lost wedding ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Engagement Ring in Farmers Field, Rolly View, Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)




I received a call from Krystal regarding her white 14k gold engagement ring which she had lost out in Rolly View, in the county of Leduc.  After asking Krystal my usual questions I agreed to meet her.

Upon arriving at the location Krystal showed me exactly where she and her boy friend stood when he proposed to her and gave her the ring. With the excitement of accepting his proposal Krystal shook her hand and the ring flew off her finger into the snow! They searched the immediate area with no luck so decided to go back to the city and purchase a metal detector.  They headed back to continue the search but Krystal told me the metal detector made so many sounds that they did not understand and gave up the search and headed home.  While doing a Google search on “how to find a lost ring” she found me on the Ringfinders Blog Page. Within five minute Krystal had her ring back on her finger and was very grateful to have called me.

Thank you Krystal for getting in touch with me. I am so glad to have been able to find your ring.

Lost Engagement ring Port elgin Ontario

Woke up this morning to a call from a lady who is getting married next weekend. While swimming in port elgin beach the night before she came to shore and noticed her engagement ring was no longer on her finger and had to be sitting in the bottom of the beach somewhere. They searched for hours with the help of many others to come out empty handed. When she got home they googled something similar to “How to find a lost ring” and managed to find this directory.

Don of cherished finds was already in the area so he began the search right away and with the help of his wife found the ring within a couple hours!

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Found lost Wedding Ring East Spokane

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)


The weeds were at it again. This time a hard working gardener was trying to be wise while tending to her garden beds and took off her rings. After placing them in her pants pocket the inevitable had begun. She remembered taking  her fit bit out of her pocket but not the rings. So the next morning when she saw that her rings were not on, she looked in her pants but only found her engagement ring. Two days of searching went by with no sign of the ring. She even rented a metal detector and tried looking for the ring, with no instructions  from the rental company.  Then on Google with a few key phrases Diane found me through my Craigslist post. I showed up that Sunday afternoon with a confidence that her back yard was hiding something from her. I swung over the area where she took out her fit bit without finding the ring, so I decided to grid the whole back yard. It took two grid lines to get me near the ring. Then my V3i detector screamed at me. I looked down in the grass as I pinpointed and saw the golden rim of her ring. It is so much fun to be out there trying to find lost items. This was the first ring find of the summer for me and I’m glad Diane has her 32 year old wedding ring back on her hand.

the reaction

the reaction



Lost platinum ring found 

My little sorex pro is definitely my workhorse detector.
A couple called me this morning after the husband lost his wedding ring while lobbing a rugby ball about in a campsite. The problem was time, as later that day a whole crowd of triathletes would be descending on the site to camp for the nignt.
After a fair few bottle caps and about £8 in coins I located the ring, it was quite a hefty ring that was made from a lump of platinum supplied by the husband which his jeweller aunt turned into a ring for him. Very pleased to make them smile.



Lost Man’s Gold Ring in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call  about a lost ring he lost a year ago in the front yard while during some landscaping. As he was pulling off his glove, there went the ring flying, not to be seen again. The ring has more sentimental valve because his grandmother took her own jewelry to make his grandfather father gold ring which is pictured. The whole family was happy that I was able to find the ring.


Lost Man’s Gold Ring in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”


Lost Man’s Gold Ring in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”


Lost Man’s Gold Ring in Westerville, OH. “FOUND”





Lost Wedding Band in Lafayette Louisiana – Found

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

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We received a call from Kevin on January 3, 2016, Sunday evening. He had lost his wedding ring while taking Christmas lights down. The ring was very large and has 5 diamonds in it. Kevin was upset about the loss, but even more so because the diamonds were from him Mom. Kevin lives only about 6 miles away, but it was late so we made plans for Monday morning. Sid and Kevin both had to work, but Carrie met up with Kevin’s wife Kathryn to start the hunt. Kathryn showed me where the lights had been and the area where Kevin had rolled up and boxed the lights. Kevin had also blown the leaves in the yard and around the sidewalk and driveway area. The search area may need to be expanded. Our son James was off work so he said he would help. James has never used a metal detector before. After talking with Kathryn, I set James up with Sid’s detector and pin pointer to work around the driveway area. I went hunt in the front yard. I was checking the flower bed around where the lights had been in the bushes, but decided to check the yard area where he rolled up the lights first. Then would come back to the flower beds. Well, I turned around, took about one step and there I heard it, the sound of gold! I looked down and there it was laying on top of the grass, in plain sight. Only took a couple of minutes to end the search. I knocked on the door, and needless to say Kathryn was shocked that it was found so quickly!

Thanks to Kathryn and Kevin for the nice reward.

PS: James found his first pull tab!

Lost Gold Wedding Ring in Back Yard While Playing With A Dog, In West Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Peter called me yesterday to ask me if I could help him find his wedding ring.  He lost it in the back yard the previous evening while playing with his    dog.  He had fallen in the snow and felt his ring slip off his finger. Peter and his wife spent a couple of hours raking and pouring hot water to melt the snow but had no luck finding the ring.

I met up with Peter in his back yard and he showed me where he thought his ring should be. I searched that area as will as the surrounding area with no luck, only to find a bunch of roofing nails.   I stood back and analyzed the area where Peter fell and thought it either had to be in the neighbors yard or along the fence line.  I took out my pin pointer and searched along the bottom of the fence dragging my pin pointer underneath the boards and out popped the ring.

Another happy client, Thank you Peter for the generous reward.


Man’s Wedding Band Lost in the Surf – Found and Returned at Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I saw and responded to a posting on Craigslist about a Man’s lost wedding band. Not hearing anything back and having some spare time I decided to go ahead and conduct a couple of searches hoping I’d find it to return. Two days later I received an e-mail from Aimee saying her and her husband Steven would love my help. After exchanging e-mails and her telling me that Steven had been skim boarding in a 2 block area instead of the smaller area described in the CL posting I knew I’d need some help.

I contacted my son-in-law Donnie, who had helped me on a few other searches, and asked him if he wanted to help me again. About 3 hours later we were on the beach to catch the 2am low tide. I sent him south to cover one block while I headed north to cover the second block. Because of the full moon and the higher than normal tides my calculations of the general area of the beach the ring should have been were off by a number of yards. After a little more than 2 hours of searching Donnie started waving his flashlight to get me attention. I walked the block to catch up to him and I asked him if he’d found it. His response was “I think so” and handed me the ring. Bingo we had a match between the ring in hand and the picture of the ring in the CL post.

I contacted Aimee this morning and she couldn’t have been more excited that Steven’s ring had been found after being lost for 5 days in the sand. Luckily they were still in the area so I took the ring to them.

You can tell by the smiles on their faces that they’re one happy couple.

Steven and Aimee – thank you for trusting me to find and return your lost treasure. Good luck in your future endeavors.

A special thanks to Donnie for his help once again – he’s turning into one great partner!

Steve and Aimee LathSteve Lath's Ring

Thank you for reading my blog.


Ring Lost at Silver Strand Found!

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Alisha contacted me about her lost wedding ring. She had been to Silver Strand State Beach with her family last Sunday, and lost it out in the surf. She was in waist deep water when it slid off her finger and into the sand below. The visibility of the water at the time was poor, and try as they might, they were unable to retrieve it. Heartbroken and discouraged, she figured it was lost forever. Just contacting me gave her a small ray of hope, as I explained what needed to be done. We agreed to meet at the location where she could show me the search area. Having not taken any specific landmarks or photos to show the exact area, we would just have to do our best. She even waded out into the surf to give me an idea as to how far from the beach and how close to the breakers she had been. The conditions were not good. Very close intervals between waves that would sometimes overrun each other producing very powerful water flow and made it hard to keep your place to grid and/or scoop. After gridding both directions for about an hour and a half with my trusty Excalibur, I had only found 6 targets. 2 iron sounds that kept falling through the scoop until lost, 3 pieces of scrap metal, and finally, a ring. I headed up on the beach where Alisha was doing some business work while she was waiting, and asked to see a photo of the ring again. When she brought it up on her phone, I knew I had THE one! A happier person you will never see. I was pretty happy myself! Both for making her happy, and also,  that I didn’t have to go back out in that surf to get pounded again! With a beautiful sunset, it ended a beautiful day and a continuing ring story. A pleasure to meet you Alisha and thank you for the very generous reward.

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Ring Lost at South Mission Beach, Found and Returned

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Greg was camped in the dry sand close to a volleyball court at South Mission Beach. He planned on joining the fun on the court, so, he dutifully removed his watch and wedding ring and put them in a zippered pouch before heading into the game. Game’s over, he packs up and heads to the car. Goes into the pouch to retrieve his watch and ring, only to find a slight opening in the zipper. The watch was there, but, the ring was missing. I get the call, get some details, and arrange to meet him the next morning so he can show me the exact area where they had been.

It had been super hot and humid all week, and I’d planned on going out in the evening to do some detecting anyway, so, I figured South Mission was as good a place to hunt as any, and I might even stumble across his ring. So off I go to cool down and try to get lucky in the treasure department. I start in and around the volleyball court in question and am not finding a single target. Oh, Oh, not a good sign. somebody has probably already been there ahead of me. I continue to fan out and search the outer areas away from the court and start to find a few coins. An hour or so later, bingo, I get lucky and find a ring. It was described to me as a tungsten carbide with a gold inlay. I texted and called Greg to get a more complete description, as this ring was titanium. Except for the type of metal, he described it to a T, so, it had to be the one. It was interesting to find out that they had been married exactly 2 years to the day! I found it on their anniversary and the date was inscribed inside the band! Now that’s a ring that wants to be found! A pleasure to meet you Greg, and thank you for the reward.

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