rings found in Laguna Beach Calif. Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Rings on Mother’s Day … Aliso Beach, Laguna, CA. … Found in the Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Sunday … May 11, 2014

I’m starting to believe that ” THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES”

Last week I found a nice wedding band set while searching for another lost ring. I had a call from a lady who had lost a ring 5/5/14 at Aliso Beach, CA. It seems she was putting on sun screen and had taken off her ring forgetting to put it on after applying the lotion. Six days had passed with beach cleaning machines and other detectorists, but I wanted to give it a try. When I arrived at the beach there were still a lot of people on the beach. I started messing around back away from the search area to use up some time till I could start my grid search. I did a two hour two way grid search for the ring lost last week with no success.

While working my way up to the beach front a lifeguard came up to me telling me about another lady that had lost her ring. I walked about 50 yards. When I got close Landan and her mother-in-law, Julie came up to me with surprised looks on their faces. They were at their wits end and couldn’t believe that some guy with a metal detector had just showed up out of no ware.  They had gone home and tried to locate a someone that could help them find the lost ring with no luck. It was Sunday and they could not get anyone to answer their calls. They returned to the beach to resume running their fingers through the sand.  Ladan told me that she had been playing in the sand with her daughter about noon when she noticed she had lost her ring. I confidently told her it should be an easy search, but then she told me that she had made several trips to the water to fill a bucket with wet sand. That could be a major problem, but I tried to stay positive.  People were all over the area and they all seemed to know about Ladan’s dilemma. I was able to find the larger ring within a few minutes. Nobody noticed that I retrieved the big ring in my sand scoop, so I set my detector down, walked over and presented it to Ladan. The tears of joy flowed. It was a special moment for her and everyone around the area. Then she said you’ve found the big one. I realized that she had lost the wedding band also. In the excitement they forgot or I didn’t hear that there was two rings lost. It was a matter of a few more swings of my search coil and within 4 feet of the first ring. A very special Mother’s Day for Ladan to remember.  One of the ladies on the beach came over to me after things settled down saying that she had been praying for the last two hours that Ladan would find her rings.  I’m going to add a personal email that Julie ( relative of Ladan) sent me.

Email from Julie:    GRATEFUL 

May 11,2014

Dear Stan, you were our “Dragon Slayer” today. My daughter-in-law felt completely helpless until you appeared with your twinkling blue eyes and confident attitude! And then in a matter of minutes you found her rings and released her from her pain.  Now, her pain was not about losing valuable objects. It was about her husband and the love the rings represent, HIS LOVE FOR HER! She wanted to find them more for him than for herself. It was an amazing Mother’s Day gift for me to discover Ladan’s sense of determination and depth of character. I have a wonderful new story to tell about what really matters in life. A true Mother’s Day gift. Thank You! I’ll never forget you……Julie