lost ring in the sand Tag | The Ring Finders

Brigantine NJ Lost Engagement Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost Ring?
Dont Wait!
Call Now!

Friend’s bachelorette weekend in Brigantine, NJ and all you want to do is get a good tan in. On day two of beautiful weather, drinking rosé, eating Wawa sandwiches, and laughing about life, we suddenly see our bride jump up and say she can’t find her ring. We all immediately run over and are on our knees digging through the sand. The sun is shining on us, some tears were shed, texts to each other’s significant others is in full swing and we decide to give the bride some space. Some took turns talking to the bride, random civilians pulled out their metal detectors or sifted through trash, others comforted from afar, and one friend decided to draw a ring on the sand. We felt helpless. Once John appeared, it was so simple. He found her ring in under 5 minutes and we all ran to her once she confirmed she had it. If you are ever in this terrible position, please call John. Thank You!!! 



  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)

Linda called me the other day and told me that her father had lost his gold ring with diamonds while gardening in his back yard in Beverly Hills. We made arrangements for me to go search that coming Sunday. I drove out there early Sunday morning and talked with her and her father to determine the most likely place the ring was lost, after ruling out one side of the yard, I began scanning the top and the side of bushes with my detector, I heard a faint signal on the side of the bushes, so I took out my hand held pinpointer then heard a good signal about 4 inches in, I placed a sifting screen on the ground at the side of the bushes about a foot in, I shook the bushes and no longer heard the signal, so I pulled out the screen, and there was a beautiful diamond ring shining in the sunlight. Soon after my recovery, Linda’s dad had his very sentimental ring back on his hand. I was so happy to be able to help such a nice family. They even repaired a cold refreshing plate of fruit for me before my long drive home.

Metal detecting service on or near Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

For metal detecting services in or around the Miami Beach area, call/text Louis 305-608-1870.  I can come out and help you find your lost item, whether it’s on the beach or in the water.  Be sure to check out my over 100 successful recoveries on my homepage.

Lost wedding ring found under dock, Cocoa Beach, Florida…and returned to grateful owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Doug and his wife had just returned from a beautiful day out on the water fishing and as they unloaded some personal items onto the dock a very special ring dropped from the small table and bounced and managed to fall directly through one of the cracks and into the water below. This was a super sentimental ring and meant the world to Doug’s dear wife. Doug got right at trying to find someone who could retrieve the ring and looked up “Ring Finder” on his phone. Theringfinders.com service came up and he noticed a number of members of this service were in the area but none of them were equipped to do an underwater search of this kind. Doug eventually found my number and gave me a call.

It was the middle of December and I attempted a recovery dive but the water was just way too cold and we decided to try again later on the following summer. So in May when the weather and water temperatures were much more bearable I showed up to give it another try. The oyster shells were strewn across the bottom and this made digging difficult and the visibility was only a foot or two…until I would start digging and then visibility went to 10 inches. Other members of theringfinders.com have shared a wonderful idea that helps with grid searching in these types of conditions and that is a sinking pvc square that will sit on the bottom which allows me to methodically search an area even though I cannot actually see where I am going or where I have been but by following the grid with one hand and scanning the bottom with my small handheld metal detector with the other hand…I can cover an area very thoroughly and when finished I am able to move the pvc grid to another area and thoroughly search that area as well until I find what I am looking for. (Doug had also informed me that a few years back the dock was completely destroyed in a hurricane…so there was an awful lot of other signals to sift through before God allowed me to find Doug’s wife’s lost ring!)

What an honor it was to help find and return this precious lost ring to its rightful owner!!

How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…counting my blessings as a member of theringfinders.com

Lost Wedding Band Found Margate NJ Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Lost a ring?
Don’t Wait To Call!
Patrick was spending the week in Margate, NJ, with his family when he placed his wedding band on the seat of his chair. Without knowing, one of his children sat on the chair, causing the ring to fall somewhere in the sand. Despite his efforts to find it, Patrick wasn’t successful. Looking for help, he reached out to me, Ring Finders South Jersey.
Upon receiving the call, I quickly arrived at the scene. Gathering more details, I began my search. Using my metal detector, I was able to pick up the signal I was looking for, and ultimately found the ring in my scoop. Patrick was overjoyed to have his wedding band back on his finger. Now, he and his family can enjoy the remainder of their stay in Margate, New Jersey.

Lost ring in Big Sand Lake, Orlando, Florida….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received a call from Jason asking if I could help him find his wife’s diamond engagement ring that was thrown into a 10 foot deep canal! Of course I had more than a few questions to help me determine the likelihood of actually finding her lost ring. Come to find out one of Jason’s sons got a hold of his mom’s ring and, for some strange reason, decided to run outside and give it a toss into the water! After hearing the story of what all happened I decided to take my kayak and check out what I was up against. Turns out the water was exactly 10 feet deep with lily pads on both sides of the canal and at least a foot of silt on the bottom with a whole lot of aquatic weeds of different kinds as well. Jason pointed to the “area” where he was fairly sure the ring landed and I dropped a weight and marker for the following days search.

Scuba was required and I opted to use my Blu3 Nemo Dive system and the hand held Pulse Dive scuba detector combined with a PVC grid layout that measured 6 foot by 10 foot. After clearing a path thru the lily pads I towed my PVC grid out over the target area and let it sink to the bottom. I spent the next two hours scouring the bottom and moving my grid to be sure I was covering, what I thought was the exact spot, where the ring hit the water. And as I was finishing up…Jason’s dear wife came out to see how it was going and she said, “I think it landed more to the right!” So with one last push I switched out my battery, moved my PVC grid and prayed to God that Mrs Jason was correct! I swept my hand held pin pointer all the way around my grid and as I was finishing up I got one last small signal. I grabbed down into the mud trying to feel the object that was causing the detector to beep and finally found a small circular object. At first I thought it might be just a washer or rusty nut but as I cleared the mud away I held it up close to my dive mask and I could just make out a shiny diamond…and not just one diamond but a whole bunch of diamonds! I literally started yelling and hollering…”I found it, I found it, thank you God, thank you God!” Jason and his wife were stunned and so, so thankful to have their ring back…especially since they were moving the next day to California!!

Lost something in the grass, in the sand or in the water and need help?

Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….super blessed to be a member of theringfinders.com

Lost cross on the beach, Atlantic City NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

I received a call from Tomas about a cross he lost. He explained it was a huge sentimental item, and it was irreplaceable. We agreed I would head there early the next morning. He gave me all the information, including the marked location on the phone GPS. With  that I figured it would be a simple recovery. Upon arrival i marked the location, and got to work. After no luck, I examined pics he sent with fixed objects on shore. I remarked the spot 35′ away, and after about 10 min. the cross was in my scoop.

Click here for more recovery stories

Check out my Facebook page for more amazing recoveries

Metal detecting in Miami Beach for lost ring

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you lost a ring or other type of jewelry at the beach (in the sand or water) give me a call, I have a metal detecting service and can come out and find it for you.  Call / Text Louis 305-608-1870.  Alexandre lost his ring on while on vacation from Switzerland.  He was flying out the next day to California.  When he called me I didn’t think I was going to be able to find it because the surf was as bad as I had ever seen it.  But after about an hour of being battered around in the water, we found it.  He did a great job of marking the area where he lost it.  A beautiful 18k Gold Ring.


  • from Seal Beach (California, United States)


       Sam and Emily frantically called me last week to ask if I could help them find a gold ring with diamonds that Emily had lost in the sand at the beach in Malibu. I was about 70 miles away but I went home after work grabbed my detectors and hit the road. It took almost two hours to get through down town Los Angeles, and out to the west side then up to Malibu where it was already dark out, I met Sam on Pacific Coast Highway and headed down to the sand. When I spoke to Emily she explained that they were visiting from Florida, and would be leaving Southern California in a few days.

       I gridded the sand at waters edge for about 10 minutes before getting a solid signal and there was Emily’s ring in my scoop. She was ecstatic to have her ring back on her hand. The long drive home wasn’t so bad after being able to help such a nice young couple.

Avalon NJ Lost BMW key fob found by John Favano Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Call or text now!


Jeff started his morning early in Avalon, NJ with plans to go surfing. He placed his key fob in his towel on the beach before heading out for some waves. While out in the water, the beach rake accidentally moved his towel and also took his key fob with it.  He and his wife, Kristen, searched for a few hours with no luck, so they called me to help find it. I met them around 30 minutes later and gathered some information. Jeff explained where he placed the towel, so I started the search in the immediate area. I started with a 50-feet radius that didn’t produce any targets.  I then went to the dump pile of sand, but it wasn’t there either. The next step was to expand the search area.  I got a great signal approximately 175-feet away from where he placed the towel. It was the BMW key fob! The couple was relieved and was able to enjoy the rest of Memorial Day.