Ring Finder Chris Turner Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost gold ring found in New Westminster.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I received a text message from a young lady who said her husband lost his gold wedding band (only married three months) in the backyard.
She went on to say she posted it on a Facebook group and a local person came to help but couldn’t  find it. They found me online and reached out to see if I could help.

I showed up to the backyard and met he young man, heard the story of the ring, how it was gifted to him by his father on his wedding day. It was his father’s ring he could not wear it because he was allergic to the gold. You can imagine how sick he felt by losing it. He was a little freaked out that they were going to have Thanksgiving next weekend at his dad’s house.

I asked my typical questions, found out where the person did the searching and after no ring on my search I knew I had to start moving a pile of lumber that was stacked in a work area net to the patio.

After spending 20 minutes, moving some 2×4’s I saw the ring laying there in its glory!





I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.



From Ash to $$Cash$$

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


Most of my calls are for finding lost jewellery but you get some calls that are not.  My mission, if I chose to accept it, was in regards to finding a person’s grandfather’s ashes that was buried in the backyard in a mason jar, a year ago…  (His name was George)

It was a 2 Hour dive for me to get to her location, when I got there we discussed the search area, I also found out that she was being evicted from her home, so it was crucial that I find the ashes.

She wasn’t comfortable being on camera so I decided to just record the basic… Some of the search area and hopefully the recovery of the ashes. After 15 minutes the lady had to go to the washroom so she left me searching, only a minute after she went into the house I got a good signal and found her grandfather’s ashes, I left it where I found it for her to dig up. When she came out of the house I said ”I found George” I saw a look of disbelief, pure joy, and excitement all at once.

She asked me where?  I took her to the spot and showed her where i found it, she reached into the hole and grabbed it and as soon as it came out of the earth I could tell this was not George’s ashes! She quickly said I’m sorry I lied it’s $$Cash$$ So my search went from Ash to Cash! I found $12,500 in a mason jar that was in the ground and lost for over 1 year. She told me it was driving her crazy, she dug holes everywhere but could not find it, she apologized for lying but she was afraid of what her friend told her and not to trust anybody. I completely understand why she said what she said, the end result is I was so happy to be able to reconnect her with her money that she had saved for years.

She went on to explain that she was very nervous when Covid 19 hit, she heard rumours of banks closing their doors, she raced to the bank and took out her savings and buried it.

I just wonder how many people have done this in the past, forgotten where they buried their treasure and then sadly move or even pass away, leaving behind their life savings in the ground for some lucky person to find one day.

After talking for an hour or so this young lady was going back to the bank that day and let me know its now safe back in her Bank!








Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and I get to see how happy they are when I find it.

Watch Video of the search…



Lost Gold Ring at Davis Bay on the Sunshine Coast…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call or Text ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

My day job consists of mostly 13 hour days and it’s rare to get time off but luckily this week, I had two days off where I was able to recover two items for two very happy customers. The universe works in wonderful ways for this story because this couple were ending a beautiful 10 day vacation in the Sunshine Coast, unfortunately they lost a very special ring.

They went online and found TheRingFinders directory and gave me a call that evening, they told me they were returning back to Toronto the next day and luckily I was off work that day so we arranged to meet in at 12 noon at Davis Bay.

After a 3 hour wait at the ferry terminal, 40 minute ferry ride and a 40 minute drive, I arrived at Davis Bay, I heard the story about how the ring was lost and the couple showed me where they lost the ring on the beach, remember it’s a big beach and what seems to be a small area could always turn out to be an extremely large area and as you know it’s a game of inches and you have to go over the ring to find it. The difficulties of this search was that it wasn’t lost in the sand it was lost in fist size rocks, making it slippery and difficult to search the area properly.

After listening to their story and where they believe the ring came off I started my search, I knew I was under a bit of pressure because the sooner I could find this ring the sooner they can start getting ready to make their way back to Vancouver to fly out to Toronto that evening.

After approximately 40 minutes of searching I found his beautiful ring!  I was so relieved and happy to find it so quickly knowing that they could comfortably take a ferry back over to Vancouver and drive to the airport and catch their connecting flight to Toronto. Success!













Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.

Lost Ring found on Vancouver Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I got a text message the other day in regards to Lost Ring at Locarno Beach Vancouver. I quickly called Maya to discuss the search and found out that she had taken the ring off and put it in your shorts pocket while she went for a swim, when she got out of the water she put on her shorts and didn’t realize till later that the ring was missing.

This has been happening a lot lately, people taking off the rings to keep them safe then forgetting and the ring falling out of her pocket or out of the shoe, very common. I found out that she had lost it the day before which always is a concern that somebody might beat me to it. When I arrived and started my search I quickly started finding pieces of iron, bottle caps ,and pull tabs so I was confident we had a good chance of finding it.

Maya also told me that she was going to dinner that night at her boyfriends parents place and it was her boyfriend’s mother who gave her the ring, so you can imagine how important it was that she had the ring on when she went there for dinner.

After 10 minutes I found her beautiful ring, I went to surprise her and my camera was full and I had no space to make the video I tried to do it on my GoPro I have to edit and see if I have enough footage to show you… the most important thing is we found her ring and her smile










Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.




Metal Detector Rental Vancouver, BC… Lost Rings Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist, most people buy or rent and metal detector to find their lost ring.  When they do not find it, out of desperation they call me for help.  When I find it they ask me why did you find it and we couldn’t? I have close to 50 years experience in metal detecting, the equipment is only as good as the person using it. If you’ve never used a Metal Detector it’s not as easy as one would think, there’s a lot more to it than just swing the loop.

This ring was lost under a patio in loose rocks and leaves, the young man went under there for a little while but cannot find it. When I got there I search the outside edges of the patio and then I took my search under the patio. After a short time I got a signal my hand held pin pointer and found his ring under some rocks and leaves. It’s amazing how these rings disappear from sight and find a hiding place where people can’t see it.












Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.

Metal Detecting Service Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I received a text message from a young lady who said she lost her engagement ring in the water at Trout Lake, this lake was only 20 minutes from my location and I just got off of work so I went to meet her at the lake. When we met at the lake it was just after 9 PM and it was the longest day of the year so I knew if I got in the water quickly I’d be able to record this search with the light we had left. I also decided to take a silver ring with me as I knew her ring was silver with gold,  just a fake her out when I did find it. She went on to tell me it was in waist deep water and she only lost it one hour before I got there so I was very confident this ring would be found quickly.

I asked her how she heard about TheRingFinders and she told me the lifeguards gave her the number… I got into the water and within 20 minutes I found her beautiful custom Silver & Gold engagement ring. I faked her out with my silver ring and then presented her with her ring, I love surprising people and seeing the reaction!














Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.

Ring lost in Mission BC… Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

This search came from the Jon Cryer story about a month ago, the first time I went to look for the ring I spent close to six hours unsuccessfully. It was a difficult area to search due to all the blackberry bushes but Patti was not going to stop searching until she found the ring. This is how the ring got lost. Patti’s husband gave the ring to her to hold onto while he was helping their son-in-law build a barn. Patti took the ring and put it on her finger knowing it was very loose but keeping her hand clenched shut so as not to lose the ring. She walked over to a little shed where she grabbed a couple of apples to take to the horse but they were rotten so she decided to throw them into the bushes forgetting that she had her husband’s ring on her finger, at that particular time she felt the ring come off her finger and you can only imagine how that must’ve felt.

When she threw the apples she felt the ring come off, this is a horrible feeling! For anyone who has never experienced feeling a ring come off their finger and not being able to find it, it’s horrible. Patti told me she was throwing the apples up over the blackberry bushes which were close to 8 feet high at the time. When I got there to do the search she had cut back quite a bit of the blackberry bushes, giving me a really good chance to find the ring, after talking a bit more I found out that they had borrowed a metal detector from a friend of theirs but couldn’t find it, and that’s when they called me to come out and help.

Close to a 2-hour drive to get to Mission from my house and the first day no ring, six hours searching. Second time out over 4 1/2 hours still no ring. Patti had cleared more blackberry bushes, third time out I didn’t take footage of the search but I’m sure about three hours of search time. I’ve been getting a lot of calls and it’s hard to keep track due to the Jon Cryer story. Hard to imagine why I haven’t been able to find this ring, yes the area is very difficult to search and there are possibilities it could’ve got caught between roots and stems where I can’t get a Metal Detector in or pinpointed because of the prickles. I started thinking more out of the box, what if it went behind her to the right to the left, what if it went on the roof of that building so many thoughts crossed my mind but the biggest was why wasn’t I finding the ring?

Today was the fourth time out, it was a nice day and I was very hopeful, when I got there Patti was cutting back more blackberry bushes, I couldn’t believe how much she had already cut back and it made me believe there’s just no way the ring could’ve gone that far especially after hearing she is not right-handed and she threw it with her right hand. Even doing a test throw with a rock Patti couldn’t throw the rock that far.

For the what if factor I started checking the gravel driveway back to where the ring was handed off to her then I went back up to the hot zone and started grid searching while Patti was cutting back more blackberry bushes. As I was detecting near a smaller boulder I got a very faint signal beside the rock, I noticed a small crevice under the rock so I put my Garrett carrot in the crevice and  I got a signal. I found so much garbage here it didn’t mean much to me at the time, I just started trying to dig it out with the pinpointer and to my surprise, I pulled out the ring from under the boulder!!!!!

I was so excited but of course, I couldn’t show it right away because I needed to surprise Patti, she was still cutting back the bushes when I walked up to her and asked her a couple of questions and then put the ring in front of her to see her surprised look. I sure have fun surprising people and I got to tell you I felt so good to see that ring! Now to figure out how it made it so far back and so far under the boulder? After I got home that evening my thought was maybe a pack rat had taken it and put it there, any ideas please let me know.















I have the best job in the world and I love doing this more than anything I’ve done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what the ring means to them and how happy they are when I’m lucky enough to find it.


Watch Video of the search below…