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Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost ring in a lake. She was just washing her hands in the water and there went the ring, off her hand into the water. She searched for the ring with her hands, but no luck. We setup a time and day to conduct the search. With all of my metal detecting gear, we headed out to the location on a 20 minute boat ride. After reaching the location and determining the starting point to search. As the water level as changed quite a bit since the ring was lost. I had my first hit in a couple feet of water, used my sand scoop and pull up nothing. I try again and there was a gold ring inside of my scoop. I asked her if this ring is yours and she cheer with joy as yes it was hers missing ring. The ring mean a lot to her as it was her moms. She could not believe that I found the ring. She try a couple of times before to find the ring with no luck. She did have insurance on the ring, but it would not have replaced the ring with so much sentimental value to the ring as this one did. She is very happy to have the ring return back to her.

Here is her testimonial: “Many thanks to Jon and his father-in-law with out them I would have never seen my mothers diamond my father gave to her. We had looked for days, before, he came out with us on the boat. I took him to the spot and within 5 to 10 minutes he found it in the lake. I am forever greatful to this man. Both were very nice gentlemen, God Bless you too. Thank You so very much Ill pass the good news around.” Mandy

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring at lake in Ohio. “FOUND”












Lost Wedding Ring Lost At Garneau Volleyball Court Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Azhar called me yesterday around 5:40 pm wondering if I would be able to help him find his lost wedding ring which he had lost the other day at The Garneau Beach Volleyball Club. He explained to me that he had rented a metal detector and spent all day looking with no luck.

I met Azhar at the court and he explained to me that this was the second wedding ring he had lost, The first was while he was fishing in the middle of a lake. I told him that if his ring was in the court I would find it for him.

Azhar showed me the Garrett Ace 250 he was using to search the sand court. I told him that unit should have picked his ring up with no problem in the hand of an experience operator which he said that’s why he called me. He also told me he found lots of stuff in the three inside courts which gave me a clue to start my hunt from the first court and work my way along the outside of the court perimeter. Within 30 minutes I received a good signal at the end of the court away from where Azhar had initially looked, and now the ring is back on his finger another happy client. Thank you Azhar for intrusting me and the Ringfinders to locate your lost ring.

What To Do When You Lose Your Ring

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

As Ring Finders, we get a lot of calls to recover jewelry soon after it was lost. Unfortunately, some people inadvertently make it harder to find their jewelry after they lose it. Here are some tips to help recover your ring, earring, necklace, watch or other jewelry.

The first thing to do is STOP. Look around, notice where you are, and what landmarks are nearby. If you are at the beach, which hotel/house are you at, are you near a lifeguard station, cabana, boardwalk or trash can? At a park, are you near a light pole, bench, tree or volleyball court? Unfortunately, too many people can only say, “I lost my ring on Ocean Beach” which is miles in length, and far too large to search.

Retrace your steps. When do you last remember wearing your jewelry? What is the last thing you remember doing? For example, it is quite common to lose a ring after applying lotion or washing your hands. Earrings and necklaces can slip off during sports, while changing clothes, or while arranging picnics and blankets.

Next, make a specific list of the places you have been since last seeing your ring.

Now you are ready to search. Be gentle! Tell everyone to walk around slowly, and search with their eyes. Avoid using rakes or other tools, as far more items are dragged into cracks, drains, holes, etc. by inexperienced searching than are recovered that way. You cannot recover what you do not see!

Do you have a smart phone? Open up the map, drop a pin on your location, and send the pin to a friend. This will save the GPS coordinates of your location so we can go right to that same spot later. This is VERY important on large beaches.

At the beaches in North Myrtle Beach, Cherry Grove, Myrtle Beach, Sunset and Huntington Beach we commonly recover items as deep as 6 to 8 inches, even when they were lost that day. The ring will usually start about half an inch under the sand, but get pushed deeper as it gets stepped on by searchers. While our equipment can find items up to about 10-12 inches, recoveries that deep are much harder than those on the surface. If you know where the item is lost, and cannot see it, call us quickly!

If you’ve lost your ring on the beach or in the surf, it’s very important to remember the date, time and location of the loss. This will help us determine the tide levels for that period and to conduct an optimum search.

At parks in Horry County, lost items usually remain on the surface, hidden in the grass or ground covering. Our advice is the same: Walk the area slowly and gently, using your eyes to do the work. Many items can be recovered through careful visual searches. Avoid rakes or other tools: we have seen small items tossed ten feet through the air when they catch on a rake tine.

If you do not find your item quickly, contact The RingFinders! We have successfully recovered jewelry of every description all up and down the Grand Strand. People have contacted Ring Finders from North Myrtle and Myrtle Beach. We work at parks, schools, private property (with permission) and businesses.

If you have lost a ring or other jewelry in the North Myrtle Beach area, contact me. RingFinders work on a reward-only basis. Click here to read more stories about finding lost rings.

Good luck!

P.S. If your ring is still on your finger, make sure it isn’t loose, and inscribe your name or ID on the inside.

Originally posted on Sept 6, 2010 by Dave Millman

White Gold Wedding Ring … Found and Returned .. Balboa Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Monday .. 6-22-15

I got on the beach early Monday morning after a busy beach weekend. The beach was littered with a lot of metal trash. Which is good and not so good. After about an hour I got another tinfoil like signal. You have to dig them all, but this came up in my scoop sparkling. A beautiful 14k white gold wedding band with several diamonds.
I put it on my key ring not to lose it and continued detecting. A couple minutes later I received a call to search for a ring at Venice Beach. Just as I was leaving Kirt walked up to me. He had a beginners type metal detector in his hand that he borrowed from somebody. He politely asked me if he could ask me a question. That’s when he asked me if I had found if I had found his wife’s wedding ring. He described the ring and the exact inscription inside. I said yes and his jaw dropped with disbelief.
Giving the ring to him, I told him about TheRingFinders and what service we do. He asked for my contact information which I gave him, promising to send me a thank you email. I left Kirt on the beach for a 40 mile drive to Venice Beach for another ring search.


BMW Key Lost in Sand .. Newport Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Thursday .. 6-18-15

I was just leaving my home to search for a ring lost near the Balboa Pier, when Tim called. He said that he was at The Wedge searching for his BMW car key. The Wedge is a popular body surfing beach about a mile south of the Balboa Pier. I told him that I would be right there, figuring it would be a simple recovery.
When I got there, Tim was shuffling his feet through the sand as he had been doing for 4 or 5 hours including the night before. He told me that he had placed his key that had a metal fob under his shoes when he went into to the water last night.
After an hour, I had cross gridded the area with no luck. I had set my detector in what I thought was all metal, but could not get a signal. I gave up till I could get my PI detector. Returning the next day with my Whites PI Surfmaster, I found the Key with a huge triangle shaped metallic bottle opener.
My other machine has a factory set Relic and Beach settings. I could not get a signal in open screen mode. The large metallic fob was masking the signal. I’ve had time to check this again and I did get a null which I may have missed, it’s a lesson to be learned with my CTX 3030. I will remember this in the future.
I called Tim and he was surprised that I went back to give it a second try.. We will meet up in a few days to return his key.


Lost White Gold Wedding Ring recovered in Falls Lake Beaver Dam swim area, in Wake Forest N.C. on 6/26/15..

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

I recovered this Lost gold wedding  ring on 6/26/15 for nice young lady who lost it while swimming with her kids.  She explained that she lost her ring a few days earlier while she was playing with her kids in the water.  It appears that before she entered the water she was putting lotion on her and the kids and when she got in the water, the combination of the lotion and the water caused the ring to slip off her finger.  The ring was recovered in about 3 feet of water.. Here are some photos of the ring . It was a pleasure to help her out but the sad part is my detector developed a leak during the search which caused it to short out and break just after I found her ring. Atleast i was able to find her ring before it broke, I’m glad about that..

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Wedding Ring Lost and Recovered on Treasure Island, Florida

Alex and his wife of one year traveled from Mexico to enjoy a family reunion in Treasure Is., FL.  While playing volleyball it was Alex’s turn to serve.  At the end of his overhand serve he felt his wedding ring come off.  He and many of the reunion got down on their hands and knees to search for the ring.  Now this was not your run of the mill wedding band.  Many family members donated their jewelry to make the wedding band set for the bride and groom.   Devastated, they inquired at the office for any information that may help their cause.  The office happened to have for the number for SRARC.  Alex called Mike Miller and left a message and requesting a call back.  Mike Miller and Paul Hill had just finished detecting Clearwater beach when they received the message.  Being so close by, they headed right down to begin the search.  Upon arrival, Alex showed them the area which he was serving explaining the situation as best as he could.  Paul began the search and was not getting any targets on the surface as it should have been.  Gridding the court, Paul expanded his search to include the opposite side as well.  Still no luck.  Mike, who had been assisting with a pin pointer decided he would go get his detector to help out.  When Mike returned he searched an area passed the volleyball court over a 12 foot sidewalk.  Within 3 minutes Mike had the ring in hand.  Nearly 70 feet from the service line.  Everyone was in shock that it was so far from where it was presumed to be.  Needless to say, the reunion is now ready to resume on a high note.

SRARC wishes Alex and his bride a Happy One Year Anniversary this Saturday.

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Wedding Ring Found and Returned .. Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Thursday .. June 18, 2015

Jenifer and her children were visiting her mother. They all went to Balboa Beach for the day. She took her wedding ring off putting it into the cup holder of her beach chair to put sunscreen on the kids. Later that afternoon they picked up their beach things to eat at a nearby restaurant. That’s when she realized that her ring was lost, most likely back where they were on the beach. They returned spending several hours searching by hand. Everybody was upset even the kids. They gave up the search believing the the ring was lost foreveer.
Returning home in the San Diego area, three days after the loss Jenifer’s mother called her, telling her that a police officer friend told her about Jenifer found me in the directory calling me to ask if I could help her. She was 60 miles away so it would be difficult for her to meet me at the location. She was able to tell me where she was sitting.  I know that part of the beach well and exactly where she had been. She sent me 4 photos that had been taken that day which really helped me zero in. Everything was good except they beach was full of people laid out with all their beach gear. I spent a couple hours searching the open areas. Then I went back to the car waiting two hours for people to leave.
It was close to 6 pm and people were not leaving where I needed to search. Then I saw another detectorist working a grid towards this spot. I grabbed my detector, heading towards the location I needed to work. One of the places that was now clear, earlier had a tent, a plastic kids swim pool and all sorts toys spread over a 20ft x 20ft area. Fifteen feet in a straight line and the sweet sound of gold in my earphones. Jenifer’s beautiful wedding ring ended up I my scoop.
I sent her a surprise text picture of her ring. Jenifer returned a call to me and I told her about how I found the ring. She told me that she had given up hope. Also, yesterday was their wedding anniversary she was felt terrible about not having her ring. Now, she can’t believe that it has been found.
We talked about how to get it back to her. Her mother could meet me as she lived closer to me. That would have to take place Sunday. I wanted return it directly to Jenifer as soon possible. We met Friday at a location half way between where we live. My bonus was to be able to return the ring to its owner. Jenifer was truly grateful. It was a pleasure to meet her. This is one of the ring search and returns that I will always remember.

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San Diego Metal Detector found lost Gold Rings

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)


Gold Wedding Ring set Found in the ocean and Reunited 6 days Later to the happy owner in San Diego Solana Beach CALL NOW; 760 889 2751

This first started out after We had a  Ringfinders Meeting at a neighboring beach,I noticed an add online about a Women who lost a Ring at Solana beach and she was hoping an honest person found it. My Good buddy John Hughes from The Ringfinders emailed Her right away and days later she Contacted Us.

Many variables and some doubts concerning This situation because these rings could of been what detectorist call “eyeball Find”  Not buried in the sand and Easily to see & pick up after it was lost! ? Staying optimistic as always I met John at solana beach the first low tide after talking to Lisa From Utah who also had hope it could still be buried in the  Wet sand. 13 minutes into the hunt,Some person tells John A metal detectorist was there 2 days ago…Dang..It could be GONE 4 EVER ??? John was long gone after that point but No matter, Process of elimination,I kept on swinging..Then..Mmmmm BeeeP.. Crystal clear ring sound On my P.I metal detector and there was the 1st ring white gold band 2″ deep …35 feet later I hit the mother load:) Lisa’s Big diamond ring was 6″ deep in wet sand and now in my scoop!

We then contacted Lisa and her Father and Met At lunch time,she put her rings back on after 6 days of  being consumed by the ocean and the Positive energy of giving back was electrifying! I hope this story Will help you or others Who have lost their Precious/Sentimental  Metals.

My Investment In metal Detectors is a Gift that keeps on Giving. 😉

Byron Center, Michigan yields lost ring

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

While reading on Facebook I saw a post with my name on it. A friend referred my services to a man who lost his wedding ring three weeks ago while cleaning his pool. I messaged Dawn K. the wife of Dan K. and offered to come out and help find his ring. Dawn K. sent a message back to tell me a neighbor had a detector and was going to try to find it and if he couldn’t she would message me back. They also wanted to check around the house at some places that it could be. A day later Dawn K. messaged me and said she would like me to come out and search for the ring.

My brother Doug and I arrived at the house and introduced ourselves to Dawn and then got down to work. The usual questions were asked what, where, when, how. I first checked the leaves in the trash that came of the pool cover and found them to be clean. Then walked around the house and Dawn showed me where she threw leaves in the woods from the pool cover and then checked leaf piles around the pool that were left over from the pool cleaning. After three weeks of resting under some leaves by the pool the ring gave us a signal and said “you found me!”

We walked around to the front of the house where Dan and Dawn were standing and presented the ring. Needless to say the smiles came out and Dan couldn’t believe we found it so soon or at all. Dan was talking to some customers who also were very impressed and showed them the ring. It was time to get a picture of the ring and of Dan and Dawn for our book of smiles.

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