How to find a ring at the beach in Ventura Tag | The Ring Finders

A Tale of Recovery: Lost Bracelet, Found Hope at Marina Beach Park Ventura

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)

Venturing out to Marina Beach Park in Ventura post-Hurricane Kay, I embarked on a mission to recover a lost ring for a client. Amidst the shifting sands left in the storm’s wake, optimism coursed through me, hopeful for a successful retrieval. Yet, fate had a different plan in store.

As my metal detector signaled amidst the wash at the tide line, anticipation peaked, only to unveil not a ring, but a Medic Alert bracelet bearing the name “Kellen,” a beacon of hope for those facing medical emergencies, particularly for individuals like Kellen living with Diabetes. With a determination to reunite the bracelet with its rightful owner, I embarked on a quest to trace Kellen’s identity.

Utilizing social media platforms, I tracked down both Twitter and Instagram accounts associated with the name inscribed on the bracelet. Armed with newfound leads, I reached out via direct message, hopeful for a response.

In a stroke of serendipity, my efforts bore fruit within 24 hours as Kellen himself acknowledged the discovery of his lost lifeline. Plans were swiftly made to reunite Kellen with his Medic Alert bracelet, a moment of profound gratitude and relief for its lifesaving potential.

Jewelry often serves as a symbol of beauty, but in this instance, it held far greater significance as a vital tool for preserving life. I was humbled to play a part in restoring hope and security to Kellen.

If you find yourself in a similar predicament, don’t hesitate to reach out at 805-290-5009. Time is of the essence in retrieving lost items, and prompt action increases the likelihood of a successful recovery. Trust in the expertise of a metal detector expert to guide you from loss to reunion.

Rescuing Memories: A Tale of Lost and Found at Surfers Point Ventura CA

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)

One Sunday afternoon, a distressed call came in from Bonnie, seeking assistance in retrieving a lost wedding ring buried within the sandy shores of Surfers Point in Ventura. Initially considering renting a metal detector, she opted for professional help, prompting my immediate response to embark on a rescue mission.

Surfers Point, nestled opposite the Ventura County Fairgrounds, serves as a haven for surfers and windsurfers alike, bustling with activity under the sunny skies. Upon arrival, amidst the backdrop of windsurfers harnessing the power of the wind, the tale of the lost ring unfolded.

A chair, nestled beneath a cell phone in a cup holder, fell victim to an unexpected gust of wind, sending the phone and the precious wedding ring spiraling across the beach. With determination in my heart, I delineated a search area and commenced the meticulous process of gridding the terrain.

Amidst the clamor of wind and waves, the Minelab Equinox emitted a promising signal—a beacon of hope amidst the grains of sand. With bated breath, I plunged the scoop into the earth, retrieving the gleaming symbol of enduring love.

In a moment of jubilation, the ring was restored to its rightful owner, marking yet another triumph for Ventura County Metal Detecting Services. Amidst the joyous reunion, the ring’s narrative found a safe harbor, nestled within the cherished memories of the family.

At Ventura County Ring Finders, we understand the intrinsic value of cherished possessions and the memories they encapsulate. For those seeking solace in the recovery of lost treasures, our professional metal detection services stand ready to assist. Contact us at or call 805-290-5009 to embark on a journey of restoration and reunion.