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Park Search

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

20130531_123218 20130531_123226May 2013

A few service calls,

1. Lost men’s Platinum wedding band in Houston, believed to have possibly been lost at a soccer field/baseball field. Searched the area for several hours confirming for the owner this was not the location of his lost ring.

2. Lost Gold Tennis Bracelet with 52 (1/4) diamonds, in College Station. The caller report the bracelet had been lost in either a horse stall or horse arena. The caller later reported while waiting for my available response, he rented a metal detector and tried finding the bracelet himself. He said they were having a lot of difficulty figuring out the metal detector and placed a gold ring in the horse stall for testing purposes. They lost the ring, and started a search on their hands and knees to find the ring, while searching for the ring, they accidentally found the bracelet. The also later found the ring in the stall as well.

3. Lost Men’s Citadel Class Ring in Galveston, the caller reported he had accidental dropped his ring over the edge of a pier while assisting a friend with his boat. The caller reported he believed the water was approximately 15 feet deep and felt pretty sure of its location. As, I was preparing gear for a water recovery, the caller contacted me and reported he had found his ring on the deck of the boat under some debris.

4. Training in a local park, keeping the dust off both the equipment and operator. (see pictures) a couple of nice sterling silver pieces, clad coin (modern day), and several pieces of trash.

Lost Wedding Ring on Her Wedding Day in Stanley Park, Vancouver.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The call came in Saturday afternoon and the young man said that his wife had lost her wedding ring at Stanley Park while taking wedding photos. He asked if I could come out and take a look and I said that I could be there in two hours as I was visiting my dad who lives a good hour plus from Vancouver.

I grabbed my detector and headed for the park and when I got there I received a call from the young man who I thought was going to meet me there to show me the area but as we talked I realized he was the groom and it was his bride that lost the ring.

They were at the reception celebrating and he told me over the phone where he knew the ring was lost and I thought I was in the right area but not 100% sure. After 3 1/2 hours I packed it up until the next morning when I received a call from her bridesmaid.

We met up and she was able to show me the area that they were taking pictures and she told me the story about the ring that was lost…It was the brides great-grandmothers ring that was handed down to the brides grandmother then past on to the brides mother and her mother gave it to her on her wedding day.



This would make the ring extremely sentimental and to lose it on that special day just broke her heart.  After getting good directions of where they were and what they were doing I was able to utilize my process of elimination and shortly after three hours I found her great-grandmothers wedding ring.




I have the greatest Job in the world… I get to make people smile!

Thank you so much for reading my blogs, until the next one.

Best Regards, Chris Turner


You can watch the video of the recovery below.

Gold and Diamond Rings recovered in Centreville, Virginia!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

The streak continues! 100% success in recovery since I became a search member of The Ring Finders! This time the lost items were in Centreville, Va. About 90 minutes from my residence. I got a call from David this past Saturday. I could hear the concern and panic in his voice, but luckily he contacted me immediately and gave a very accurate account of what he was doing and where he suspected he lost the rings. Because of that, along with the help of my buddy Lance, we have yet another successful recovery to add to the list.. I’ll let David tell you how things went down in his own words.


I had just finished cutting the lawn at my home in Centreville, VA, trying to beat the rain showers that were slated to move into my Northern Virginia location later that evening, when I realized that my Grandfather’s diamond ring and my wedding band of 30 years were missing from the little finger of my right hand where I wore them both. (This because of late life weight gain!)   I was certain that they must have come off while I was emptying the lawn mower cuttings into plastic bags.  However, after a careful search of three bags of clippings,  and repeated searches of my yard, I could not locate the rings.  When I told a neighbor what had happened and that I was considering buying a metal detector he suggested I hire a “Ring Finder” to come a search my yard for the rings.  I had never heard of such a thing, but a quick online search took me to the Ring Finders web site @   The closest ring finder to my location was Jim Wagner of Pasadena, MD.   I called his number and told him about my situation.  He was very personable and wanted to help me, but he wasn’t sure if he could get to my until the following weekend, however he said he would check with a friend of his to see if he could help me sooner.  The prospect of living with my loss for a week without doing anything was worrisome to me so I decided to purchase an inexpensive metal detector and give it a shot myself.  Fortunately, Jim called me back the next day and said he could come and assist me that very afternoon.  This was very encouraging to me as my attempts to use the metal detector I had purchased were not yielding the desired results.  Jim and his partner Lance arrived at my location within a couple of hours of his call and began to search immediately.  Jim had told me in our previous phone conversation, (and as you can see on his web page), that he has a 100% success rate.  I found that statement to be very encouraging, however, I couldn’t help but thinking that I would be the one to break his streak!  As they began to search my front yard, I went around back to put my dog in the house as she was barking hysterically.  After putting my dog in the house, I was about to make a call to my wife and let her know that the Ring Finders were here and searching when there was a knock at my front door.  When I opened it, there stood Jim and Lance, my rings in hand!  It literally took them less than 5 minutes to find them!  I can’t tell you how amazed and appreciative I was!  These guys are good at what they do!  So if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don’t despair, just call the Ring Finders!  I give them my highest recommendation.

Thanks David for the endorsement! I’m glad the rings are back where they belong!

Lance with a very happy David!

Lance with a very happy David!

So glad we were able to find these for David.

So glad we were able to find these for David.


Lost Oyama Wedding Ring Found

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

The distress call came from Oyama B.C.                                                                      Logan was splitting firewood in his backyard, his wedding ring was getting in the way, so he removed it and placed on the splitting block as he stacked the wood. A while later he remembered the ring, only by this time a young boy had been in the yard and tipped over the block. Logan was unsure if the boy had moved the ring or not. He did a visual search of the yard with no success, so he searched the internet finding Ringfinders and requested my assistance. The ring was found quickly with my metal detector, it was in the grass and had been stepped on.

logan (2)ring 2 (2)

Lost Gold Bracelet Houston, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)







05/02/2013 I was contacted by Jere H in Houston regarding his lost gold bracelet. Jere reported he lost his bracelet the other day while working in his yard. He said he felt his bracelet had slip off his wrist and was somewhere in his backyard.

I arrived at Jere’s residence and was shown the  backyard, it was a picture scene from out of Jurassic Park.  Jere’s back yard was this large lush tropical paradise, with ponds, water features, climbing scrubs and a lot of lush vegetation.

I was the WOW phase as Jere was pointing out some the areas he remembered he thought the bracelet might have fallen off. Jere had been working his backyard tending to the landscape when he noticed his bracelet was missing. Jere spent the first day trying to located the bracelet but was unsuccessful.

After Jere finished recommending some specific areas in the backyard, I started aggressively working through the landscape trying not to damage the foliage. I was knee deep in the brush after about 40 minutes of searching when I heard Jere calling out my name. I stepped out of the brush to see Jere holding a gold bracelet.

Jere said, while I was searching the back, he found his missing bracelet in a crack in the driveway in the front of his residence.

Jere said, he has had the bracelet for many and was happy he found it.

Nice work Jere.






Lost Engagement Ring Sturgeon County Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call from Emma stating that she had lost her engagement ring in her yard on her acreage in about one foot of fresh snow.  Emma recalled that she had the ring when she came out of the house and that after doing her chores noticed that her ring missing. She searched for her ring for a couple of days but had no luck finding it so she did an internet search and was able to locate me on the web through the “ directory” and gave me a call.

When I arrived at her acreage Emma showed me approximately where she thought her ring was lost. I thought to myself that this search was going to be a challenge! (Mechanics Yard if you know what I mean) and as well, Emma had moved some snow around and pilled it on a tarp. I searched for 3 hours with no luck that day, I told Emma to call me once all the snow has gone from her yard as I would have a better chance of finding the ring.  Three weeks later Emma called me and told me that most of the snow had gone and would I come out to her acreage again. She informed me that she had rented a metal detector and with friends had hunted for several hours over the weekend with no luck. She was giving me another chance to find it and was prepared to go purchase another ring if I didn’t.

I headed out to her acreage and went to work searching the area again with no luck. Something was telling me to look beyond the area which she thought her ring might be. I searched for two more hours and there in a small patch of snow I found her ring. I can tell you she was one very happy lady when I called her over to her ring. It had been there lying in the snow for over one month!

Thank you, Emma, for giving me the opportunity to locate your lost engagement ring. I wish you all the best to you on your wedding day this summer.

Take care,

Norm Peters

Lost Wedding Ring Edmonton

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Received a call from Shaun to see if I could locate his lost wedding ring that he had lost three weeks prior in his back yard while he was raking leaves and cleaning out his flower pots. I phone pics 205After about 1 1/2 hours of searching I found his ring in the flower pot.

Lost Diamond Ring in Maple Ridge…Found in Back Yard!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call this morning from a young man who said his wife lost her diamond engagement ring in the backyard while playing baseball with their daughter.  He said his wife was very  upset and concerned that the ring was lost for good. After discussing the search and what it entailed I decided to go after work to search for her ring.I met with his wife and she showed me the area where she thought the ring many have been lost. It was a very large back yard and the grass was long enough to hide a ring with no problem, after talking to the young lady I had a pretty good idea where I was going to start my search.She told me that she searched with her husband for over an hour and a half with a rake and just eyeballing the area to see if they could get lucky and find the ring…but no luck… She also told me that she hardly slept the night before knowing that her ring was lost and she may never find it.Its amazing how emotional it is for the person who has lost that sentimental item and the thought that it may never be found.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWell it only took 15 minutes in the pouring rain and dark to find her lost diamond ring… it’s the greatest feeling when your detector sounds off and you look down and part the grass and see that persons cherished item looking back up at you …knowing with excitement that it will make that person’s day when you hold it up and show them!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This is the 700th recorded ring found for The Ring Finders Directory! We have over 100 recoveries without pictures…800+ My goal is to see over 1 million Smiles on my Directory before I die! I love my Job!Lost something call ASAPWatch the video of the search… 

Diamond Ring Found… Seal Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Annika called me at 11:30am , just as I was leaving my place to go metal detecting. I was able to meet her at 12 noon it was only  a 14 mile  drive. She was in Seal Beach and had lost her diamond wedding ring while teaching a fitness class on the beach. This is her regular job and she always puts her rings in a zippered pocket in her workout pants. This time she had not zipped it totally closed and one of her rings fell out into the sand while doing some of the exercises. It was lost in an area about half the size of a football field.  I started  in the middle of the field and began a spiral type grid. It took an hour and a half to locate the beautiful ring. Everyone was happy and there were plenty of smiles.  This was another time we beat the city sand sifting machine to get the ring..

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Ring Found.. Balboa Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

At 6:30pm  I was detecting at Newport Beach, when I received a phone call from Monique. She spent the day at the beach near Balboa Pier. While putting on sunscreen she had lost a ring that belonged to her mother . She drove home, more than 30 miles from the beach, believing that the ring was lost forever. She found The RingFinders site on her computer and my cellphone number. Even though she was very distraught, she was able to give me a very good description of the area where she lost it. I was only two miles from Balboa and was able to drive to the area and found the ring within 25 minutes. I called Monique and we set up a meeting place and she had the ring by 8pm that same night.. I know she was very happy and for sure she slept well.                                      I also know that the area where she lost the ring is worked everyday with the beach sifting machine and many other people with metal detectors, so it was very important to be able to get there as soon as possible.

Monique sent me a thank you letter that she said I could share on my blog. Here is her story:

Dear Stan,

I can’t thank you enough for finding my mother’s ring.  This ring means so much to me as my mom passed away on December 17, 2012.  This ring was her favorite ring as she designed it her self from different rings she had and my dad who passed away on February 12, 2013 was the one who had it made for her.
My kids and I had spend the day at the beach.  My mom would always tell me to remove my rings when I put on cream, wash dishes or take a shower.  She said it would get dirty and my rings wouldn’t shine.  So, when she passed away I wanted to make sure I honored her wishes and I always take off her ring when I do any of these things.  I took off the ring to put on sun block and put it on my lap.  I must have got up for something and it must have fell.  We were at the beach for about 4 hours when I remembered it was in my lap. When I looked down it was gone.  My kids and I looked for over an hour.  We asked the life guard if he had a metal detector and he said no, but let us know people come with metal detectorsin the morning.  When I called my husband he said we had to go right away and wait for someone with a detector.  I gave up hope figured it was gone and I would never see it again.  I was so sad and mad.  I prayed at the beach it would be found and on the way home.
When I got home I was so sad crying and upset.  I looked up what to do when you lose your ring in sand and the Ring Finder website came up.  I wasn’t sure about it, but figured what do I have to lose the ring is already gone.  I called Stan and explained where I was at and he said he would get over there right away before anyone else worked the beach and before it was combed.
Not even an hour went by and Stan called me to let me know he had found the ring.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was shocked.  How was that even possible.  My husband and I met with Stan and he returned the ring.
Thank you Stan for your honesty.  I am so glad that there are people like you in this world. You are one of a kind.
