lost wedding band Tag | Page 67 of 88 | The Ring Finders

Lost ring at Coronado, Found.

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Reason #2. Oh, you need more info? Ok, Neil was visiting here in town and spent the day at the Beach in Coronado sitting in the sand in front of the Hotel Del Coronado. He placed his platinum wedding band into the beach chair pocket for “safekeeping”. I know, those chairs should come with a jewelry safety warning on them! Later, when he was ready to leave, he folded up the chair and headed out. When he realized that his ring was no longer in the pocket, it was too late. The beach had swallowed it. An internet search and TheRingFinders.com popped up. He texted me at 5:45am just as I arrived home from an all night detecting hunt. Still sandy and a bit tired, I knew we needed to jump on this search right away if we had any chance to find it before someone else did, so I told  him I’d be right over. I picked him up at his hotel and headed down to the search area. We walked out to where he was camped, he circled a bit, and declared this was about the spot. I made a couple of short passes and after not much more than a minute, I got that “great” pulltab/gold/platinum reading of 12-15 on my Etrac. Poked the pin pointer into the sand and pulled out Neil’s ring. A much happier ending to his visit to San Diego than it could have been. A pleasure to meet you Neil, and thank you for the generous reward.

P.S. For future reference, reason number 1 is: “I removed my rings to apply skin lotion, put them on my lap/the blanket, and forgot them.”


Lost wedding ring North Shore FOUND!

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

It was Sunday morning around 5 AM and I take a look at my missed calls while checking emails. That’s when I noticed there was a voicemail of a lost wedding ring at Sunset beach on the North Shore. I responded to the voicemail via text. The couple, Sean and Megan now were on vacation from Utah. We agreed to meet up so my family and I headed down to Sunset Beach.

When we arrived at their address Sean took us to the back of their beautiful vacation rental which is steps away to the beach. Meeting the family and getting the story on how Megan unfortunately lost her ring was heart wrenching. She was playing in the sun and enjoying the water with the kids and after sometime in the water she looked at her hand and noticed that her ring of 19 years fell off her finger and she didn’t know where! In desperation The family tried snorkeling but didn’t find it.

I gathered all the information I needed and headed down the beach. I asked Sean if he can grab a bunch of the white rocks in the sand to help line the bottom of the ocean floor as markers while I search and grid out the area. I decided to start from the deepest part and work my way to the shallows as the tide was on the rise! I did one pass around chest deep to over head and nothing. But, as I started to make my next line I got a loud “platinum” sound in the deeper part of the sandbar. I started to dig and fan all along looking and praying this is the lost ring. I then notice a ring, approximately 6” buried in the sand with the markings described of Megan’s ring, a big and thick Platnuim band with yellow gold that surrounding a diamond. I was sooooo excited to find it! As I grabbed it and looked up towards the beach where the entire family stood looking at myself and Sean, I held up her RING and Megan’s sister shouted… “I think he found it!” And the whole family was moved with emotions and tears as i can hear them excited and in awe. So, I handed Sean his wife’s lost but FOUND wedding ring. As Sean headed up the beach he met his wife in the yard and got on one knee to put back on her finger. The precious ring symbolized  his love for her.

To the Stolhs … THIS FIND WAS ANSWERED PRAYERS! Another vacation saved and another happy ending!  Glad to help and have a blessed time on the North Shore!

Mahalo Nui Loa,

Kai and Ohana 🤙🏽🤙🏽

Found Lost wedding ring Waikiki

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

I knew it wasn’t good when I got a call at 7:30am from Margaret and she was letting me know that the evening prior Matt went to take a swim in the beautiful pacific ocean and lost his wedding band! I was working and could’t get out there until 12:30pm. After talking to Margaret we agreeed to meet up after work! After work I headed out to the beach and met up with the couple. I felt confident that we would find the ring and asked the couple for more specifics concerning the time it was dropped, tide, and how far out! This search started around 1:00pm with high hopes and after I searched for awhile I asked Matt to come out and place himself in position as to where he believed the ring dropped. Well needless to say Margaret was on the beach signaling to us if we were in or out of position.  After an hour I look on the beach and see Margaret just frustrated when th her hands on her hips and I asked Matt to go back in and comfort his wife. Knowing very well that we are all on edge and would love nothing other than to get this lost ring found!  Knowing the importance of this ring I continued to grid. Well, when I started to feel like I need to let them know that let’s call it a day and I’ll come back on a low tide I hear a GREAT TONE! But it’s way away from the mark… like pushed almost to the very shore… so I dig it and there in the bottom of the xtreme scoop is Matt’s Gold wedding band! I’m so excited at this moment… I put the ring in my hand and head back to the couple as they are standing on the beach. I ask them if they have a picture of the ring and sure enough Margaret pulls out her phone and shows me the ring. They not knowing I found it I ask Margaret “would you like to replace your husbands wedding ring back on his finger?” They both looked surprised and yet have a bright smile on their faces. But said “ NO WAY!” And  They both stood there amazed and we all shed a few tears knowing that the ring is Found! Not to mention the beach was filled with tourist and local which all shared the JOY in Another happy couple and saved vacation / Anniversary!

Always Great to never give up hope… LIVE ALOHA 🤙🏽

Lost Wedding Ring Victoria B.C. Recovered and Returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

Monday June 18th  Jon and Cheryl were at Langford Lake boat ramp teaching their dog to swim. Jon told me, I do remember feeling it slip off when the dog I was holding started to swim towards shore. I remember my feet in the muck but I was facing the shore. I tried diving down when it happened and maybe I buried it with all the commotion. It’s platinum – not sure if that makes it harder to detect or not.
Cheryl contacted me June 26th, “Don can you help, My husband of just 9 months lost his wedding ring.”
I started searching that afternoon, After three failed attempts to recover this heirloom platinum wedding ring I returned one more time, it was bugging me that I was not able to recover and return this ring.
Well persistence paid off, found it and returned to a very happy couple.

I love my job.





  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started in the late evening around 9:00pm on June 16th. I noticed on craigslist an ad that said they lost their wedding ring in Waikiki. I respond to the ad and got a call back from Jay. Asked him a bunch of questions and Apparently there were 3 other detectors who tried looking for it and didn’t find it. I was a bit hesitant to go out and look knowingly that there were 3 others who looked and supposedly didn’t find it. I was hoping that someone didn’t find it or worse they may have found it but wasn’t truthful. My gut was telling me to go out there and help them so, I did. I let Jay know that I’m on my way and to make sure NO MORE METAL DETECTORS go through the area. I get to the beach and meet up with Jay and started to look… there in the search site was almost 60 drunk people partying on the beach, beer cans, rubbish, rough waves and a lot of coins. About 4 hours later I get a nice tone while I’m in chest deep water… there in my scoop is a beautiful 3.8 karat wedding ring. I look towards shore and turn on my headlamp so Jay can see me and start nodding my head so he knows the ring is found. I give a loud shout of praise and I hear the people on the beach yelling ” YOU FOUND IT?” as I reply “YES”. The people on the beach gathered around as I presented Jay His wife ring back. All i could hear were people yelling and excited that the ring was found. Jay and I both agreed to let his wife know so she could enjoy the return of here precious ring. Another successful recovery and another honeymoon saved. WHAT A GREAT FATHERS DAY GIFT!!!

Mahalo and LIVE ALOHA





  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

This recovery started on June 27th with phone tag between Gabriel and myself late in the evening. Gabriel left me an email around noon time that explained He lost His wedding ring in the water at Waikiki. I knew Waikiki was a heavily hunted spot for metal detectors and needed to get down there ASAP before this ring is gone forever. I continued to call and email Gabriel until we finally got ahold of each other. I drove out to met up with the couple who are here on their honeymoon from Alberta Canada. We headed to the beach which we stood on the shoreline and I tried to gather as much information as possible. Gabriel explained to me where He and His wife were sitting and where they entered the water. This helped and really painted a picture for me which I was able to narrow down the search site. I encouraged the couple to pray and I let them know that if I find the ring while in the water since it’s dark I will turn on my head lamp and look towards them and make a nodding motion so they will know that the ring is found. I started my search and after a few passes I pick up a penny and a dime. And as i continued to look I get a great tone and start to dig… I hear something in the scoop and it sounds like a RING. I pulled out my Xtreme scoop from the water and there inside and is a 14K white Gold mens wedding band with the inscription of June 23, 2018. I knew it was Gabriels ring! I turned on my headlamp, made the nodding motion towards the anticipating couple on the shoreline and gave a loud shout of JOY. I headed back to shore where I could hear the couple talking… both excited and shocked. So, as I approched the couple who were stand anticipating the good news and extend my hand with Gabriels ring at the end of my fingertips… they both agreed that that it was his lost ring and now its found! They were amazed that I found it and in that short amount of time. It was with Gabriels help that put me in the right spot and it was definitely an ANSWERED PRAY ON ALL OF OUR REQUESTS.

Another successful recovery. Mahalo to Gabriel and Nancy May you guys enjoy your honeymoon / vacation the way you all deserve in Hawaii… TO LIVE ALOHA!

Fred’s Lost ROLEX Mercer Island SCUBA Recovery

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)

A Mercer Island resident called me this weekend explaining her neighbor had lost his watch after a day of boating at their private dock. He was grabbing for the dock and a nail staged his watch band and down it went to the bottom of Lake WA. Even though it was a nice warm day for a cool swim Fred made several attempts to free dive for his watch but the depth was just beyond his reach along with the silt and mil foil growth adding to the challenge. Fred knew at this point they had to find someone equipped for the recovery. Fortunately his neighbor recalled a past recovery on the lake performed by another RingFinder member. She eventually got me on the phone and the mission was activated. After learning that this was no ordinary watch but a ROLEX I was very happy to oblige, of course I was excited as this would be my fist ROLEX recovery!

Watch the full story unfold here:



Jeff Morgan



lost wedding ring Ko’olina Found

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

On June 3rd I get a phone call from Joe who is out of town on vacation letting me know that there is a Mr. Muto who is searching the beach in Ko’olina for his Wife’s wedding ring. I gather the information from Joe and give Mr. Muto a call in which i reassure Mr. Muto that i will be heading out and to mark off the area in which he thinks it might be. I arrive at Ko’olina and meet up with Mr Muto which i start looking for the ring. I come across coins, rubbish,  until i hear a loud gold tone. I dig the site and inside the Xtreme scoop is a beautiful Tiffany and Co. Diamond ring. I look towards Mr. Muto and ask him what the ring looks like and He say “Tiffany” and right away I let him know of the great news… I FOUND IT! I returned it to Mr. Muto and we both leave the beach with this overwhelming joy that washed over us with relief and satisfaction.

The next day I receive a call from Mr. Mutos wife letting me know that there is another ring lost. I let her know that i will give her a call later that night and need to check. I call the Muto’s that evening and let them know I have a Cartier diamond wedding band.  They ended up driving to my house and we were able to reunite the last of the lost rings! What started out as a single ring find ended up being a double and both were recovered and returned to the rightful owner. Mahalo Joe Another Happy ending! Aloha is ALIVE!


Lost Wedding/Engagement Ring on Valour Ave & Hwy 28, North Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call this morning from Tyler requesting my service to locate his wife’s wedding/engagement ring that was lost earlier this morning along the highway. After asking Tyler a few questions I agreed to meet up with him.  Again I questioned Tyler as to the possible location of the ring.  I was about to remove my equipment from my vehicle  when I heard Tyler  saying “that’s my Ring!” It was laying right next to my back wheel. Another few centimeters and I would have driven over it.  I couldn’t believe it! I told Tyler that it was his lucky day and to go buy himself a Lottery Ticket.

Thank you Tyler for entrusting me to help you locate you wife’s ring.

Ring found in the yard Traverse City, Michigan

I got a call from Juan because his wife Heather had lost her wedding ring in the yard while installing wood fencing. Talked to heather to get a primary area to start the grid search. The primary area was 10 feet wide by 50 feet long. Started the grid search and 5 minutes in got a good solid shallow signal looked down and found the ring in the grass. Heather stated she and Juan had been over the area multiple times and did not see the ring. I was glad to help out and like the short easy hunts.