White Gold Engagement Ring
Two weeks ago Rick got a call from Jill, we got together the very early next morning. There was a Hurricane coming that next evening, and time wasn’t on our side. Together we do searches, for quite a few people each year. we really wanted to get this one back to the owner fast, she was newly engaged. This Engagement Ring is very sentimental to Jill. Well after chatting with Jill about where it was lost, and how deep of water, and being hit by a wave, she swore it was just rite there in shallow water on the slope. After 6 hours of search time between both of us, we finally gave in to the thought of it not being found that day… Maybe after the storm? We had also had thoughts of someone else finding it the night before, we had seen some scoop areas on the beach. We had also found out it was posted on local media. Was it found already?

Jill & Leighton

10K White Gold Ring
Rick called me last night two weeks had passed, Rick said lets give it another chance. Success today? Rick and I went rite down to the same spot where we were told it was lost two weeks earlier…. Nothing again after an hour. I said this is crazy, so I wandered over the other side of the Jetty, and as soon as I got into the water, 50 feet down the beach, and knee deep just as Jill said, one lonely signal and there in my scoop it shined like it was lost an hour ago. Wow I couldn’t believe it myself. I went back over to Rick, yelled Game Over! He said what? I repeated it multiple times till he came out of the water, he looked down at my Caribiner. He said I cant believe you found it way over there… I chuckled, and said it was exactly where Jill said it wasn’t… LOL After getting back to the truck we called Jill, and I told her I may have something that belonged to her, she asked if I had it… I said yes I believe so, and said can you meet us at the beach. Her reply was I’m on my way, see you in fifteen minutes. As you can imagine, she just couldn’t believe it until it was back on her finger. Sometimes, a Margarita girls night out can make you forget exactly where it was when you last seen it… Bottom line is that it’s back home where it belongs… Congratulations Jill