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Ring lost in the surf at Imperial Beach FOUND!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

While scanning the local Craig’s List lost and found, I see an ad asking if anyone had found this particular ring in Imperial Beach, and if so, to contact Cat. I emailed back that if she would like someone to search for it, to give a try. I offered my services and agreed to meet her father Bob down at the location early the next morning to take advantage of the low tide, as Cat lived in Las Vegas and had already returned home. It had been lost a few days earlier, at low tide, and in 4 feet of water. (figures huh?) I had my doubts that it could be found this particular morning because the tide was actually a bit higher than when she lost it, but, I wanted to see the search area and give it a try anyway. The sooner you search, the better the odds of a successful recovery. I figured I would probably have to plan a return trip at a huge minus tide to get out far enough to be in the search area but that wasn’t going to happen in the near future. This was going to be the lowest tide until the end of the month, so, it was now or wait.

Bob gave me directions to where he thought Cat lost the ring and I started a grid with my Excalibur just north of that point and worked my way south to where the rest of the family had camped in the dry sand. I made about six 100 foot passes from slope to chest deep in the surf when I got a strong signal at my deepest point before heading back toward shore. The 3-4 foot surf was roughing me up a bit and making it hard to scoop, but, after my 3rd try, the target was in my scoop. After sifting out the sand, A unique looking ring, that matched their description, was in my hand. I couldn’t believe it! I guess it was either lost in shallower water than she thought, or, the surf may have moved it in a bit before being buried. A call back to Bob, who lived close by, and he was there in a flash. We texted and called Cat with photos which made her day. Another satisfying recovery in less than ideal conditions. Great to meet you Bob and to talk to you Cat. May your ring have more stories to tell!

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Lost Wedding Band… Found Near Independence Iowa


I found a mans white gold wedding band Monday for a nice young couple. He was messing with some leaky paint cans and didn’t want to get paint on his ring so he gave it to his wife to hold for him. There was an outside water faucet beside the barn so she decided to wash any paint that got on the ring off and wash her hands and get a drink. She thought she put the ring on her ring finger next to her wedding ring and then shook her hands to try and get them dry. Well the ring came off. They searched on hands and knees, bought a cheap detector, no luck. I arrived and gridded the area beside the faucet and didn’t come up with it. So I expanded my search, still nothing. I had her do a couple of reenactments with a ring I brought with me and the ring never went very far. So I put on my six inch coil and went back through the area in a tight grid, still not there. I was beginning to think I would have to come back and do the entire yard. We were standing there discussing it when something on the ground caught my eye. I looked away and then my brain said look back there. I walked over and there it was laying in the gravel. gravel-ring   How it got there is a mystery because it was on the right hand side of the faucet. Just glad we had a happy ending. wedding band 2wedding band

Misplaced 18ct Gold Ring In A Downtown Edmonton, Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call on Monday from an elderly lady who had misplaced her mother’s gold ring.

She and her house keeper had looked everywhere in her condo. The ring had been missing for approximately one week and they both felt that it must have gone in the garbage.

Upon arrival on Thursday morning they immediately showed me the garbage and recycle bags outside on the deck and so I went through both bags. The ring was not there.

Next I searched the couch, chairs, cupboards, drawers, book shelves, you name it. I looked under the bathroom sink and furnace registers, and still no ring. I proceeded into the bedroom and checked under and around the sides of the bed. I asked them both if they had looked in the closet and the dressing table drawers. They told me that they had taken everything out. I asked if they would mind if I checked in the drawers, and “BINGO”, there was the ring tucked in between a pair of socks. When I showed her the ring I saw in her face just how relieved she was, and how happy she was to have her mother’s ring back on her finger again.

Thank you for entrusting me and The Ringfinders to find your ring, and also for your generous reward.

Lost Platinum Wedding Ring.. Huntington Beach, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Sunday 7-26-15

This morning I was visiting my daughter in Seal Beach when I received a call from David. His wife, Jillian had lost her wedding band in the sand after removing it to apply sun screen lotion on their son. It was about noon, so I asked them to claim as much of the area as possible.
I was lucky to find parking within a few blocks. David was waiting near the main road and walked me to where Jillian was setup guarding the search location. She told me it was a small platinum ring with diamonds. After a few minutes I received a 12-05 signal from my CTX 3030 Minelab detector which could also be tinfoil. I told her, I think this is it before I dug into the sand. Yes, it was there in my scoop. Then Jillian immediately broke into tears of joy.
It took longer to take pictures of the ring and Jillian’s smile than to find the ring. I have to apologize for the poor photos. They were a very nice family and it was a pleasure to help them. One more success story for


Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring in Granville Ohio. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost Gold Wedding Ring. He was at a park with more than 50 other people. The ring fell off in the grass after using the restroom and applying hand sanitizer to his hands and rubbing it in. About a dozen people were on their knees looking through the grass to help find the lost gold wedding ring, but with no luck. I searched the area and there was the ring tuck down deep into the grass. The ring has a lot of sentimental value since he been wearing the ring for over forty years now. He was very happy to have the ring return back to him.



Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Granville Ohio. “FOUND”


Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Granville Ohio. “FOUND”


Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Granville Ohio. “FOUND”






How to a Find Lost Ring in Cape Cod Waters – Call a Ring Finder

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Family members, water and rings have been not mixing well this month. My third call to search for a ring lost while playing with a family member was the most difficult due to so many targets in a small area. Confounding the problem was that I chose to use my largest coil for a quick recovery. A combination not wanted in an area filled with targets. After the previous two finds I was confident it would not take long…not to be. A little over an hour and on my third pass over the gridded area I found and returned the ring to Sean. Time for smile and ring photos to be taken.

Lost ring at Coronado dog beach Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

I ran across a Craig’s list ad in the lost and found section that told of a lost wedding ring at the dog beach in Coronado. I emailed Lisa back about service and that I would be willing to look for it if they wished me to. A series of e-mails later, arrangements were made to meet at the beach at a low tide on Saturday morning. That beach gets detected almost daily, so. I just hoped the ring was still there, especially with an active Craig’s list ad.

I arrived early to beat the traffic and find a parking spot easier. I started detecting the beach but I didn’t know the search area yet, so, I just made my best guess on the most popular area. After detecting for a while and finding some targets (a good sign), Lisa’s husband, Olivier, and their son showed up to direct me to where they had been several days earlier when the ring was lost…the other end of the beach, of course! Olivier and son had been playing ball at the water’s edge when Olivier’s ring flew off. I had them give me the dimensions of the search area which ended up being about 80′ squared of wet and dry sand. I started at the middle of one edge of the square and proceeded to cut the square in half and work my way toward the edges. 10′ into my first pass, I had my first target, his ring, and it was in my scoop! They couldn’t believe it and thought I must be some kind of magician! A happy Olivier had his ring back so it can continue it’s story. Thank you for the reward.

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How to Find a Lost Ring on the Beach in Branford, CT?

  • from Stonington (Connecticut, United States)

I received a very worried call around noon regarding a lost diamond ring in the sand. After already calling the local police and fire departments, the urgency in the caller’s voice was apparent. Within hours of receiving the call, I was able to reunite the diamond wedding band with its owner!

The summer is in full swing and beachgoers are losing their personal belongings. Local police and fire departments are busy saving lives, and I am busy reuniting people with their lost belongings. If you or someone you know has lost a sentimental item and thought it was gone forever, give me a call, and we’ll figure out how to find it.

Lost your rings in the sand? Contact me now:

Call or text | 860-917-8947

Email |

Website |


Diamond Ring Found!

Diamond Ring Found!









Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call in the morning about a lost ring in the front yard somewhere. The ring was tossed in the yard by mistake. After they searched for the ring for hours they came up empty handed. I showed up to the address later that day to start the search. After searching for half an hour, there was the ring hidden in the grass away from eye site. They were very happy to have the ring returned back to them.


Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Gahanna, OH. “FOUND”




Lost Wedding Ring Lost At Garneau Volleyball Court Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Azhar called me yesterday around 5:40 pm wondering if I would be able to help him find his lost wedding ring which he had lost the other day at The Garneau Beach Volleyball Club. He explained to me that he had rented a metal detector and spent all day looking with no luck.

I met Azhar at the court and he explained to me that this was the second wedding ring he had lost, The first was while he was fishing in the middle of a lake. I told him that if his ring was in the court I would find it for him.

Azhar showed me the Garrett Ace 250 he was using to search the sand court. I told him that unit should have picked his ring up with no problem in the hand of an experience operator which he said that’s why he called me. He also told me he found lots of stuff in the three inside courts which gave me a clue to start my hunt from the first court and work my way along the outside of the court perimeter. Within 30 minutes I received a good signal at the end of the court away from where Azhar had initially looked, and now the ring is back on his finger another happy client. Thank you Azhar for intrusting me and the Ringfinders to locate your lost ring.