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Lost ring Calgary Groom out of the doghouse

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Kevin searching the mud puddle










A lost TUNGSTEN WEDDING RING WITH 3 DIAMONDS was found west of Sundre, Alberta Canada by Kevin Niefer the TV METAL DETECTIVE.  They were up in the foothills where people go 4 wheel driving and ride on quads.  The Bride and Groom were having a mud fight for their wedding photos and the groom lost his ring in a large mud puddle.  Everyone in the wedding party tried looking for it.  The ring wasn’t found even after six people put in about six hours. They even rented their own metal detector with no luck. I was able to find it in 20 minutes.  This made two people very happy.  Now the groom was out of the doghouse and their lives full of wedded bliss could begin……..



Wedding party after looking for six hours with detector

Grooms wedding band after found






Metal-detector enthusiasts ease the sting of losing the bling – The Columbus Dispatch

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

By  Lori Kurtzman The Columbus Dispatch Thursday June 21, 2012 9:24 AM


A Blacklick couple got into an argument one night last month. Cooler heads did not prevail.

It might have felt satisfying, what the man did, but it proved to be a bad decision because, once you chuck your fiancee’s engagement ring into the pitch black of your backyard, chances are you’re not getting it back.

Unless you know Jon Baughman — or any of the other Ring Finders.

They’re a worldwide collective of metal-detector enthusiasts who claim more than 430 successful recoveries of rings lost to wild gestures, extreme gardening and lovers’ quarrels.

“I guess that happens quite a bit,” said Baughman, a Licking County Ring Finder, recalling the email he got from the woman asking him to find her ring in a patch of thick weeds and water. Her fiance had launched it in that direction.

Baughman is 27, a father of two with a third on the way in Washington Township, near Utica. Right now, the former Army National Guardsman is looking for work, so he figured he’d try to make some cash from the hobby his wife’s grandfather introduced him to years ago.

A few months ago, he came across the Ring Finders website, which was started by a Canadian man who seems to enjoy nothing more than reuniting people with their jewelry. The site is full of success stories, emotional tales of lost rings. In one story, a finder salvages a clumsy proposal by digging up the ring a brain surgeon buried in the beach sand and promptly lost.

Baughman added his name to the directory in February.

He charges $25 to respond to a call. He figures that’s enough for gas and a Gatorade. He’s more interested in helping than making money. He asks for a reward only if he actually finds the ring.

The ring in Blacklick initially eluded him. He had the fiance throw test rings, trying to re-create the mood of that night, seeing where the diamond might have landed. But after three hours of searching, he lost the sunlight and found nothing.

He came back another day and worked quickly, already familiar with the area. Within 15 minutes, there it was — a shiny little declaration of love.

He texted a photo of the ring to the fiancee. She was elated.For perhaps obvious reasons, the woman asked not to be identified in this story, but she said she and her fiance are getting along much better now. They plan to marry by the end of summer.

Baughman doesn’t get sentimental about such things. He’s a detective, not a therapist.

“The main thing is being satisfied that you did find the ring,” Baughman said. “And next time they throw it, they’ve already got your number there to call.”





Lost Man’s Gold Diamond Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH “FOUND”.

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)
Lost Gold Diamond Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH “FOUND”.

Lost Gold Diamond Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH “FOUND”.

I received a call from a guy that lost his first wedding ring in his backyard last summer. His family tradition is giving his wedding ring to his son, that is getting married later this year. If I was not able to find the wedding ring then he would have to give his son his current wedding ring.

Well about half way though the back yard, I found the ring. The diamond and gold wedding ring shine in the sun as his wife came outside with joy to see the lost ring. Him and his wife were very happy to see the ring again. And their son will be also.

Lost Diamond Engagement Ring in Blacklick, OH “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)


Lost Diamond Engagement Ring in Blacklick, OH “FOUND”

I received an email from a lady that lost her diamond ring in a wooded patch adjacent to her back yard. After talking to her, she informed me that her fiance threw the ring in the high weeds with a creek going though it. This happened after an argument.

We made a time that we can all be at the house so I could search for the ring and also her fiance could throw my test rings. I searched part of the backyard where he threw the test rings past the fence, in the tall grass and trees. I did the search for about three hours until it got dark. Unfortunately no ring. We set up another time to come back out and search the area again. The second time I found the ring within 15 minutes. The ring was just further in the woods but close to the creek. I am glad that I was able to return the ring to her and that her fiance did not have to buy another diamond engagement ring.



Gold Signet Ring for 8yr Old found after 3 weeks

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)


Hello from Don & Ellen Wilson in Dallas, Texas.  We got a call today from Mrs Bundy, her 8yr old daughter, Briar, had lost her Gold Signet Ring at the playground of the local Country Club.  We met at the Country Club and began searching the area where the daughter said she saw the ring fly off her hand.  She was playing Queen of the World by standing on top of a picnic table and threw her arm out like she was Queen. The ring came off of her hand and was lost.

After 3 weeks of searching by Briar, her parents, other family members and the Country Club grounds & Management staff everyone had given the ring up for lost.  Mrs Bundy’s sister in New York read an article about  “The Ring Finders” and told Mrs. Bundy she should check the website and see if there was a “Ring Finder in the Dallas area”  She did and found my wife and I.

After about an hour of searching we were about to call it quits when I asked the little girl to get back up on the picnic table and re-inact the event.  She did, then my wife said “no wait, do it again and close your eyes and do it the exact same way”.  Briar did as we requested and did it completely different than she had previously showed us.  This time I saw that it was possible the ring may have  flown in a different area of grass.  We began to detect this area and in 5 minutes the ring showed itself.  I called the little girl and her mother over and asked, ‘is this your ring’?  They were so excited and so grateful.

Another great day in the life of “The Ring Finders in Dallas,Tx”

God I love this hobby!

Don & Ellen

Lost Locket & Gold Chain found! Arlington,Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We  received a panic call from a young man about 8pm one night saying that his girlfriend had lost the locket and chain he had given her somewhere in his front yard.  He wanted us come that night but we were tied up and promised to come early the next morning.  We arrived around 7am and he explained that he and his girlfriend had been playing around in the front yard when the incident happened. She had placed the item in the pocket of her hoodie prior to playing around.  She was extremely upset with him and he was really upset that he couldn’t find it himself.

We got out our detectors and began scanning and in just 5 minutes or so we got a HIT.  We found the locket and chain. He was shocked and happy and could not thank us enough.

What a thrill to have another successful hunt for “The Ring Finder”.

Don & Ellen Wilson – Carrollton,Texas

Lost and Found Ring Returned on Cape Cod, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Lost Ring / Found Rind / Returned Ring … It is as easy as that my 19th return of 2011!

      I was on my way to a metal detecting club picnic when I turned on my cell phone and was alerted to a missed call. When I was safe at the picnic I made a return call. Don said he had lost his wedding band while tossing some pine needles into the woods and asked if I could help look for the ring. Don had left his metal detector in Florida and needed help. I said sure, but I have to partake of the picnic food and I would stop by afterwards.

I arrived at Bob’s and with my ATPro set to located platinum and gold I was ready to help and fellow retired US Navy shipmate. First I used one of Chris’s tips of giving Don a ring on a ribbon. I let him toss the ring just as he has tossed the pine needles. I started a grid search to one side and then the other side of where the test ring landed and worked forward. After finding a few targets with too high a ID reading and too deep including some kind of manifold or liquid valve the ATPro’s ID reading locked in at 64. I pushed a few leaves and pine needles away and then asked Don if this was his ring? Still on the ground and shining upward was enough for Don to confirm it was his ring and then he picked it up and returned it to its proper place, on his finger.

Don’s wife, Janet, was the person who located me through The Ring Finders. She was very grateful for my efforts and presented me with a beautiful home made candle decorated with sea shells that I gave my wife for her patient waiting in the car while I did the search and recovery.

Yes another picture for the Book of Smiles. What a wonderful hobby, helping others!

Lost Wedding Ring Prior Lake Minnesota

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Ellen was sitting out on her dock bench when her wedding ring slipped off her hand into the water.  Her Husband tried to find it, though it is a tough task with poor visibility in the water and the ring is easily hidden by the muck at the bottom of the lake. Ellen called the ring finders and it was a quick find. Only a few minutes. Glad we could help!

Ring Found at Pacific Beach, Ca.

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

My wife and I went to visit some friends at Pacific Beach last Sunday and naturally, I brought my detector along to try my luck. I donned my gear and started to walk over to the life guard tower to begin my beach hunting when a man named Ray approached me and asked me if I could help find his wedding band that had slipped off his finger. He thought it was in the sand over by the blanket he and his wife were using. I said sure and headed there to take a scan of the area. A nice sound produced nothing but a wadded up clump of foil. After nothing else came to light in that area Ray said that it could be over in the shallow water too. I gave him my card, got a description of the ring (large yellow gold band with a hammered look on the outside), and asked if he was going to be there on the beach for a while. He said yes, so I told him If I found his ring, I’d let him know and headed toward the surf. Before I made it to the wet sand, I got a nice signal from Excalibur and in my first scoop, I see a nice big gold ring! I couldn’t believe that I found it that quick. After giving it a quick once over, it appeared that it wasn’t Ray’s ring as it looked smooth on the outside and had some initials (not his) stamped into the inside surface. No use getting him excited over someone else’s ring so I continued to search the area he defined. After an hour or so, I looked up and saw he and his wife were leaving and they just waved goodbye to me as I continued to hunt the wet sand. I hunted the rest of the afternoon with only some change and a couple of toy cars to show for it but with one nice ring already in my pocket, I was still a happy camper. When I got home and cleaned the ring off a bit (and got my glasses on!) I discovered to my amazement that It did appear to match Ray’s description even though he never said anything about there being initials stamped into it. Since I didn’t have his number, I figured I’d post it on Craig’s List and maybe he would see it or maybe he’d remember to contact me through my Ring Finders card. Sure enough, a couple of days later, my wife gets the call and has him contact me. We arrange to meet and reunite gold with the finger it had been on for the last 18 years. Smiles all around as I learned they were visiting from out of town and were heading home shortly. The trip will be a much more pleasant one now.

Lost/Recovered 14kt Gold Diamond Engagement Ring Delaware Seashore State Park Bethany Beach, Del.

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/31/11 @ 10:19 am, I received a phone call from a young lady who had lost her 14kt Gold Diamond Engagement Ring on the Beach at the Delaware Seashore State Park Bethany Beach, Delaware. The ring slipped off of her finger and fell into the dry sand while she was applying suntan oil. The sand had been searched for about one hour without any luck before I received the phone call. I arrived at the beach and found that the area of the lost ring had been marked with beach towels. I began my search and with three swings of the detector I received a familiar gold tone. I used my sand scoop to carefully recover the ring and as the sand filtered through my scoop the ring appeared. The young lady gave a cheerful yell as she said “He’s got it, I see it!”.  Another great recovery!