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With a little help from friends, Lost Ring at First Encounter Beach Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

I did not find the ring, BUT my detecting partner, Jim DID.
A Google area photo helped, it lead Jim to the ring.
It is great to have help! Jim was heading off Cape and left the ring’s return up to me.
What a team, I can not wait until Jim returns next summer!

Hi Rick, in addition to the thank you parcel headed for you and Jim. A donation has been made in your name to the Cape and Islands retired K9 relief fund. As an added bonus, my firm has matched my donation dollar for dollar. Rick we did a lot of good today. You were the catalyst! Thank you again for everything.

Godspeed, Matt

Matt H

Matt H ringRS

White Gold Ring Found And Returned From Lendrum Beach Volleyball Court Edmonton

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

IMG_0242 IMG_0239

Katrina called last evening ask me if I could help her find her lost white diamond engagement ring! which she just lost while playing volleyball in the sand court told her I would be down within 30 minutes, when I arrived at the court I see her friends on their hands and knees searching for the ring with no luck in finding the ring.

I did a couple of grid search with my V3i with 4×6 Eclipse Shooter Coil with no luck Knowing that the ring had to be in the area I went back to the truck and got my AT pro with standard coil and with in 10 minute found her ring I could tell by the smile Katrina was one happy young lady to have her ring back on her finger.

Thank you Katrina for the generous reward.

Another Happy Client.

Gull Lake, Richland, Michigan gives up a set of wedding rings

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

Fred Johnson,  a Ring Finder, got an email today at 3PM from Eric R., “last night my wife lost her rings while swimming…somewhere in 4-8 feet of water off our dock…possible area of perhaps 1000 square feet…only 3-5′ visibility at present…sand and silt bottom…is this something doable for you or is the depth an issue”. When it comes to ring finding we have few issues and dept of water is one but we have a fellow Ring Finder, Chuck Raison, who is our diver and who we can call on. Fred gave me a call and asked if I was available to help him find these rings. I called my brother Doug and headed down to Gull lake to meet Fred at Eric’s house.

After Eric had taken us out to the dock and showed us a buoy that his wife, Martha, swam around and then back to the dock. She was swimming back stroke to avoid their dog, Lucy, who was swimming in the lake too. When Martha got up to the ladder on the dock she noticed her rings were gone. The rings were an engagement ring, white gold with diamonds and a ten year anniversary ring, white gold with diamonds.

It was a beautiful afternoon to go out in the water so we started from the shore and made our way out to neck deep water with no signals. I got my life vest on and extended my detector shaft as long as it would go and checked out the deeper water around the buoy. Had I got a good signal we would have called in Chuck R. to dive for it. I made my way back to shallower water where I could just stand up in and got a good signal with my CZ21 and tried to scoop it but was unsuccessful so Fred got his Pin pointer and mask and went down under my coil and scooped up a handful of mud and the engagement ring came up sparkling in the water. I continued to search for another signal as I was sure it wasn’t too far away. After a few more dives by Fred and a good scoop we got the anniversary ring. This was truly a combination effort between Fred and myself.

A little before we got the good signal Martha came out on the dock and thanked us for coming out. Then we started back to the dock and told Martha it was pretty deep and we might have to get our diver. As I got on the dock I reached into my net with my finds and Martha saw something shining and started yelling and could hardly control herself. I said is this it? Fred then reached out his hand with the other ring and Martha hugged Fred, Doug and I as wet as we were, she couldn’t believe we found them. Martha said a prayer last night to Saint Anthony patron saint of lost items.

Eric and Martha’s daughter turned them on to The Ring Finders through Googling “lost ring”. Thank you webmaster for putting us on the top of the “lost rings” site.



Lady’s white gold engagement and wedding rings lost in Eau Galle, WI – Now found!

  • from Saint Paul (Minnesota, United States)

Sam was playing volleyball in the water with friends and family when her rings that were welded together flew off her finger and into the water as she was setting the ball.  Everyone did the best they could to find rings, but came up empty-handed after a few hours of searching.

Sam called me up and left a message so I texted her and we made plans for me and a buddy to meet her husband and his friend at the lake the following day, a Thursday.

We thought it would be an easy hunt, but there was quite a bit of iron in the lake bottom making it hard to pick up targets.  Another problem we had was we were both using the same kind of metal detector and they were interfering with each other, making it hard to pick up signals.  We searched for a few hours and had to give up because it was getting dark.

The next day, we made plans to meet there again around 11:00 and to bring scuba gear in case the ring was deeper than we thought.  We got there around 9:30, that following Saturday – two buddies and me – to get started early.

Mike stayed out of the water to avoid interference while Matt and I gridded the area for about 45 minutes.  We were getting worried that we weren’t going to find the ring when Mike decided to join us.  He entered the water and immediately dug the ring in about 4 feet of water!

Sam and her husband pulled up right when we were getting dried off and packing the gear back into the vehicle.  Sam was super thrilled to get her ring back and we were all thrilled to give it to her!



Lost Diamond Ring at Vancouver Park / Playground…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I had a early morning search in a lake at Whistler, BC that took me 1 hour & 45 minutes each way. I arrived 7am to find out the the ring was lost in water that was over my head…I still tried by standing on a log near the dock and trying to detect around the area but after 2 hours I packed it up and called a diver from my directory to come out and find it.

Just 20 minutes away from home I got a call from a young lady who asked if I could help find her diamond ring that was lost at a playground. She found TheRingFinders.com online and called…I was on my way!

I met with the family and she showed me the areas the ring could have been lost then she took a cab to work while her husband & kids stayed behind. The crazy thing was that she put her rings in her pocket and when she went to put them back on all she had was her wedding band…Some how the engagement ring disappeared.

I searched the most likely areas like the swing and slide but no ring? I then started a grid from where they parked to where they sat on the ground and after 2 lines of the grid there was the ring slightly covered by grass.



















I was able to surprise her husband and kids with the reveal…

I love my job! If you need help finding your lost jewelry contact a member of TheRingFinders!


Here’s the video of the search below.





Lost 3 Gold & Diamonds Wedding Rings at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started Thursday 18 August when I was checking my email. A ring find request came in asking me to call before 11PM. When I called Stacy from Tuscaloosa, Alabama answered and told me her daughter Anna had lost her three Gold & Diamonds Wedding rings on the beach in the sand. Anna had taken her rings off and placed them in the pocket of her back pack for safe keeping. Later that evening she pulled a shirt out of her back pack and when she went for the rings they were gone. She assumed they must have fallen out when she got the shirt. They looked for about an hour but the wind was blowing so hard they were getting pelted by the sand and it hurt. They decided to try the next morning. Stacy started google searching for a Metal Detector Rental and stumbled across the ring finders. Seeing that I was ex-Navy that’s when she sent the email. I told Stacy I would meet them as early as possible Friday morning before the wind started picking up again. We met at the McDonald’s on base and Stacy & Anna took me to the beach where the rings were lost. I had Anna demonstrate how she lost the rings and I drew a box grid in the sand. Surprisingly the area was sterile of metal but there was all kinds of plastic trash. As I was getting to the extreme edge of the grid I got an excellent tone. Because of the diamonds I used my pin-pointer and amazingly the ring was 6 inches deep already from the blowing sand. That was ring #1 but not the solitaire diamond. About 4 feet away I got another nice tone. This was the solitaire also 6 inches deep. Then slightly to the left another nice tone. That was it the 3rd and final ring. My first Trifecta and 3 for 3. Anna & Stacy were so happy & excited and actually surprised it only took 10 minutes. A few warm hugs and thank yous and I could tell a weight had been lifted off Anna’s shoulders. If ever in Alabama I’ve been invited to go relic hunting. Stacy has a White’s detector and has found a Confederate States sword buckle during one of her hunts. If I’m ever there count me in! Aloha to Anna & Stacy!

Another ring found at Holland State Park, Michigan

  • from Holland (Michigan, United States)

This time the ring was lost on the beach.  Brittany had taken her ring off, placing it in her beach bag for safe keeping while she played with her kids in the water.   But when she reached home the ring was gone.   She went back the next day to look for it, but had no success.

Metal detecting hunters search that beach daily, so hunting partner Gregg Larabel and I weren’t optimistic about finding the ring when we made the trip to the park three days later.  It was really helpful that Brittany had provided us with pictures from their day at the beach, enabling us to pinpoint the exact spot where she had been sitting.  We started a grid of the area, and after 2 passes I found the ring about 10 feet from the sign post shown in her photo(below).

We gave Brittany a call and since she had just finished work nearby she said she would meet us in the parking lot.  She arrived with her mother and father, and Gregg showed her some of the junk we had found.  Her comment was “It’s ok, thank you for your help in trying to find my ring.”   I then said, “and I also found this” and showed her the ring.  Her face lit up like the sun and she had hugs for both Gregg and me.  Mother and father also got out of the car and joined in the celebration.



Lost White Gold Ring Found Underwater in Lake Erie, Newport, Estral Beach, Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Fisherman’s Blues to Fisherman’s Rock and Roll!

Got a call a week ago that a newly married guy was out fishing with some buds on Lake Erie and as they were bringing the boat back to shore in his ring slipped off. Wife of course was livid! Lake Erie can get quite rough at times and that’s what he was saying it was when he rented an ace 150 with no luck and those are good units but not waterproof. He doubted it could be found because it was out there for 2 weeks. He said it was roughly waist high water and I laughed cos when I met him out there he was quite tall so like his waist was at my chest almost my neck lol (everyone’s taller than me!) So being a private beach and no one else knew about the loss I figured we had a better chance of finding the ring.
We started at sunrise Wednesday morning and as we were walking to the beach the foliage was quite attractive and reminded me of being on an island. As the canopy opened up and as we were getting into the water he was good at remembering the area. I got a linear hit which produced a 6 foot copper pipe. Continuing my grid search and running 0 disc I got a soft signal. The water clarity was near opaque and I usually go barefoot during water searches as I can feel what the item is when I get a hit. The sand was compact so I knew if it was in this area it was just under the surface of the sand bottom. So I felt with my foot as I moved it around on the bottom that the object was round so I thought well its probably a bottle cap but those are usually louder. So I dig it all out in the water so it didn’t matter anyway. Placing my foot at back of coil and scooping forward with my 5′ handle scoop I got nothing, so I swept the coil again and redid scoop procedure and up came this gorgeous white gold band at chest high water depth.


Our ring finder client saw it first in the scoop as the water washed away and he went wild and I said is this the ring?! YES he exclaimed as we high fived!

SO not a bad hunt total search time 20min!

Pictured L to R is Ring Finder Client and Ring Finder Jonathan Hamill
Thank you for reading!

Forked Run state park beach, another men’s wedding band found

  • from Marietta (Ohio, United States)

Of course I had to take my metal detector with us on or family vacation to the beach. Long story short, I found a child’s costume ring and a men’s wedding band. No one at the beach nearby had lost it so I placed an ad in the Outer Banks Craigslist lost/found. The owner has yet to be found. The ring was found around 6/23/16. Anyone know of anyone who lost a men’s wedding band before that date please let me know!


8/5/2016 I headed to Forked Run state park to hunt the sandy area of the beach. I decided to use my Garrett AT Pro in the water at the beach and see what’s out there. A few coins, a costume pendant and a men’s wedding band was found. I took the wedding band to the campground check in and filled out a lost/found tag and turned it in to the park ranger. Hopefully the rightful owner will show up and claim it. Finding these items are fun but nothing is more enjoyable than reuniting them with the owners. Steve

Lost wedding band at Sunset Beach, Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I got a call mid day asking if I could help find a lost ring at the beach, I asked my normal questions in regards to where it was lost and there was two places it could be… one was the volleyball court and the second place was the ocean. It was a hot day so I kinda was hoping it was in the ocean so I could cool down but after 30 minutes or so I found the ring in the volleyball court!

I love the reaction when the young man and his wife when I found the ring! He told me he was in the dog house for loosing his ring after only being married for 3 weeks so he was very happy to have it back!

Unfortunately I lost the footage of this recovery and I’m so bummed as they were so happy to get the ring back and their reactions were priceless…Something I’ll never forget.

I love the stories of the rings I find for people and how much it means to them to find it. I have the greatest job of all I get to make people smile!


I love my job! Lost your ring…Call a member of TheRingFinders.com nearest you!

Thanks for reading my story!





