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Ring search Camas and Richland Washington/Lost Ring/Walla Walla

  • from Yakima (Washington, United States)

I am thinking about changing my name to Ring Searcher instead of a Ring Finder. This sums up my last two searches. In my defense, both of the searches are not over, and were rings that were lost but the owner was not sure where. This left me with large search areas.

The first one was in Camas, Washington. Like most ring searches it started with a phone call. Help! I lost my ring. This was a very special engagement/wedding ring combo. She was not sure if it was lost in the house or out. She had turned the house upside down and no ring. Next she thought there was a chance her beautiful pet had possibly eaten it. So off to the vet for xrays, which were normal. Finally it was my turn to search the property. It took me three hours to search the yards and nothing. I am hoping to return this spring to look the yard over again.

The second search was for a ring that was a father to son gift. This ring holds special meaning and like all the rings lost I really wanted to find it. We knew that the ring was lost, and at this location. However the area to search was over two acres. Even after searching for 6 hours I had not located it. I did find a ton of pull tabs and bottle caps. I am also planning to continue the search and want to give the client the chance for the story of this ring to not end this way.

I will update the blog as soon as we find the ring.

I just got a call today, for a search in Walla Walla. This one was lost in a specific area so I should be able to locate it.

Bye for now and hopefully, the next blog will put me back in as a ring finder!

Metal Detecting…Lost 19k White Gold Wedding Band/Downtown Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I was at work when I received a call from a lady that I did a search for a few months back, she lost her diamond earring. I didn’t find her earring but I did my best to help her and she said that she’d pass out my name for anyone she knew that could use my service…

Today was the day as she heard about a friend at work who lost his wedding bandwhile playing volleyball at a nearby park. She said that he lost his wedding band while playing volleyball and it was lost in deep grass and he knew the area it was lost in, she passed my name and number to him.

Shortly after I received a call from theyoung man and we setup a time that evening to search for his ring. When I got off work I headed out to Vancouver, I met Chad and we went to the park were he lost his ring.

I asked him where he thought he lost the ring and to my surprise he wasn’t sure…This changes everything as now we might be searching for hours for something that isn’t even there. He wasn’t even sure if it came off playing volleyball, but that would be the most likely place to search.

I could tell at night the area that they were playing volleyball because the ground was packed with foot prints. I started my grid search and within 5 minutes I got a good signal and flashed my light to the ground and in the long blades of grass I could see the outline of the white gold ring.

I called him over and showed him his ring…

I love my job!

Lost something? Call me ASAP at…778-838-(Find)3463

Watch the video below to see the discovery…

Metal Detecting…Hong Kong Gold/Found at Vancouver Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost for 6 days in the ocean at Spanish Banks Beach…Vancouver/24k gold wedding band/lost while swimming.

Now the ring will fly home to Hong Kong where the owner will be happily awaiting its arrival.

Ring Testimonial…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I lost my wedding band over a month ago now and I was quite disappointed to say the least. I’ve never taken my ring off except for a few hours to do odd chores around the house for the last 10 years. After losing the ring, it felt like I lost a part of me. So I started scouring “lost and found” ads in the paper and craigslist hoping to find my ring. And this is how I found Chris Turner, on Craigslist, offering his service to find lost jewelry for people. So I contacted Chris, told him where, when and how I lost it. He said he’ll try to look for it but there won’t be any guarantee. I resigned to the fact that he won’t find it since it’s been lost in the lake for at least 3 weeks after calling him. But lo and behold, one beautiful Saturday morning he gives me a call to let me know he found it!!!! They say miracles don’t happen but it did, Chris happened. I want to take this opportunity to say thanks to you again buddy. Big Thanks!!!



Lost Gold Ring at English Bay Beach in Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

It’s Saturday around 5 pm and I just made my wife and I dinner, I’m about to dig in and my phone rings…Lost ring at English Bay Beach in Vancouver… I ask a few question and take a few bites of my meal and I’m on my way to the beach to see if I can find this young mans diamond pinky ring.
I meet a group of young men and one young lady and they tell me how they were playing volleyball and how when he was diving for the ball he felt his ring come off and some of his friends thought they saw something hit the sand…

The young man tells me how special the ring is to him and how it was given to him by his parents and he was the first brother to receive such a gift. I could tell how much it meant to him and how devastated he was by loosing it.

We discuss the area he thought it was lost in and I started my search, close to 30 minutes and no ring…? I sat down a we talked some more about where the ring could have gone and he said he was hitting the ball hard and thought maybe it went further out from my grid…He was right! I extended my grid search and found his ring!

He was speechless when I asked him if this was his ring, and held it up for him to see.

I love my job!

Lost something and need it Found? Call me ASAP 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the YouTube video below…

Found…Gold cat ring/Lost in the garden/North Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The Cat Came Back!

Thanks for watching…

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP

Diamond ring lost on soccer field in Surrey BC.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This story is about a lady who called me and was very upset about losing her diamond ring that was given to her by her mother.
Every time I get a call for ”Finders” I get excited about the chance of helping find someone’s ring for them.

Some searches are harder then others and you really don’t know how long it will take until you find it or not. This search was going to be a difficult because after talking to her on the phone she told me that the ring could be lost anywhere on two soccer fields.

When I met up with her at the park she walked over to a part of the field where she was watching one of her kids who was playing soccer. She said that she watched the game for a while and half way through that game she walked her other child to another field for a game.

Throughout the day she was back and forth watching both games and some where in that park the ring fell off into the grass, the question now was… where?

I decided to start my search in the area that she took me to first. That proved to be a good starting point as 15 minutes later I found the ring… I think she was as shocked as I was that the ring was found so fast!…The smile tells you the rest!

I love my job!

Lose something? Call ASAP!

Lost…White gold diamond ring/ A gift from her late Grandmother/ Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This ring search was for a young lady who lost the white gold diamond ring that was given to her by her late Grandmother.

While cleaning her balcony she threw a few things down to the ground below to pick up and throw away later. This is when she felt her ring come off and land some where in the grass below.

I listened to her story and it was pretty cut and dry in my mind that the ring would be in the grass close to the items that she threw to the ground.

I started my grid search in this relatively small area of her back yard and after 1 hour and no ring I had to re-think the situation. This should be easy I thought to myself… but why haven’t I found it?

My only thought was that the ring flew over the fence and landed in the neighbors yard, when I suggested we ask her neighbor if we could search her back yard for the ring, she didn’t think it was possible that it ended up there, but she agreed.

After a short time in the neighbors yard the ring was found and the smile was in full view!
“Flick Factor” I believe we never stop learning and life is exciting with the possibilities that await us in every challenge we meet.

I love my job!

Lose something? Contact us ASAP

Gold in the Attic!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

A local newspaper here in Vancouver did a story about my service ”Finders” This always gets me a rush of work as people remember what they’ve lost and wonder if I could find it for them.

This story is about a man who was laying out insulation in his attic and after he was done he noticed his gold coin ring was gone. Thanks to the story that was in the local paper he now had a feeling that his ring could be found.

I showed up to his house and we talk about the search, I explain that it could be difficult due to all the nails in the area that I needed to search. We took a nice sheet of plywood and laid it down to give me something to sit on as I metal detected the insulation. This could take sometime as it was a big area I had to cover.

I was getting a lot of signals for nails as I expected but I kept watching my visual display on my metal detector for a ring signal. That signal came after just 10 minutes and out from the insulation came his beautiful gold coin ring.

I think the owner was in shock as he didn’t think he’d ever see that ring again…

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP.

Gold Ring lost at Surrey Golf Course…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This story begins with a call in regards to a lost ring at a Surrey golf course, the lady tells me that the ring was lost in the pond on the golf course.

She was part of the team building the golf course and on a hot summers day, she decides takes a dip in the pond. When she gets out of the water and starts to dry off she notices that her gold band with a small diamond is missing.

Heart broken, she knows that there’s no way to find the lost ring in the pond. A few days later she sees the story about ”Finders” jewellery recovery service in the local newspaper.

She reads the story and calls to see if I can help her, she tells me that the ring is lost in a pond around 10 feet deep.

I tell her that I’d have to hire a diver as I only work chest deep of water. A friend of my who was a diver and treasure hunter agreed to take a look for the ring.

We all meet at the golf course the next day and as my friend was suiting up to do his dive, I walked to where the lady entered and exited the water and I decided to do a search on the dry sand.

I start to search and she tells me that the ring was lost in the water, I know that I tell her but I want to make sure before my friend gets into the water that its not on dry land. Really I just wanted to metal detect and see if there was anything there, and to our surprise there was…Her diamond ring!

I found her ring in the dry sand around the edge of the pond, my diver wasn’t fully dressed and I held up the ring to show him. We both had a good laugh.

I love my job!