Richard Higham

  • Land/Shallow Water Search

Cost For My Service

Client pays for my fuel and the amount is agreed before my departure. I provide a free service and any donation to the Margaret Green Animal Rescue Centres made directly from the client to them.

Search Types

All land and water up to 5' deep.

Search Locations

South England

Richard Higham's Bio

I have been detecting for several years now and use state of the art equipment. As a side line to my hobby I like to search for lost property for the sole purpose of reuniting people with their lost property and raising money for charity.

Richard Higham - Recent Blog Post

  • Mens Gold Wedding Band lost & found on Studland Beach. (2024)

    Tony & his wife visited Studland from their Berkshire home only to lose his ring in the soft sand. He called me through the & I arrived the same afternoon. Though the search was very brief, Tony was very glad to have the ring back on his finger. A kind donation was made to […]

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  • Mens Padadium Wedding Band Recovered on swanage Beach (2024)

    Dan & family visited Swanage from the their home in Buckinghamshire. Making sandcastles Dan realised he’d lost his ring & searched desparately. He found me on the and after a brief search, up came the ring to his great relief. Dan promised to make a kind donation to the Margaret Green Animal Sanctuary.

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  • Gold & Diamond Ring Lost & Found Poole Harbour (2023)

    Sarahs mother in law recently lost TWO precious gold diamond rings on a beach in Poole Harbour. They manage to recover one by hand but the other still eluded them. I came over that evening fearing other detectorists might beach comb & come across it. Luckily after 5 minutes of searching up popped the ring. […]

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  • Sentimental Gold Ring Lost & Found On Studland Beach (2023)

    Alicia & fiance visited Studland Beach recently almost ruining their day when Alicia dropped her family ring from her pocket. They searched in vane for ages before I was finally contacted. I met them on the beach & although they had searched the particular area the ring soon appeared. They were extremely releived to get […]

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  • Mens Palladium Ring Lost & Found Studland Beach (2022)

    Back in August Kevin from Poole visited Studland with his family to do a little SUP’ing. Trouble was he kept falling off and worst still, when he reached the shore realised his wedding ring had gone! He had covered a wide area and could tell for sure where he had lost it. I visited the […]

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Richard Higham - Testimonials

  • Once again, many Thanks! (2022)


    Many Thanks Richard for coming out and locating the ring. I was totally surprised that you managed to find it still under all that water! But as you said at the time, remembering the exact moment I lost it and recalling details accurately definitely helped in the search. Once again, many Thanks!

  • What an incredibly guy and amazing human being! (2021)



    I would like to say how amazed and grateful I am that Richard came out and found my locket for me without any delay! It is really precious to me and I am so so pleased that Richard took the time (came immediately from work!) and found it so so so quickly!! If you need something found I have no doubt Richard will be able to find it for you!

    Thank you so so so much!

    What an incredibly guy and amazing human being!

    Danny ???? (and Sam)

  • Richard and long may you continue to help those in need of your invaulable assistance! (2021)


    Thank you so much for this amazing service that you provide Richard, and for this frankly incredible recovery. Once we had completed the beach search, I must say my hopes of locating the ring from the sea with its sharply shelving drop were very far from high, and as I watched Richard in wetsuit and goggles make his initial sweeps in the water I thought “God loves a trier, but surely this is a hopeless case” and resolved to donate to his chosen charity whatever the outcome. It’s hard to find the words to describe my astonishment, relief and joy when my wedding ring appeared from the shovelful of sand and stones scooped from the sea bed. Thank you again, Richard and long may you continue to help those in need of your invaulable assistance!

  • He is a ring finding super hero... (2021)


    Yes we were so grateful to Richard. He is a ring finding super hero and Mum was really pleased to be reunited with her ring. A miracle!

  • Truly incredible man. I’m at still in total shock... (2020)


    Truly incredible man. I’m at still in total shock and struggling with words. I will be forever grateful for the time Richard took to come and meet us and make this incredible story a dream come true.

    Thank you so much Richard

  • I can’t recommend and thank Richard enough. (2018)


    I can’t recommend and thank Richard enough. To trust us with his equipment to enable me to find this precious ring was so lovely of him. We had the help of some lovely people at the New Forest Show as well Lucy and her mum who parked next to us and another lady called Jo spent 2 hours on our hands and knees helping find 5 of my rings and Hannah and her Police Cadets from the show ground also helped. To loose my Nan’s wedding ring after having it since she gave it to me just before she died 36 years ago would have been devastating so a big thank you again to Richard and everyone involved.

  • A truly remarkable experience with a very, very happy ending. Thank you, Richard! (2018)


    On Monday, 23rd July, 2018, my wife, three children and I spent a delightful day on Swanage beach.

    Having had a swim, I was drying myself off when I felt through my towel my wedding ring slide off my wet finger. I immediately told the whole family to freeze and gingerly began to run my finger through the soft dry sand.

    The sand on Swanage beach must be among the finest in the country. It is so soft that the ring simply “vanished”. After a fruitless twenty-minute search, I decided the best thing to do was to find an ironmonger’s and buy a garden riddle or builders’ sieve … and shovel.

    I sifted sand looking for my ring for nearly two hours. I cleared a 3- by 4-metre rectangle of soft, dry, surface sand – about the amount shifted by a medium-sized JCB bucket! – to no avail. At 6.15pm I called off the pointless search and left Swanage.

    A kindly RNLI lifeguard (Peter), who had been following my plight, had mentioned a Facebook page which was dedicated to helping people find their lost possessions. From the FB page I quickly located website and was told that Richard Higham was the local searcher, nay, finder, of rings.

    After a sleepless night, at 5.52am I sent an email to Richard. I described what had happened and attached a Google Earth plan of the area in which I thought the ring must be lying.

    At 8.50am I called Richard; he was reading my email message. He said he couldn’t lose time and had to get to the beach. There was a hasty goodbye and I rang off.

    At 9.08am, just a quarter of an hour later given the length of the initial phone call, Richard rang me: he had found the wedding ring! Amazing!

    On Tuesday morning I drove down to Swanage to meet up with Richard. It was here that I discovered what kind of kind person Richard is: I offered a reward, compensation for his time, effort, experience, expertise and kindness … only to be told he didn’t expect reimbursement or payment! He wouldn’t even accept a beer!

    The agreement with Richard on the finding of a lost article is a donation to a charity of his choice. As soon as I receive details of which charity he has chosen, a figure will be flying to its bank account.

    A truly remarkable experience with a very, very happy ending.

    Thank you, Richard!


  • Richard gave up his time to come and search for it for me. He is an amazingly generous person (2018)


    We can’t thank Richard enough for coming all the way from Swanage to find my engagement ring for us.

    I was absolutely devastated when it had slipped from my hand and we were unable to see it anywhere.

    I am so unbelievably grateful that Richard gave up his time to come and search for it for me.

    He is an amazingly generous person, both with his time and the fact the only payment he wanted was a donation to charity which we gladly made. Thank you so much!

  • Thank You Richard – MY SAVIOUR! (2017)


    Thank You Richard – MY SAVIOUR! Amidst the moment when i was feeling hopeless, useless, devastated i found this saviour who was so spontaneous that he reached the desired venue within 2 hours with all the equipments. He didn’t show any hesitation to jump into the cold water and look for the ring.. He kept us optimistic and we just believed in him and YES HE FOUND IT!!!!

    Without him I would be still living with a deep regret.. A man i would never forget in my life and will always be grateful for..

    Thank you Richard, God bless you & Will see you at my wedding!

  • I can't thank you enough and am so impressed that you were able to come down that same day and put me out of my misery. (2014)


    Dear Richard,

    Thank you again for your help on Saturday. I will donate £50 plus gift aid to the Dorset air ambulance today.

    For your blog, the story is that we were just spending a family day at the beach and I took the ring off to suncream my boy. I've done it a thousand times because I don't like the cream getting in between the rocks.

    Popped the ring in my pocket then got all rushed into changing to get into the sea and that was when the ring flew out into the sand. It was our 12th wedding anniversary the following day so it was going to be super sad if I lost it.

    I can't thank you enough and am so impressed that you were able to come down that same day and put me out of my misery.

    Wishing you all the very best with your ring finding in the future.

    Best wishes,

    Susan Hopcraft