Lost 1951 Georgetown University College Ring Found In Rehoboth Beach Delaware
On 07/01/18, I received a call from William regarding the loss of a 1951 Georgetown University Class Ring. The ring had been lost on the beach in the town of Rehoboth Beach Delaware. William requested my help in locating the ring. William was not sure if the ring had fallen off of his finger at the edge of the water while he was rinsing off his child or if it had been lost in the sand in the area that they had been sitting. I told William that I would be able to meet him at the beach later in the day so that I could search for his lost ring. Upon arriving at the beach and making contact with William I learned that the lost ring had belonged to his grandfather and that his grandfather had passed away earlier in the year. William, his father and I walked down to the beach where William showed me the area that he had been sitting on the beach and also the area where he had been in the water. Upon searching the area where William had been sitting I found nothing except a penny and a small piece of metal. I then turned my attention to the edge of the water at which time I located the ring in the wet sand buried about six inches down. I removed the ring from my sand scoop and handed it to William at which time he shouted out “he found my lost ring” and there was a cheer from the crowd on the beach. William asked me to come back to residence where he was staying because his mother wanted to thank me for finding the lost ring as the ring had belong to her father. Upon arriving at the residence Williams mother thanked me and told me that I was her hero.