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Lost White Gold Wedding Band .. Huntington Beach .. Volleyball Court

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Sunday .. May 31, 2015 .. 10:30pm

Karl called me from the airport where he was waiting for his fight back to his home in Phoenix, AZ. He told me he had lost his wedding band while watching his daughter participate in a volleyball tournament. He texted me the location. It was one of 28 volleyball courts. I drove 5 miles, found his ring and was able to text him a photo of his ring just as he was shutting down his smart phone for the departure of his flight. The next morning I returned the ring to his wife, Kristen who will be returning to Phoenix later. Below is Karl’s side of the story.

Thanks again for finding my ring. I was attending my daughter’s beach volleyball tournament at Huntington Beach. During the game, an errant volleyball headed into the crowd towards me. I instinctively shot my left hand up into the air in an attempt to deflect the ball, and as I did, I felt my wedding ring fly off my finger. My wife and I looked around for it frantically, knowing that with each person walking by and kicking up sand, our chances of finding it were dwindling. After searching for about a half an hour, and seeing person after person kicking up sand and surely burying my ring, we resigned ourselves to having lost it for good.

Later that day, upon returning to our hotel and preparing to leave Los Angeles, I got on the internet and conducted a Google search for folks with metal detectors in the Huntington Beach area. I found Stan Ross on and I called him from the airport as I was awaiting my flight. Stan was on the case in no time, and he kept me apprised of his status as he scanned the beach and I got ready to get on my flight. Then, just before departing, Stan texted me with a triumphant pic of my ring. He had found it! My wife and I were ecstatic! Luckily, my wife and kids had already planned to stay an extra day at the beach, so they were able to meet Stan and get my ring back. We’re very grateful for Stan’s services, and we give him our absolute highest recommendations. Thanks again Stan.
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Lost Diamond Engagement Ring In Delta, BC…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Last night at around 10:15 pm I received a call from a young man that explained to me that his fiancé had lost her engagement ring on the side of the road where they were walking. In actual fact he accidentally pulled the ring off while holding her hand and it went flying into the grass, the ring wasn’t fitting the young lady perfectly it was a bit loose.

You can only imagine the disappointment and heartbreak this young couple felt for over an hour and a half of searching for the ring in the grass and waiting for me to arrive.

When I arrived I was greeted by  young couple and they explain the situation and  showed me what happened. I took a look at the search area and thought to myself this could be a fast recovery… but most times when I think that… it’s the exact opposite.

I set up my searchlights I set up my GoPro camera and tuned up my Garrett AT Gold and began to search, we had a young lady on a bike stop to watch and within 10 seconds I had found the ring!

Smiles everywhere! Its the greatest feeling in the world for me to see how happy you can make someone! And the young lady in the video was so happy for the couple as well. I truly have the greatest job in the world!



If you have lost your ring…Don’t wait… call a member of The Ring Finders near you!

You can watch the video of the search below…

Lost Ring – Never Give Up Hope, Ring Found 3 Years Later

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)


Recently, we were featured in an article by Doug Moe, a local reporter for the Wisconsin State Journal. The story was about our Ring Finding activities ( After the article ran, I was contacted by about a dozen people who had lost their wedding ring between 1 and 8 years ago. This was awesome, because a lot of time people just give up looking for their ring. If you have a good idea on where and how you lost your ring, there is probably a pretty good chance it is still there. One of the couples who contacted me was Heather and Ron and this is their ring story.

Three years ago, Heather was preparing for an Easter Egg hunt in her backyard. The weather was just starting to warm up, so she decided it would be nice to have the hunt outside. She first wanted to clean up the dead leaves that were around her shrubs and in her planting beds from the past fall. Heather’s lot backed up to a wooded area, which was a convenient place to throw leaves and other yard waste. It was here that Heather tossed the leaves from her yard.

The next day, she was busy preparing for Easter dinner, when suddenly she realized that her wedding ring of 19 years was missing. She had been so busy getting ready for company that she didn’t focus on the fact that her ring was not on her finger. She felt absolutely sick, but hoped that it would show up. Days passed, but still not ring. She wondered if she had lost it in the house or maybe it fell down the drain? Ron, Heather’s husband, inspected all the traps under the sinks in the house. No ring. Time went on, but still no ring.

Heather thought back to the day she lost it and remembered that the day prior, she was in the backyard raking and cleaning the leaves. She also remembered that she was not wearing any gloves while working in the backyard, and there was a chance the ring could have fallen off while scooping up or tossing the leaves in the woods. They searched the areas she was working, but did not find anything. It’s amazing how a ring can quickly disappear from sight. After about a year of searching and wondering, Heather gave up – accepting the fact that she’d never see her ring again. They went to the jewelry store and picked out a new ring to replace the one missing from her finger.

Fast forward 3 years, and Ron was reading the Sunday paper one winter day. He showed Heather an article about some local “Ring Finders” who had helped others find their lost rings in the area. Ron called me the next day and told me their story. I said we could help, but needed to wait till Spring when the snow had melted and the ground thawed. This past weekend, I happened to be visiting an old family friend on the same side of Madison that Heather and Ron lived. I called Ron and setup a time to come out and take a look.

When we pulled up, we were greeted by Ellie, the family dog. Kylie, my daughter, enjoyed playing with Ellie … and I think Ellie enjoyed playing with Kylie too. Carter, my son, and I immediately started the search. We first scanned the planting area where Heather was working in 3 years ago. Amazingly, we found nothing. Typically around the perimeter of the house, we find a fair amount of junk left over from building projects or a recent roofing job – but there was nothing (which is awesome). So, we moved to the area where Heather had tossed the leaves. Almost immediately, we got a good strong and consistent signal. Carter scratched away the soil and we could quickly see the edge of a ring start to appear. The ring had been lost for 3 years, and after only about 5 mins we had found it!

I called Heather back out and distracted her with a “question”, when she turned around, she saw me holding up her ring.  She was shocked.  I don’t think she would ever had guessed that we would find her ring that quickly. After a couple of seconds, she let out a loud scream and jumped up and down with joy. This is my favorite part of Ring Hunting … the reveal. I love the reaction and expressions on people’s faces when we pull something out of the ground, that just seconds earlier, had been lost forever.

Thank you Ron and Heather for the generous reward. We will donate a portion of the reward to Carter and Kylie’s school, as we do with all rewards. We will then use the remainder to purchase some additional “test rings”. We have a couple of rings that we’ve found and have not been able to return. These prove very valuable when first starting a hunt. If we can get a similar ring and drop it in the same environment, it helps us tune our machines and focus on what signals to look for.

Remember, even if it’s been years – there is still hope that your ring can be found.

Every ring has a story, what’s yours?





Wedding Ring Lost in Sand .. Belmont Shores, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

March 25, 2015

Eric called about 1pm asking to rent a metal detector. I explained to him about the cost of renting and how far away the nearest detector shop is located.
He told me that he was sure where the titanium ring was located. He was in Belmont Shores Penensula at the beach. After talking to him about how I could help him find his ring and show him how the metal detector works. I actually thought I would let him use my detector while I stood by. When I arrived he told me that he had been arguing with his wife of three months , Josselyn. In the heat of the moment he tossed his wedding band over the 4 ft. block wall into the sand on the other side. He said, as he was doing it he thought it would be easy to find. After three hours of searching the sand he went to his smart phone locating .
When I got to the location he showed me an area of approximately 50×50 ft. where he thought it to be. Then he said they had to be somewhere by 3 pm. It was going to be a little more difficult than I expected. This was not a situation where we could do a detector demonstration. I decided not to waste time. So I set up close to the wall in the center, planning to do a spiral grid. I started swinging and within 3 ft. got a good signal 3 inches deep. I called Eric over to let him hear the signal before retrieving the metal under my search coil. When I dug into the sand with my scoop there was Eric’s ring.
Both Eric and Josselyn were elated and thankful. It was a pleasure to help them.


Lost Ring North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

The Ring Finders Logo

My name is Jim Wren.

I became a member of The Ring Finders Directory with a goal of helping you find your lost ring or jewelry.

Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist with the experience and equipment to give you a 2nd chance to find what you thought was lost forever.

Search locations include North Myrtle Beach SC and the surrounding areas. I search the beaches, ocean/lakes (up to 5ft in depth), parks and yards.

Available day or night. Call as soon as possible if you lost your item on the beach.


Thank goodness for Ring Finders and good people

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

Thank goodness for Ring Finders and good people. Luke was eager to drive 45 mins to come look for my ring and he was equal parts professional, friendly, and caring. I had never met Luke before but a Google search brought me to his Ring Finders page.

Visibility was less than 4 inches and it was amazing that he was able to find my ring considering the conditions he described above, not to mention the ring sat on the bottom in the muck and slime for 7 days before I had a day off to go out there. The lake bottom is littered with old cans, bottles, coins, etc and I was actually getting fairly discouraged after sitting on the dock for 1.5 hours or so, getting sun burnt and feeling bad about my lost wedding band. Luke was positive the whole time and like he said, after taking a 15 minute break to regroup, he picked up the signal and somehow got it back to the shallows, basically working blind, without dropping it. At first I was in disbelief and I think he celebrated more than me for the first few seconds! The people on the public dock 10 yards away must have thought we were crazy jumping up and down and high-fiving, hooping and hollering. When we told them what the commotion was about, they were yelling too! It was a great time.

You can bet I’ll be recommending Luke’s services to anyone in the Spokane/CDA area that needs this type of help. Couldn’t have asked for a nicer guy to work with. Good work! (and thanks for getting my wife off my back!)

Newspaper Article – The Man Who Finds Lost Rings

  • from Madison (Wisconsin, United States)

Very nice article run in the Wisconsin State Journal about a recent find, as well as some other past finds.


Lost Silver Pendant on soccer field….Found! Sanford, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

DSCF2277DSCF2271How many people have been given a very special gift only to loose it shortly after receiving it?  Jared got a unique gift from his mother for Christmas–a silver pendant– and lost it two days later while playing soccer!  He is a good friend of mine and knows that I enjoy helping people find their lost rings and things.  And the field where he lost his pendant is just across the street from where we live so I figured in my spare time I could begin a grid search of the 70X50 yard field.  So early the next evening I set up my Whites DFX in Coin and Jewelry mode and started down the middle of the field.  And as it was a very recent drop and the pendant being silver I figured it would give a loud signal and be just under the grass.  Sure enough on my 5th pass down center field, there hidden in the grass was Jared’s pendant!  So glad to help out and thanks Jared for the reward!

Looking for something you lost?

Give me a call–ASAP!

White gold wedding band found in Denver, Colorado

  • from Denver (Colorado, United States)

On December 13th David and his wife had a small gathering of friends at their house, one of their friends brought their dog. David being the kind of guy he is, didn’t want the dog to be left alone in the back yard so he spent some time playing with the dog. While playing with the pup David noticed that his wedding band was missing and he went back inside to see if it was there, no luck. The whole of the party then went into the back yard and searched for David’s missing ring, no luck again. Photos from earlier in the day show that David had the ring on so the window of opportunity for the rings loss were narrow. David spent several hours over the next few weeks searching the back yard. Due to snow fall and the holiday season the search for David’s ring had to take a back seat till warmer weather.

On January 16th David found my profile on and he contacted me about searching for his ring. We set up a date and time for me to conduct the search of Sunday the 18th at 10:00AM. Upon arrival at their home David took me to the back yard and gave me a run down of the events. My search area was the side yard which was pretty small and the back yard a nice size yard for an older home. I knew the search wouldn’t take too long as the yard wasn’t expansive. I pulled out my V3i and prepared it for the search, upon starting the machine I could hear all kinds of electrical inference from the overhead power, phone and cable lines. Luckily I had my trust old MXT with me as well so I prepared that machine for the search. After a few potential targets that turned out to be pulltabs my MXT let out a signal that was truly different than any of the others, the pinpoint let me know it was a surface target. I pulled back the grass and there sat a pretty silver colored ring. I pulled the ring from it’s hiding place and hollered for David. He was quite happy to get his ring back and was quite surprised at the speed of recovery, this search lasted less than 5 minutes. David mentioned that this recovery saved him 50 or so years of grief from his wife. We talked a bit, shot some photos and I was on my way home by 10:30. It was a great way to start off a Sunday.

Ring recovered 1/18/2015

  David and ring Davids ring

Lost Wedding Ring… Found Des Moines, Iowa


Austins ring AustinI found a white gold wedding band today for a young fella named Austin. He lost it while mowing roadside ditches this summer. When he parked the tractor he noticed his wedding ring was gone.

At one point during the day he had stopped to clean the mower out and figured he lost it there. His dad had an older metal detector so he went over the area with it and said he found lots of junk but not the ring.

So I had the day off from work for Veterans Day and we decided to meet up and see if we could come up with it even though it was brutally cold out with the wind blowing out of the north. When I started the search I found out why he had trouble at this site. It was at a crossroads in the country and it seemed that everyone who stopped at the stop sign threw some kind of junk metal into the ditch. I had many good gold signals that turned into pulltabs, pop tops, foil, bits of cans and other assorted junk.

Luckily some of the dead grass he had pulled from the mower was still laying there in clumps so it marked where he had cleaned out the mower. In one of those clumps I got another good gold signal, a 12-16 on the CTX3030 at two inches. There under the dead grass was his ring!

Glad I could help him out and he was very happy to have his ring back.