i lost my ring houston Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring in the Texas Heat Wave, recovered by Houston Metal Detecting Services

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Houston Metal Detecting Services recovered a Diamond Ring Lost in the Texas Heat Wave.

A great couple enjoying a nice outdoor event leads to the significant loss of a prized ring. How do you find a lost ring in this environment, you contact a metal-detecting specialist?

After hours of searching, this fine couple did some internet research and found. The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service online for their location and placed the call.

As seen in the photos, it was a great decision.


































Houston Metal Detecting Services

MEMBERS of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate your lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or another important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your backyard.

If you lost your RING or another precious item

“Don’t Wait-Call Now!”

AWS Template 2014




                                         Don’t wait… Call now!




Lost Ear-Ring Texas City, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


I was contacted by Tony regarding his daughters lost 1/2 kt. diamond earring. Tony said the diamond earring had belonged to his wives grandmother and finding the missing one was imperative.

Tony said his family had been at his fathers house (Tony Jr.) in Texas City playing volleyball in his backyard. Aviana had gotten to close to the net, and the net pulled the earring from her ear. Tony said, Aviana stopped immediately after feeling the earring being pulled from her ear. Tony said the entire family searched for the earring in the grass, but they were unsuccessful.

Arrangement were made to meet (Tony Jr.-Dad) at his residence on Saturday afternoon to search for the lost earring.


Arrived Saturday afternoon and met (Tony Jr.) at his residence in Texas City. Tony gave me a walk through of where they believed the earring had fallen after being pulled from Aviana’s ear. I noticed several fresh dug plugs (holes) in the ground. Tony said his son had borrowed a metal detector from a neighbor in an effort to find the earring.

Prior to the good news, Aviana and her mother Courtney arrived and were able to witness the recovery of the lost earring.













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Equipment Used:

Garrett AT Gold

Garrett AT sniper coil

TRX Pin-pointer


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.


www.theringfinders.com                                         Texas


Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


Metal Detector Rental Houston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Metal Detector Rental Houston


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.


www.theringfinders.com                                         Texas


Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


Lost Wedding Ring Katy, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Wedding Ring Katy, Texas (Recovered)

Texas Labor Day Slip and Slide, beating the Texas Heat…awesome.

I received a call from Sean on Monday-Labor Day, regarding his lost wedding ring. Sean said he had been at a friends house participating in some labor day festivities when he lost his ring. Sean said they had constructed a giant slip and slide for Labor Day and he had been sliding on it when he discovered his wedding ring missing from his finger.

The Slip and Slide Race:

Sean said the rules to the race were simple slide down the slip and slide, run to a table twenty feet away, chug a beer, and the flip the beer cup until it lands right side up. Once that was done your teammate could start the race and this would continue until all of your teammates completed the race. The best 7 out of 7 runs would determine the winner, my thought was it would be nice if you could still hit the slip and slide after beer 5-6? LOL  Sounds like it was a lot of fun, but unfortunately Sean lost his Wedding Ring at some point during the fun.

Sean said once he discovered his wedding ring was missing everyone at the party stopped and assisted him in looking for his lost ring, but it was not found. Sean said he returned the following day and spent 6 hours working the search area with his fathers metal detector, but he was still not able to find his lost ring.

Sean said he located me on the internet at “The Ring Finders”

I asked Sean to send me a few photo’s of the area needing to be searched,  I always like getting a view of the area prior to the search. Sean sent the following video of the labor day event and a picture of his lost ring.  The video quality is poor, but you will get the idea.












I met Sean today at his friends house in Katy, Texas to search for his lost ring.




I think Sean had completely given up hope of getting his ring back after 2 hours of searching. We took a short break, and then I asked Sean to walk me through the events in detail (where he started from, where he ran too, etc.) and it was at this time we talked about how the slip and slide had been moved a few times to get it just right. I had Sean walk me through the locations of where the slid had been moved from on the previous set-up attempts.

I worked the outer edge of one of the ealier set-up locations and was awaken by a nice tone from the CTX3030. I looked down and saw Sean’s Ring sitting right on top of the grass.




























Sean is an extraordinary individual and it was a great pleasure to be able to return his wedding ring.


Equipment Used:


TRX Pinpointer


Nothing further,


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek





Lost Engagement Ring Houston,Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Engagement Ring Houston,Texas (Recovered)

I received an e-mail from Christopher 07/29/2014 Tuesday night regarding his Fiancé’s Lost Engagement Ring. Christopher and I spoke a short time later and he explained he and his Fiancé were playing around in his front yard when her ring came off and was lost in the front lawn. Christopher said he has been looking for the ring for over two days and not be able to find her ring in the deep grass in his front yard. Christopher said after a short internet search he came across “The Ring Finders”

Christopher sent the following photographs Tuesday night of the area that would need to be searched.












07/30/2014 I met with Christopher at his residence this morning and was given an overview of where he believed the ring had been dropped.





























Still learning the ins and outs of the  GoPro



Equipment Used:

Garrett AT Gold

Minelab PinPointer Pro

GoPro Hero 3


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


Metal Detecting Equipment

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Metal Detecting Equipment Houston, Texas (Anderson’s Xtreme Kit for Minelab Excalibur)

One of our sponsor at “The Ring Finders” is Anderson Detector Shafts (www.andersondetectorshafts.com) a provider of great metal detecting equipment. They have just sent me there newest Carbon Fiber multi-configuration shaft for the Excalibur II for testing and evaluation.

My initial thoughts after unboxing the detector shaft was WOW. Extraordinary quality, light weight, three configurations, durability for long term use in Salt water. I immediately new this would be the only detector shaft I would ever need for the Excalibur.

The shaft can be configured into any of the following set ups: Scuba Shaft, Over and Under, or the Long Shaft.






























Additional information can be found at: http://andersondetectorshafts.com/products/carbon-fiber-detector-shafts/


Ryan at Anderson Detector Shafts will be your point of contact for members of The Ring Finders


Excalibur II users be sure to look at my next post.



John Volek





Priceless Treasure Recovered Woodlands, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)


I received a call from Edith today who wanted to know if I could help recover her IPhone from the bottom of the Woodlands Boat House Waterway. Edith said she and her husband Stephen had been kayaking today, and when they returned to the dock and exited their kayaks her phone fell out of her pocket. Edith said it fell in the water right of the edge of the dock into about 7 foot of water.

Edith said prior to the kayaking trip she had placed her phone in a zip lock baggy to ensure it would stay dry while on the kayaking expedition.

Edith said she had obtained my name from Kyle the manager at the Woodland Boat House. (I had recovered Kyle’s Texas A&M Ring several months back when he accidentally dropped it into the waterway)

I told Edith that she shouldn’t count on the phone being undamaged, questioning whether a zip lock baggy would hold its seal at 7 feet. I suggested she just file with her phone’s insurance and pay her small deductible and get a new phone (normally $50.00). I told Edith my operationally cost’s for an underwater recovery would likely exceed that amount.

This is when Edith provided the following information:

  1. Zip Lock Baggy .05 cents
  2. IPhone $199.00
  3. Pictures and Documents on IPhone (priceless)


I met Stephen at the dock this morning and he was very helpful in providing clear directions on the location of where the phone had been dropped. This is extremely important when dealing with zero visibility water conditions.

I remember from my previous trip to the Woodlands Waterway that the bottom is steel re-enforced concrete with about 6-8 inches of muck and debris on top of the concrete base. I didn’t spend much time on my last trip (it was very cold) trying to dial down my Excalibur to see if I could by-pass the re-bar. I opted to use my hand held Vibra-Tector 730 on this job, and it worked very well, not at all effected by the re-bar in the concrete (a lot less power in the hand held unit),

It was like working inside of a bottle of chocolate milk, but not quite as pleasant of an odor. I told Stephen this waterway reminded me of my days as a law enforcement recovery diver and some of the jobs I had worked and preferred not to remember :)’

Well after a few missed attempts, a bottle top, a piece of wire, a pair of sunglass, Bingo an IPhone.











































Stephen with the recovered IPhone




Equipment Used:

Hookamax Dive System

Vibra-Tector 730

DECON; lots and lots of soap and water….


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek



Metal Detecting Houston, Texas

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service Houston, Texas











The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek


I Lost My Wedding Ring

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Lost Wedding Ring











The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek



Metal Detecting Equipment and Training

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Metal Detecting Equipment and Training

I just added the Garrett AT Gold to the equipment list. I was looking for a machine that would perform really well on small gold items like diamond earrings and very small diamond pendants. The Minelab CTX 3030 manages well, but the prospecting (AT GOLD) hits these small items really well.

I purchased two small gold items from a local jewelry store for field testing and training purposes. The AT GOLD works amazingly well and should increase my recovery rate for these types of items.












Test Items























The New Garrett AT Gold
















First test run with the AT Gold at a nearby park






















The AT Gold picked out this small earring on its first test run along with some of the smallest specs of aluminum and other debris I have ever recovered.

My first impressions, the machine is awesome,  and it has already proven itself capable of finding micro specs of Au, Ag, and Pt.

Au: Gold

Ag: Silver

Pt: Platinum


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common places are parks, lakes, beaches and even your own front yard…If you lost your “Ring” or other precious item…We can find it!

We train regularly and use the best Metal Detecting Equipment available insuring the greatest possibility of finding your lost possessions.




Don’t wait… Call now!

John Volek
