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Lost Gold Ring at White Pines Lake in Poco…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)











After a couple of nice sunny summer days (finally) the phone started to ring. This young man had lost his white gold wedding band in five feet of water at White Pine Beach in Poco. This lake is beautiful and you are not allowed to search here without permission. I received permission to find the ring and leave, this was good news as you could imagine how important it was for him to have it found. He’d only been married for nine months and I could tell how bad he felt about losing his ring. My only chance of finding his ring would be if it was in the first 5 feet of water, as I don’t dive…But we do have a diver from Squamish who would’ve come out to help, if it was deeper then I could search. I started my search and it was pretty quite with only a couple of signals before I got the loud proud signal that turned out to be his white gold wedding band.




Because the young man took reference marks of the area the ring was lost in, it made my job so much easier! This could have taken many hours of searching if he didn’t mark the area the ring was lost…That being said after this quick search I headed out on another water search where someone had lost their ring but couldn’t tell me where it came off their finger…The search area was as long as a soccer field and I spent 5 hours with no luck…So if you think I find everything, I don’t, I can only find what is there to be found.

Thanks for reading my blog!

If you have lost something and want it found…

Call me ASAP


I Love my Job!

Please watch the video below…


Found..Lost Gold Ring at English Bay Beach, Vancouver BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)










Last night I went to sleep at 11:45 pm and I was planning on getting up at 3:am to go to the beach with a friend and do a beach hunt.

Minutes before midnight I awake to a phone call…911… someone lost their ring at the beach and wanted to know if I could help find it.

After taking notes of the location the ring was lost at I decide to search for it ASAP so that no one else would find it before I got there.

I get up and make a coffee and get ready to hit the road…The great thing was that it was the same beach my friend and I were going to at 4 am that morning. I wasn’t going to wake him up early so I went there to find the ring then come back to pick up my friend.

I get to the beach and I can see hand prints all over the sand in the area the ring was lost at, I know that I’m in the right spot, so I start my search.

After 10 minutes of searching in the dark at around 1:15 am I get a loud strong signal. I sink the scoop into the nice dry sand and I watched the sand sift through the scoop until I could see the beautiful color of gold!

After I returned home from the beach I had 30 minutes to make another coffee and get ready to pick up my friend and head back out to the beach.

I love my job!

Need help finding your lost ring?

Call me ASAP!

View the video of the search below…

Found, Lost platinum wedding ring in West Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)










I received a call from a young man that owns a landscaping company here in West Vancouver.  He said that he’d lost his platinum wedding ring of ten years some where in his clients back yard.

He rented a metal detector and searched with 4 of his employees for over 4 hours but didn’t find the ring. He then went on his smart phone and found ”The Ring Finders” (That is a smart phone!)

We made arrangements to me meet later in the day, when I arrived he showed me the area he believed the ring was lost in and I began my search. Only minutes later I found his wedding band, needless to say he was excited but couldn’t understand why he couldn’t find it as he and his employees were searching for hours in the same location…


I have had close to 70% of the people who hire me rent metal detectors first and after searching for hours give up the search and call me. My equipment is much better then the ones they rent and also it could be a little overwhelming for the person who has never used a metal detector.

Every ring has a story and it’s always a great feeling to help continue that story for the people I help.

Thanks for reading my blog!

If you have lost something and need help finding it please call me ASAP!


I love My Job!

You can watch the video below…

Ring found in yard near Longmont, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Marshall Lipps lost his platinum wedding ring while doing yard work in the spring.  He had trimmed some ornamental grasses and bushes and taken the clippings to a composting pile towards the back of the property. Since they live on a small acreage the ring could have been along a sizable path or someplace not thought of. Marshall even went to a rental place and rented a metal detector twice in an attempt to recover his ring. But he was not able to locate the ring using the rental detector.

Marshall then came upon the “Ring Finders” site and contacted me to assist in the search for his ring. By now it had been three weeks since he had lost his ring. Marshall and I walked the area where he was working and talked about what it was he was doing along with a demonstration of his actions.

I set out the search for Marshall’s ring searching the area of the ornamental grasses and the path to the compost pile. I ended up finding it near the compost pile but in an area that wasn’t expected as he didn’t recall being quite that far to the side of the pile. Marshall was happy to see his ring, but his wife was even happier.

Ring recovered on Mar 20, 2011.

Marshall reunited with his ring


Ring recovered in Northglenn front yard

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

Joe Pfifer lost his 14 karat white gold wedding band while doing yard work. Something as simple and mundane as removing dried up leaves from the shrubbery in front of their home on a cool spring morning had caused Joes ring to slip from his finger.

Joe had tried searching for the ring visually and even researched on-line on how to search for lost rings which is how he found “Ring Finders”. And with the thought of somebody who knew what they were doing as opposed to Joe giving it a go on his own, Joe contacted me.

When I met up with Joe he explained what he was doing and the location of his efforts to clean up the yard. Within a few short minutes I had recovered Joe’s ring from under the tree bark mulch that was hiding it from sight. This search area was being hindered by metal edging, but when you know your machine interference from such can be minimized.

Ring recovered on March 25, 2011.

Joe Pfifer and his ring

Joe happy to be holding his ring once again


Joes 14 kt white gold ring

Lost Gold Ring at Wreck Beach, Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)










Today at work I received a call from a young man who lost his wedding band (common-law) at Wreck Beach yesterday. He explained that he took it off and put it in his pack so that he wouldn’t lose it.

That being said he went into his pack four times to get something out and it was in four different locations on the beach. I met Ben and his lovely wife to search the locations in hope that I could reunite him with his ring.

The first location on the beach (Nude Beach) was at the far end where he felt it could be, 20 minutes and some pocket change near a log and nothing. We move to the second location, another log closer to the middle of the beach. Within seconds of turning on my detector I found his ring…Smiles all around!

I love my job!

Lost something? Call me ASAP!

You can watch the video of the search below…


Lost Wedding Band on Cypress Mountain, West Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)








Its been a slow start to spring and summer this year as we haven’t had a spring or summer yet…Heck we didn’t even have a winter! That being said the snow stayed on the mountains and that’s where I went for a few hours, a couple of weekends ago.

I found the usual change ($30.00) and a few silver pieces and lots of crapy metal things. I was packing it up for the day and as I was driving away the parking lot grabbed my attention as I started to wonder what could’ve  been plower to the side with all the snow. I drove about a 100 yards and stopped my car and got out to walk alongside the road to see if I could spot anything.

Well I walked no further the 10 feet past my car and looked down a spotted a gold wedding band in the dirt and gravel…


I didn’t even have my detector, talk about when its meant to be! The great thing about this ring was that there was a name and the wedding date inscribed on the inside of the band.

I left the mountain and when I got home I posted the find on the craigslist in hopes that maybe the person would find me. The hardest thing is finding the owner if they haven’t contacted me to do the search. Most people just give up!  I was at work and it hit me…Call the Ski Resort and see if anyone has reported it lost. This was a great idea as someone had, well we met today and he has his lost ring of nearly 4 months back on his finger.

I love my job!

Lost something? Call me ASAP!

Thanks for reading my story.

Watch the video below…

Recovered: Lost 10kt Gold Wedding Band Delaware Seashore State Park

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On Sunday 06/12/11, I received a phone call from a gentleman who had lost his wedding band on the beach while helping a DJ who was working wedding. I arrived at the scene of the lost ring and was taken to the area of where the ring had been lost. The gentleman said that he had been using his hand to clean off a table and that the ring had slipped off during the side to side sweeping motion of his hand. The gentleman pointed to the area where he believed the ring had landed in the sand. I then began my search, after about ten swings of the detector and about eight footsteps I received a gold tone. Then with two scoops of my sand scoop the ring was recovered and there were smiles all around. The gentleman and his wife  were really happy that his ring was recovered. What a great ending!

Lost platinum wedding ring recovered! Fort Meade, Maryland.

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

This is my 2nd recovery in 2011 so far….and I’m 2 for 2! I’ll let Jeff P. tell the story. Thanks for checking out my page!

In May 2011, my platinum wedding band came off during a soccer game. I knew I had it on at the beginning of the game and realized midway through the second half that it had come off. I thought back and suspected that it flew off during a throwin, but had no idea where on the field it had fallen. The field is a very large area, approx.100×75, so I thought it was a lost cause.
After the game, I went home and began researching metal detectors with the intention of renting one and searching for it myself. I was surprised to find the community and decided to contact Jim Wagner. Jim returned my email and within 2 hours, we were out on the field looking for the ring. After only 40 minutes of searching, Jim found my ring! What a feeling of relief! My wife was out there with us and she was thrilled. Thanks, Jim!

Jeff P.

Yours truly and a VERY happy Jeff P!


Lost Wedding Ring Retrieved From Community Pond in Northern Virginia!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

On 2/21/11, I was contacted by a woman named Susan about her recently lost wedding ring.  She told me how she was at her neighborhood park the day beforer and when she went to throw some bread crumbs to the geese in the pond….you guessed it, off flew her wedding band! We made arrangements to meet and a few days later I found myself at the edge of a well maintained pond in a beautiful community. Immediately I slipped into my waders and got to work. After fifty minutes, 3 old cans, a beat up minnow trap and  a coax cable connector, I hit pay dirt!

Back where it belongs!

The look on Susan’s face was one of amazement and joy.  By contacting me quickly and taking note of exactly where she was when the ring came off, Susan made my job that much easier. Being able to return something that is so precious to someone sure is a great feeling!
