Finders Category | Page 308 of 434 | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold with Diamonds Wedding Ring Set in House Found with Dowsing Rod in Ferndale Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Apron Strings And Diamond Rings!

This lovely housewife misplaced her soldered gold w/diamonds wedding ring set back in January 2018. Off and on she had taken them off during various chores but was always able to find them. With a busy lifestyle, school, 2 cats and a dog, time had gone by and she was unable to locate the ring. Moments in time as to where she was where it was lost became blended and when I talked with her a few days ago she basically said it could be anywhere in the house. Since I had a couple days before we were to search, I had time to photo dowse the location. We made arrangements to search today and when I got on site we checked various places where the pets may have thought it was a toy and flung it somewhere. Since metal detectors don’t work very well in houses I turned to dowsing to help me solve the situation. I didn’t know there were 3 levels to the house. After a few visual checks on each floor and nothing turned up I got to a spot on each floor where I could sweep the dowsing rod 360 degrees. Starting on the upper floor I got a lock in a slightly off line direction from where I had photo dowsed. She told me the box the rod pointed to had a gold class ring in it. For a moment I had thought that it was what I picked up on in the photo, so moving to the main floor I repeated the procedure and the rod locked from 2 directions about 15 feet away towards the fridge. So we moved the fridge and no ring. I moved over in another direction and repeated my dowsing procedure and got another lock to the left of the fridge, this was the pantry area. So she started to shuffle thru items and as she reached into an apron pocket she shouted I found it! Quite happy she was that her wedding ring set was found but had not remembered putting it into the apron while doing some baking! Just in time tho to enjoy the Easter holiday and show off the ring to family who could not make it to their wedding!

Lost Platinum & Diamonds Wedding Ring at Ulua Lagoon Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a 1230AM call from Ata who works for Aloha Security at Ko Olina Resort. He came upon a Japanese couple on the beach in the dark trying to find a Platinum & Diamonds Wedding Ring that had fallen into the sand earlier in the day. They were searching desperately as they were leaving for Tokyo Japan in the morning. After hearing their plight Ata decided if this ring was going to be recovered he had to get ahold of me. Thankfully my wife Wendy was up doing crafts while I was asleep. She knew I wouldn’t want Jun & Mina to leave the island without their ring so she woke me up. Ata asked if I could be there early in the morning and I said “No, I’ll come now since I’m awake.” I told Ata to meet on the beach in a little less than an hour. Traffic was nonexistant at 1AM so I got there in 35 minutes. Ata went and got Mina and Jun from their room so they could show me whereabouts the ring was lost. Mina knew she removed the ring to apply suntan lotion as she watched a young child building a sand castle. The castle was still there in the ambient light of the hotel so we moved some beach chairs out of the way and I began my search. Immediately I found 2 Lincoln cents and 2 State quarters. Minor coin spill. Then on the second leg of the grid I got that Platinum tone all the Excalibur guys will know and since diamonds were involved I took a gentle scoop but nothing. I took another scoop and there was Mina’s Wedding Ring. Jun & Mina were in shock and really thought the recovery was hopeless. We took some pictures and had a few hugs then Jun said, “Mina and I can now sleep peacefully on our last night in Paradise. Thank you so much.” Suddenly the hotel sprinkler system went off and we all got a christening. That was a laugh for all of us. Aloha to Mina & Jun!

Wedding Ring Lost at Venice Beach, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I woke up this morning and checked my email. I found that I had received an email from Clemens about his wedding ring that he had lost the night before. I asked if he would call me so I could ask him about the loss. He called and described what had happened, and everything seemed to be in his favor, so I told him I would meet him at the beach as soon as I finished my breakfast. Clemens and his family are here from Vienna, Austria, and I knew it would be sad to have to leave such a cherished possession behind when he had to go home.

When I got to the beach Clemens and his young son met me and took me to the spot of the loss. He explained what happened, and I figured there was a good chance of a recovery. I began my grid, and made about 5 passes. I stopped to talk to Clemens when behind me I heard the sound of a tractor. It was the County beach cleaner towing a sifting machine behind the tractor, and he was stopped wanting to begin his pass right where I was looking for Clemens’ ring. Also this was in the wet sand where they never usually clean. Now in all of the years I have been helping people, never have I experienced the greedy audacity of the County employees like today, he knew what I was looking for. This guy wanted to get this ring before I did. I told Clemens not to move and make the County guy go around the area we searching, which he finally did. I made 2 more passes, and boom, Clemens’ ring in my scoop. He was very happy, as was I to be able to hand the ring back to him. Another great day!


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Car Key Lost at Santa Monica Beach, CA…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I had just finished dinner last night when I received a call from Cagil who had lost his car key in the sand at the beach. He had gone surfing, and buried his key at the high tide line so no one could find it while he was in the water. He had marked the area with a stick, in order to find it when he got out. What happened though was that while he was surfing, someone moved the stick, so he was unable to pin point the exact area where his key was. Cagil searched for over 2 hours, and was very frustrated at not being able to find his key, and the tide was rising. He then found me on The Ring Finders web site, and I told him I would be there as soon as I could get there.

When I got to the beach, I met Cagil’s friend Easy, who contacted Cagil, then we all went out to the spot where Cagil remembered burying his key. I began my search with no signal whatsoever. Cagil then directed me to another spot where he thought the key might be. I searched one side of the area with nothing, then I moved to the other side, and on the first pass got a solid signal. I scooped, and shook out the sand. There in the bottom of the scoop was the key. Needless to say, Cagil was very happy, not only because all of his belongings were in the car, but also the parking lot closed after dark, and he would have gotten a substantial ticket for having his car there. Well he was also able to finally get out of the wetsuit he had on for hours. It was very nice to be able to help him out last night, and see him happy when I left.


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Wedding and Engagement Rings Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned in North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

It was a little bit before 10 p.m. when I saw an email from Jennifer saying she had lost her rings and wanted to know if I could meet her sometime the next day and possibly look for them. I immediately sent her a response saying I could be there in 20 minutes and to call me. If at all possible, when I get a call on a lost ring, I want to start the search as soon as possible. There’s a lot of things that could go wrong, the longer the wait. Jennifer called me 20 minutes after I sent the email and we agreed to meet. We met at a McDonalds since her and her family were staying in a gated resort and I’d need an escort to get into the resort area.

As we’re riding in the elevator to get from the parking garage to the main level, Jennifer filled in all the details of her losing her rings. She told me that her future son-in-law, Noah, had previously asked her and her husband’s permission for their daughter, Aly’s hand in marriage. Tonight was going to be the night Noah was going to propose. The family was on the beach and Jennifer, who’s a photographer, was snapping pictures of the kids, waiting for the big moment. Jennifer had been laying in the sand taking some pictures, and when she stood up and started brushing the sand off the front of her pants, her rings went flying. The temperature on the beach was in the low 40s, so her hands and fingers had swiveled up making her snug rings fly off her finger. She continued telling me that she spent an hour searching with other members of her family to no avail. Jennifer said that Aly was thinking this might be the big night, and this was all part of the surprise, and she’d end up finding her new engagement ring. Jennifer had to convince her that her rings really were lost. At some point during the search, Aly and Noah went to Bass Pro and bought a metal detector, which proved ineffective. After another hour of searching and freezing, Jennifer googled lost ring and found me through The Ring Finders website.

We made our way out to the beach and Jennifer showed me exactly where they were all at when she felt her rings come off. It was obvious they had been searching hard because the soft sand was all dug up and thrown around. I started a north/south grid about 10-15 feet from where Jennifer said she was standing and on the first pass got a great signal. Dug a couple of scoops of sand, shook out the scoop and saw the 14K white gold wedding band staring up at me. Jennifer came running over to me to see what I found, and I handed her the ring, she was very excited. Ok, now to find the diamond engagement ring. I continued my grid search in the small 15 by 15-foot square working towards the area where Jennifer had been standing with no luck. So I went back to my starting point and moved one step in the opposite direction and BAM! Dug a scoop, shook it out and WOW!! I walked towards Jennifer and let her remove the ring from the scoop. She was completely surprised we found both rings and elated we had. Big hugs. Total search time was around 10 minutes. 

Jennifer said she was very disappointed that during all this, Noah didn’t get to pop the question. Since he didn’t get to ask Aly, Jennifer asked me to hold off on posting this story until after the kid’s big moment.

Jennifer sent me a text tonight saying Noah popped the question and Aly said yes and when Noah proposed, Aly didn’t drop her ring in the sand!

Jennifer, thank you for entrusting me to help find your lost treasures. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I wish Aly and Noah all the best in their future endeavors. 



lost gold necklace and ring Waimea bay North Shore

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)


On Saturday March 10th 2018 I noticed on Craigslist a lost Gold necklace and ring which was LOST at Waimea Bay on the North Shore of Oahu. I was previously there hobby hunting but in the water earlier that morning. So, I replied to the post and I got in touch with Jessica. Jessica was more than happy to give me the info needed so i could narrow the search area as it is 9:45 in the evening and visibly would be poor. I packed up the equipment and kissed the wife and kids good night. I arrived at Waimea bay and start the search. almost 2 hours into the search and after many coins and rubbish I FIND THE JEWELRY! I was so excited to text Jessica while standing on the shoreline for a meeting the very next day. She agreed and we met up in Salt lake Where I was able to return her precious items. This hunt was very spontaneous and yet Successful. Thank you Jessica for allowing me to reunite your MISPLACED ITEM… Happy to find it but excited its back in the rightful owners hands. Below is a clip of the journey!!!



  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

Louise`s daughter and friends were out of High School enjoying the recent snow fall when she realized she had lost her mothers gold ring and her silver finger splint. Louise had 6 school friends out three times searching for the rings, they even used a metal detector to no avail. I was out of country, but as soon as got home my wife gave me the message and I arranged to meet Louise at the location. It had been almost 2 weeks since the loss, she gave me the story and showed me the trail they took from the school to the park, and were they played throwing snowballs, I told her that would be the prime location, take me there. Once we arrived at the location low and behold we looked down and there was the gold ring melted out of the snow, the silver finger splint took a little more searching but we were successful.     I made another friend.

Found! Diamonds and Gold Wedding ring at Log Castle during lowtide… Langley Washington!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)

Last weekend, Corianne was digging up bait shrimp during lowtide at her family-owned vacation rental, The Log Castle Bed & Breakfast,  when she realized she had lost her custom made white gold and multi diamond wedding ring! And since the sand was like quicksand while digging, it could be very deep in one of the holes they made digging up sand shrimp…

She emailed me after  purchasing a detector and having no luck searching with her husband. Unfortunately my schedule wouldn’t allow me to hunt for it for at least a week after she had lost it. The soft sand and tides could really engulf it in that time, but it was worth trying.

After a week, I was able to take a road trip up there, and after searching for about 3 hours, surrounded by bald eagle nests and at least 3 eagles  and about 25 seagulls watching me work… I found it!

It was an emotional reunion and a great location to hunt at, despite the quicksand like conditions… and I will be camping on the property as an added bonus! Maybe some bald eagle photos to follow…

Diamond dazzler!


Lowtide @ Log Castle … LOCATED!


Gold Ring for Proposal Lost at Hermosa Beach, CA…Found and Joyfully Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

I had just gotten home from the ring return for the twin sisters last night, and was waiting for my wife to come home with dinner, when I received a call from Jessie regarding a ring loss at the beach. He had a relative from back East visiting, and there was a marriage proposal out on the sand at the beach. Well Mark was proposing to Taylor with Taylor’s mother’s ring set, when sometime during the celebratory act, part of the set was dropped in the sand. They searched for it, but were unable to locate it. Jessie found me on the internet, and called. I let him know that as soon as my wife got back, I would woof my food down, and go immediately to the beach to do a search.

When I got there Jessie, Mark and Taylor met me and took me to the area they believed the loss to have occurred. Jessie had drawn a square line outlining the area they believed the ring to be. I began my search, and on the second pass I got the one only signal. I scooped, and there was the glint of gold in the scoop from the high intensity light coming from the headlight I had on. I reached in and pulled out the ring and gave it to Taylor. Needless to say, there was much rejoicing out on the beach. Taylor was able to reunite the ring with its partner, and their marriage proposal ended on a very happy note, smiles all around!

Taylor sent the following testimonial:

“It was a great first day in Hermosa Beach, CA and even better when Mark proposed at sunset. For me, it was truly special how Mark asked me with my mother’s wedding ring, but during the excitement the ring was dropped. It soon turned extremely stressful when the sun had completely gone down and the water was coming up.

Steve Smith showed up quickly and found the ring in no time. It meant a lot to all of us that the ring was located. He was a great help during this stressful time and he truly cared about helping us find the ring. I would not hesitate to call him again if needed!”


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

White Gold and Diamond Ring Lost at Venice Beach, CA…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Last Friday morning I woke and checked my email, and found that Yessi had emailed me at 1:40 AM in desperation regarding a ring her sister had lost at the beach the night before. After I emailed her back, Celene her sister called, and I told her I would perform the search the same day even though we were having our second heaviest rainstorm of the year (good to have waterproof machines). It was about 10:00 PM the previous night when Celene removed her ring to fix her hair. She did this because the ring was very thin, her hair would catch on it, and become a nuisance. They were on one of the lifeguard towers when during the fixing of her hair she dropped the ring. She heard it hit the floor of the tower, but when they looked for it, it had disappeared. They then thought it might have slipped between the boards of the floor into the sand below. They looked there under and around the tower for the ring, but it was gone. Yessi would not let this go because she knew this was special to her sister. The ring had been given to her by her parents 14 years prior when she was a young teenager, and she wore it every day since.

When I got to the site the rain was coming down pretty good, so I donned my rain gear, got my machine, and went to the tower to search. I knew this would be a good time because I figured there would be no one out detecting to maybe have found it, and I knew also that the County beach sifters would not have been used on the beach with the wet sand. I searched in the area where I thought she might have been standing (I had to guess because Celene was not able to be there to show me), and widened my search out to where I thought the ring could have possibly bounced to, with no luck. I then began to search behind the tower and found a bottle cap. I removed the bottle cap, scanned again, got a nice foil sound in the headphones, and scooped up a very thin diamond ring. I called back to let Celene know that I found it, and we arranged to meet at a park on Sunday afternoon because of her work schedule. When she got to the park her sister was with her, which was great. It was even more unique to find that they were twins, a special bond for sure. What a great weekend that became. More smiles made!


If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.