I had my first search as a Ring Finder today, and I’m happy to report that it was a success!!!
I received a call from Ginger this morning (Saturday, 16 February 2019). She told me that she had lost her gold engagement ring on Wednesday (cold and rainy day) and that she’s had that ring for 34 years. I’m 32, so she’s had that ring 2 years longer than I’ve been alive! I knew I had to find it. I grabbed my gear and headed her way.
I arrived at her farm in Gurley, Alabama. Ginger explained that she had rented a metal detector and spent numerous hours trying to find her ring. With no luck, she went on Craigslist to post an ad for help. She saw my posting on there (which I had just renewed yesterday) for the Ring Finders. Ginger told me that her ring meant a lot to her and she was devastated that it was lost. She recently had it repaired and it was weighting heavier than before. She showed me 2 spots that she thought it could’ve fallen off and I got to work.
The first area I searched was where she had tossed a tape measure. Ginger had actually grabbed a bolt and reenacted the throw a few times before I got there. I setup a grid and searched that area for about an hour, but no ring.
We moved on to the next spot, which was by a few hay bales that Ginger was working around. She had moved a tarp off of the bales and was standing on top of one of the bales to help move a few. I detected along her path there. Next, I started detecting the sides and top of the bales. I got a great signal on the top of the right hay bale. I pulled out my pin pointer, started scanning, and saw that beautiful gold on gold — her lost engagement ring!!! We were both so excited and Ginger was very happy to have her ring back! It was such an awesome feeling to be able to reunite Ginger with her lost engagement ring! Total search time was about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Ginger, it was a real pleasure to find your ring, and thank you for calling the Ring Finders!!! As Chris Turner always says, I love my job! I agree 100%