The Ring Finders Blog

Yellow Gold Anniversary Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Garden City SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Right around 11:30 pm on Friday, July 19th, I got the following text, “Good evening, I lost my anniversary ring 2 days ago, out of my pocket. It could be on the beach or on the walk or at our rented beach house. I’ve looked over the house so likely at the beach. I just saw info about your services. We leave tomorrow morning; would you be available to search by chance tomorrow?” We text back and forth for a few minutes about the area so I could get an idea of where I’d be looking and then I asked her to call me. When she called, we discussed some other details and I found out they had to be out of the rental by 10 am the next morning. I agreed to meet her and her husband at 9 am. When I arrived, I met Melanie and her husband, Wes in the driveway of the rental. We walked the block down to the beach access and out on the beach. It was early but the beach was filling up quickly with tourist excited about starting their vacation. Melanie said when they were there Wednesday, the day she lost it; they had set up in front of the umbrellas and chairs that were put out on the beach. At some point the lifeguard told them they’d have to move behind the chair line, which they did. Melanie also pointed out another portion of the beach where she had run to pick up trash that had blown away.  We said our goodbyes and I started a grid search behind the chair line that had already been set up. As time went by, more and more people were showing up and detecting was getting difficult. I did about an hour and a half and called it, there wasn’t much more I could do at the time and the heat was unbearable. I planned to be back out there the next day, but had to play the crowd, the tide and the heat. As I was in the car typing up a text to Melanie, they showed up to check on me. We talked but I didn’t mention I was planning on coming back out.

The next day, Sunday, I showed up about 4:30 pm. I know this is about the time people start leaving the beach to get cleaned up and figure out dinner. Also, the chairs and umbrellas usually get picked up around 4:30-5 pm. The beach looked a lot different than the day before. I started a north/south grid search parallel to the tide line and about halfway up the slope. The closer I got to the chair line; more and more people were leaving. Melanie described her ring as a yellow gold anniversary ring, so I knew that would show up as a 13-14 on my Nox 800. Unfortunately, 13-14 is exactly what pull tabs show up as. Saturday, I must have dug up 7 or 8 pull tabs. So, as I’m walking along my grid line, I got a 13-14. I dug up the target and had it in the scoop. As I’m shaking the sand out of the scoop, I saw a glimmer of yellow gold. I shook quicker and emptied the scoop, reached in and pulled out Melanie’s beautiful ring. It was 5:27 pm when I sent her a picture of her ring and a text saying, “BOOM!!!!! Came back and just found it!” She couldn’t believe it. I put it in the mail and sent it overnight to her and she got it Tuesday afternoon. I love finding people’s lost treasures and returning something they thought was gone forever. Melanie shared with me that she got the ring on her and Wes’ 25th anniversary; they’re now on their 27th. She just added another chapter to the ring’s story. Wish you two many many more anniversaries.

Melanie/Wes – Thank you for allowing me to help find your lost treasure.



Wedding Ring lost on the Beach, Surf City NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey

It was a beautiful afternoon at the Jersey Shore when Bill and Barb decided to spend the day on the beach in Surf City LBI. They were in town for a wedding and decided to soak up some rays when things went wrong. Barb had placed her wedding ring in the side pouch of their beach bag, and a little while later Bill needed a napkin for his hands. Not aware of the rings presence, he pulled out a napkin, and the ring obviously came out with it. He knew about my NJ Ring Finder service on LBI, and quickly reached out to see if I could assist in recovering the ring. Obviously I shot right down to his Surf City location ASAP, and after getting the details, within minutes their precious ring was in my scoop.

Follow my metal detector recovery stories on Facebook 

Bracelet lost at La Jolla Shores found.

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Namith was playing volleyball on the beach, when one of his bracelets popped loose and disappeared into the dry sand. A search ensued, but, it couldn’t be found. After asking the lifeguard service and an online search, Namith ended up at our door and my contact info. My wife and I had just finished dinner with friends at a local restaurant, so, we were ready to go work off a few calories. After heading home to get my gear, we headed over the the beach and met Namith. We discussed the details of what I needed to find and the approximate search area. I then got to work gridding the area. After a couple of junk targets, I got a steady 4 on my Equinox 900. A scoop later and I had the target out of the ground. My pin pointer zeroed in on it and I pulled the bracelet out of the clump of sand. After removing the sand stuck to it, we found that the clasp was missing. The search continued, but, I wasn’t able to find it. Namith was still very happy to get his bracelet back. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.

Ring Finder Recovers Gold Ring with Forty-Five Diamonds in Washington DC Trash Bag

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Chris’ 18 karat yellow gold ring with forty-five diamonds purchased decades ago while serving in the military stationed in Turkey.

Chris showing off her irreplaceable “super bowl ring” sized keepsake that Washington DC ring finder Brian Rudolph metal detected in the trash one week after the jewel went missing!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Chris lost her very special ring which she had bought for herself decades earlier while serving in the United States military in Turkey. The irreplaceable treasure consisted of an 18 karat yellow gold band with 45 diamonds perfectly placed throughout the exquisite “super bowl” sized ring.

I received my client’s distress call one morning hearing great desperation in her voice to have me visit Chris’ Washington DC home where she believed her ring was still hiding somewhere even after a week of seemingly disappearing into thin air!

While talking with Chris on the phone, she explained that she couldn’t remember where she took the ring off. Usually she had a specific spot where she would place the unusually large diamond sentimental keepsake. However, in this particular situation, she was completely perplexed by her very special ring’s disappearance.

Chris remembered having it on her finger the previous Thursday and then that weekend is when she realized that the diamond covered gold jewel was not on her finger and nowhere to be found throughout the house. One of her young nephews who was visiting that weekend testified to seeing the ring on the kitchen counter. Chris was not able to reconcile the reason why she would have laid it on top of the counter and had no remembrance of doing so. After I finished asking all of the pertinent questions regarding this particular lost ring mystery, we set up a time for me to visit Chris’ Washington DC home.

The next day I arrived at the property and Chris and her grandson shared the whole story all over again just to make sure that I was not missing any important details. In my professional opinion, the two places that were the priority spots to search were the kitchen and the deck where most of the bags of garbage were piled outside. There were also a couple of trash cans below the deck that also needed to be checked. I was so proud of Chris and her husband George for not putting the garbage out by the curb many days earlier. Even though they had already gone through the bags, scouring for the gold and diamonds once before, they didn’t want to let go of the contents until after the ring was recovered.

I gave a thorough scan of the kitchen, looking in all of the obvious and non-obvious spaces and it was my determination that the ring was not hiding in that room. If it was truly seen by the young man during the family party over the previous weekend, it was certainly not there any longer. It was at that juncture that I felt it best to metal detect all of the garbage dating back to over a week prior.

In order for me to effectively metal detect the trash, I requested that Chris’ grandson supply me with extra bags to transfer each piece of rubbish from the original bag to the fresh new one. There were several large trash bags that were full of garbage. I went through them piece by piece, metal detecting everything until I concluded that there was no ring hiding in any of those bags that were on the deck. It was a smelly and slimy job but it had to be done!

Next, I began metal detecting all of the bags that were contained in the garbage can located adjacent to the deck near the driveway. Once again, it was determined that my client’s ring was not in any of those specific plastic bags either. Finally, I attacked the last trash can full of throw-a-ways.

On the bottom of the last trash can to search were all kinds of grass and weed clippings that took up two thirds of the container. The top third possessed more trash bags. After inspecting all of the contents in the first bag, I pulled out an average looking white colored grocery store bag from the remaining pile and noticed it was tied completely shut. It was heavy, filled with lots of small, soft and wet items. Immediately I raised the bag up and scanned every angle of the plastic with my detector to see if there was any metal inside of it. It turned out that there was a small piece of metal sealed up in the bag.

Next, I brought the bag down to the ground, punched a hole in the plastic with my finger, stuck the end of my handheld device into the mushy contents and began searching for the unidentified piece of metal. As I’m doing this I looked up at George who was talking to me from the deck and I asked him, “When was the last time the family ate white lentils?”. He responded something like, ‘Maybe around a week ago’. This would have put this food in the time window of when Chris’ ring disappeared.

Once I pinpointed the exact location of where the mysterious item was hiding in the lentils, I placed my fingers into the bag and slowly pulled out the small metal object. As I’m bringing my new find half way out of the bag I could see something gold-like in color partially shining between my fingers! It was what I was looking for! I found it! I discovered the missing diamond ring! I was beyond elated at that moment! George was in disbelief until I stepped up onto the deck to show him! I immediately ran into the house and yelled out loud, “l found it! I found it!” I took off down a particular hallway to Chris’ office where she was talking to her supervisor on the phone. “Chris! I found it! Yes way! It was in your trash this entire time!” My client was blown away by the news and we gave each other a holy hug filled with excitement and relief! She couldn’t believe that it somehow ended up in the grocery bag full of lentils! Chris and George were so very grateful for my expertise and relentless efforts to recover the beautiful diamond ring.

After lots of hugs and high fives with the family, I packed up my things and we all said our goodbyes to one another. It really was an amazing experience just as I have had many others similar to this one in the past. However, every time another ring recovery like this one takes place, its like it was the first time all over again!

As I drove away, I waved goodbye to Chris’ grandson who was locking the gate and then I headed down the District of Colombian street wearing the biggest smile on my face that one could ever display! I was so happy that my mission was successfully accomplished!


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Tungsten wedding band found at Sebago Lake State Park in Casco, ME with underwater metal detector.

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I headed to Sebago Lake State Park in Casco, ME on Tuesday afternoon to search the swim area for a lost tungsten wedding band. Jason had lost his ring in the swim area while he and some friends were tossing a football. An initial attempt was made to locate the ring on Sunday, but the heavy wave action and water depth made searching quite difficult. Fellow Ring Finder Dennis Boothby gave me a call and asked if I could try an underwater search. It took about an hour, but ended with a successful recovery. I was able to deliver the ring to Jason’s wife on my way back home. Always great to work with other Ring Finders to deliver excellent service and locate as many rings as possible for our clients.

Wedding Ring Lost Off Deck in Yard in Eagle Rock…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Josh contacted me regarding his wedding ring that he lost while washing his dog on his backyard deck. His house is on a hillside, and his deck is a couple stories above the ground below. He was washing the dog when he flicked his hand, and the ring came off and bounced into the grass down below. He watched it go over the side, so he had an idea of where it could have gone, but the ground cover below was thick and tall; and very hard to find something as small as a ring.

When I got there Josh showed me the area he thought the ring went into, and estimated the distance it had traveled. I got my detector, and climbed down for the search. The hillside was thick with tall grass, maybe 8 to 10 inches high with a lot of weeds intermingled. I began at the edge of the walkway, and worked my way down the hillside slowly pushing the grass down, and listening for even the faintest of signals. I did find many construction orientated items during the search, and kept looking, going over new ground working away from the walking path. I finally found the ring in a very thick patch of tall grass, and was able to bring it back up to Josh who was happy to see it again. A lot of work rewarded with a great smile.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Lost and found gold wedding band Sandbanks Provincial Park

Received a text from James yesterday about having lost his gold wedding band, on Monday, while camping at a Sandbanks Provincial Park camp site. While tossing a ball back and forth with his friends, he went to catch the ball and felt his ring being knocked off his finger. This was right at the edge where sands stops and weed beds begin. James went and purchased a metal detector and tried to find his ring. Unfortunately, cheaper metal detectors cannot be submerged (the head portion) deep enough for his recovery. After arriving at the camp site, quickly Facetimed with James to get further details. 30 minutes later, found the ring and it’s now in the mail to Ottawa. Life is good.

Lost Ring Recovered in Cirencester

I had a call the other day from a chap called Adam.

He lost his Grandfathers gold ring in his very large garden while entertaining guests. The ring was of great sentimental value, as Adam has the same initials, and name as his late grandfather. It is also set with a diamond. The ring had been lost for about a month, and since then, the grass had been cut a few times which was a bit worrying, as it may well have been badly damaged, with a missing diamond, or even lost in the green waste bin!

Thankfully after a relatively short time, and a lovely clear signal that you get from gold, the valuable heirloom ring had been recovered.




Lost denture recovered in Princes Risborough

Sometimes the slightly odd request comes along!

I had a call from a chap who was slightly embarrassed, but asked if I could search for his lost denture? I said as long as there was some metal, I could probably detect it.

He said he lost it while talking to his friend from his apartment window, and out it flew!…..this I found amusing and had to apologise for laughing a bit.

We agreed a time, and I set off.

I arrived and was greeted by the chap, there was a distinct gap in his smile, but not a very big gap. So this was quite a small denture I was looking for, with probably not much metal for a good signal.

I chose my smallest high frequency coil, which was necessary, as said denture had been lost in a dense bush.

This was quite a  challenging search, as it was also a very trashy location, lots of bottle tops, drainage and other utilities in close proximity, but with a de-tuned , this made things a little easier.

Thankfully after about 45 minutes, and not a bad signal the denture was re united with its very happy owner!

Wildwood Crest NJ Lost Wedding Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t wait to call!


Kasey was enjoying a day at the beach in Wildwood Crest, NJ, surrounded by her family and friends. She had placed her precious wedding band in a pouch within her beach bag, but as she reached in for something else, the ring accidentally slipped out and fell onto the sand.


Erin reached out to me for help. I met them just 30 minutes later. I quickly set up a grid pattern and began a meticulous search with my metal detector. After a few passes, my detector beeped, signaling that I had found something. And to everyone’s delight, it was Kasey’s ring! Overjoyed, Kasey was able to reunite with her treasured wedding band. The rest of their vacation in Wildwood Crest, NJ, could be enjoyed!

Read more stories of lost rings found on my website…
