibur2 underwater metal detector!

Took me but 5 seconds to see Samantha’s iPhone shinny side up! Check out the video!

One very happy young lady and another donation made to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation charity in which Samantha received a tax receipt!!

Paying-it-forward!! I love using my passion for metal detecting and five detecting to raise much needed funds to financially support breast cancer patients in need 💖


Heirloom gold wedding band lost in water Port Carling, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Had a message come in through the ring finders site from Ellen after she had google lost ring.

Ellen & Stephen was recently married on their lovely property by the waters of Port Carling, Ontario. She had asked her Son Andrew to be the Best Man and surprised him with his late Grand Father’s wedding band. After the nuptials, Andrew decides to go for a swim to cool down but the ring had slipped off his finger to the murky bottom. Two days later he advised his Mother the devastating news. I met Ellen & Stephen two days later on the property. They had advised the ring was in 3′ to 4′ of water… it was just over 5′ up to my ears. I had the tone with my Minelab Excalibur 2 in just 5 minutes but it took another 8 minutes to scoop the ring out between sticks and boards.

This sentiMental Heirloom 10k white/14k yellow late Grandfather’s wedding band is back were it belongs…with FAMILY !! Pleasure to meet this Family and thanks to

Here is the video from this ring recovery & return!!

Another donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation greatly received for my “Pay-it-forward” fundraising campaign!!




Man lost 18k white gold latched wedding band Farlain Lake, Penetang, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a message from Laura M whom was visiting here Family cottage on Farlain Lake, Penetang, Ontario. Here Husband and 2 Sons were visiting the Family and were flying home to Calgary, Alberta soon. She asked if I was able to locate in 8′ waters with a murky bottom. I quickly replied I could and was available immediately after work.

Severe thunderstorms had rolled in Ontario that afternoon. I had just finished another ring find in the water and the rain came down. I arrived at the cottage, met the Family and brought all the gear down to the bottom. Turns out her Brother-in-Law lost his gold wedding band over 10 years ago as well.

I had sent a message earlier in the day to mark the location with a rock and floating jug to cut down the area to search. The thunder and lightening started so we waited it out for about 10 minutes…and proceeded to gear up. I also brought a magnet for the kids to try magnet fishing….they loved it!

WOW, it was a very silty bottom with 6-8″ of muck so hard to keep a good grid pattern direction. Just over an hour later…..my trusty Minelab Excalibur 2 toned off with a sweet crisp tone. BINGO BANGO!!! There is was!!

Here is a link to the video from my YouTube channel;


I started to look for the 2nd lost wedding band of the Brother-in-Law but the darkness was setting in! I’ll be back!! Very happy clients before they head home to Calgary, Alberta! Lovely Family!!


Young man lost wedding band in water Tiny Township, Penetang, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a message from a young man Logan McD that I went to school with his Parents and they suggested he contact me to help find his lost his wedding band lost in waters of a private beach in Tiny Township (Penetang).

I headed up after work as severe thunderstorms were moving into the Ontario area. Met Logan at his Father-in-Laws home and quickly proceeded to the area. After 15 minutes…..my Minelab Excalibur 2 went off and had the ring in my sand scoop. Proceeded quickly back to shore and had to rush off to another water ring recovery a little further north.

Here’s a link to the video from my YouTube channel;


Grateful to Logan’s Parents my old High School Friends Sandy & Christy for the recommendation and Logan’s donations!!


Canada Day celebrations Husband of one month accidentally lost his wedding band Centennial Park, Etobicoke, Toronto, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a message from Chantal that her Husband of one month lost his 14k gold wedding band in a grassy area of Centennial Park (Etobicoke) Toronto as they were celebrating ALL DAY for Canada Day!!

They had 20 people searching the areas where he was sitting and throwing a football.

I started a grid pattern but there was an absolutely INSANE amount of pull tabs and bottle caps…..after 3 hours BINGO I had a nice crisp tone on my Minelab Excalibur2….then I started the surprise video!! Priceless.

Here’s a link to the video from my YouTube channel;


She was OVER THE MOON and tears of joy! I love it when I make them cry!!


Newly engaged couple engagement ring falls into 8′ murky bottom! Penetang, Honey Harbour, Penetang, Cognashene Bay, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Newly engaged Bride-to-be Keeanna was hanging out with great Friends at a cottage on Cognashene Bay in Penetang (Midland) area when her stunning 14k white gold 1.42k diamond engagement wedding band fell onto the dock and through a crack into the water below.

They had a neighbour who was a diver come over to try to find it but no luck. Lucky they googled and found The Ring Finders and contacted me.

I met her Parents Michele & Jaimie G and the Penetang Bay for boat pick up. What great people….the winds and waves were fierce for a 15-20 minute boat ride. Geared up and jumped in. I had already arranged with the parents for a video for the surprise (below link)

Link to video *******

The depth was about 8-9′ but the bottom was mushy & murky….I used the “Scuba Tector” to start as they mentioned is was pretty clean bottom. After pulling some coins, nails, a lead weight, Justin’s West Jet name tag LOL, out I thought best I pop up and grab my Minelab Excalibur2….2nd tone BINGO BANGO!!! and the surprise begins…..

Wishing Keeanna & Mike a very happy wedding June 2019!! AWESOME CLIENTS XO


Canada Day Man lost wedding band at Wasaga Beach, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received an email through the ring finders late evening on Canada Day that Aneta & Tom had been building sand castles and throwing a little football around the waters of Wasaga Beach. The Wasaga Beaches are 14kms of fresh water beaches 1 through 6.

I met them there after being in the water at Wasaga Beach #1 for approximately 11 hours with the Minelab Excalibur2 and my T-rex sand scoop.

We walked aways to the location of the sand castles area where they were sitting. I widened my grid area and then decided to head into the water. Aneta went back to my truck for my headlamp to make the search easier. My first target about mid calf deep was Tom’s 14k white golf wedding band approximately 30′ from shore!! So as I normally do….I waited till she arrived back, started a video and proceeded back out to retrieve it….that was a quick one. A very happy couple as the wedding band is very sentimental. The couple graciously sent in a donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Found!!

Here’s the late night video…