The Ring Finders Blog | Page 894 of 977

Huge Gold Wedding Band Lost in St Paul, MN – Now Found!

  • from Saint Paul (Minnesota, United States)

A very nice gentleman in St. Paul realized that he was missing his large gold wedding band the evening after raking leaves in his back yard.  He and his wife searched everywhere for it several times, but came up empty handed.

3 days later, a buddy and I came out and went over his back yard inch by inch with a metal detector.  It was a tedious search with lots of leaves and planters and furniture on the ground.  Bits of foil and other metal objects were everywhere but after about an hour into the hunt, I got a loud low-conductive tone on my detector which turned out to be the big ring hiding under some leaves near the back door of the house.

Husband and wife were very happy to get their ring back and it was a wonderful experience for all of us!



Lost Wedding Ring recovered Lutz, Fl

When Mike Ruelf set his 22k gold wedding band down on his dock on Wednesday night, the story begins.  After hearing a plop, he realized his band was now at the bottom of the lake.  What to do…..what to do.  Surely his wife of eight months would understand……right???  He could call the jeweler and get another ring…….plead ignorance.  At least his wife was up in Virginia and not in the house.  A quick internet search for metal detectors for rental was commenced, but somehow the world wide web led Mike to the ring Finders web site.  Suncoast Resaerch and Recovery Club president Tom Jones took the call and immediately contacted Mark Prue in North Tampa.  Mark only lives about three miles from Mike and arranged to meet him Thursday afternoon.  After introductions, Mark donned his water gear and slogged his way beneath the dock.  Hampered by 8 to 10 inches of muck and weeds, up came a nail…another nail….a quarter…..a fourth nail…and finally…..BINGO!!  Mike let off an unrestrained “YYYEEEESSSSS” and high fives were shared all around.  Mike’s final words before Mark departed after a large helping of “thank-yous” was “I can’t believe there are people who actually do this!”   At least the story has a happy ending and Mike avoids the doghouse!

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Lost Meteorite Ring in Vancouver BC…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This evening I was out with family having a nice dinner when a received a call from a young lady by the name of  Stephanie. She asked me if I could help her find her ring that she had lost the night before when she was waving goodbye to her girlfriend.

She said she felt the ring come flying off her finger and that she heard the ping of it hitting something. Well as you could imagin she searched for a few hours the next day with 4 other people that helped on the search. The ring wasn’t found and she was devastated! She thought of renting a metal detector and when she googled metal detector rentals she found me on The Ring Finders and called.

She went on to tell me that the ring was made out of a meteorite and her boyfriend gave it to her before he went back to Germany, he too has a ring very similar. I had a really good feeling I was going to find this ring, I just needed to take my time and search the area.  After 20 minutes I narrowed the area down to  the shrubs by a little garden, I was on my hands and knees with my Garretts pro-pointer,  I like to use the pro-pointer when I can’t get my metal detector loop close to the shrubs…I got a strong signal and I move the grass to see her beautiful ring, I then asked her a couple of questions in regards to where she was standing when she lost it and as she was telling me I waved my hand with the ring on it…Surprise!


The Smile tells the story…I love my job and how it makes people feel when I find what they have lost…I don’t think there’s a better job out there!


What a cool ring! Made from a meteorite (who knows how old) and landed on earth twice now,  I got to find it the second time it landed…Thank you for the kind reward and I will donate 15% to Children’s Hospital.



Here’s a word from Stephanie…

The story of how Christian and I met is just as out of this world as the ring he gave me. The meteorite it was made from touched down in Sweden in 1906, ( I have a certificate with the exact coordinates and a raw piece of it as well)
Due to the fact that he is not yet a Canadian citizen and he is a Geologist that works in the field we have spent many months apart from eachother.
I always admired the ring on his finger (made from a different meteorite) and the fact that he had one made for me and sent to Canada ….well…we all know the very real emotional attachment we have to these physical symbols of friendship, love, respect.
That being said, when that ring flew off my finger I was devastated. I was lucky enough to have complete strangers join in my search with the best of intentions,..So amazing!
The next day I went to work and came home to look for it myself. Something in me told me I wasn’t going to find it because I  was looking with emotional and frantic eyes.
I came upstairs and googled “metal detector rentals vancouver” and that’s how I found Chris.
He actually answered my call while in the middle of dinner with his family. I felt like a jerk with first world problems at that point..But after meeting Chris, I can’t tell you how he validated my situation.
He took me through the what’s and why’s of what he was going to do, and involved me in the process, which I think is so key in doing what he does. I mean, I felt all the emotions, sad..guilty… name it…But he arrived on the scene and I felt OK. He took the time out of his life to make someone feel OK.

He found my ring and made me smile….I joke with myself that I would buy a ring and lose it just to have that experience again…
Thank you Chris…

Stephanie Walker

Thanks for reading my blog and if you’d like to watch the video of the search just click below…

Class ring

  • from Oklahoma City (Oklahoma, United States)

I was at a local park a few weeks ago and found a class ring.  When I got home I looked it up and found it was from Wisconsin! I was able to track down the owner who had it stolen a few months after he got it.  He was very happy to see it.ring2

Lost Ring Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

  • from Oklahoma City (Oklahoma, United States)

Hi my name is Diana and I joined The Ring Finders Directory to help people find their lost rings and jewelry here in Oklahoma and the surrounding areas.

If you lost something and need it found please call me.

Looking forward to helping you find what you thought was lost forever.


Property Marker Search Fulshear, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Property Marker Search

Contacted by Gene a resident of Fulshear, Texas who advised he was searching the internet for metal detector rentals and came across “The Ring Finders” website. Gene wanted to know if I could assist him finding a metal property marker at his resident. Gene said he had a copy of the original land plot showing the location of the markers. The property plot was a nice reference but lacked any measurement to aid in locating the markers. Some how I am thinking it’s drawn like that intentionally. Gene said if we couldn’t find the marker, he was going to have to hire a surveyor to re-plot the property lines and it was going to be very expensive.

Made the trip out this morning and hit the property marker pretty quick, excavated, and tagged it for the homeowner.







































nothing further,


John Volek / Member




Finding Property Markers

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

I can find Property Markers and Property Pins

Contact: John Volek / Member

Colorado Metal Detecting Services

  • from Gypsum (Colorado, United States)

I can help to find lost items with my metal detector. Please contact me through The Ring Finders.

Victorian Home Search Corsicana Tx

  • from Fort Worth (Texas, United States)

Hired to search this Victorian Home in Corsicana Texas for possible buried cache of jewelry, silver or gold.

Did not locate any caches. Found some old relics, and a few old coins. It was an interesting and fun experience!


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Lost Ring Galveston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service now in Galveston, Texas

Lost your jewelry in the surf or out on the beach and thought it was gone forever?

Call the Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

John Volek 281-330-7758

Galveston is one of the most popular year-round coastal destinations in our second largest state TEXAS. It is an island in the Gulf of Mexico. You can still take a road trip here because it is connected to the mainland by a bridge. It is a city that offers many historical and cultural attractions, water sports, and great hotels and resorts. Galveston TX has most of its businesses downtown, but also offers many rental residences with access to the Galveston beaches.




John Volek

Member Since 2012
