beach Tag | Page 16 of 34 | The Ring Finders

Lost 1951 Georgetown University College Ring Found In Rehoboth Beach Delaware

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/01/18, I received a call from William regarding the loss of a 1951 Georgetown University Class Ring. The ring had been lost on the beach in the town of Rehoboth Beach Delaware. William requested my help in locating the ring. William was not sure if the ring had fallen off of his finger at the edge of the water while he was rinsing off his child or if it had been lost in the sand in the area that they had been sitting. I told William that I would be able to meet him at the beach later in the day so that I could search for his lost ring. Upon arriving at the beach and making contact with William I learned that the lost ring had belonged to his grandfather and that his grandfather had passed away earlier in the year. William, his father and I walked down to the beach where William showed me the area that he had been sitting on the beach and also the area where he had been in the water. Upon searching the area where William had been sitting I found nothing except a penny and a small piece of metal. I then turned my attention to the edge of the water at which time I located the ring in the wet sand buried about six inches down. I removed the ring from my sand scoop and handed it to William at which time he shouted out “he found my lost ring” and there was a cheer from the crowd on the beach. William asked me to come back to residence where he was staying because his mother wanted to thank me for finding the lost ring as the ring had belong to her father. Upon arriving at the residence Williams mother thanked me and told me that I was her hero.


  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started in the late evening around 9:00pm on June 16th. I noticed on craigslist an ad that said they lost their wedding ring in Waikiki. I respond to the ad and got a call back from Jay. Asked him a bunch of questions and Apparently there were 3 other detectors who tried looking for it and didn’t find it. I was a bit hesitant to go out and look knowingly that there were 3 others who looked and supposedly didn’t find it. I was hoping that someone didn’t find it or worse they may have found it but wasn’t truthful. My gut was telling me to go out there and help them so, I did. I let Jay know that I’m on my way and to make sure NO MORE METAL DETECTORS go through the area. I get to the beach and meet up with Jay and started to look… there in the search site was almost 60 drunk people partying on the beach, beer cans, rubbish, rough waves and a lot of coins. About 4 hours later I get a nice tone while I’m in chest deep water… there in my scoop is a beautiful 3.8 karat wedding ring. I look towards shore and turn on my headlamp so Jay can see me and start nodding my head so he knows the ring is found. I give a loud shout of praise and I hear the people on the beach yelling ” YOU FOUND IT?” as I reply “YES”. The people on the beach gathered around as I presented Jay His wife ring back. All i could hear were people yelling and excited that the ring was found. Jay and I both agreed to let his wife know so she could enjoy the return of here precious ring. Another successful recovery and another honeymoon saved. WHAT A GREAT FATHERS DAY GIFT!!!

Mahalo and LIVE ALOHA




lost wedding ring Ko’olina Found

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

On June 3rd I get a phone call from Joe who is out of town on vacation letting me know that there is a Mr. Muto who is searching the beach in Ko’olina for his Wife’s wedding ring. I gather the information from Joe and give Mr. Muto a call in which i reassure Mr. Muto that i will be heading out and to mark off the area in which he thinks it might be. I arrive at Ko’olina and meet up with Mr Muto which i start looking for the ring. I come across coins, rubbish,  until i hear a loud gold tone. I dig the site and inside the Xtreme scoop is a beautiful Tiffany and Co. Diamond ring. I look towards Mr. Muto and ask him what the ring looks like and He say “Tiffany” and right away I let him know of the great news… I FOUND IT! I returned it to Mr. Muto and we both leave the beach with this overwhelming joy that washed over us with relief and satisfaction.

The next day I receive a call from Mr. Mutos wife letting me know that there is another ring lost. I let her know that i will give her a call later that night and need to check. I call the Muto’s that evening and let them know I have a Cartier diamond wedding band.  They ended up driving to my house and we were able to reunite the last of the lost rings! What started out as a single ring find ended up being a double and both were recovered and returned to the rightful owner. Mahalo Joe Another Happy ending! Aloha is ALIVE!


Lost Diamond Ring in New Westminster, BC…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Yesterday I got a call from a young man who needed my help to find his girlfriends 2 rings that she tossed out of his SUV while driving down the road. People are human, its true! They get mad and when they get mad in most cases rings go flying! I’ve had many calls over the years for these types of recoveries. I’d say most times I’m unsuccessful because of the locations I search are not metal detector friendly. “NEWS FLASH” (While writing this post the couple called me and said that the other ring was found in their home! She has no idea how it showed up there as she is certain she threw it out the window with the other ring…Makes me feel much better! I hate the thought of not finding what I’m looking for).

Well that makes it a happy ending! I have met so many nice people over the years doing what I do and I look forward to meeting many more!


Here’s the couple and her beautiful diamond ring.









Lost your ring? Contact a member of ASAP


Watch the video of the recovery…

Lost earring at Coronado Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Nellie called for help on a lost earring that her husband had given her for Mother’s Day. She had been busy all day and wasn’t sure exactly when and where it was lost, but, the beach seemed to be the most likely. My wife and I finished our dinner and headed over to Coronado to meet Nellie and conduct a search in the dry sand. When we arrived, it was after sunset, but, enough light to find ground zero on the beach. Nellie had the other earring with her, so, it was helpful in seeing what it would read on my new Equinox 800. A solid 8 signal….great. I started a spiral search from the supposed middle of the search area. After making a circle over 50 feet in diameter with still no earring (or much of any signals for that matter), I started a straight line grid over to the stairs and back thinking she might have lost it on her trip to her car. It was getting a bit chilly, so, I sent my wife back to the truck to get my windbreaker, and Nellie headed up the stairs to visually check there and the parking lot. I continued another pass, and got that sweet “8” sound in my headphones. Ran my pin pointer over the sand and pulled out what we were searching for, even though it was a bit out of the perceived search area. I walked back toward the parking lot where my wife and Nellie were talking. My wife had my windbreaker under her arm and while I was putting it on, I asked Nellie if this earring looked familiar? Hugs all around and a happy Nellie. The sodium lights didn’t help the photo of the earrings, but, they are beautiful! Thank you for the reward Nellie.

lost gold necklace and ring Waimea bay North Shore

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)


On Saturday March 10th 2018 I noticed on Craigslist a lost Gold necklace and ring which was LOST at Waimea Bay on the North Shore of Oahu. I was previously there hobby hunting but in the water earlier that morning. So, I replied to the post and I got in touch with Jessica. Jessica was more than happy to give me the info needed so i could narrow the search area as it is 9:45 in the evening and visibly would be poor. I packed up the equipment and kissed the wife and kids good night. I arrived at Waimea bay and start the search. almost 2 hours into the search and after many coins and rubbish I FIND THE JEWELRY! I was so excited to text Jessica while standing on the shoreline for a meeting the very next day. She agreed and we met up in Salt lake Where I was able to return her precious items. This hunt was very spontaneous and yet Successful. Thank you Jessica for allowing me to reunite your MISPLACED ITEM… Happy to find it but excited its back in the rightful owners hands. Below is a clip of the journey!!!


Found! Diamonds and Gold Wedding ring at Log Castle during lowtide… Langley Washington!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)

Last weekend, Corianne was digging up bait shrimp during lowtide at her family-owned vacation rental, The Log Castle Bed & Breakfast,  when she realized she had lost her custom made white gold and multi diamond wedding ring! And since the sand was like quicksand while digging, it could be very deep in one of the holes they made digging up sand shrimp…

She emailed me after  purchasing a detector and having no luck searching with her husband. Unfortunately my schedule wouldn’t allow me to hunt for it for at least a week after she had lost it. The soft sand and tides could really engulf it in that time, but it was worth trying.

After a week, I was able to take a road trip up there, and after searching for about 3 hours, surrounded by bald eagle nests and at least 3 eagles  and about 25 seagulls watching me work… I found it!

It was an emotional reunion and a great location to hunt at, despite the quicksand like conditions… and I will be camping on the property as an added bonus! Maybe some bald eagle photos to follow…

Diamond dazzler!


Lowtide @ Log Castle … LOCATED!


Pike Lake, Minto, Ontario~2nd visit~Lost gun metal wedding band in the water 2nd time back!

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

2017-09-25 Pike Lake, Minto, Ontario (2nd visit back)

So the August 14th, 2017 Ring recovery & return for Heather R’s late Uncle Paul was sent around via email to all the trailer owners/members at the Pike Lake Private Community. One of the trailer owners Shawn H had just read the story.  Shawn and his Family were having fun in the water slide and Shawn’s hand caught the loop on the water slide. He watched his unique “gun metal” wedding band with 3 black diamonds slide off his finger into the water. The bottom of the lake was thick muck. Because of my previous ring find at the lake he gave me a call. I was up at Wasaga Beach, headed home to Erin to pick up my scuba gear and tanks and then directly to Pike Lake.

I met Shawn did a quick interview, put my scuba gear on and took out both my Minelab Excallibur 2 and the Scuba Tector ready.

Anywhere from 3″ to 16″ of MUCK with zero visibility at times. The first ring I pulled out and went to the surface and said “I found it”. I described the ring as Shawn was on the beach and he said that it wasn’t his….then came the 2nd ring….then a pair of sunglasses. Shawn had to head back home with his young Family. Within 20 minutes of him leaving….B-O-O-M…I found his unique ring

I send him a text message with a picture of his ring to say “this look familiar?” They were ecstatic!! I met Sean’s wife the following day to return his ring. Unfortunately, I didn’t find her sunglasses but I’ve been invited back by the Park owners!

The ring on the left (middle photo) is the Pike Lake owners Daughter’s Husband’s wedding band with the Italian sunglasses belonging to her Friend visiting from California. DOUBLE WHAMMY!!

Video coming soon!

Still another ring to be returned to it’s rightful owner…..and an invite back in 2018!!

not 1 but 3!!

Shawn’s gunmetal wedding band

Wedding Band found in North Malibu

  • from Santa Monica (California, United States)

Mike Hall called me on a Saturday night. He was pretty frantic; the previous evening he was eating at a restaurant in north Malibu by Zuma Beach and playing with his son after dinner in the sand, and his wedding band came flying off. It was dark out, so they did a quick search, but came up empty handed. I moved some plans around and met him out there the next day, Sunday evening, after traffic died down. It still took about two & a half hours to make the 80 mile drive. I got there, and Mike and his family were nice enough to save a parking spot for me right next to the sand. I asked him to try his best to remember exactly where he was in the sand when he was playing with his son, in relation to the parking lot, trash cans, and surrounding in general. I took out my Whites Duo Field Pulse machine and started to grid the area. I was finding many trash targets like small nails and bottle caps, but after more guidance from Mike and his son, I was able to narrow down the search pattern to a strip at the back of the beach just parallel to the cars. It wasn’t long before I heard a loud repeatable signal that sounded promising. One scoop, and there was Mike’s ring. He was elated and the whole family was jumping for joy. He then shared the story of the significance of the ring’s history. The ring had been passed down for generations, from his great-grandfather, down to him. What really touched my heart, was that his young son who was there, asked his dad, “How can I get married someday, dad, if the ring isn’t there to be passed down to me?”

What a ring return in Brewster, Cape Cod, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Gene was pursuing his fishing hobby and had a big trout on the stringer. Little did he know that Cape Cod’s fish are smart and powerful. Yes, the trout pulled the fish stringer free from the rocky area in which it was anchored and started to swim away. Gene’s keen eye caught the movement and was not going to let a fish out swim him. Well, he really was not thinking about swimming but the fish was managing the rocks better than Gene. Gene went down – Dive Number 1 – and he missed to hold onto the trout. Up and after the colorful fish again, OOPS…Dive Number 2 – took place and up came Gene with the trout in hand, BUT without his wedding band. All the movement in the water caused the ring to go into hiding. The resulting search did not reveal the ring’s hiding place in a bit over 2 feet of water.

Days later, while watching TV and the story of Jim Wirth returning a Manhattan University ring to its owner 47 years after it was lost, a search for a RingFinder was on. I was contacted and agreed to go look for the missing wedding band. Wait a minute – Gene wanted to watch the search. Just short of a week later Gene and his wife made arrangements to meet me at the loss location. After a short hike and a 15 minute search I had the ring in my scoop. I walk into shore and let Gene take the golden ring, a symbol of 51 years of marriage, from its temporary resting nest among the rocks in my scoop.

On the walk back to the parking lot I gave Gene a big at-a-boy for his dedication to fishing to feed his family. However, he does not eat the fish he catches. Oh, if Gene only had a trout or two he wanted to give me as a gift. No such luck, maybe I will have to take up fishing again, but then there would be no time for being a RingFinder. Heck here on Cape Cod there is enough fish for everyone. I’ll keep on metal detecting. The people I have met are far more interesting than any fish I ever caught.

After the pictures of smiles were taken and a stories of West Hartford, CT (where I am from) were exchanged we bid our good-byes. Gene had the fish and the ring that did not get away! What a great __ __ __ __ story! – you fill in the blanks, HINT: found on a stringer, or found in my scoop.
What a fish tale – What memories…