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Lavallette NJ (OB3) Lost Cross in the Sand recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call from Mike, his son lost his cross in Lavallette NJ (OB3) while doing lifeguard exercises yesterday morning when the chain it was on broke. I told him to mark the location on his cell phone and I would get back to him later. This cross had great sentimental value as it was given to him by his grandmother a few years back. It will now be back on his chain thanks to their quick phone call, and precise mark of the location. Special thank you for keeping our swimmers safe.

Lost Engagement Ring At Atlantic Beach,NC Pier Found By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Robert and his family were spending the day next to Oceanana Pier in Atlantic Beach, NC.  Rob’s wife placed her wedding rings inside of a can cooler sleeve and then inside the beach bag under the umbrella.  She had told me that she told Rob about the rings location but he informed me he didn’t hear her.  They had moved a couple of the lounge chairs closer to the water and about 20 yards from the the original setup.  Rob went to retrieve some of the can sleeves and both rings fell out on the way to the chair.  He said the wedding band was located, but was still unable to find her diamond ring.  When I arrived, I was hoping they fell out at the same time and her engagement ring would be very close to the wedding band…Nope.  After a thorough search of the setup area, I started to grid search towards the lounge chairs.  After a few trash objects removed from the beach, I plucked her lost ring out with only part of it exposed in the pile of sand.  I asked Rob, “Do you see what I see?”  He bent down and picked up her missing ring.

Holgate NJ (LBI) Lost Engagement Ring in the Sand recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call today from Justin. He was at the beach in Holgate NJ (LBI) with his fiancé, Samantha. After setting up their chairs and umbrella, Sam took off her shorts, placed them with her stuff, and took a walk down by the water. It was then she realized her beautiful platinum engagement ring was gone. She quickly went back and looked in her pocket where she had placed it when applying sun block, back by at the car, before heading to the beach. It was not there and she was devastated. They contacted me, and after a short conversation we decided to do the recovery. I cleared the area of a few bottle caps, then pow!!! the low platinum signal I was looking for. They were amazed I had found it. This one was SUPER special, they are getting married next month, and now have the ring back for the ceremony

Lost Apple Watches found in Lake Geneva

  • from Lake Geneva (Wisconsin, United States)

Treasure Hunters

Anyone can be a treasure hunter.  Treasure hunting does not require owning a metal detector.  It starts with simply getting outside and looking around.  Surface finds, items literally laying on the surface that anyone could see, are everywhere.  I found $30 walking into a Cracker Barrel restaurant, a $100 bill in a Walmart aisle, coins in parking lots, sunglasses, toys, and jewelry left on the beach.  And if you have some moderate swimming ability, and some goggles and snorkel, you too can find treasure patiently waiting on the bottom of every beach in your county. 

In June 2022 while snorkeling/detecting around Lake Geneva’s swim piers, I found two Apple watches sunk to the bottom.  I could see them from the surface as the water is calm and clear most mornings.  Both worked, although I did have to charge one up at my neighbor’s house before I could retrieve contact information.  I don’t own an Apple watch.  Claudia’s text read, “No way!! Thank you SO much for texting me!  Best text I have ever gotten. Ha ha.  You are the best for actually letting me know!  I am so thankful!! Thank you!”

Claudia’s watch was underwater for a week.  Kyelar’s was a more recent drop.  It’s exciting to find a lost and valuable item, but the real high is seeing the smiles and appreciation when it is returned.

Wedding Ring Found in Twin Lakes, WI

  • from Lake Geneva (Wisconsin, United States)

Miracle Recovery

Although I’ve found 60+ rings over the course of my metal detecting “career,” I would call none of them miracles… until last night.  

Shane called me around 4:30 pm Saturday, July 30, 2022.  I had just finished a 7 mile hike along Geneva Lake’s beautiful lake path with my family.  Shane was paddle boarding on Twin Lakes (specifically Lake Mary), took a spill, and when he rose up out of the water his wedding ring was gone.  Thankfully, his wife found The Ringfinder’s website through an internet search.  I made it out to Twin Lakes just before sunset.  Shane, a newlywed of two years, was in good spirits despite losing his wedding ring.  We talked and surveyed the search area.  Providentially, a video of Shane spilling into the water was captured from the dock and after reviewing the footage, a search area was selected. 

After gearing up with my Minelab 800 metal detector and my Nemo breathing device from Blu3, I slipped into the water.  My hope of finding the ring sank much like Shane’s 14K gold wedding band.  I was in about three feet of murky, seaweed infested water on top of about three feet of mud.  This search went from bad to hopeless.  The proverbial needle in a haystack didn’t even come close.  The water blackened with each minute as the sun officially set around 8:15 pm.  My flippers and detector were constantly sinking into the mud with each movement.  I struggled to sweep my detecting across the skim of mud tangled with seaweed and submerged sticks.  

My first target sounded promising.  It turned out to be a fishing lure.  My next two targets sounded like beer can pull tabs.  They both were.  About 50 minutes after arriving, my fourth target was strong and registered similar to my own wedding band.  As I brought the target out of a foot of thick mud, I gently squeezed, cupping both hands together so as not to let anything sizable slip out.  When I felt a firm, round shape, I gasped.  This is impossible, I thought.  How could I have landed on a 1” piece of round metal in a 327 acre lake?  

I called to the shore. “I found a ring.  Let’s not celebrate yet.  I’ll swim to the dock.”  I placed the ring on my index finger, clenched my fist and swam in.  It was dark and Shane was called out to verify the find.  The celebrations began before I had my flippers off.

This was a miracle recovery.  I was pleased to see it back on Shane’s finger and a genuine smile back on his face.

Ring lost at Mission Bay Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Wei and his wife Bella were spending the day at Mission Bay, when during a volleyball game, Wei’s platinum wedding ring flew off his finger and landed in the soft sand. They search for the ring for quite a while, even used a metal detector, but, no luck. They got on the internet and found Bella gave me a call and we agreed to meet in a half hour at the site. Luckily, the volleyball court was empty, they showed me the area they thought the ring landed, and I was able to get set up and start my grid. First target was a nice solid 12 on my Equinox detector. I had high hopes, but, it turned out to be a partial pull tab. A couple more passes, and I got another nice solid 12. This time it was his ring, a bit outside the area they thought, but, that happens when rings fly! A pleasure to meet you both and thank you for the reward.

Surf City NJ (LBI) Lost Wedding Ring on the Beach recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder August 2022

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call from Susan about her ring she dropped in the sand today in Surf City NJ. It had great sentimental value to her, as I could tell after just a short time on the phone. Lucky I was able to arrive promptly, as she had made reservations for later in the afternoon. Kudos to her and her husband for preparing the area it was lost, which made for a quick recovery. A very short time later they were on their way, with her cherished ring back on her finger. So many happy memories doing this.

Lost Man’s Tungsten Wedding Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

Recieved a message about a lost man’s wedding ring while playing sand volleyball. We planned a search before the next sessions on games happening. Started the search with no ring then continue searching and there it was hidding in the sand. They was very happy to have the ring returned to them.

Lost Man’s Tungsten Wedding Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Man’s Tungsten Wedding Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Man’s Tungsten Wedding Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Man’s Tungsten Wedding Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Man’s Tungsten Wedding Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Man’s Tungsten Wedding Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”



Silver Heart Pendant Saved in Leesburg Virginia

  • from Leesburg (Virginia, United States)

I received a text from by daughter-in-law about having misplaced her silver heart necklace and charm, along with a pair of earrings. I always cringe when someone asks me to do a house hunt for jewelry, just so many areas to cover and rooms to search through. Kendall stated she had put the necklace into an envelope and set it down on the stairs. She went about her business of cleaning the house and doing chores, then at some point remembered she had put the envelop down on the staircase, but now it was gone. It was late so we coordinated so I would arrive early in the morning, but in the meantime they had gone through every inch of the house trying to find the envelop, even checked all the trash cans, but no luck.

I arrived around 8:00 AM the next morning and upon arriving donned a pair of gloves, walked up to the driveway and immediately started  going though the trash can before the county did their pickup that day. Slowly going through every envelop I ripped each one open hoping I would get lucky…and I did!! In a folded white envelop there was the necklace, heart charm, and the earrings. My daughter-in-law was just so thrilled and immediately had it back on her neck, simply gorgeous!!

God Bless and happy hunting!


Wedding Ring Recovered From Watery Grave & Returned to Owner, Falmouth, MA

  • from Falmouth (Massachusetts, United States)

A morning call from Daniel came with the hope that I could find his wedding ring, which had slipped from his finger into the surf the previous evening.  I met him at the beach a half hour after his call and he explained that he felt the ring fall off in chest deep water, near low tide.  He had made good visual notes as to where he stood with respect to landmarks.  He and companions had actually returned to the spot with goggles and tried to find the ring in the sandy gravel bottom, but to no avail.

The morning tide was about the same level as when the ring was dropped the previous evening, so I waded out and set a small buoy in chest-deep water where Daniel thought the ring would be.  I began my search from there and made a half-dozen swaths parallel to shore, working back and forth past the buoy.  Then bingo! that lovely ring tone…  One scoop, a good shake to wash the sand out, and I could see Daniel’s ring nestled in the gravel.  I dumped the gravel and left the ring in the scoop as I waded ashore.  Daniel walked down to the waterline, looking rather puzzled (he later said he wasn’t sure if I’d found something or was giving up!), but he was delighted when he saw his ring in the scoop.  He was just about right on with respect to the ring’s location, as I found it only 15-20 feet from the buoy.  I wish all recoveries were so easy!

Thanks Daniel, for tracking down the RingFinders and giving me the opportunity to recover your ring.  Have a great summer!