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Lost Ring in Sand .. Huntington State Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Friday Brittany and her friend spent her birthday at the beach. Her friend picked up a beach blanket not knowing she had laid her ring on the blanket. Ring in the sand, the search was on. It was a nice size silver ring that should be easy to find. Beach sand shows no mercy for people that lose their rings in the sand. After spending several hours sifting through the sand in a small area. They gave up returning home.
Brittany thought that another friend who owned a metal detector could help her, but she couldn’t contact him. Next she went to Google that was how she found . Finding my information, she called me. She told me this was a ring that she had for more than 13 years. Loosing her ring on her birthday did not make it a happy day. I could hear desperation in her voice. When she told me that it was next to lifeguard tower #7 at Huntington Beach, I went into panic mode. Then told her I would get there as soon as possible. She could not meet me until an hour later, but I could start. This beach is heavily hunted by other detectorists and the beach cleaning machines are the ruthless.
It’s the first day of Labor Day weekend and I was able to cover the area thoroughly before Brittany arrived..” No Ring “.. My phone rang, it was Brittany saying she was walking over to meet me. I looked for somebody with a maroon shirt walking my way. No lady in a maroon shirt in sight.. Here’s the lesson, I live here,  I know there are two lifeguard towers # 7.. One is on Huntington State Beach. The other is at Huntington City Beach. They are both south of Huntington Pier more than a mile apart. When she said Huntington Beach, so I assumed City beach.
This should have been a short story because when I drove to the correct tower #7. She was protecting the area. So it was a matter of a few minutes we had the ring. Unbelievable she told me. Another awesome smile with genuine gratitude for having here ring returned. Sometimes we say this is a game of inches. Today it was a game of more than a mile.. Just last week a State Lifeguard told me they often have this confusion with the tower numbers. For me, it was a lesson learned.

Saturday … September 5, 2015


Lost Keys found at Ocean Beach

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

I was leaving a successful fun day detecting at Coronado and about to head home, when, I noticed a message on my phone. Johnny asked about my service in finding his keys lost in the sand at Ocean Beach. We agreed to meet in a half hour at the location. I arrived a bit early and played around a bit until Johnny got there. When he arrived, he showed me where he had been the day before when the keys were lost. There were a few people in that area but I started on an open section and proceeded toward the occupied zone. 15 minutes later, I was in an area about 10 feet in front of their blanket, and got a nice big, high signal on my E-trac. One scoop later and I had his keys in hand. Good to meet you, thank you for calling The Ring Finders, and thanks for the reward.

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Metal Detector Finds Gold Wedding Band .. Anahiem, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Joel was thinking about buying or renting a metal detector when he found my contact number on


Joel called me telling me his story. He had put his wedding band in his pocket while doing yard work. Before returning to the house he reached in his pocket and the ring was missing. That information help me after I arrived at his house. Many times the story gets vague as to where the ring may have fallen.
It was a large thick lawn, that was a golden brown color because of our drought here in California, a perfect hiding place for a yellow gold ring. In the corner there was a 15 x 25ft area of soft unplanted dirt. That was the easiest place to start. Joel and his three kids watched as I explained what I was doing. First find was a pull tab, second find was Joel’s ring. They didn’t believe me when I said, I found it. When I handed to him he responded with a big smile. Sometimes these searches are easy, other times they can drive you crazy, the other day I spent two hours walking more than a mile in a sandy river bed with no success. Lots of fresh air and exercise.

Another thought, I often have is:   How many lost valuables are hiding in backyards because people don’t know how to get an experienced metal detectorist to help?

Tuesday … September 1, 2015


Metal Detector Rental .. Lost Engagement Ring .. Huntington Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Why rent or buy a metal detector .. When you can have an experienced person with the best equipment find your valuable.


Sunday, after returning home from the beach, Julie realized her new white gold engagement ring was missing from her finger. It could only be at the beach where she had taken it off to put on sunscreen. Her fiancé, John went to the local sporting goods store purchasing  a metal detector. They also brought tennis rackets to sift through the sand. The search went into the night until the beach closed at 10pm. That night was a sleepless night for Julie, so she went to her Huntington Beach Community Forum to share her dilemma.
Somewhere in her search for what to do to find her precious ring, Julie located That was how she contacted me. John and Julie were on the beach searching early Monday morning when they called me before 7am. When I arrived they were able to put me in the exact area. The ring was back on her finger within a few minutes. Tears of joy and giant smiles from both of them.
John said he must have gone over that same area more than a half a dozen times. He had found some bottle caps, but he was completely overwhelmed with the new device. There are several basics to understand about using a metal detector. I would never tell a person to just rent or buy a metal detector. Too many variables like, other trash metals, soil conditions, settings on the detector and much more. It takes a little practice to feel comfortable using it. In most cases you will not have that much time. Why worry for more time than you should?
Julie told me she had no idea that existed. I hear that all the time. Then asked her if she could put the word out to her friends. She posted on her Facebook forum the next thing we knew it received 1500- likes and over 200-comments. A reporter from the Orange County Register ask us to meet for an interview the next day.
My hope is that more people will know how to get their missing sentimental item found. We have members in many cities in the USA, Canada and other countries. Why worry or get upset with yourself for losing your valuable piece of jewelry. We are ready to help.. Important, Please call anytime 24/7.

The next couple days we did a newspaper and a television news interview…



Monday … August 31, 2015

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Ring lost at Ocean Beach found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Troy and Sara were enjoying a day at Ocean Beach. Troy decided to take a swim. He did so with his wedding ring on. Not one of his better decisions that weekend, but, as it turns out, not his worst one either! (He drowned his phone the next day!) Troy wasn’t exactly sure where the ring came off and didn’t really know who to call at that point. They decided to post a lost ring ad on Craig’s list and saw my ad there. They called me with the details, but, since they live in the L.A. area and were back home.  they couldn’t meet me at the beach at 2:45 am (low tide)……not that they would have wanted to meet at that hour if they lived here! Troy gave me his description of the area, and knowing that beach pretty well, I felt I could conduct a search without him. Braving the elements, alright, it was  a nice, warm, calm, moonlit morning, I started my grid pattern with my trusty Excalibur 15″ WOT combo. Surf was rather rough but since he lost the ring at high tide, and I’m hunting when the tide is 6 feet lower, it should be in the wet sand. After searching for a couple of hours, and having my grid lines wiped out continuously by rogue waves, I’d come up empty. I returned to my starting point and headed the other direction, but, that took me out of the designated search area. I made 3-4 more passes and was about to call it a night (morning?) when I got a nice signal half way from my glow stick marker and the surf. Bingo! Yahtzee! Uno! Troy’s ring is in the scoop! I emailed Troy (his phone was drowned remember) and told him the good news and that I would contact him when I woke up at noon. They made the trip down to San Diego that night and were reunited with the ring. A pleasure to meet you both and thank you for the reward.

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Lost Diamond Ring in Daytona Beach surf….FOUND!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

DSCF236720150807_120724Friday morning I received a phone call from Marilyn asking if I would help her find a very special ring.  As I listened to her story I could not help but hear the pain and disappointment in her voice as she explained the details.   Earlier in the week the family was down at the beach, swimming and enjoying the beautiful Daytona Beach sand and surf, when Chante noticed that her anniversary ring was missing from her finger.  They tried searching for the ring but soon realized the futility of such a search and then one of the family members thought to purchase a metal detector.  They tried the detector but were unable to get it to work properly.  They had been taking pictures all day and soon figured out that Chante had her ring on when she went into the water but no longer had the ring when she came out of the water carrying her surf board.   The next step was the web and during her search she came across the ring finders.  She told me that after reading some of the recovery stories under my blog she knew right away that I was the one to call.  (That sure made me feel good!!)   So during our phone conversation I realized that “Time was of the essence” and the sooner I got out there and started searching the better.

On our central Florida east coast so much depends on the tides and how large the waves are on that particular day.  And thankfully it was only one to two foot waves with a rising tide and another 3 hours till high tide.   So off I went anxious and thrilled to be helping hurting hearts with the hope of bringing joy and happiness once again to their lives.  And of course hoping to put those smiles back on their faces!

After a 40 minute drive to the Sand Castle Motel in Daytona Beach, I got my gear together and followed the ladies down onto the sand.  Many times my first thoughts are “Man, look at all that sand and water!  I sure hope they have it marked off well enough for me to be successful!”  And sure enough the ladies were able to show me an area approximately one half the size of a football field and I began the tedious task of grid searching from the wet sand and then out to about 4 feet deep.  Marilyn and Chante were sitting watching me for the next hour as I steadily paced back and forth- stopping every now and then to dig a target.  Bobby pins, pull tabs and a few coins could not stay hidden from my trusty Whits DF!  Then the magic moment came when that perfect , clean signal sounded in my headphones and there it was glistening in the sunlight in the bottom of my scoop.  I immediately turned towards the beach and raised my detector above my head and waved it to the ladies.  Chante was the first to notice and came running towards me stopping momentarily to verify it truly was her ring in the scoop and then proceeded to give me a long, awesome bear hug which we were soon to be joined by Marilyn!  Thru tears of joy the ring was put back where it belonged–on Chante’s finger–and we headed back to the Motel.

The thrill and sheer pleasure of reuniting a ring like this to it’s rightful owner is a truly awesome experience!  Thank you so much dear ladies for your generous reward.  It was my honor to help you.

Maybe you’ve lost something precious recently–or even a long time ago– and want to try and find it.  Give me a call or send me an e-mail.

Mike McInroe …thankful member of

Soccer Dad’s Platinum wedding band found Highland Park, IL

  • from Las Vegas (Nevada, United States)

FullSizeRenderReceived a call from a dad who lost a platinum wedding band while practicing soccer with his son in Highland Park, IL.

He knew about where  he lost it so it was a quick hunt.

He considered renting a metal detector, but found me through the ring finders. He was very happy

Palladium Ring Found in Grass .. Encino, CA. .. Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Friday .. 8-14-15

I was just finishing an unsuccessful water search in Santa Monica beach. Started at 4am low tide walked back to my car at 7am. Just as I got to the car Brad called telling me he had lost his palladium wedding band on a soccer field in Encino, CA. I left right away for the park that was only about 10 miles away. Traffic co-operated making it possible meet Brad on the soccer field.
It was a large field but Brad had left a marker in the location where he had placed his backpack the night before. He believed that when he put his ring into the backpack, he missed the pocket and that the ring may be in the grass. He searched on his hands and knees till 11pm that night. He returned at 6am to continue searching. Brad got online finding TheRingFinders. He first called Steve Smith a fellow member of TheRingFinders, who recommended that he call me because Steve was out of town on a short vacation.

When I arrived, I started to grid the 40×40 ft area. Brad left me to search. Then I saw Brad searching way across the field. I got a little uneasy because it looked like he wasn’t sure where he lost the ring. I tried to ignore that thought concentrating on this location.. There was a lot of trash giving me 12-13 to 12-15 readings witch could be gold. I didn’t have an idea of what reading the palladium ring would give. Then I received a 12-23 ID reading at 2 inches. Going down with the pinpointer, I found the ring hiding deep in the grass, completely out of sight.
He looked over towards me and I held up the ring, yelling “I found it.” It was great to see the smile on Brad’s face. He also told me that his wife would be happy it was found. His last comment was, ” I  knew you could find it.” It was nice to get the job done, so Brad had time to get to work.


Wedding ring lost at Coronado Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Chase called me asking for help recovering his wedding ring lost in the surf at Coronado. He was out boogie boarding the day before when a wave stripped the ring off his finger in knee deep water. He saw someone on the beach with a detector and asked for help, but, the guy didn’t have a water machine, so, couldn’t help Chase. The guy (Chase didn’t get his name) recommended that Chase give me a call. Thank you, whoever you are! Low tide was just 1  1/2 hours away, so, we made arrangements to meet there ASAP. I met Chase and his wife on the beach at the location of the loss. Oh, did I mention that they had only been married a few days and that they were here on their honeymoon?! This ring just had to be found! I started a grid at ground zero and expanded out from there in all directions. After an hour and only 5 pennies to show, I started at one end of the probable search zone and headed back over the area I already searched doing a slightly different grid pattern. Another half hour into it, I got a real weak target sound in my Excalibur’s headphones on the slope in the wet sand. I figured it was just another penny but didn’t want to leave anything in doubt since I was searching in all metal. I dug down 14″ and the target was still in the hole! Using my Vibraprobe 580 pin pointer, I located the target right in the bottom and grabbed a handful of sand. Well, out popped his gold ring! It really surprised me that it had sunk that deep in less than 18 hours. A very happy couple to have that ring back in time for their flight back home today. A pleasure to meet you both, congratulations on your marriage, and thank you for the reward.

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How to find a lost ring in the sand! (Kincardine / Goderich Ontario)

About a week ago we received a call from a lady who had lost her wedding band just south of Kincardine, ON, Canada on a private beach. She was wake boarding for roughly an hour and when she came back in she noticed the ring was no longer on her finger.
We received the call around 8 at night and knew that making it to search that night would not work as we had a good hour ride to the location. Between work and other obstacles in both of our schedules we came to the conclusion the only time to search for it would be the following morning at 7am.
We woke up shortly before 6am and made it to the beach around 7. The lady who lost the ring showed us a rough idea of where the ring had been lost and we began the search.
I had to be to work by 11 which meant I had to leave the location around 930. This gave us about 2.5 hours to find this ring. After about 1 hour of searching thoughts began going through our mind “time is running out”, “could we be searching the wrong location”, “is it in the shallow water or deep”. Finally my father got a strong signal in about 6 inches of water and dug up the ladies wedding band!
Awesome to be able to reunite this lady with her ring once again and see the smile on her face when she got it back in her hands!


If you have lost your ring or any item please check out my The Ring Finders page or my FB page


Thanks for reading!

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