The unfortunate event of losing a ring is a memory that too many people have. Then the painstaking task of trying to find that ring permanently writes another chapter in a growing book of bad memories. Finally, all emotions concluded with hopelessness as the ring appears to be lost forever. Pease know that there are over 500 people who are willing to do everything they can to make the hopeless memories turn into unbelievably happy memories. The Ring Finders are here to help. We are metal detecting experts with detectives’ skills. We are here to listen to your story and decipher how we can use our metal detectors and other gear to get your ring back. Please see this post and know that someone is here to help. All members are active if they are on site. Your ring is unbelievably sentimental. Please let us help you find your ring. Thank you.
Luke Schlining Spokane WA and surrounding areas
Had a call out from Mike. He had been working beside the house on a cold snowy day. When it happened, he felt it go and heard it hit. His ring was gone and he just couldn’t figure out where. He could have waited until the snow melted, but having it back meant one less thing to be thinking about. So he called me and had it back in a very short time.
Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP Anytime 778-838-3463
Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist…
I recieved a call from a young man who told me he had lost his wedding ring on the side of the street possibly in the snow. He was inquiring about my services, he told me he had rented a metal detector and was going back to look for it, I just said when you’re done and if you can’t find it, call me and I’ll be happy to come out and find it for you. He said he looked for close to four hours the day before, and he would put it away and wait for me to come out as he was pretty much done with the rental detector.
I adjusted my day switched a search over and headed to his location as it was more important because it was in a public area where somebody may be able to find it before I got there, even though there’s snow, it could’ve landed on the sidewalk or road for anyone to see. When I got there, I met William and he told me his feelings on where the ring should’ve been and I could see his spent a lot of time searching in the area as the snow was almost completely melted where he had been looking.
He had to go back to his place so I started to search and just before I got going a young lady stopped with her kids and asked me if that was a metal detector. I said yes and I was out there looking for someone who had lost their wedding. She said do you make house calls and I said absolutely, she told me that her husband had just lost his wedding band the night before making a snowman for his kids in the backyard. I told her that once I was done finding this ring I would head on over to her place to find her husband’s ring.
Back to Williams lost ring…After 20 minutes of grid searching I found the ring in an area where he did not look, it few backwards quite a distance into a hedge where it wedged into the leaves and dirt hidden from view. It was so nice to surprise him with his ring when he came back, and it was a beautiful ring with mountains and a diamond for the sun or stars very unique… He was such a nice young man, and loved his wife so much. It was such an honour as they all are to be able to find and reconnect these people with these beautiful and sentimental items.
Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP Anytime 778-838-3463 I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.
My first ring recovery of 2023 is also another kind of first. This is the first time I have been called on to find the same ring for a second time. A little over two years ago Brenda and Henry called me to come out and find Henry’s 1968 University of Alabama class ring that had come off while putting out pine straw at their home in Gulf Shores. Henry had saved my number in his Rolodex so when it happened again in the exact same scenario, he knew who to call. Henry and I were talking to each other and he looked on as I set my machine to the area he was pretty sure that it had come off in. The first tone I got I explained was an iron tone and told him that I was pretty sure I remembered his ring was a 12-36 on my machine. Not thirty seconds later I got a strong 12-32. As I reached down and uncovered his ring, I told him that I wasn’t far off on the number and I would take it after 2 years. 😃. Henry was ecstatic as I gave him his ring back. I told him to keep a close eye on his ring this time but if he lost it again just give me a call and I’d be right there for the next time. It was a pleasure seeing you again Henry, give Brenda my best!
If you lost any type of jewelry and need someone to come find it for you, give me a call. 305-608-1870. I have a metal detecting recovery service.
This ring was lost on South Beach, in Miami Florida. Luckily one of the lifeguards had my number handy and was able to call me to come out. This was one of my fastest recoveries. Maybe 30 seconds:-)
Amanda dropped her iPhone in the sand while at the Barefoot Country Music Fest this past weekend in Wildwood, New Jersey. I met Amanda on the beach today to look for her phone that also has a card holder attached to the back with her ID and credit card inside. After approximately 30 minutes of searching, the phone and cards were found! Even though the phone was damaged, the SIM card and other cards are intact and safely back in her possession.
Derek called asking if I was able to help him locate his lost keys in the ditch. Derek, unfortunately, ended up in the ditch after hitting a patch of ice on the highway, his truck rolled and all the contents were thrown out into the snow,
I met up with Derek on the side of the highway and he told me he had searched the spot a few times with no luck! Within ten minute I found his keys not far from where he had being searching.
Luckily Derek got out unscathed but his truck did not.
Received a call from Jeremy from Wayne, PA today. It turns out I successfully recovered his friends lost wedding band several years ago…and he was told to look me up in The Ring Finders directory. Once he tracked down my contact info he shared with me that he lost his titanium wedding band in his front or backyard while walking the dog the evening before. He spent some time looking for it himself but no luck. I met him at his home later that same day and he walked me through where he believed the ring most likely fell off while he was walking the dog. I’ve learned to prioritize search areas to maximize my success and it was clear to me it was most likely lost in front yard among tall grass and leaves. Rings on the surface have a unique signal on my metal detector so while I was registering quite a few signals they were all deep and and most likely trash. On my 3rd or 4th pass I finally got the signal I was hoping for…looked down…and I could immediately see his huge silver colored wedding band! I was very happy to be able to return Jeremy’s ring to him!
Taupo Bay is a beautiful surf beach, and whilst the bigger waves can be powerful, the shallow runout wash into the beach shallows is an ideal place to play with the kiddies while on holiday – As Michael was doing with his 2yo daughter this morning.
As he lifted her up out of the water though, he felt his platinum wedding ring of 7 years slip off his finger – and vanish.
Rings sink almost instantly in mobile sands, and efforts to locate it were fruitless.
This afternoon, Michael posted on the local Taupo Bay social media group asking people to be on the lookout for it.
Word filtered through to me, and knowing the ring would already be under the sand, I got in contact with Michael.
The tide was approaching full, and a similar tide state to when Michael lost his ring, so I dropped everything and headed up – Worst case, I could work the last of the rising tide, and then follow it back down again into the night if necessary.
On arrival, I asked Michael to mark a line down the beach as his best guess as to the alignment the ring might be on, “We’ll see how good you are”, I said with a grin.This would be my reference for the grid extending out either side.With the tide rising, I started in the water and worked my way ashore.
Aside from a few ‘teasers’, likely deep fishing sinkers or pulltabs off drink cans, the beach was pleasantly clear of trash.
I emerged out of the shallows and continued the grid into the edge of the waters reach.
As I passed Michaels line in the sand, I got a nice low ‘double-hit’ of a shallow target.
I dug my hand in, and from about 2 inches down, emerged the ring – Smack in the middle of Michaels line!
I’ve often had rings up to 30-40metres, or more, away from the “It’s Here” mark, but never actually exactly on the line. Definitely one for the books.
With the ring handed back, a handshake and a few photos, I was on my way back home.
Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP Anytime 778-838-3463
It’s been a cold couple of weeks with with a lot of snow and more to come with a warm front and lots of rain on the way… I got a call from a young man who asked if I could help him find his white gold ring that his father gave him. I asked him where he believed he lost the ring, he told me he was blowing snow to clear walkways at his workplace, he believed the ring came off when he took off his gloves. After asking a few more questions, he said there could be a couple of areas that I’d have to check but he was confident it was in the area he showed me first.
I started my search and after 30 minutes I could not find the ring. I started expanding my search area and found it 15 yards away from where he thought it would’ve been and where he had searched for it. It’s amazing how far these rings can fly…For me it’s all about asking the questions and the detective work that follows. Yes some searches are easier than others for me but there has been a lot of my customers that have rented or bought detectors that couldn’t find it themselves then I come in and find it in minutes…That being said I have over 50 years of experience and I look forward to helping anyone who needs something found.
Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP Anytime 778-838-3463 I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.